"The global ruling class have been lying to the masses for a long time. They’d rather not admit to all of these sunk costs, so the political elite will continue to uphold the myth that the COVID shots are still some kind of magic bullet that they are not."

Indeed, Jordan. They have been lying to us about nearly EVERYTHING. Peel back the layers of any topic and you will find at the core a manufactured "reality" made of curtain rods and glitter. The reason they won't admit to failure is because their SUCCESS is predicated on it. What is their success marker? Complete control of us as our true essence — not as "humans" or "citizens," but as living, breathing spiritual men and women.

They've been fully engaged in a long, meticulous building of lies through perceptual manipulation, generation by generation. Imagine a politician and his/her agents telling people 150 years ago that getting jabbed with a concoction of heavy metals, human and animal fetal tissue, and unknown "technology" would save them from getting a cold. My ancestors from Norway would have laughed and told them to get some psychological help.

What we are dealing with is a manufactured "reality" by through-and-through psychopaths. It's not even a reality "created" so much as it is SPOKEN INTO THE MINDS OF PEOPLE — so frequently and with such fear-based emotion that weakened souls succumb. These fake wizards have no love, no creativity, and no remorse, so of course they'll never admit that: They have no capabilities of self-reflection, as do living spiritual men and women.

Their intention is nothing short of the breakdown of our individual and collective spirit. We must never succumb or submit our true essence — DIVINITY — to this evil.🗡💝

Thank you for your work, Jordan!

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You gave an excellent history here that the masses are not learning from.

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That's because the mass hypnosis worked, unfortunately.😓

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Something that wouldn't have been possible had the perpetrators not spent 70 years wrecking the education system.

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hoppah, thanks for pointing that out, it is so true. It's all by design. The black magicians are patient because they figured out that psychological manipulation takes several generations of repeated lies combined with many levels of trauma. Indoctrinate the kids in their formative years and — abracadabra! — they've got new beLIEfs that prevent actual spiritual KNOWING.

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And it’s still working. 😢 that’s the fact that blows me away the most.

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No individuation = no maturity = no TRUE spirituality = ZERO COURAGE. Courage is the heart energy, our individual torus field that moves Divine energy to the brain for interpretation and RIGHT ACTION. I'm surprised that it's working, but then again, not really. Most people are addicted to pills, porn, politics, and entertainment in all its perverted forms, and that includes their choice of "food" which is pretty much deep fried garbage and chemical soups. I wish I didn't have to say that, but one look at the grocery carts of 95% of people is the proof in the pudding. Stay healthy, courageous, and awesome Bert!

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Thank you Sharine. We seem to have collectively digressed into a weak and pathetic culture, based on the worst possible personal choices and greed. You are correct, we see it every day, and they walk among us. The noisy minority seems to control the narrative on too many issues.

We need to stay on track no matter what and not fall into that pit of mediocrity.

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The noisy minority "seems" to control the narrative because all they're doing is repeating what the talking heads feed them. We create our reality based on what we put into our minds, bodies, and spirits — and if bad sh*t's going in, that's what coming out.

They don't create my reality, to a point: While I do not wear a Satanic ritual humiliation/conversion muzzle, I still haven't found a dentist in my little area that doesn't enforce it, so I haven't had any dental work done in almost two years😭🤣. I laugh because otherwise I might really cry (not just in an emoji, haha).

And speaking of humor, we MUST laugh at the tyrants and their sycophantic puppets, not out of cruelty, but because their pathetic psychopathy that is all they have, them and their career clowns🤡☠️🤖👾. How dare they mess with The Creator's living breathing spiritual men and women!🗡💝

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Well written and right on point.

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"Those who don't comply" do indeed terrify the-elite-who-would-control-us. That is why the-elite-who-would-control-us are so disturbed that a jury would affirm our right to self-defense.

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I posted this comment on an article discussing the protests around the world. I hope it's relevant here. We are a dwindling population as more and more sheeple accept the "vaccine" into their lives. As their numbers grow, and ours shrink, it will be increasingly more difficult for us.

The protests probably will not result in an end to the tyranny. These globalists have staked their whole financial future on assigning a digital ID to every living soul so they can dole out their central bank digital currencies to everyone, thereby giving them total control over everything we do, everywhere we go, everything we are allowed to buy, etc. Then, after they monetize all natural resources, they can dip into our CBDC accounts to charge us for the water we drink, the carbon we generate, and the taxes that they need to keep themselves living in the style they've become accustomed to. If we are successful in proving the covid fraud to sufficient numbers of sheeple, they will roll out some new pathogen, perhaps one more deadly than this flu turned out to be, so they can roll out and jab us with another worthless and deadly mRNA injection that will kill or render infertile more and more of the population until they get us down to the number they want to control. Until we understand these basic facts, and act accordingly, we will never regain control over our lives. The banking cartel already has near full control over all sovereign governments, save for a tiny brave few, and they will not stop with their great reset plans simply because of a few protests. Only a full-scale uprising that wrests control from the feckless puppets in all these governments will allow us to take control over our future. I sincerely hope more and more people come to understand this; the larger our numbers, the better our chances of saving our future. Here is a video (among many that are finally coming out) that helps to understand the level of fraud that has been perpetrated on the entire planet's populations. Amazing, isn't it, that we should have been so gullible. To quote a line from a great movie; "damn, what a gullible breed," referring to us.


And here's a video that explains how the cartel is financializing natural resources for fun and profit (sorry for the pun).


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Thanks, Joe. Very well written. I, too, was gullible. We trust that our parents and mentors know what is good for us. But unless we ask questions about our so-called "reality," we will never know that they, too, have been duped. Like I wrote earlier, this is a planned, multi-generational coup by the black magicians.

Indeed, the CON-TROLL-ers simply laugh at the little riots. We need to pull out of their manufactured "reality" en masse; that's the only way their black magic fails. We must begin by acknowledging our essence not as "humans" or "citizens" but as living, breathing, SPIRITUAL men and women, reclaiming our Divinity and Sovereignty, and allowing Providence to move through us in Right Action. (For some of us, that is "Write Action"!)

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Beautifully summarized— thank you.

BTW you probably meant to formulate this differently: “with an estimated 7.5+ billion *humans* taking the COVID shots”; unless the sarcasm just went over my head …

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Could be in reference to zoo animals also getting jabbed. A lot of them too.

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You really outdid yourself with this one, Jordan!

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This is nothing more than a war on disobedience to the state and those with critical thinking skills. Both threats to the corporate/government tyranny being foisted upon us.

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Unfortunately, psychopaths don't "worry" about non-compliers. They don't worry about anything. They just spend every minute of every day killing and ruining and harming and oblilterating.

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As usual, perfectly composed and written. Should be required reading for everyone. All the hand-waving by the "scientists" and political class does nothing to disguise the fact that the companies making the "vax" are making hundreds of billions of dollars due to the mandates. This money is then being kicked back to PACs and media outlets who are then funding more politicians to make more mandates, and marketing these mandates and the scare tactics to the public to keep them clamoring for more, more, more. And note how that Australian camp looks pretty much exactly like other camps, built in the 1930s and 1940s in occupied Europe. Very very familiar.

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