Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Bow tie + “expertise” = total fraud. See Bill Nye.

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Unfortunately, because Nye is a “woke” fraud he is idolized and promoted throughout the public school system, itself wracked with shysters and imbecilic theories.

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More info on Nye and why he has any relevance in this world.


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non-relevance presumably....?

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And he looks like he's on a "bender" as my grandfather used to say... Weed? Bottle? Needle?

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According to Hotez himself, he’s a “junkfoodaholic”.

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Jun 19, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The reason Hotez hasn't been successful in finding a "solution" for parasites is that he knows that if he did that as a parasite himself this would be akin to self immolation.

On another note while his bowtie schtick and goofy professor appearance may seem like fun and games this is deadly serious as his sponsors are responsible for mass injury and death all across the globe.

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Re: self immolation; Good One.

Re: deadly serious; Absolutely!

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Jun 19, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

$oy bugman Hotez is a hookworm on taxpayer funding and public health. Joe was trying so hard to hold back mockery after Hotez bragged about being a junk foodaholic. Follow up story - how did his daughter get autism? Same thing that caused democrat rep Sean Castens daughter to die suddenly?

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

There isn’t a single public health official who’s health/body I would like to emulate but especially not Peter Hotez 🤣

Seriously tho, anyone in the USA still listening to this clown is already too far gone. I feel badly for the impoverished nations that might still get strong armed into using these poisons.

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Problem is this parasite teaches future doctors. He is able to push whatever crockpot theories he has on his students by force. If they stray from his orthodoxy he has the power to ruin them. I’d like to see the list of students that failed under him, I’d trust any of them over his psychotic ass.

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crackpot? or crockpot? Either way, his propaganda obviously can't stand the test of a genuine debate!

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Crockpot. Taking one of Hotez' courses at Baylor is like putting your brain in a crockpot and slow cooking it for a semester. It will come out soft and mushy.

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IKR, it's like when you go to the hospital and all the nurses are obese. "Thanks but no thanks!"

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Hotez has horrendous phsyiognomy

he seems to radiate evil

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“At age 50, everyone has the face he deserves.” -George Orwell

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Peter,Laurie Garrett and Lena Wen are the spastic 3 of television appearances during Covid,fairly well convinced they are just playing doctors on television.

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Laurie Garrett lost her mind decades ago.

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He’s just another lying piece of shit scumbag in a long line of lying pieces of shit scumbags

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Spot on reporting.

1) I saw a video today of a guy approaching Hotez at his house, asking why he won't debate Rogan. Hotez was wearing a friggin' safari hat with a wide brim as he is clearly afraid of the SUN as well as the truth. He's a pathetic worm.

2) Except for malaria, just about all parasites that infect humans are worms. You cannot kill a friggin' worm with a vaccine. Even if you believe in the concept of vaccines (which I don't), the premise is entirely bonkers because vaccines supposedly boost the immune system. But the immune system doesn't even ENGAGE with worms because they are living animals (as is the plasmodia that causes malaria). It's like trying to fight off a frog or a snake with your white blood cells - utterly crazy.

That being said, there is HUGE money to be made in anti-parasite meds (so long as they're under patent) because parasites generally affect tropical countries where poor black and brown people live, meaning you can abuse and sicken and kill them with impunity all while bribing and paying off their corrupt officials. It's literally a gold mine as Bill Gates et al will tell you.

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Thank you Sam. I think it’s bizarre that there is so much money in anti parasite vaxxes. Not a scientist but it instinctively smells like a scam

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unfortunatley, yes.

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Of course. This is why they hate Ivermectin. It's a $2 antiparasitic that actually works and leaves you with healthy people. Instead of people in need of perpetual interventions to treat the effects of the last intervention. Th also why I pull my hair out at idiot people talking about viruses at all. Despite viruses being a total fraud there's a huge tell here. Ivermectin worked for 'COVID'. Like crazy. So how was it a virus? If you are sick and an antiseptic cured it, you probably had sepsis. If you are sick and an antibiotic cures it you probably had a bacterial infection. If you are sore and an anti-inflammatory cured it you probably had inflammation. So hang with me here, if half a billion people had 'COVID' and an antiparasitic cured it (while other millions treated it as a virus, took a vaccine and died) then what absolute fucking idiot could believe they had anything but a parasite? Something we've actually seen and can prove exists and can prove causes the symptoms they had. None of which is true of the highly ambiguous SARS CoV 2. THINK, PEOPLE!

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He works at Baylor…that’s in Houston which has the worst weather on the planet…it’s friggin’ hot and humid and the sun is brutal!

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Holy Cow! Thanks for sharing this information! It’s far worse than I ever imagined!

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Jun 19, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

On the subject of pharma and parasite treatments... a couple of years ago my small children had repeated bouts of pinworms. The OTC treatment was useless. Prescription medication mebendazole had been taken off the market in the US, and albendazole was only available under the brand name Albenza. It cost $750 for one treatment (two pills). This medication is sold for a PENNY in places like Haiti. It’s medical extortion. Our story made it into a NY Times article about the cost of drugs.

For a happier follow up, a person living in the Netherlands read the story and offered to send us as much mebendazole as we needed. It was available OTC in his country for a few dollars per dose. I asked him to send me six boxes. :)

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I used pineapple juice

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How does it work,,,, dose?

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I'd guess bromelain is what kills them. Also put Vaseline on my Anus and washed my hands a bunch for a few Days. I don't remember the dosage it was a while back, probably 2 full soze bottles/dole cans over 3 days.

Sorry I'm not more of a help

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Bravo Jordan! You are a stellar investigative journalist. Such extensive research, fact checked, flawless… no stone unturned. Hotez is beyond redemption. He is one vector within a diseased cabal of psychopaths who long ago should have been hauled before the international court, prosecuted for the commission of Crimes Against Humanity and sentenced to death. Along with Fauci,Gates,Grady,Bourla, Bancel, Lander, Nuland, Kissinger,Bush, Cheney, Gottlieb,Tedros Bloomberg, Bright, Soros, Schwab,Harari, Haines Fink - the modern day Mengele, Malthus, Frankenstein, Faust, Moreau, Moustafa Mon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Vlad Dracul, Machiavelli, Eva Braun, Margaret Sanger, Rockefeller. Dr Money Carnegie, Ford, Planck Christian Szell, Harriman, Al-Baghdadi incarnate

The godless sadists seeking life eternal . The lords of the Fourth Reich Transhumanism. Time to sunset the Great Reset!

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Jordan, thank you so much for this information. Very sad. But good to know. 😟

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It's not just avbout money. It's part of the Zionist agenda to lower the population with vaccines.

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Piss off conspiracy nut.

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Yup. Those darned Zionists! Seeking world takeover. Israel is the size of New Jersey.

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Keep hiding your head in the sand or admit you are a jew. The jews own the money system of the world. Money gets them anything they want.

They openly speak of their desire for world domination and killing non jews.

These are THEIR words.

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“ Moshe”. That’s rich. Is it a nickname for Mohammed? Mengele? Malthus? Mussolini? Morsi? Mugabe?

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Perhaps you should move to Congo, Uganda, Afghanistan, Qatar, Iran, Saudi Arabia,Yemen, Nigeria,Kenya, Somalia,Malaysia,Indonesia,Brunei,Uzbekistan, Turkeye,Cuba,Venezuela,Iraq,Kazakhstan, Pakistan,Guinea,Senegal,Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Guyana,Tunisia,Azerbaijan,Romania,Belarus,Zaire,Zimbabwe,Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines,Sudan, Angola, Wales, Ireland, Netherlands, India,Uruguay, Paraguay,Honduras,Chile,Armenia,Syria,Lebanon,Guatemala, Bolivia, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia,Ireland,Belgium, Luxembourg, Columbia, Serbia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Egypt, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Macedonia, Togo, New Zealand, Argentina,Grenada, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Paraguay, Uruguay, Germany, Angola, Djibouti… to name a few, and tell me about the “ Jews”

Last I remember, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Klaus Schwab, King Charles, the Clintons, Rockefellers, Fords, Carnegies, Bush Cartel, Jeff Bezos, Carlos Slim, Murdoch,,Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Hiltons, Marriotts, Saudis, Dorsey, Kennedy’s, Xi, Jack Ma,the Catholic Church , Vatican, Richard Branson, Lynn De Forrester Rothschild, Elon Musk, Farben,Peter Theil, Hearst, , the Kochs,,arent Jewish. Soros is atheist, Zuckerberg is atheistLarry Fink is atheist

But since I own my home, I rule the world

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haha, you think you own your home. Don't pay your taxes and find out the jew bankers own it. unless of course you get a jew exemption like everything else.

why do people go to jail all over the world for questioning jews?

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Jim, did you forget your meds today?

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You mean the meds produced almost exclusively by jews.

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From the link describing the ‘shockingly poor results’ of the study involving Mosquirix,

“And more disturbingly, in the biggest trial of the vaccine, three safety signals were picked up: there was a ten times higher rate of meningitis, a higher chance of cerebral malaria, and a doubling of deaths from all causes in girls who had received the vaccine and not the placebo. Were these effects real or chance artefacts?”

Earlier in the article it states the vaccine efficacy prevented 4 out of 10 cases of malaria. However, there is a *doubling* of death from all causes in girls? Is this really a justifiable risk to anyone who values human life?

It is difficult to comprehend how anyone, researcher or not, could consider not just one, but three significant safety signals as potentially attributable to chance? Are the numbers for the signals statistically significant or not?

Also, the overall tone of the article is reluctant to openly criticize an endeavor of the Gates Foundation, despite the many clearly egregious faults, not just with informed consent for the research study, but importantly in the treatment of a study as a standard vaccine rollout.

Perhaps I misread or misinterpreted some of the article?

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probably not: you read it and were able to draw your own conclusions, so why would those be 'misread' or 'misinterpreted'?

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With the disgusting state of Democrat hellhole cities like San Fransicsco and the prevalence of faecal matter on the streets can we expect a hookworm pandemic? Let the vax acolytes from those cities be the guinea pigs by all means.


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