Oct 11, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

FINALLY! The bizarre silence regarding the epicenter of Islamist terror ing funding, Shia and Sunni satellites all flow through our “ friend”, Qatar!

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The victimization of Israel makes me want to vomit. The IDF snipers routinely sport kill Palestinian children. Israel had already murdered more Palestinians by August of this year than in all of 2022. Finally Hamas fights back, with the help of Israel intelligence and now everyone is crying for Israel. How dare the mongrels kill a Jew! How many tens of thousands of brown people have the Jews killed in the last few decades. As if their lives are worthless. Of course the Jews believe this, the Talmud tells them so.

Fuck Israel.

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Two intelligence failures within the span of one week!

Good work, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Shin Bet, MI6! What can the world do without you?!?

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They global elites tried everything to get the US into WW1. The sinking of the Lusitania didn’t do it. But a shit ton of anti German propaganda finally did, like the baby’s on bayonets campaign. There were others just as horrible. The volume and the content were enough to stir the masses to war. In the present day, television brings these images with greater frequency and impact. People are moved by propaganda and they know it.

There’s a lot of propaganda going on right now.


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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

People need to step back and take a good critical look at this. Israel is arguably the most tightly controlled security state in existence on the Planet. China may even be more "open" compared to the security apparatus in Israel. 24/7 surveillance by Mossad and IDF has turned Gaza into a literal prison colony where nothing can happen without the knowledge of the authorities. That we are told the border was breached "without warning" by thousands on "paragliders" and wheeled vehicles is rhetoric designed to fool those who have not seen for themselves or who are willing to buy into the media's propaganda. IF the border and the attack occurred as portrayed then someone in the IDF needs to be fired .... or executed. So, what is REALLY going on?

Netanyahu sold the people of Israel to Pfizer. Pfizer did NOT create the mRNA "vaccine" and neither did Moderna or Jansen, the US DOD created and funded it's production by subcontractors who then sold it to Pfizer and the others who in turn stamped it with their label and pretended it was a "pharmaceutical.. It has killed millions around the world and Israel is the MOST "vaccinated" country in the world. So what is going on there right now relative to the Severe Reactions killing and maiming Jews in Israel? Apparently the Ultra Orthodox refused the vaccine and so did the Arab populace. Netanyahu's coalition is with the Ultra Orthodox minority who have absolutely no use for goyim and for that matter even Reformed or Conservative Jews. Now as the truth is coming out, could it be that to distract the Israeli people from hearing the FACTS about what went on and the devastating toll, SUDDENLY there is this "attack" allowing the "Great Saviour" Netanyahu to ...once again "Save the Israelis" from the Arabs...

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At this point after learning all we have about how wicked & corrupt all our worldwide governments really are & how they are willing to murder & let die millions of their citizens because the WEF tyrants want massive depopulation.

Also our governments worldwide are forcing globalization on all of us citizens because the WEF, UN & WHO tyrants want world domination.

There is nothing too evil they won’t do for enough wealth & power, our so-called leaders do not care at all about us.

They live in gated communities with armed security 24/7 that we pay for & it is our communities that are being destroyed by the invasion of cartels, traffickers, terrorists, etc...

They defund & cripple our main protection the LEO’s & let the criminals run free?!

Gee, almost seems like they want to destroy America & all the once Free & Civilized countries & people of the world?

Too bad that we didn’t realize exactly how evil our governments & especially the WEF really are til after they have their evil puppets in the highest positions in most countries?

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The author is essentially another yellow journalist. Why is he lying about Hamas killing and mutilating babies and children? That was shown today to be literal fake news. The woman spreading the story, claimed she heard it from the IDF. The IDF said they can't confirm 100%

Enough with the bs!

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Repeated carpet bombings of Gaza are FULL equivalent of gas chamber genocides.

Where are your tears for murdered?

Calling 2.5M Palestinians in Gaza human animals -- officially by Israel government -- is horrible racism at full display -- where are your protests?

Should Israelis and its supporters, like you, now be called animals also?

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So, just so I understand people’s incredulousness: Hamas did kill and kidnap elderly and children, did upload videos of mutilated bodies of young women, did behead captured Israel soldiers and an innocent Thai migrant worker, but the idea of their beheading some unspecified number of Jewish babies is so unbelievable as to be automatically attributed to Israeli propaganda?

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No country in the Middle East can be trusted.

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People in high places are getting rich from this repeated conflict in the Mideast and elsewhere. The MO is the same every time, the same people suffer and the same people profit. When we fight among each other, they become richer and more powerful. Stop feeding the beast that enslaves your mind and bodies.

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Jordan, I really enjoyed and appreciated your well researched and collected commentary on the Ukrainian conflict and other issues. Sad to see you have drunk the Israel Kool aid and are rabidly foaming at the mouth to destroy the Palestinians and support Israel the way people used to act about Ukraine and Russia just a short few months ago.

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Jordan is speaking the unapologetic truth here. All you psychos who blame Israel can go to hell. Oh no you'll unsubscribe? Well Jordan just gained another paying subscriber for his unapologetic support of Israel. I live here now and let me tell you, nothing will stop us. Because of you, Gaza will be plowed like a field.

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Right, some of the inmates of the world's largest and longest-perpetrated concentration camp, called Gaza, finally storm through the walls and kill some of their captors, and they're the "terrorists" butchering babies.

Thankfully more people are seeing through the centuries-old lies and not buying the Zionist propaganda, Jordan. Finally, you've shown yourself.

And, this 'attack' reeks of a Mossad operation, including the mentioned atrocities against civilians that Mossad-run ISIS has used to great psy-op effect. This new excuse to raze Gaza and escalate attacks on Iran, Syria, and Lebanon is what Zionists have been intending for a long time.

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Norman Finkelstein's book, GAZA: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom

is now #1 on Amazon bestseller books - https://substack.com/inbox/post/137848838


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There are a lot of blood thirsty Nazis following you. Unfortunate.

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