“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, 'See, if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk.” -- Harry Browne

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They're the mafia. Only 'legal' and 'elected'.

It's one gigantic protection racket.

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“Legal and elected”

Like, “safe and effective”?

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At least the mafia has a stake in their clients’ prosperity and survival. Whereas the mandate of elected politicians everywhere is to loot the population as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

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Yeh. They act more like pirates and bandits.

We'd better be careful because according to Five Eyes, we're engaging in 'extreme Covid' talk and need to be turned in.

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22 billion. What the hell am I doing being a writer on Substack? I should be poisoning people with toxic pharmaceuticals for a living.

Oh, wait, I remember. I can sleep at night.

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for that kind of money i could get used to sleeping during the day, couldn't you?

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I value my soul more than any $100,000,000.

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They sleep fine.

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That's nothing, they're just warming up. Wait until the mRNA causes a bunch of leukemia. That medicine costs $300,000 a pop.

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Bill Gates learned early on in his Microsoft days that government is the ultimate customer because they have the power to mandate your product. Pfizer obviously learned the lesson as well.

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Bill knew that before Microsoft existed. He is from an elite family that's been very close with the Rockefellers for many generations, and Microsoft was created by IBM in partnership with the DOD and CIA, with Bill as the figurehead with a media-created fake persona as a brilliant 'computer geek'. Bill's father was an elite banker regularly seen hanging with David Rockefeller, and his mother was on the Board of IBM. What he learned is that he's royalty, and destined to rule over humanity.

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with a thick sauce of eugenics poured over it. here Ethan Nash examines links between COVID-19 ‘solutions’ and social eugenics movements, including Bill Gates Snr and Planned Parenthood, the Gates Foundation and philanthropy deceptions, vested vaccine interests and engineering a pandemic - https://prepareforchange.net/2020/06/30/the-gates-family-eugenics-and-covid-19/

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If you knowingly own Pfizer, Moderna or J&J stock and you haven’t sold it yet, you really need to take a hard look at yourself.

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they are not capable of introspection.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

Tonight at the top of ABC Nightly News they had a segment on how the hospitals are filling with kids with RSV. They said Pfizer is working on a vaccine for that (RSV). Nice when it all comes together.

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Talk of vaxing newborns with the RSV shots.

Last time any vax for RSV was tried on littles .... all died. They set any research aside & basically concluded there was no save way to make any such vax.

Conveniently NOW it’s being resurrected??? Unconscionable!

Guess Pharma has noticed the strong stomach many have for vax collateral damage.

The reasons for the uptick in RSV, Flu, respiratory illness in children right now is the idiotic masking & isolation of children. They breathed body wastes (including carbon dioxide), their immunity tanked, & exactly what patriot docs said would result has done just that.

How to kill an immune system 101.

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"You don't chase a market, you create it." - a line from Hulu's Dopesick

Wash, rinse, repeat.


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A government that is allowed to break the law during an emergency will create an emergency in order to break the law.

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Huh. Vaguely familiar to Biden saying that he was going to “cure cancer”. Cancer rates are skyrocketing. But I’m sure Pfizer has a pill for that too…

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LOL you caught that, too?


We need lots more money for mental health. The pandemic drove everybody crazy. Not the response, THE PANDEMIC. Got it? Social media is super bad for our kids, and we’re helpless as parents to do anything about it! Government is the only way!

Third, we need to support our veterans! Like, damn, how have we not been doing this already, right? They come home from war and they aren’t the same. Who would subject these young Americans to the horrors of war? Only a disgusting warmongering politician. Like Putin. We need to pay for the cancer bills of the soldiers we sent to fight for us.

Finally we’re gonna beat cancer. It’s a pretty big deal, but we did it! Or, we will do it. But how about a round of applause anyway? We’re gonna need to fund cancer research because there’s gonna be a lot of cancer going around the next decade or so. Uh…..maybe.



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A couple weeks ago I was at the funeral for my cousin's husband, who had no significant health issues and just dropped dead suddenly, no cause of death identified. He was among the jabbed.

So I'm talking with another cousin at the viewing, and he's telling me how much he loves Pfizer because they just came out with a new drug that helps the excruciating nerve pain he has in his hands and arms (that started after he got jabbed). He was in pain 24/7 until the recent drug, so he feels like they gave him a gift. The nerve pain came a couple months after he was diagnosed with severe myocarditis, discovered because he suddenly couldn't run anywhere close to the pace he was accustomed to and went in for a checkup. He's run a marathon in all 50 states, and can run no more since the 'vaccination'. He's on drugs for the new heart problems too. Of course I can't talk with him about the likelihood that Pfizer poisoned him and is causing his rapidly-deteriorating health. Their mom, my aunt, was a RN, and his wife a pharmacist, and their daughters both doctors, so they all have a pledge of allegiance to Rockefeller medicine, and can't even imagine any harm could come from that.

The depth of brainwashing is difficult to comprehend. Pfizer, and the rest of big pharma, and their partners in government and Wall St. know that most people will never even consider it possible that they've been betrayed, and so they will wait out the little storm as a small percentage of people try to sound the alarm. They know most people will see them as benevolent for 'saving' them from dozens of new diseases that cruel mother nature suddenly threw at humanity recently.

My gosh, isn't nature cruel? Please make me a cyborg so I don't have to deal with it anymore...

Humanity is in real trouble if people don't start waking up in huge numbers soon.

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HOLY $#*@) that is terrifying!

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It is absolutely unbelievable that anybody is still pushing these mRNA shots onto people.

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Got gender dysphoria? They have the “cure” for that too! 🥴

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Hormone blockers AND supplements. And a bunch of treatments for the side effects of tinkering with your natural hormones. And antidepressants afterwards when you still feel miserable.

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It’s truly disgusting & disheartening that government funded medical companies have no oversight or accountability!?!

I will never trust any vaccine or meds advertised by Pfizer or Moderna or any of them.

Everyone involved in or with our governments that are involved with creating & releasing the bioweapon Covid Virus & creating & pushing the bioweapon Covid shots should all be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity???

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it's already unbelievable that medicines are advertised to begin with, the television telling you what drug to use instead of your doctor. how did that become possible, now who's sick in the head for making that happen (and a feasable business model)? although this has been around for quite a while - https://pointshistory.com/2022/09/22/when-the-medicine-man-comes-knocking1/

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Unfortunately many/most doctors will recommend whatever medications that they get kickbacks from the manufacturer.

My doctor told me in private that if I wanted to try a different brand of medication if I asked her then she can prescribe it.

But if you don’t ask for a specific brand then they always prescribe whichever manufacturer that gives them kickbacks.

Also when I asked about getting Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquine & what they would do if someone was hospitalized with Covid, she told me that they had to follow their state law & CDC “recommendations”, so she could not prescribe Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquine & if hospitalized with Covid they would put you on ventilator & give Remdesivir!

Which we know is basically a death sentence!

That’s when I bought my own Ivermectin to have just in case.

It’s a shame that people are charging so much for Ivermectin now when people need it the most.

Before Covid you could get Ivermectin cheap.

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very true. in the fall of 2021 we began making our own hydroxychloroquine (which is easy, purely natural and cheap) and enjoyed drinking it daily as a potent prophylaxis - https://covid-unmasked.net/home-recipe-for-hydroxychloroquine-hcq-quinine/

we also gave some of it away to friends and relatives, even the ones who'd already gotten their first vaxx ;-))

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Where can one buy Ivermectin in the US? When I checked online the only source I could find was shipped from Thailand.

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Interesting business model...

FDA Approves COVID Vaccine for Walking Dead:


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IMHO, the virus itself was created in Wuhan by Fauci and Daszak specifically to create a disease which Pfizer could instantly come up with a "vaccine" for:


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We Literally have the receipts for research into gain of function into bat-origin coronaviruses in Wuhan, China. The gun is not only smoking, it's got "I MADE COVID" etched into its side.

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"I did it, not the bats!"

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Phizer is a money making death scheme

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It's madness that anyone would follow anything Biden has to say.

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or the television.

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