Just a couple of quick points. 1) Israel is in a “until we say it’s over” gloves off mode. 2) Nobody, and I mean NOBODY(yes I know it’s a cliche) gives a tinker’s dam about Hamas -- except Iran who will be reluctant to expose a. Hezbollah And b. themselves.

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Hi Larry, sorry that guy was harassing you in the replies. Totally agree with you. All the best.

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Hi Jordan, thank you. On the other issue nothing for you to apologize for and it’s not the first time I’ve had to address folks like him. Thanks for sharing your insight.

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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Sorry but your comment is a bit too obtuse for me

As my comment has nothing at all to do with yours.

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Pardonne mon français . . . Va te faire foutre toi et ton dieu juif.

Les banquiers juifs inondent l’Europe de musulmans et l’Amérique de déchets du tiers-monde . . . L'exil comme une punition pour les gens qui prêchent la sédition devrait être rétabli au cadre juridique de l'Occident. Le judaïsme, le christianisme et l’islam sont des cultes de mort originaires du Moyen-Orient et totalement étrangers à l’Europe et à ses peuples.

Franchement, je m'en fiche si le Pape ou tout autre fou sectaire chrétien dit que nous devons «pâte à tartiner l'autre joue» . . . Police religieuse française comme l'Arabie Saoudite? Sans blague . . . La religieuse police vous arrêter pour avoir critiqué les juifs et les musulmans . . . Le juive occupé gouvernement français a mis Jean-Marie Le Pen en prison pour avoir critiqué l'islam!

La liberté d'expression en France? Taureau-merde!

Si les voilés portant le hijab ont effectivement incendié Notre-Dame, ils nous ont rendu un grand service, plus de trois mille pédérastes ont travaillé dans l'Église catholique française depuis 1950 . . . Le Vatican a une politique de «pâte à tartiner l'autre joue» pour garçons de autel . . . Le contrôle des naissances islamique est une bombe attachée à un enfant de dix ans . . . Le terme «musulmans modérés» signifie simplement qu’ils n’ont plus de munitions . . .


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Oct 20, 2023
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Responding in French makes it worse.

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Israel isn't going to be able to cleanly eliminate hamas, that's what makes this difficult. They're going to carpet bomb Gaza with enormous civilian casualties and Israel's enemies are probably going to be increase by a factor of four.

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YEAH RIGHT. I am so sick and tired of fools pretending that Israel is as bloodthirsty as those in the "religion of peace" (gag cough). Israel invented the knock warnings to save civilians. Israel calls the homes and cell phones of those in targeted buildings. Israel treats anyone who is injured EVEN while trying to kill Jews (& so much more).

Israel will always have enemies because asshats like you believe and spread these lies AND because the "religion of peace" breeds psychopaths and teaches them that literally ANYTHING they do is OK as long as they claim it is for allah.

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Israel kills more civilians, point blank, and most of their neighbors don't like them. It's what happens when you relentlessly deploy airstrikes on people living in apartheid, which is what you have in Gaza.

I didn't use the phrase religion of peace, either. Obviously not peaceful, but then neither is Israel. No one's innocent in this conflict.

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Not one single allegation you made has a basis in fact. Not one.

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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Shouldn’t a group wanting to maintain the ethnic and cultural make up of their country support Israel’s goals?

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Why not take the opportunity to prove me wrong by correcting me? I can tell you why, because you have no rebuttal beyond a pithy denial.


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No. I’ve already corrected you. You have no basis for your statements.

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You are the one who lied. You made up something for which there is zero proof. Now you are demanding we prove a negative? You want pics of all those not killed?

Oh wait, I see:

You ASSume that the figures in that graph are true.

You ASSume that they are all civilians.

You ASSume none are killed by other muslims despite the fact that muslims have been the leading killers of muslims throughout history.

Let me ask you this genius:

When Israel identifies a terrorist headquarters in a apt complex and their agents on the ground bring proof they have terror leaders and weapons and explosives there and they THEN "knock" the roof after having called the residents to get out and the terrorists refuse to allow them to flee.

Are you seriously blaming Israel for the deaths of the innocent?

Have you heard the satire piece where a guy said the man defending his home should not have shot the 4 armed invades because he killed four ppl and his was only one person. That level of stupid should be painful.

But here you are pretending that Israel has some obligation to suffer and die because the same evil killers who are attacking them are also using innocents to hide behind.

So in your world an evil person can do anything he likes AS LONG as he has a child strapped to him?

"Sure pal, drive that semi full of explosives into the stadium, we wouldn't want to hurt that little kid you are about to blow up."

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Palestinians aren’t citizens of Israel, since Palestine is a sovereign nation, right? How is it apartheid, then?

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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Actually more than 1,860,000 Palestinians/Arabs are full citizens of Israel with no restrictions.

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"most of their neighbors don't like them" - comical.

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Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon all oppose Israel, are these not neighbors? Much of the world doesn't even acknowledge Israel as a legitimate country, and that is not restricted just to nations in the Middle East.

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Oh I am aware that they're surrounded by people who don't like them, and I am aware of the Banana Republic Dictator's Club... uhh, I mean the U.N. and their predilections. And I couldn't give the tiniest shit what they think. Your appeal is the lowest of appeals besides racism - the appeal to the majority.

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Joogle . . .

JouTube . . .

Jew York . . .

The Jukraine . . .

The Junited States . . .

The Junited Nations . . .


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Fuck you and your Jewish god . . .

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Well done, Mitch.

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I think I just found you on FB and friend requested.

If so we already have 2 mutual friends.

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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The notion that wars are akin to surgery is naive at best. It will violent and ugly and innocent people will be maimed and killed.

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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If it wasn’t for your vulgarity you’d have nothing to offer.

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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It looks to me as though even the vulgarity isn't original and is instead simply cut-n-pasted everywhere. Nazi NPC.

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Fuck you and your Jewish god.

Fuck Islam, fuck Israel . . .

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You mean the civilians who elected Hamas as their legitimate government and in a recent poll, demonstrated 57% support for it? Those civilians?

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Yes, those civilians. Voting against your interests in an election doesn't make your ideological opponents legitimate targets for airstrikes.

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Apparently it does.

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Middle East death cults don't belong in Europe.


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Oct 18, 2023
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Well you’re in luck Raven, because HAMAS is just human nature unleashed.

And will unleash everywhere including likely America which will be “decolonized” for the 2024 election cycle, as they have already signaled.

Not HAMAS in particular, just Fortified Democracy.

And it is a mistake to conflate as identical the Israelis with The Jews of the Diaspora, in particular in America.

One is healthy, the other sick.

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Fuck you and your Jewish god . . .

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How sad fir you.

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Oct 19, 2023
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Good bye.

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Oct 19, 2023
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I don’t care. But I’ll never see you again.

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I’m usually on board with your analysis but not this time. No matter what happens to Hamas this won’t end. In my opinion history will show this as the beginning of the end of the Israel experiment. It’s apparent now that without “mommy” USA they will be overwhelmed. I guess the Samson Initiative may be how this ends.

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No, it is we 🇺🇸 who overwhelm 🇮🇱

They had their greatest successes prior to our becoming the ally after 1967 victories.

We have been holding them back since 1973.

Now this alliance made sense until the Cold War ended and like all our alliances should have ended in the 90s , like so many alliances but especially permanent ones it has become toxic. Often it’s a case of which ally ruins or conquers the other (see America and the former British Empire) in this case it’s mutually toxic ala Germany and Austo-Hungary, or Imperial Russia and France (it did go better for the French).

All we should do is stop betraying allies, but of course DC betrays we Americans.

DC’s only real coin is betrayal.

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It’s impossible to play & cheer for both “teams” as Biden called out “the other Team” did the damage... This delusional US administration seems to feel splitting that thin thread again & again will continue to shore up their battered elite world status & help cement the next election for US Democrats. Their Incompetence is pitiful to behold.

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But our actual policy like the British before us is to be on both sides. Certainly we pay and arm both.

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Israel would be better off at this point without US aid which is only given because it’s a better deal for DC than it is for Israel. All aid has strings attached. In this case the string is becoming a noose.

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“Experiment”? Jews have occupied Israel for 3,000 years. I wouldn’t call that an “experiment”. Nope. I’d call it a conclusion. The Jews have always had a segment that strayed from God and Moses which is why they have had such a tortured history. On which gentiles have failed to learn from.

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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Most of the world sees through Israel's lies, deceit, and deception. Mossad's slogan really says it all: by way of deception thou shalt do war.

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LOL, you are like a fountain of fallacies and non-sequiturs!

Which slogan of all the US military units sums up America?

Freakin' hysterical...

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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It's neither a fallacy nor a non-sequitur. Cope and seethe.

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Hamas must be ended, not even a maybe, but given the overwhelming support of Palestinians in Gaza for Hamas' ethnic hatred and barbarism one might well assume that in time another such group will fill the void unless Israel occupies Gaza indefinitely. I'm not suggesting I have a solution to offer just noting the intractable nature of the problem. Ultimately Israeli intelligence and defense forces must be prepared to protect defenseless civilians from that radical hate and savagery without EVER falling asleep at the switch.

As a US Army vet I'll also note I was stunned to learn the Israeli people, surrounded by monsters who want to kill them, have largely been disarmed leaving them wide open to the slaughter they've now suffered. Affording Israelis the opportunity to defend themselves, particularly with all the military vets in Israel, seems like a no brainer. While some may still have been overwhelmed at least they'd go down defending their families rather than just cowering with them as they are being slain. Of course they might in fact have repelled many or all of those deranged barbarians. From the videos it looked like the Hamas gunmen, though mind numbingly vicious, were tactically remarkably inept. They also appeared to be working with room temp IQ's.

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I agree with you on the second part. Long live the 2cd Amendment.

That 2cd amendment thing would have been handy and at worst slowed down the attack saving lives but "Trust the government to protect you" and "You don't need guns in your home. The mighty, invincible IDF will protect you". Until it doesn't then you're screwed

Interesting point: The 2 countries with the highest amount of civilian firearms were also the two with highest rejection rate of the covid vaccines in the western world. USA & Switzerland. Both had about 33% who refused and stood their ground. Well played mon ami, well played!

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Arms differentiate citizens from slaves.

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Hamas isn't the only group Israel has to worry about, there are many more. You can't brutalize them all into submission, Israel is far too small.

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LOL, and again:

So it is Israel who is brutalizing the terrorists?...into submission?

I must have missed the part where Israel started this crap.

Here is the unassailable and irrefutable fact:

"If the terrorists lay down their arms there will be no more war.

If Israel lays down her arms there will be no more Israel."

Yeah 'dent', we all know the 2nd option is exactly what you want.

You are a terrorist without the balls to act.

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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Israel stole their land and has repeatedly taken more (settlements) while inflicting enormous casualties on Palestinian civilians in the name of "fighting terrorism". It's remarkable how many Zionists simply refuse to see the basic truth of the situation.

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Rhetoric like “brutalize” is both immoral and factually incorrect.

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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It’s not intractable.

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"Victory for Israel may ensure the necessary demoralization of the next generation's Islamist fundamentalists."

This right here shows the fundamental misunderstanding of americans, of conflicts outside the western world. To you (and to most all westerners) conflicts can be resolved by coming together to work out what's the real problem and to try and find a mutually acceptable and beneficial solution, because in our view being intractable is wasteful, dangerous and simply not rational.

But the jewish/arab conflict isn't rational in the slightest, it's purely emotional and therefore rational solutions always fail.

Furthermore, it assumes all cultures are equal, share goals, and have a similar trajectory of societal development - the same fallacy that was and still is the basis of US foreign policy: all nations, peoples and cultures are progressing towards liveral capitalist democracy as if it was a natural process and all can be helped to arrive there by various efforts by western nations.

This is flawed in so many ways, but I'll simply refer to the fact the founder of the hypothesis himself has retracted and rethought it (Francis Fukuyama) and that reality has proven Samuel Huntington right.

Finally (well not really but this is a comment, not a thesis paper), it fails to take into account that your (or mine) mores, values and norms doesn't matter to the involved parties, since we as westerners have no standing amongst them - we and our opinions only count as to how they can milk and bilk us for support, moral or monetary, nothing more. You are not an imam, not an arab leader, and therefore what you say and think simply doesn't matter even if you bring the entire US military behind you to enforce your will.

The arabs as are all peoples of the MENA are used to warlords and harsh rulers, and any US military rule is a much lighter touch than their indigenous ones. They simply endure until the occupying force goes home again; they always do in the end precisely because the natives don't award them any significance whatsoever.

That's why US policy in MENA and Africa and most of Asia has failed, again and again: race (as you call it, totally erroneous) matters more than other factors. Just because you americans decided in the 1960s it doesn't because all americans are americans regardless of heritage doesn't make it so.

An arab isn't an afghan isn't a japanese isn't a vietnamese isn't an italian isn't a german - yet your policies assumes all those you have imposed military might upon behave like germans after 1945.

And that is why you fail.

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Brilliant commentary, the "blank slate" theory of the American 1960's has been an utter failure and the inability for Palestinians and Jews to work out their differences underscores this important truth about identity. No amount of negotiating or Western aid packages is going to settle the dispute.

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" No amount of negotiating or Western aid packages is going to settle the dispute."

WOW! That was accurate! Have you gotten back on your meds (or off?).

But here is the BIG question: What is the single issue that insures this dispute will never be settled peacefully? (Jeopardy theme music)


The answer is ; "What is the murderous doctrine of Islam?"

If you study Islam *as I have) then you'll know (I say again; KNOW) that Islam wants every single non-muslim dead. Well, actually they would not mind if some of us were their slaves. This is , in fact, and without any possibility of contradiction the single salient issue.

The 'true believers' of islam are those who take their "holy (gag-cough) books literally.

These books teach them over and over that they can kill, lie, cheat, steal, molest, ...pretty much do whatever they like, *AS LONG AS THEY CLAIM IT IS IN THE SERVICE of Islam and allah. Now you don't have to take my word for it, these are not secret texts. Or you can listen to the countless recorded speeches of their mullahs.

This is why they eagerly kill other muslims of diff sects who they claim have some doctrine wrong. It;s why they happily kill their own sect if they can kill some enemy. It's why they will hold a grudge between families in the same sect for generations.

IN CASE you had not noticed it, this is a pretty unique feature to islam.

It is something shared by other ancient and blood thirsty cults and cultures but is DIRECTLY in opposition to the teachings of GOD's word both old and New Testament.

The real GOD (not that 'allen' guy) does not hate violence when used justly. But HE forbids it against the innocent. HE promises hell to those who use HIS name to persecute and abuse the innocent.

Since forever the term 'god' has been used by wicked men to do evil deeds.

Still today men claiming to be believers in the Bible do precisely the things forbidden in HIS word. GOD is blamed only by morons for the acts of evil men using HIS name.

islam codifies this stupefying demonic murderous behavior and demands and encourages it for all 'true believers'.

Anyone who denies this or is too stupid or lazy to understand it is an enemy of reality and truth. GOD is truth.

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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If the Iranians nuke Israel, the Palestinians also die in the fallout . . . peace at last.

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Palestinians are dying slowly in an open air prison anyway, it's not like they'd be robbed of a dignified life.

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Your culture and your goals are clear: the death of all Jews, everywhere and the eradication of Israel. All y’all been working at it for 3,000 years and you keep failing. Why do you think that is?

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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"But the jewish/arab conflict isn't rational in the slightest, it's purely emotional"

This is half true: It is absolutely demonic emotion on the muslim side.

Seldom since IL became a state can one point out examples of emotional Jewish rage leading to violence just because there are muslims nearby. In nearly ever case of IL responding to violence and murder they are FAR FAR more circumspect and merciful than any army in history.

They just took a few hundred of the bloodthirsty terrorists captive. I will tell you frankly that if I had been in command not one would be left breathing. OK maybe for a while until I got useful intel...then...

Break into my house and try to hurt even my goldfish and see how it goes for you.

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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Multiculturalism- is becoming more fragile & frayed ... western Countries IMO are at a cross roads.

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And all the while Biden was pretending to support Israel, he was getting ready to send 100 million dollars to Hamas -- under the pretense of "humanitarian aid," which will of course fund ongoing attacks against Israel.

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Nothing more classically American than funding both sides.

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It’s all propaganda, wake up people

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Just about done... since 1947 and billions in US aid. Lmfao. Appreciate your covid reporting but this is complete nonsense.

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We weren’t allies or even close until after the 1967 victory.

Prior to that;

Above all the British.

The Czechs (Stalin really).

1950s the French, and British arms, especially the Centurion tank. The French gave them the nuclear reactor.

1967 greatest extent of territory.

US alliance is post 1967 war.

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I see you got as far as the IDF's "intercepted audio" and then stopped. Here are some followup data points:

1. Where were these sophisticated surveillance methods prior to 10/7? https://madhavasetty.substack.com/p/israels-911

2. This tweet:

Arthur Morgan @ArthurM40330824

Channel 4 News chief correspondent confirms audio recording allegedly of #Hamas admitting faulty rocket over hospital strike is fake.

Several experts confirmed to Channel 4 News that the “tone, syntax, accent and expressions are absurd.”


1:37 PM · Oct 18, 2023

3. Hananya Naftali, Netanyahu's Digital Spokesperson, posted (and later deleted) a tweet claiming IDF responsibility for the attack shortly after it happened.

4. This tweet:

dana @dana916

BREAKING: Israeli Channel 12 admits it was an Israeli airstrike on the hospital!

Ohad Hemo, Israeli TV's Palestinian Affairs reporter, admits Israel is responsible for last night's bombing of the BaptistHospital in Gaza resulting in hundreds of civilian casualties.


9:50 AM · Oct 18, 2023

5. Analysis of video claims made by both sides: https://youtu.be/rII2CwIOrDM

The explosion is much bigger than typical Hamas amateur rocketry. Dented car roofs look compatible with a 500-lb US-made JDAM with low-shrapnel casing, in air burst mode.

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The first military order Trump gave ended with a little American girl being killed along with a Navy SEAL…Israel does not target civilians and neither does America but shit happens in war.

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You must not know the history of this conflict. Many, many IDF soldiers and leaders have been recorded on video talking about how they targeted and killed hundreds of Palestinian civilians.

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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The French disagree.

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The invincibility of the West’s/America’s wonder weapons has been shown questionable in Ukraine. Hamas has US weapons that were left in Afghanistan as well as others from Ukraine which could prove deadly to many Israeli military vehicles. I fear this may be a trap Israel is walking into.

Also, I believe every time you kill a terrorist you create more terrorists, and since the US and Israeli government make sure their government facilitates are super hardened, civilians will pay the price as usual.

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And yet Republicans voted Lizard Cheney into leadership in January 2021…maybe they want more terrorists to kill??

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Better off to just make them disappear Mossad is good at that. Get busy. That way no martyrs.

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Mossad is terrible at their job, the fact that this happened and we're here is one of the biggest intelligence blunders of all time.

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It has the faint aroma of Pearl Harbor and 9/11

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I couldn't agree more, it provides the casus belli they want to finally end the Hamas problem. So Mossad is either totally incompetent or completely dishonest.

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I agree that it was, but I think it was intentional. Like our government sacrificing our citizens for the greater good/evil. They had a section commander interviewed from Israel. He said a fox could not get thru that fence without them knowing. I think they stood down and let it happen.

I had one of my service buddies who became a spook, he said Mossad was the best of all of them. I tend to believe what he said. That was a few years back.

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My understanding of the analogy was that it implies that Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were intentional also. If not participants, the US had foreknowledge that the attacks would take place but allowed them to happen to give them a pretext for engagements they wanted, which is the hypothesis for Mossad "standing down" here.

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I wont argue against that logic, very sound in my humble opinion.

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So....Robert, is it your thought that terrorist should just be allowed to terrorize without consequences?

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I am not sure killing civilians is punishing terrorists

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Your dissection of the pseudopandemic these past three and a half years has been outstanding. All the more disappointing to see you become a mouthpiece for Zionist propaganda.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Read the original the Okrana had a hack writer crib off, Parody really . Maurice Joly, the Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (nothing to do with Jews). Protocols is fraud.


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you're cum drunk

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Probably the most intelligent and sane thing you wrote.

BTW the original is far better than the knockoff.

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All that can or should be asked of Americans is their government does not betray another ally.

Which it has and will keep doing.

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Excellent commentary. Thanks.

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Wow, up until now I’ve really enjoyed your work. This one though, is completely biased towards Israel. Are you not aware of the atrocities Israel has committed against Gaza in the past 20 years? As many have said, Gaza is the largest open air prison in the world. Also, Zionism really is a thing, not just something jihadists talk about. And I’m not trying to give Hamas a pass, they’re a terrorist organization and must be eliminated. But carpet bombing Gaza is not the answer and will lead to more war and terrorism. I truly hope Israel shows some restraint in their response, but obviously it’s a tense and complex situation.

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Have you also asked HAMAS to show restraint?

What was their response?

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Like I said, Hamas are extremists and terrorists. I just don’t think killing innocent civilians as a response is the righteous thing to do. “An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind “.

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The civilians have been told to leave multiple times over. They are being used as human shields, deliberately by Hamas. Same as it ever was.

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Then we are hereby indicted for every war and certainly every victory in American and all of Human History, including yourself because your ancestors got you here by doing whatever it took- and then some.

How many non-Nazis did we kill? We don’t know.

Then the Japanese...

Except- in both cases we were at war with a NATION. HAMAS is the actual government of Gaza

They won a Civil War and Election. Now either Palestinians are a people and this their chosen government, or they aren’t and this rabble can be rubble. It doesn’t matter.

Innocence is an issue of LAW, this isn’t a courtroom drama.

ITS WAR, Law, guilt, innocence are irrelevant.

And I don’t think people making these arguments are arguing in good faith or truthfully.


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Suppose you should gear up and go fight. You appear so well versed in war!

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I have. Repeatedly.

I am pretty sure I will again.

I’m on break now thanks.

And I’m quite well versed on the inane treachery of Rules Of Engagement and suffering under the yoke of the cowardly, treacherous and mad.

> Versed as in I have done so.

I feel for what the Israelis suffer; the boundless treachery of being under the American system of “war.”

In this case; Israel doesn’t take foreigners, even American Jews, as soldiers. If that’s what you meant.

My only interest is we 🇺🇸 really need to stop betraying everyone, including our own.

What about you Sir Nick?

Ready to ruck up?

Because I can’t believe you fought and don’t get it, or me.

Go and See Sir Nick.

I have.

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Why would hamas show restraint, so they can live good, honest lives in their bombed out prison hellscape? Might as well strap a bomb to your chest because your life is going to be miserable there no matter what you do. Israel has a lot more to live for, much easier for them to be moderate.

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Why do “all” Arab neighbors refuse to allow their Arab brothers, the Palestine people, into their Countries? Why have they double & triple barricaded their borders with Gaza? Fear? Hate? Distrust? Are they basing their decisions solely on self preservation as the Jews do - ?

What emotional trigger brings about the outspoken & adamant refusal to embrace or assist them? These Arab States also created the barriers not just Israel. It seems few Countries world wide want to accept these people. Do they know the danger & repel it?

I understand the Israeli fear & yet they have made attempts to help the people. I know there are some who befriended Jews but so few.

With all the world’s financial support it seems Gazas built little nor improved their own lives. They elected Hamas by a huge margin despite knowing it was a terrorist organization whose sole reason for being is to eradicate Jewish people.

This demonstrates to me the need for every Country & all citizens to choose their leaders wisely.

This level of evil/insanity may be inherent-and near impossible to alter when you couple it with the absurd teachings of hate to children.

Humanity can be so repulsive & violent as to embrace & rejoice in their own void of madness.

Be aware America.

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Hamas was offered numerous options over the years for peace and a better existence than what they now have. They CHOSE this because anything other than obliterating Israel is unacceptable to them.

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