My point was not aimed at bombing anyone but the satanic cult that is running the shit show which is not committed to any country but have established themselves in the government of every country aka globalists .
The notion that Hamas perpetrated Israeli defenses is an insane JOKE . The Israeli forces stood down ,were ordered to do so and the citizens were disarmed at some point before . It’s absolutely ridiculous to entertain the idea that a defense mechanism that can be triggered by a cockroach allowed 300-500 men inside who were allowed to massacre thousands for hours!
It’s a revolting joke to believe this fairytale.
That said - Israeli government is no different than US government playing both sides of the conflict and sacrifices innocent lives in the process.9-11 comes to mind. ( all lives do not matter to any of these degenerates in power)
The useless exercise of invading Iraq post -9/11 was to strengthen Iran
The useless exercise in bombing Gaza - to escalate war with Iran
The installment of radical Islamic regime in Iran
The intentional destruction of Afghanistan
The installment of Safam Hussein ( and every leader in mid east come to think of it )
The Iran Iraq war
The removal of Sadam Hussein and Gadaffi
The list is miles long…,,
Hamas heads are in Qatar not in Gaza - Hamas is counting on thousands of Palestinian casualties as Arab lives matter less to Arabs than Jewish lives to Jews. The point of this is to escalate and it’s exactly what happened.
Every NWO war needs foot soldiers and Islamic savages have always came handy no matter what part of the world they inhabit. Easily controlled and funded. Nazis in Ukrain is another recent example of idiots that will do NWO bidding each and every time. They even admit to doing the wests dirty work openly.
The rest are pulled into this conflict reluctantly .
My point was never to bomb anyone but to illustrate the futility of these actions based on absolute lies.
Everyone watch this video ! She is a journalist and an ex IDF soldier !
The mistrust in the Israeli government is at all time high , from forced Covid vax - to what is a very possible orchestrated intentional inside job to sacrifice Israeli lives to bring about war with Iran - WW3 to the entire world
The victimization of Israel makes me want to vomit. The IDF snipers routinely sport kill Palestinian children. Israel had already murdered more Palestinians by August of this year than in all of 2022. Finally Hamas fights back, with the help of Israel intelligence and now everyone is crying for Israel. How dare the mongrels kill a Jew! How many tens of thousands of brown people have the Jews killed in the last few decades. As if their lives are worthless. Of course the Jews believe this, the Talmud tells them so.
No, fuck you. You have bought the propaganda. The truth of the matter is all sides are evil and have been for eons. Atrocities have been happening since Ishmael and Isaac.
Haha, yeah. His bias is obvious. I’m not at all anti all Jews. I am anti Talmudic/Rabbinical Jews and Rothschild Zionist’s. The only winners in wars are the zio banksters. I do get tired of the Jew crying in pain as it strikes you. The constant victim, always the cry bully. It’s all so tiresome.
You probably don’t know anything of the Balfour Declaration from 1917. The land does not belong to Israel.
Jews have been historical cry bullies. They are parasites, feeding off their host nation until nothing is left or until they are expelled. Why is it that Jews have been expelled from 109 countries? Listening to the Jews they are perpetual victims. Nothing is ever the fault of the Jews, they never do anything wrong, they have forever been persecuted. Meanwhile Talmudic Jews believe that Jesus is in hell, boiling in feces and excrement. They believe non Jews (goyim) are worthless, having less value then cattle.
But go ahead and keep soaking up the Jewish media narrative. Have fun with that. It’s going to lead to your enslavement.
You’re right on target. There’s only one winner in any war, and that the globalist central banker cabal. They thrive on ensuring we remain divided & at one another’s throats.
You're full of shit. Who's decapitating heads? Who's kidnapping babies, children, the elderly? Who's doing all the torture and raping? Who murdered 40 babies? It's obvious who's evil and who's only defending themselves.
Are you serious? How many Palestinians have died in the last year? How long before they fight back? How many children must the IDF snipers kill for fun before it enough?
Why has NO Arab country offered the so-called Palestinian people (no such thing as Palestinian; they are Arabs and always have been) land or a settlement? They have plenty of land, so why not help out their brother? The answer is they want the political use of these poor people and use them for political fodder. The more killing, the better. The whole region is demonic and evil.
If you were paying attention, you would know that a peace deal was going down between the Saudis and Israel. Hamas and Hezbollah would be out of business if there were peaceful relationships. That's the reason for the attack. Wake up, dude.
I had a friend from the Mideast who was not a Muslim or Christian. He said that Jordan took in a bunch of Palestinians to help them and the majority of them wound up on welfare and stayed on it. Some of them became militant and started trouble there too. He said, "nobody in the Mideast wants them in their countries"
There is another race of people who eventually destroy every country they inhabit. In fact, they’ve been kicked out of 109 countries so far. Can you guess who?
No one wants the Palestinians because they are filthy dogs. This whole episode was a false flag anyway, there is no way Mossad and IDF could ever fuck up this badly.
Where are these Palestinians who've died? Where are these children killed by IDF snipers. We know this isn't the way Israel operates. If not for Israel, every Palestinian would perish in Gaza from lack of water, food, and electricity. Israel withdrew from Gaza, turned it over to them, and they elect Hamas who are billionaires living in Qatar.
I am not sure election is the term . Obviously a terrorist organization an arm of the globalists will not be losing any elections in Gaza or anywhere in the planet. The way Muslim Arabs treat other Arabs is probably the epitome of sadism.
There is no unity or brotherhood unless the globalists pay them to unite in a cause. Israel is hijacked by globalist scum as is USA . Israel is being used as proxy to start a bigger conflict that benefits only globalists and no one else . They use education and innovation and intelligence of Jews against them . The entire nation was forced to vaccinate literally at gun point. That tells you something about who is in their government. What’s another few thousand Jews sacrificed at the border?
How about Gazans who get treated as lepers on any good day by every country in the region ? Gaza’s only purpose is canon fodder and every honest arab in the region knows this !
Israel did go bat shit crazy to vaccinate, but so did other countries and it was attempted here in the United States with 75% of us. Don't cry for the Palestinians, the USA gave them $400 million since Israel gave Gaza to them.
You are so easy to manipulate. If you are selective in your condemnation of civilian deaths then you suck. Israel kills Palestinians at a 20:1 ratio. That is why I respect Lee Camp & Max Blumenthal. They condemn it all.
Where was your condemnation of the IDF snipers shooting civilians, medics & press who were on the Palestinian side of the fence? Where was your condemnation when the Jewish settlers murdered civilians? Kind of selective in your outrage aren't you?
Israel has been killing Palestinians at a 20:1 ratio for decades. Will 20,000 more dead Palestinians make you safer? Will it make you feel good?
Israel has confined Palestinians to an open air prison and controls all water, energy, food & medicines. Similar to the Warsaw ghetto isn't it? Israel is seizing living room to the east. Where have I heard this stuff before?
The shoe is on the other foot and Jews are as human as everyone else. They enjoy the kicking and won't look in the mirror honestly and see what they have become.
Ask yourself what’s preventing the most advanced military in the world from eliminating their “enemies”
The government of Israel never has any tension of eliminating enemies because they are not in power any more than decrepit reanimated corpse Biden is making any decisions for USA .
The government of Israel is not acting in the the interest of Israelis any more than US govt acting in the interest of Americans. And if you look broader that’s is true of every government on the planet !
All governments are beholden to corporations and central banks and all government leaders are INSTALLED to do just that.
Those who understand this will refuse to comply
But 99% of the population are bamboozled by the corporate media.
That’s why a Gazans are getting pounded, Israelis are being sacrificed, Iranian regime was installed by US and their people are suffering , Lybias Gadaffi was installed and was annihilated like Sadam along with millions of civilians , Syria was bombed , Yemen is getting vaporized.. Egypt was overturned , and Lebanon had its Christian community nearly wiped out. Not to mention what ISiS had done, what happened in Afghanistan - what’s happening in Ukrain , now war in Azerbaijan , Kyrgyzstan Chechnya
I don't believe you at all, if IDF so brutal why do they send leaflets to Palestinians warning them to leave when danger is coming? When has Hamas sent leaflets to Israeli's warning them that an attack is coming, time to leave? You're deluded by Muslim propaganda, take your blinders off.
I don't care if you BELIEVE it or not. It's a FACT. I spoke out against the atrocities that Israelis have done and against the atrocities the Palestinians have done. I am NOT selective in my outrage like you. I have principals, you don't.
Principal 1 - Killing civilians is vile evil. I don't care who is doing it to whom or what the reasons are.
By being selective in your outrage you show that you are okay with atrocities committed by "your side". You acquiesce with your silence whereas I do not. You have no principals, I do.
That’s bullshit as well. The article, in case you didn’t notice, was not about how the US should continue blowing up brown people in various parts of the world. You expect me to detail every US foreign policy mistake ever in one post?
Hamas terrorists 'beheaded babies during kibbutz slaughter where 40 young children were killed': IDF soldiers reveal families were killed in their bedrooms - 'not in war, not a battlefield... a massacre' this is pure evil and anyone who supports Hamas supports this evil which makes you a savage that needs to be wiped from the face of this earth.
Yeah, I agree with Phil Davis - Fuck You. There are now hundreds of terrorists from our watch list now in the U.S. thanks to your open border and it will happen here. You are to blame.
Murdered? These Arabs are not human. They should have been expelled long ago from my land but stupid Israeli leaders let them stay. The Arabs of Gaza need to be culled to 0.
Islamic degenerates have spread their filth across the globe!
The ghettos in Europe make Mogadishu look appealing
The crime rate the rape rate the murder rate has multiplied exponentially with every horde of savages that entered EU
The savage Neanderthals that the world embraced are barbarian thugs rapists and murderers clearly evident everywhere these filthy subhumans are welcomed!
Islamic savagery is evident across Africa where there are slaves being traded daily and Christian communities burnt down and beheaded
Islamic savagery is in America and Europe where there are numerous instances of beheadings coming from religion of piss !
Islamic savagery is promoted in every kindergarten and school in the disgusting Gaza and it’s surrounding Islamic shit holes, strapping suicide belts on toddlers and parading them like martyred meat , paying mothers to make their children tools of evil.
Islamic degeneracy is evident in gang rape games commonly practiced in Egypt and just about every islamic shit hole where men prey on women like parasites.
Islamic degeneracy is evident with every child bride , female genital mutation, revenge killing , acid attacks -never seen in the west until hordes of these fucking savages were forced into the west by globalist design! Islamic misogyny and filth is evident with rape grooming gangs in Uk
And every single one of these rotted scum is protected by “law” in the so called “western” society more so than the victims- so they engage in even more disgusting acts.
So don’t fucking lecture anyone about Israel !
satanic Islamic savagery has existed since the warlord Muhammad forced conversion by the sword
The filthy pigs that put children and women as human shields are the ones responsible for every death that is the result of the bombings.
You are a pitiful pathetic insect.
Why not focus on how neighboring Arabs treat Palestinians???
There are literal concentration camps by far worse than Gaza where Palestinians reside in a Lebanon in Jordan - why no UN presence? Where are the camera crews? Where are the pitiful piss activists? Nowhere.
Egypt kicked Palestinians out along with their activists - while publicly “supporting” them - very privately they jail and murder them
The richest country on earth UAE - ohh they don’t accept Palestinians , they barely give them any aid as well
In fact most aid comes from EU . Arab countries account for less than 15% of aid to their beloved Palestinians
99% of Arab countries want Palestinians to rot in GAZA so they can be used as tools to keep pointing fingers at Israel
Ohh and what’s happening in Yemen???
Do you rot brained hypocrites not care about the civilians in Yemen?
USA and Saudis bombing Yemeni civilians for 7 years and not a ducking peep from any of you .
I don't know, but it would not surprise me (or shock me) if that turned out to be true.
Note that they are publicly referring to this as "Israel's 9/11". Compare that to how many reports came from that event (in the US) that linked insiders of the US government to what happened. There are still major issues that no government investigative report has been able to explain.
They global elites tried everything to get the US into WW1. The sinking of the Lusitania didn’t do it. But a shit ton of anti German propaganda finally did, like the baby’s on bayonets campaign. There were others just as horrible. The volume and the content were enough to stir the masses to war. In the present day, television brings these images with greater frequency and impact. People are moved by propaganda and they know it.
Hamas posted their acts of barbarism, not as propaganda. They are proud of their savagery. I could only stand to watch a little because it was absolutely mind numbing and nauseating. You could tell they were aroused while slaying defenseless civilians. Absolutely subhuman behavior. Not my fight but I hope for the sake of our world Israel ends those monsters.
Americans felt rage after 9-11, the images were horrendous and thousands died a horrible death. Does anybody now believe that a man in a cave and 19 Arab highjackers orchestrated the worst terrorist act on our soil. We were told that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, so we had to go to war with them. We destroyed their country and many more Americans died. There were no weapons of mass destruction. There are almost 1000 men entombed in the Arizona after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The images of the attack were horrendous. There isn’t an historian worth his or her salt that would not agree that the US had complete foreknowledge having broke the Japanese code. Our media narrative remains that JFK was shot by a lone gunman.
What happened in Israel was horrible. But do I believe Hamas was able perpetuate this on their own. No, I don’t. In America we willingly gave up so many of our rights with the Patriot Act, which was coincidentally was prepared years before. I don’t trust governments anymore, they have abused my trust a long time ago. Don’t believe everything you see.
That is exactly the point. Governments on their own are unable to go through with whatever despicable plans their puppet masters want. They have always needed the populace to buy in, always. I am completely familiar with the Mohammedans and their method of conquest. It was not lost on me that the attack to place on the same day as the battle of Lepanto centuries ago.
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda....they don't call it television programming without a reason.
Western finance created the soviet union, funded hitler and created the modern power base in the Islamic world. They most certainly involved at some level in this atrocity either actively or passively. This cabal may have started out as an Anglo American enterprise but is no longer. But it's obvious how the governments of the world are operating in "lockstep" .
I know this isn't strictly about Israel, its just another disaster along the way to complete chaos.
My point was not aimed at bombing anyone but the satanic cult that is running the shit show which is not committed to any country but have established themselves in the government of every country aka globalists .
The notion that Hamas perpetrated Israeli defenses is an insane JOKE . The Israeli forces stood down ,were ordered to do so and the citizens were disarmed at some point before . It’s absolutely ridiculous to entertain the idea that a defense mechanism that can be triggered by a cockroach allowed 300-500 men inside who were allowed to massacre thousands for hours!
It’s a revolting joke to believe this fairytale.
That said - Israeli government is no different than US government playing both sides of the conflict and sacrifices innocent lives in the process.9-11 comes to mind. ( all lives do not matter to any of these degenerates in power)
The useless exercise of invading Iraq post -9/11 was to strengthen Iran
The useless exercise in bombing Gaza - to escalate war with Iran
The installment of radical Islamic regime in Iran
The intentional destruction of Afghanistan
The installment of Safam Hussein ( and every leader in mid east come to think of it )
The Iran Iraq war
The removal of Sadam Hussein and Gadaffi
The list is miles long…,,
Hamas heads are in Qatar not in Gaza - Hamas is counting on thousands of Palestinian casualties as Arab lives matter less to Arabs than Jewish lives to Jews. The point of this is to escalate and it’s exactly what happened.
Every NWO war needs foot soldiers and Islamic savages have always came handy no matter what part of the world they inhabit. Easily controlled and funded. Nazis in Ukrain is another recent example of idiots that will do NWO bidding each and every time. They even admit to doing the wests dirty work openly.
The rest are pulled into this conflict reluctantly .
My point was never to bomb anyone but to illustrate the futility of these actions based on absolute lies.
People need to step back and take a good critical look at this. Israel is arguably the most tightly controlled security state in existence on the Planet. China may even be more "open" compared to the security apparatus in Israel. 24/7 surveillance by Mossad and IDF has turned Gaza into a literal prison colony where nothing can happen without the knowledge of the authorities. That we are told the border was breached "without warning" by thousands on "paragliders" and wheeled vehicles is rhetoric designed to fool those who have not seen for themselves or who are willing to buy into the media's propaganda. IF the border and the attack occurred as portrayed then someone in the IDF needs to be fired .... or executed. So, what is REALLY going on?
Netanyahu sold the people of Israel to Pfizer. Pfizer did NOT create the mRNA "vaccine" and neither did Moderna or Jansen, the US DOD created and funded it's production by subcontractors who then sold it to Pfizer and the others who in turn stamped it with their label and pretended it was a "pharmaceutical.. It has killed millions around the world and Israel is the MOST "vaccinated" country in the world. So what is going on there right now relative to the Severe Reactions killing and maiming Jews in Israel? Apparently the Ultra Orthodox refused the vaccine and so did the Arab populace. Netanyahu's coalition is with the Ultra Orthodox minority who have absolutely no use for goyim and for that matter even Reformed or Conservative Jews. Now as the truth is coming out, could it be that to distract the Israeli people from hearing the FACTS about what went on and the devastating toll, SUDDENLY there is this "attack" allowing the "Great Saviour" Netanyahu to ...once again "Save the Israelis" from the Arabs...
Now they get to force-shove money through Congress for not only Israel, but it effectively shuts down the opposition to continued Ukraine funding in opposition to the majority of Americans.
Also, U.S. gets to deploy that big shiny new nuclear-armed aircraft carrier, the Gerald R. Ford into the region. Couldn't have done so otherwise without further baiting Russia that we are fully active in the region.
The geo-political lines in which this is playing out is veiled to everyone aside from the 9/11-ish propaganda that inflames hatred and further isolation of groups against each other, particularly in the theatre of U.S. kabuki politics.
Looks to me like it's right out of the U.S. playbook to sacrifice thousands of innocent lives in the interest of decades of unquestioned Security State. We did it with 9/11. Could it be that Israel would do the same?
With Saudi Arabia's treaty with Iran, and movement away from the U.S. with BRICS, it may have been getting just a little too friendly for Israel's comfort.
In Israel 90% of the adults took the first 2 shots, 80% the 3rd, and 50% the 4th. For a group with pretensions of being "The Master Race" that isn't very masterful is it? LOL. Seems rather average human behaviour.
We are all the same folks. If you need more proof than the last 3 years they I can't help you. Roughly the same percentages for every race, religion & nationality. Some more, some less but by and large 10-15% withstood the pressure.
Israel govt forced the shots , in a way reminiscent of how Hitler did so. Concentration zones were established and color coordinated . Ghettos were established . What master race? Israelis bought into this garbage faster than any one on the planet because they are trained to obey the government of whom they think of as Saviors of all Jews.
And the Palestinian Authority and Hamas also coerced/forced their people to get the shots. Not as many Palestinians got them. Both governments seem determined to get their own people killed doesn't it?
At this point after learning all we have about how wicked & corrupt all our worldwide governments really are & how they are willing to murder & let die millions of their citizens because the WEF tyrants want massive depopulation.
Also our governments worldwide are forcing globalization on all of us citizens because the WEF, UN & WHO tyrants want world domination.
There is nothing too evil they won’t do for enough wealth & power, our so-called leaders do not care at all about us.
They live in gated communities with armed security 24/7 that we pay for & it is our communities that are being destroyed by the invasion of cartels, traffickers, terrorists, etc...
They defund & cripple our main protection the LEO’s & let the criminals run free?!
Gee, almost seems like they want to destroy America & all the once Free & Civilized countries & people of the world?
Too bad that we didn’t realize exactly how evil our governments & especially the WEF really are til after they have their evil puppets in the highest positions in most countries?
The author is essentially another yellow journalist. Why is he lying about Hamas killing and mutilating babies and children? That was shown today to be literal fake news. The woman spreading the story, claimed she heard it from the IDF. The IDF said they can't confirm 100%
How was it shown to be fake news? It's been confirmed over and over. You people just don't want to accept that the Arabs are animals that need to be put down.
How Bolshevik/Nazi/Maoist of you. First you dehumanize your opposition. Then you rationalize and justify your behaviour and scream victim when you are attacked?
Unlike you I condemn these civilian deaths just like I condemned the IDF snipers killing civilians, media & medics on the Palestinian side of the fence. Just like I condemned the Jewish settlers killing Palestinian civilians.
You are so selective in your condemnation that it is laughable.
PS. Why are you and every other flag waving loser not asking questions about Israel's gun control laws? Sure would have turned out differently if those civilians had a 2cd amendment wouldn't it? But no, you won't do that. You are so easy to manipulate. "SQUIRREL"
Seymour Hersh – Oct. 12, 2023 – Netanyahu is Finished -- The Bibi doctrine—his belief that he could control Hamas—compromised Israeli security and has now begat a bloody war
Hamas was promoted and financed for years by “our beloved” Bibi, who believed that Arafat’s secular PLO was a more serious enemy. Hamas was also rejecting a two-state solution just like Bibi and his extremists who together with US sabotaged a two-state solution for decades.
People who want to murder me and my family are animals. Some Jews are too afraid to say what I say lest they lose international support. I dont care. The Arabs are wild beasts who should be put down.
Seymour Hersh – Oct. 12, 2023 – Netanyahu is Finished -- The Bibi doctrine—his belief that he could control Hamas—compromised Israeli security and has now begat a bloody war
Hamas was promoted and financed for years by “our beloved” Bibi, who believed that Arafat’s secular PLO was a more serious enemy. Hamas was also rejecting a two-state solution just like Bibi and his extremists who together with US sabotaged a two-state solution for decades
So, just so I understand people’s incredulousness: Hamas did kill and kidnap elderly and children, did upload videos of mutilated bodies of young women, did behead captured Israel soldiers and an innocent Thai migrant worker, but the idea of their beheading some unspecified number of Jewish babies is so unbelievable as to be automatically attributed to Israeli propaganda?
Did they? How do we know which media is true and which isn’t? It could all be or some could be or none be but the thing is the winners of this - the globalists- win with the narrative in all its gore being true , there are so many things that don’t add up also; so you have to question this, it’s fishy as fuck.
Islamic degeneracy is evident in gang rape games commonly practiced in Egypt and just about every islamic shit hole where men prey on women like parasites.
Islamic degeneracy is evident with every child bride , female genital mutation, revenge killing , acid attacks -never seen in the west until hordes of these fucking savages were forced into the west by globalist design! Islamic misogyny and filth is evident with rape grooming gangs in Uk
And every single one of these rotted scum is protected by “law” in the so called “western” society more so than the victims- so they engage in even more disgusting acts.
So don’t fucking lecture anyone about Israel !
satanic Islamic savagery has existed since the warlord Muhammad forced conversion by the sword
People in high places are getting rich from this repeated conflict in the Mideast and elsewhere. The MO is the same every time, the same people suffer and the same people profit. When we fight among each other, they become richer and more powerful. Stop feeding the beast that enslaves your mind and bodies.
Jordan, I really enjoyed and appreciated your well researched and collected commentary on the Ukrainian conflict and other issues. Sad to see you have drunk the Israel Kool aid and are rabidly foaming at the mouth to destroy the Palestinians and support Israel the way people used to act about Ukraine and Russia just a short few months ago.
Yes, that's exactly what this is. It's strange how he can see that so clearly when it comes to some issues but he seems, like many to have a blind spot where Israel is concerned.
Jordan is speaking the unapologetic truth here. All you psychos who blame Israel can go to hell. Oh no you'll unsubscribe? Well Jordan just gained another paying subscriber for his unapologetic support of Israel. I live here now and let me tell you, nothing will stop us. Because of you, Gaza will be plowed like a field.
You are so easy to manipulate. If you are selective in your condemnation of civilian deaths then you suck. Israel kills Palestinians at a 20:1 ratio. That is why I respect Lee Camp & Max Blumenthal. They condemn it all.
Where was your condemnation of the IDF snipers shooting civilians, medics & press who were on the Palestinian side of the fence? Where was your condemnation when the Jewish settlers murdered civilians? Kind of selective in your outrage aren't you?
Israel has been killing Palestinians at a 20:1 ratio for decades. Will 20,000 more dead Palestinians make you safer? Will it make you feel good?
Israel has confined Palestinians to an open air prison and controls all water, energy, food & medicines. Similar to the Warsaw ghetto isn't it? Israel is seizing living room to the east. Where have I heard this stuff before?
The shoe is on the other foot and Jews are as human as everyone else. They enjoy the kicking and won't look in the mirror honestly and see what they have become.
Right, some of the inmates of the world's largest and longest-perpetrated concentration camp, called Gaza, finally storm through the walls and kill some of their captors, and they're the "terrorists" butchering babies.
Thankfully more people are seeing through the centuries-old lies and not buying the Zionist propaganda, Jordan. Finally, you've shown yourself.
And, this 'attack' reeks of a Mossad operation, including the mentioned atrocities against civilians that Mossad-run ISIS has used to great psy-op effect. This new excuse to raze Gaza and escalate attacks on Iran, Syria, and Lebanon is what Zionists have been intending for a long time.
LOL Dr. Finkelstein describes himself as “an old fashioned Communist”. He is also widely discredited by almost anybody with an IQ over 80 who has ever suffered through any of his nonsensical screeds. Thanks for sharing.
Could be. It fits the fact that Egypt warned Israel repeatedly to "indifference" from the Israelis. I highly recommend everyone watch that interview. Efrat provides a view that is important to be aware of.
It seems all too convenient for Netanyahu who I would NEVER trust as he sold out his own people into Pfizer's medical experiment like the Mengele he truly is.
Funny thing is the Palestinian Authority did the same "mandated coercion" on their people just not as high a percentage as Israel went along with it. Evil sots everywhere LOL.
FINALLY! The bizarre silence regarding the epicenter of Islamist terror ing funding, Shia and Sunni satellites all flow through our “ friend”, Qatar!
Great point Jordan! Qatar is the den of Muslim brotherhood
They orchestrated the coup in Egypt . They are US protected filth
Bomb Iran Qatar and UAE - 1/2 the globalist $ will disappear
My point was not aimed at bombing anyone but the satanic cult that is running the shit show which is not committed to any country but have established themselves in the government of every country aka globalists .
The notion that Hamas perpetrated Israeli defenses is an insane JOKE . The Israeli forces stood down ,were ordered to do so and the citizens were disarmed at some point before . It’s absolutely ridiculous to entertain the idea that a defense mechanism that can be triggered by a cockroach allowed 300-500 men inside who were allowed to massacre thousands for hours!
It’s a revolting joke to believe this fairytale.
That said - Israeli government is no different than US government playing both sides of the conflict and sacrifices innocent lives in the process.9-11 comes to mind. ( all lives do not matter to any of these degenerates in power)
The useless exercise of invading Iraq post -9/11 was to strengthen Iran
The useless exercise in bombing Gaza - to escalate war with Iran
The installment of radical Islamic regime in Iran
The intentional destruction of Afghanistan
The installment of Safam Hussein ( and every leader in mid east come to think of it )
The Iran Iraq war
The removal of Sadam Hussein and Gadaffi
The list is miles long…,,
Hamas heads are in Qatar not in Gaza - Hamas is counting on thousands of Palestinian casualties as Arab lives matter less to Arabs than Jewish lives to Jews. The point of this is to escalate and it’s exactly what happened.
Every NWO war needs foot soldiers and Islamic savages have always came handy no matter what part of the world they inhabit. Easily controlled and funded. Nazis in Ukrain is another recent example of idiots that will do NWO bidding each and every time. They even admit to doing the wests dirty work openly.
The rest are pulled into this conflict reluctantly .
My point was never to bomb anyone but to illustrate the futility of these actions based on absolute lies.
This is not new and has been done for centuries.
My comment was satire at the fact that Israel is bombing one place where Hamas leadership is NOT
Akeen to Sadam Hussein being removed post 9-11 after he was installed by US govt in the first place
As was the Islamic regime of Iran
Etc etc
Everyone watch this video ! She is a journalist and an ex IDF soldier !
The mistrust in the Israeli government is at all time high , from forced Covid vax - to what is a very possible orchestrated intentional inside job to sacrifice Israeli lives to bring about war with Iran - WW3 to the entire world
The victimization of Israel makes me want to vomit. The IDF snipers routinely sport kill Palestinian children. Israel had already murdered more Palestinians by August of this year than in all of 2022. Finally Hamas fights back, with the help of Israel intelligence and now everyone is crying for Israel. How dare the mongrels kill a Jew! How many tens of thousands of brown people have the Jews killed in the last few decades. As if their lives are worthless. Of course the Jews believe this, the Talmud tells them so.
Fuck Israel.
No, fuck you. You have bought the propaganda. The truth of the matter is all sides are evil and have been for eons. Atrocities have been happening since Ishmael and Isaac.
Being no fan of the Moslems either, I have certainly not bought the Jewish controlled media propaganda.
The author of this article is a jew, fyi.
Haha, yeah. His bias is obvious. I’m not at all anti all Jews. I am anti Talmudic/Rabbinical Jews and Rothschild Zionist’s. The only winners in wars are the zio banksters. I do get tired of the Jew crying in pain as it strikes you. The constant victim, always the cry bully. It’s all so tiresome.
Palestinians are the ones crying victim with international camera crews filming every TEAR
It’s a pollywood production 24/7
So spare your bullshit for weaker minds
You probably don’t know anything of the Balfour Declaration from 1917. The land does not belong to Israel.
Jews have been historical cry bullies. They are parasites, feeding off their host nation until nothing is left or until they are expelled. Why is it that Jews have been expelled from 109 countries? Listening to the Jews they are perpetual victims. Nothing is ever the fault of the Jews, they never do anything wrong, they have forever been persecuted. Meanwhile Talmudic Jews believe that Jesus is in hell, boiling in feces and excrement. They believe non Jews (goyim) are worthless, having less value then cattle.
But go ahead and keep soaking up the Jewish media narrative. Have fun with that. It’s going to lead to your enslavement.
You’re right on target. There’s only one winner in any war, and that the globalist central banker cabal. They thrive on ensuring we remain divided & at one another’s throats.
You're full of shit. Who's decapitating heads? Who's kidnapping babies, children, the elderly? Who's doing all the torture and raping? Who murdered 40 babies? It's obvious who's evil and who's only defending themselves.
Are you serious? How many Palestinians have died in the last year? How long before they fight back? How many children must the IDF snipers kill for fun before it enough?
Why has NO Arab country offered the so-called Palestinian people (no such thing as Palestinian; they are Arabs and always have been) land or a settlement? They have plenty of land, so why not help out their brother? The answer is they want the political use of these poor people and use them for political fodder. The more killing, the better. The whole region is demonic and evil.
If you were paying attention, you would know that a peace deal was going down between the Saudis and Israel. Hamas and Hezbollah would be out of business if there were peaceful relationships. That's the reason for the attack. Wake up, dude.
I had a friend from the Mideast who was not a Muslim or Christian. He said that Jordan took in a bunch of Palestinians to help them and the majority of them wound up on welfare and stayed on it. Some of them became militant and started trouble there too. He said, "nobody in the Mideast wants them in their countries"
They are stuck in refugee camps because Jordanians are fed up with their intifada crap ... these are useful thugs
They literally destroy every country they inhabit
They nearly overturned Lebanon in 1976 with help of Islamic fundamentalists ! They beheaded Christians
I know my family escaped
This goes along with what he explained to me. Two of my Sons fought against them and had no kind words for them or their tactics.
Methinks you are being trolled. Do not let people like inside your head, best to just ignore them.
There is another race of people who eventually destroy every country they inhabit. In fact, they’ve been kicked out of 109 countries so far. Can you guess who?
No one wants the Palestinians because they are filthy dogs. This whole episode was a false flag anyway, there is no way Mossad and IDF could ever fuck up this badly.
No, the reason is Hamas and Hezbollah come with them. The rich men north of Saudi.
Where are these Palestinians who've died? Where are these children killed by IDF snipers. We know this isn't the way Israel operates. If not for Israel, every Palestinian would perish in Gaza from lack of water, food, and electricity. Israel withdrew from Gaza, turned it over to them, and they elect Hamas who are billionaires living in Qatar.
I am not sure election is the term . Obviously a terrorist organization an arm of the globalists will not be losing any elections in Gaza or anywhere in the planet. The way Muslim Arabs treat other Arabs is probably the epitome of sadism.
There is no unity or brotherhood unless the globalists pay them to unite in a cause. Israel is hijacked by globalist scum as is USA . Israel is being used as proxy to start a bigger conflict that benefits only globalists and no one else . They use education and innovation and intelligence of Jews against them . The entire nation was forced to vaccinate literally at gun point. That tells you something about who is in their government. What’s another few thousand Jews sacrificed at the border?
How about Gazans who get treated as lepers on any good day by every country in the region ? Gaza’s only purpose is canon fodder and every honest arab in the region knows this !
Israel did go bat shit crazy to vaccinate, but so did other countries and it was attempted here in the United States with 75% of us. Don't cry for the Palestinians, the USA gave them $400 million since Israel gave Gaza to them.
You are so easy to manipulate. If you are selective in your condemnation of civilian deaths then you suck. Israel kills Palestinians at a 20:1 ratio. That is why I respect Lee Camp & Max Blumenthal. They condemn it all.
Where was your condemnation of the IDF snipers shooting civilians, medics & press who were on the Palestinian side of the fence? Where was your condemnation when the Jewish settlers murdered civilians? Kind of selective in your outrage aren't you?
Israel has been killing Palestinians at a 20:1 ratio for decades. Will 20,000 more dead Palestinians make you safer? Will it make you feel good?
Israel has confined Palestinians to an open air prison and controls all water, energy, food & medicines. Similar to the Warsaw ghetto isn't it? Israel is seizing living room to the east. Where have I heard this stuff before?
The shoe is on the other foot and Jews are as human as everyone else. They enjoy the kicking and won't look in the mirror honestly and see what they have become.
IDF doesn’t operate like any army in the world
Ask yourself what’s preventing the most advanced military in the world from eliminating their “enemies”
The government of Israel never has any tension of eliminating enemies because they are not in power any more than decrepit reanimated corpse Biden is making any decisions for USA .
The government of Israel is not acting in the the interest of Israelis any more than US govt acting in the interest of Americans. And if you look broader that’s is true of every government on the planet !
All governments are beholden to corporations and central banks and all government leaders are INSTALLED to do just that.
Those who understand this will refuse to comply
But 99% of the population are bamboozled by the corporate media.
That’s why a Gazans are getting pounded, Israelis are being sacrificed, Iranian regime was installed by US and their people are suffering , Lybias Gadaffi was installed and was annihilated like Sadam along with millions of civilians , Syria was bombed , Yemen is getting vaporized.. Egypt was overturned , and Lebanon had its Christian community nearly wiped out. Not to mention what ISiS had done, what happened in Afghanistan - what’s happening in Ukrain , now war in Azerbaijan , Kyrgyzstan Chechnya
It’s all a shit show - we pay the price
If people were smarter they would not participate
I don't believe you at all, if IDF so brutal why do they send leaflets to Palestinians warning them to leave when danger is coming? When has Hamas sent leaflets to Israeli's warning them that an attack is coming, time to leave? You're deluded by Muslim propaganda, take your blinders off.
I don't care if you BELIEVE it or not. It's a FACT. I spoke out against the atrocities that Israelis have done and against the atrocities the Palestinians have done. I am NOT selective in my outrage like you. I have principals, you don't.
Principal 1 - Killing civilians is vile evil. I don't care who is doing it to whom or what the reasons are.
By being selective in your outrage you show that you are okay with atrocities committed by "your side". You acquiesce with your silence whereas I do not. You have no principals, I do.
Pos idiot Yemen is getting bombed by Saudis and USA - 7 years now
400k civilians are dead - where’s the pitiful outrage from you hypocritical scumbags?????
That’s bullshit as well. The article, in case you didn’t notice, was not about how the US should continue blowing up brown people in various parts of the world. You expect me to detail every US foreign policy mistake ever in one post?
You conveniently ignore everything else going on in Middle East don’t you ?
Let’s just pretend the Jews are the worlds problems .. fascist bigot
Islamic inbred degeneracy spreading like a plague across the globe is EVIDENT everywhere
But let’s just focus on those Jews ..., right bigot ?
Hamas terrorists 'beheaded babies during kibbutz slaughter where 40 young children were killed': IDF soldiers reveal families were killed in their bedrooms - 'not in war, not a battlefield... a massacre' this is pure evil and anyone who supports Hamas supports this evil which makes you a savage that needs to be wiped from the face of this earth.
And anyone who supports the Jewish settlers killing Palestinian civilians?
Or anyone who supports the IDF sniping civilians, medics & media who were ALL on the Palestinian side of the fence?
Your outrage is so selective it is laughable.
Yeah, I agree with Phil Davis - Fuck You. There are now hundreds of terrorists from our watch list now in the U.S. thanks to your open border and it will happen here. You are to blame.
My open border? Really? This isn’t Paul Ryan posting, Rabbi.
Murdered? These Arabs are not human. They should have been expelled long ago from my land but stupid Israeli leaders let them stay. The Arabs of Gaza need to be culled to 0.
You don’t have land. You’ve been kicked out of 109 countries. You are a parasite.
Nazi filth like you always sides with Islamic degenerates
Go join the Ukranian armed forces
Go ahead and vomit. Since that’s the caliber of your commentary.
Gaza history
Part 1: Here’s What You NEED To Know About Gaza’s History (13 minutes)
Part 2: The Palestinians Had NO OTHER OPTIONS (19 minutes)
Brown people?
And old George Carlin reference I think.
agree that the synagogue of satan is behind it all....but the muslim terrorsts are full on attack dogs of the sos
You're filled with hate and propaganda
Hate and propaganda ? You support Islamic filth maybe you should live amongst your beloved savages
I think you misunderstood or I wasn't clear.
What a typical libtard response.
I didn't mean you. I was referring the opposite.
No Fuck You and fuck you straight to hell ! BIGOT
Islamic degenerates have spread their filth across the globe!
The ghettos in Europe make Mogadishu look appealing
The crime rate the rape rate the murder rate has multiplied exponentially with every horde of savages that entered EU
The savage Neanderthals that the world embraced are barbarian thugs rapists and murderers clearly evident everywhere these filthy subhumans are welcomed!
Islamic savagery is evident across Africa where there are slaves being traded daily and Christian communities burnt down and beheaded
Islamic savagery is in America and Europe where there are numerous instances of beheadings coming from religion of piss !
Islamic savagery is promoted in every kindergarten and school in the disgusting Gaza and it’s surrounding Islamic shit holes, strapping suicide belts on toddlers and parading them like martyred meat , paying mothers to make their children tools of evil.
Islamic degeneracy is evident in gang rape games commonly practiced in Egypt and just about every islamic shit hole where men prey on women like parasites.,so%20she%20feels%20completely%20vulnerable.
Islamic degeneracy is evident with every child bride , female genital mutation, revenge killing , acid attacks -never seen in the west until hordes of these fucking savages were forced into the west by globalist design! Islamic misogyny and filth is evident with rape grooming gangs in Uk
And every single one of these rotted scum is protected by “law” in the so called “western” society more so than the victims- so they engage in even more disgusting acts.
So don’t fucking lecture anyone about Israel !
satanic Islamic savagery has existed since the warlord Muhammad forced conversion by the sword
The filthy pigs that put children and women as human shields are the ones responsible for every death that is the result of the bombings.
You are a pitiful pathetic insect.
Why not focus on how neighboring Arabs treat Palestinians???
There are literal concentration camps by far worse than Gaza where Palestinians reside in a Lebanon in Jordan - why no UN presence? Where are the camera crews? Where are the pitiful piss activists? Nowhere.
Egypt kicked Palestinians out along with their activists - while publicly “supporting” them - very privately they jail and murder them
The richest country on earth UAE - ohh they don’t accept Palestinians , they barely give them any aid as well
In fact most aid comes from EU . Arab countries account for less than 15% of aid to their beloved Palestinians
99% of Arab countries want Palestinians to rot in GAZA so they can be used as tools to keep pointing fingers at Israel
Ohh and what’s happening in Yemen???
Do you rot brained hypocrites not care about the civilians in Yemen?
USA and Saudis bombing Yemeni civilians for 7 years and not a ducking peep from any of you .
400,000 dead civilians - and crickets
So fuck you hypocritical bigots to HELL
Double think basically. It’s pretty scary shit
Two intelligence failures within the span of one week!
Good work, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Shin Bet, MI6! What can the world do without you?!?
Either they really suck or they let this happen, just like all the "system failures" of 911.
I don't know, but it would not surprise me (or shock me) if that turned out to be true.
Note that they are publicly referring to this as "Israel's 9/11". Compare that to how many reports came from that event (in the US) that linked insiders of the US government to what happened. There are still major issues that no government investigative report has been able to explain.
Israel’s 9-11 as the Govt is part of NWO chain of command
This was done to bring about 😂🐑💩peace -
Just wait and see how NWO champion trump will bring about “peace” at which point Iran will use nukes against the USA
This plan is in plain site . Mark my words
They global elites tried everything to get the US into WW1. The sinking of the Lusitania didn’t do it. But a shit ton of anti German propaganda finally did, like the baby’s on bayonets campaign. There were others just as horrible. The volume and the content were enough to stir the masses to war. In the present day, television brings these images with greater frequency and impact. People are moved by propaganda and they know it.
There’s a lot of propaganda going on right now.
Hamas posted their acts of barbarism, not as propaganda. They are proud of their savagery. I could only stand to watch a little because it was absolutely mind numbing and nauseating. You could tell they were aroused while slaying defenseless civilians. Absolutely subhuman behavior. Not my fight but I hope for the sake of our world Israel ends those monsters.
Americans felt rage after 9-11, the images were horrendous and thousands died a horrible death. Does anybody now believe that a man in a cave and 19 Arab highjackers orchestrated the worst terrorist act on our soil. We were told that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, so we had to go to war with them. We destroyed their country and many more Americans died. There were no weapons of mass destruction. There are almost 1000 men entombed in the Arizona after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The images of the attack were horrendous. There isn’t an historian worth his or her salt that would not agree that the US had complete foreknowledge having broke the Japanese code. Our media narrative remains that JFK was shot by a lone gunman.
What happened in Israel was horrible. But do I believe Hamas was able perpetuate this on their own. No, I don’t. In America we willingly gave up so many of our rights with the Patriot Act, which was coincidentally was prepared years before. I don’t trust governments anymore, they have abused my trust a long time ago. Don’t believe everything you see.
Not the point!
And not about Israel
Islamic degeneracy has been known since Mohamed converted everyone by the sword
The Islamists thugs especially military aged men have invaded Europe by design and purpose
They are destroying every country in the EU - it’s unrecognizable
Some places in Europe are worse than Mogadishu - this is what NWO will look like .
Chaos and murder - and who will perpetrate this goal- same people you see getting a boner from cutting up children and raping women
Same with USA
This is going to be used against the native citizens of all western countries
That is exactly the point. Governments on their own are unable to go through with whatever despicable plans their puppet masters want. They have always needed the populace to buy in, always. I am completely familiar with the Mohammedans and their method of conquest. It was not lost on me that the attack to place on the same day as the battle of Lepanto centuries ago.
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda....they don't call it television programming without a reason.
Western finance created the soviet union, funded hitler and created the modern power base in the Islamic world. They most certainly involved at some level in this atrocity either actively or passively. This cabal may have started out as an Anglo American enterprise but is no longer. But it's obvious how the governments of the world are operating in "lockstep" .
I know this isn't strictly about Israel, its just another disaster along the way to complete chaos.
My point was not aimed at bombing anyone but the satanic cult that is running the shit show which is not committed to any country but have established themselves in the government of every country aka globalists .
The notion that Hamas perpetrated Israeli defenses is an insane JOKE . The Israeli forces stood down ,were ordered to do so and the citizens were disarmed at some point before . It’s absolutely ridiculous to entertain the idea that a defense mechanism that can be triggered by a cockroach allowed 300-500 men inside who were allowed to massacre thousands for hours!
It’s a revolting joke to believe this fairytale.
That said - Israeli government is no different than US government playing both sides of the conflict and sacrifices innocent lives in the process.9-11 comes to mind. ( all lives do not matter to any of these degenerates in power)
The useless exercise of invading Iraq post -9/11 was to strengthen Iran
The useless exercise in bombing Gaza - to escalate war with Iran
The installment of radical Islamic regime in Iran
The intentional destruction of Afghanistan
The installment of Safam Hussein ( and every leader in mid east come to think of it )
The Iran Iraq war
The removal of Sadam Hussein and Gadaffi
The list is miles long…,,
Hamas heads are in Qatar not in Gaza - Hamas is counting on thousands of Palestinian casualties as Arab lives matter less to Arabs than Jewish lives to Jews. The point of this is to escalate and it’s exactly what happened.
Every NWO war needs foot soldiers and Islamic savages have always came handy no matter what part of the world they inhabit. Easily controlled and funded. Nazis in Ukrain is another recent example of idiots that will do NWO bidding each and every time. They even admit to doing the wests dirty work openly.
The rest are pulled into this conflict reluctantly .
My point was never to bomb anyone but to illustrate the futility of these actions based on absolute lies.
This is not new and has been done for centuries.
People need to step back and take a good critical look at this. Israel is arguably the most tightly controlled security state in existence on the Planet. China may even be more "open" compared to the security apparatus in Israel. 24/7 surveillance by Mossad and IDF has turned Gaza into a literal prison colony where nothing can happen without the knowledge of the authorities. That we are told the border was breached "without warning" by thousands on "paragliders" and wheeled vehicles is rhetoric designed to fool those who have not seen for themselves or who are willing to buy into the media's propaganda. IF the border and the attack occurred as portrayed then someone in the IDF needs to be fired .... or executed. So, what is REALLY going on?
Netanyahu sold the people of Israel to Pfizer. Pfizer did NOT create the mRNA "vaccine" and neither did Moderna or Jansen, the US DOD created and funded it's production by subcontractors who then sold it to Pfizer and the others who in turn stamped it with their label and pretended it was a "pharmaceutical.. It has killed millions around the world and Israel is the MOST "vaccinated" country in the world. So what is going on there right now relative to the Severe Reactions killing and maiming Jews in Israel? Apparently the Ultra Orthodox refused the vaccine and so did the Arab populace. Netanyahu's coalition is with the Ultra Orthodox minority who have absolutely no use for goyim and for that matter even Reformed or Conservative Jews. Now as the truth is coming out, could it be that to distract the Israeli people from hearing the FACTS about what went on and the devastating toll, SUDDENLY there is this "attack" allowing the "Great Saviour" Netanyahu to ...once again "Save the Israelis" from the Arabs...
These developments sure were a WIN for the U.S.
Now they get to force-shove money through Congress for not only Israel, but it effectively shuts down the opposition to continued Ukraine funding in opposition to the majority of Americans.
Also, U.S. gets to deploy that big shiny new nuclear-armed aircraft carrier, the Gerald R. Ford into the region. Couldn't have done so otherwise without further baiting Russia that we are fully active in the region.
The geo-political lines in which this is playing out is veiled to everyone aside from the 9/11-ish propaganda that inflames hatred and further isolation of groups against each other, particularly in the theatre of U.S. kabuki politics.
Looks to me like it's right out of the U.S. playbook to sacrifice thousands of innocent lives in the interest of decades of unquestioned Security State. We did it with 9/11. Could it be that Israel would do the same?
With Saudi Arabia's treaty with Iran, and movement away from the U.S. with BRICS, it may have been getting just a little too friendly for Israel's comfort.
Perhaps! Total shock that Israelis of all people would get onboard the Pfizer train! Truly ignorant behavior.
In Israel 90% of the adults took the first 2 shots, 80% the 3rd, and 50% the 4th. For a group with pretensions of being "The Master Race" that isn't very masterful is it? LOL. Seems rather average human behaviour.
We are all the same folks. If you need more proof than the last 3 years they I can't help you. Roughly the same percentages for every race, religion & nationality. Some more, some less but by and large 10-15% withstood the pressure.
Israel govt forced the shots , in a way reminiscent of how Hitler did so. Concentration zones were established and color coordinated . Ghettos were established . What master race? Israelis bought into this garbage faster than any one on the planet because they are trained to obey the government of whom they think of as Saviors of all Jews.
And the Palestinian Authority and Hamas also coerced/forced their people to get the shots. Not as many Palestinians got them. Both governments seem determined to get their own people killed doesn't it?
At this point after learning all we have about how wicked & corrupt all our worldwide governments really are & how they are willing to murder & let die millions of their citizens because the WEF tyrants want massive depopulation.
Also our governments worldwide are forcing globalization on all of us citizens because the WEF, UN & WHO tyrants want world domination.
There is nothing too evil they won’t do for enough wealth & power, our so-called leaders do not care at all about us.
They live in gated communities with armed security 24/7 that we pay for & it is our communities that are being destroyed by the invasion of cartels, traffickers, terrorists, etc...
They defund & cripple our main protection the LEO’s & let the criminals run free?!
Gee, almost seems like they want to destroy America & all the once Free & Civilized countries & people of the world?
Too bad that we didn’t realize exactly how evil our governments & especially the WEF really are til after they have their evil puppets in the highest positions in most countries?
The author is essentially another yellow journalist. Why is he lying about Hamas killing and mutilating babies and children? That was shown today to be literal fake news. The woman spreading the story, claimed she heard it from the IDF. The IDF said they can't confirm 100%
Enough with the bs!
Like the Iraqis taking babies off of incubators. Total bs.
It’s stunning how easily people lap up the lies and propaganda- they made good use of social media for this psyop.
How was it shown to be fake news? It's been confirmed over and over. You people just don't want to accept that the Arabs are animals that need to be put down.
How Bolshevik/Nazi/Maoist of you. First you dehumanize your opposition. Then you rationalize and justify your behaviour and scream victim when you are attacked?
Unlike you I condemn these civilian deaths just like I condemned the IDF snipers killing civilians, media & medics on the Palestinian side of the fence. Just like I condemned the Jewish settlers killing Palestinian civilians.
You are so selective in your condemnation that it is laughable.
PS. Why are you and every other flag waving loser not asking questions about Israel's gun control laws? Sure would have turned out differently if those civilians had a 2cd amendment wouldn't it? But no, you won't do that. You are so easy to manipulate. "SQUIRREL"
Another zio bot spreading bs. The goyim know. And you can't shut it down!
Repeated carpet bombings of Gaza are FULL equivalent of gas chamber genocides.
Where are your tears for murdered?
Calling 2.5M Palestinians in Gaza human animals -- officially by Israel government -- is horrible racism at full display -- where are your protests?
Should Israelis and its supporters, like you, now be called animals also?
There are no carpet bombings, but you may have fallen off a magic carpet onto your head.
Totally ignorant comment.
Hamas attack – a set up ??!!
Seymour Hersh – Oct. 12, 2023 – Netanyahu is Finished -- The Bibi doctrine—his belief that he could control Hamas—compromised Israeli security and has now begat a bloody war
Hamas was promoted and financed for years by “our beloved” Bibi, who believed that Arafat’s secular PLO was a more serious enemy. Hamas was also rejecting a two-state solution just like Bibi and his extremists who together with US sabotaged a two-state solution for decades.
People who want to murder me and my family are animals. Some Jews are too afraid to say what I say lest they lose international support. I dont care. The Arabs are wild beasts who should be put down.
Hamas attack – a set up ??!!
Seymour Hersh – Oct. 12, 2023 – Netanyahu is Finished -- The Bibi doctrine—his belief that he could control Hamas—compromised Israeli security and has now begat a bloody war
Hamas was promoted and financed for years by “our beloved” Bibi, who believed that Arafat’s secular PLO was a more serious enemy. Hamas was also rejecting a two-state solution just like Bibi and his extremists who together with US sabotaged a two-state solution for decades
So, just so I understand people’s incredulousness: Hamas did kill and kidnap elderly and children, did upload videos of mutilated bodies of young women, did behead captured Israel soldiers and an innocent Thai migrant worker, but the idea of their beheading some unspecified number of Jewish babies is so unbelievable as to be automatically attributed to Israeli propaganda?
Did they? How do we know which media is true and which isn’t? It could all be or some could be or none be but the thing is the winners of this - the globalists- win with the narrative in all its gore being true , there are so many things that don’t add up also; so you have to question this, it’s fishy as fuck.
Islamic degeneracy is evident in gang rape games commonly practiced in Egypt and just about every islamic shit hole where men prey on women like parasites.,so%20she%20feels%20completely%20vulnerable.
Islamic degeneracy is evident with every child bride , female genital mutation, revenge killing , acid attacks -never seen in the west until hordes of these fucking savages were forced into the west by globalist design! Islamic misogyny and filth is evident with rape grooming gangs in Uk
And every single one of these rotted scum is protected by “law” in the so called “western” society more so than the victims- so they engage in even more disgusting acts.
So don’t fucking lecture anyone about Israel !
satanic Islamic savagery has existed since the warlord Muhammad forced conversion by the sword
We don’t need media
We dont need Israel as proof of Islamic savagery is across the globe
In EU in Africa in America in Indonesia in every country Islam is a plague of barbarism and intolerance
So what do you blame the usa being the biggest war criminal in known history on? Is it Christianity or atheism or satanism?
No country in the Middle East can be trusted.
People in high places are getting rich from this repeated conflict in the Mideast and elsewhere. The MO is the same every time, the same people suffer and the same people profit. When we fight among each other, they become richer and more powerful. Stop feeding the beast that enslaves your mind and bodies.
Jordan, I really enjoyed and appreciated your well researched and collected commentary on the Ukrainian conflict and other issues. Sad to see you have drunk the Israel Kool aid and are rabidly foaming at the mouth to destroy the Palestinians and support Israel the way people used to act about Ukraine and Russia just a short few months ago.
Maybe Jordan just knows the truth and you're a moron?
Or maybe I know the truth and Jordan and you are both morons. Who's to say? 😊
Yes, that's exactly what this is. It's strange how he can see that so clearly when it comes to some issues but he seems, like many to have a blind spot where Israel is concerned.
Jordan is speaking the unapologetic truth here. All you psychos who blame Israel can go to hell. Oh no you'll unsubscribe? Well Jordan just gained another paying subscriber for his unapologetic support of Israel. I live here now and let me tell you, nothing will stop us. Because of you, Gaza will be plowed like a field.
You are so easy to manipulate. If you are selective in your condemnation of civilian deaths then you suck. Israel kills Palestinians at a 20:1 ratio. That is why I respect Lee Camp & Max Blumenthal. They condemn it all.
Where was your condemnation of the IDF snipers shooting civilians, medics & press who were on the Palestinian side of the fence? Where was your condemnation when the Jewish settlers murdered civilians? Kind of selective in your outrage aren't you?
Israel has been killing Palestinians at a 20:1 ratio for decades. Will 20,000 more dead Palestinians make you safer? Will it make you feel good?
Israel has confined Palestinians to an open air prison and controls all water, energy, food & medicines. Similar to the Warsaw ghetto isn't it? Israel is seizing living room to the east. Where have I heard this stuff before?
The shoe is on the other foot and Jews are as human as everyone else. They enjoy the kicking and won't look in the mirror honestly and see what they have become.
Right, some of the inmates of the world's largest and longest-perpetrated concentration camp, called Gaza, finally storm through the walls and kill some of their captors, and they're the "terrorists" butchering babies.
Thankfully more people are seeing through the centuries-old lies and not buying the Zionist propaganda, Jordan. Finally, you've shown yourself.
And, this 'attack' reeks of a Mossad operation, including the mentioned atrocities against civilians that Mossad-run ISIS has used to great psy-op effect. This new excuse to raze Gaza and escalate attacks on Iran, Syria, and Lebanon is what Zionists have been intending for a long time.
More bullshit 🖕🏻
As USA Saudis Bomb Yemen into oblivion for 7 + years
400k dead civilians and crickets from your mass shit media
But the Jews...,🤪
as usual with myopic bigots
Norman Finkelstein's book, GAZA: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom
is now #1 on Amazon bestseller books -
LOL Dr. Finkelstein describes himself as “an old fashioned Communist”. He is also widely discredited by almost anybody with an IQ over 80 who has ever suffered through any of his nonsensical screeds. Thanks for sharing.
You are welcome.
And - many believe that socialism is future for humanity.
Socialism is a grim future for humanity. Many people believe in the tooth fairy too, but they grow out of it.
If you are not a socialist when you are young you have no heart.
If you are not a libertarian when you are old you have no brain.
Hamas attack – a set up ??!!
Could be. It fits the fact that Egypt warned Israel repeatedly to "indifference" from the Israelis. I highly recommend everyone watch that interview. Efrat provides a view that is important to be aware of.
It seems all too convenient for Netanyahu who I would NEVER trust as he sold out his own people into Pfizer's medical experiment like the Mengele he truly is.
Funny thing is the Palestinian Authority did the same "mandated coercion" on their people just not as high a percentage as Israel went along with it. Evil sots everywhere LOL.
There are a lot of blood thirsty Nazis following you. Unfortunate.
Unfortunate yes but exposing them is a must !