Peace was never an option.

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Finally, a sensible call for diplomacy with pragmatic solutions.

The only question is who would monitor the UN’s monitoring to ensure they don’t pull any globalist shenanigans? ;-)

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The Taliban, as they are more trustworthy.

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And, ehrm, that's a BIG question.

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

All this is sensible, but the United States Empire does not seek peace. It seeks subjugation.

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Don't forget grift/money laundering!

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10% for the big guy

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No it seams a ‘one world order’. This means one world government, we’re the oligarchs in the west control the world under the WEF 1% club. Russia and the Bricks nations will not stand for that. China was in it but they are realising they will not be at the top table of this cabal. It is now the west against the east. The west are the aggressor wanting to control Russia and China. They will not have anything to do with loosing power

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The US backed and created the backdrop for this aggression to occur in order to subvert attention from it's democrat leftist power play of destroying America. The idiots in the DC Swamp are getting desperate and want a war with Russia to further push their putrid agenda all based on hating this thing or that.

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Those were pretty much the original offer from Russia. Now it's way too late.

Ukraine can keep fighting kill another 10,000 to 20,000 Russians while losing another 100,000 to 200,000 Ukrainians but the end result will not change.

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Biden and the other warmongers in DC do not want peace.

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These plans made sense at the time of the Minsk Agreements and perhaps to a degree in March of 2022 when Zelenskyy was negotiating in Istanbul with Moscow's representatives. But the collective West ignored the mentioned agreements and scuttled the March negotiations on purpose. It's far too late now for what Musk proposes. Today, Russia will (and should) take the entire southeast of the fake Ukraine state, including Odessa, and demand guarantees of a demilitarized and de-Nazified Kiev-run state. That is the best Zelenskyy and his NATO puppet-masters can hope for. It's more than they really deserve, but Russia is not a vengeful state.

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UN, neutral? Really?

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Sergey Lavrov the Russian Foreign Minister again and again brought concerns and requests for reviews and inspectinos to the UN that were dismissed out of hand. The first set of complaints and exhibits dealt with biological weapons research labs and occult experimentation on animals and humans funded by and carried out by US funding. Efforts to negotiate were rebuffed by UN and most NATO partners except Turkey.

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Usually you are more appreciative of detail and history bu7t you are completely wrong.

Musk may be trolling the Ukrainians here. What he is suggesting is basically the MINSK 2014 agreement that Ukraine signed onto and Germany and France agreed to enforce. Instead the Ukrainians used the time to train and arm to attack the Eastern Russian speaking part of the Ukraine.

The Ukrainians are getting slowly ground down. The don't have the equipment or clothing to fight the Russians in the Winter. The Russians are gearing up for that and having rotated out and resting their troops in August and September are going to be good to go when the frost hardens the ground.

The MIC here in DC thinks they will make a mint rearming Europe and NATO. It will be too late. This pseudo-NATO army is going down hard.

My guess is 2nd week of November is when Putin drops the hammer.

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Thank you.

There is also good intel that there are already new secret peace agreements being negotiated and that these may appear at the end of October just before the elections. Let's see if that actually happens.

The U.S. got its consolation prize and last words by blowing up the Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines.

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The primary stakeholders are running the show I'm afraid and they've made it clear that the way forward is death, arms sales and bloody bloody war.

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Maybe this is the time that the world wakes up to the actions of these stakeholders and drags them screaming to the gallows.

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All institutions are completely captured. I don't know who is going to do the dragging. The people are asleep too. But I like your thinking.

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This is essentially the terms contained in the Minsk Agreement. Both Russia and the Ukraine signed off on it. The Ukraine violated the terms with the continued shelling in Donbas. The DC-Davos Globohomo media will NEVER report this.

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I love how Putinites love to imply that Ukes are “globohomo” when the orc military has been based on gay pimping as an economic foundation for 25 years. That, and, obviously, orcs fight like little girls, which is obviously why they lose everywhere, Palmyra, Kiev, Mikolaiv, Kharkiv… they sure can’t fight for being so masculine in their Dutch Boy VDV matching outfits.

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Life is not the world of Warcraft. I just reviewed the Minsk agreement. It seems very much like what Musk describes.

Could you offer a coherent critique that doesn’t sound like it came from a lunatic?

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I’d rather let the HIMARS my taxes bought speak for me in Nova Khakova 🐻 🌊 🏄‍♂️

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Musk is not for the little people. Only the big people. His plan will allow the Globalists to rig whatever they want.

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Wow! How fortunate can we be to find the Musketeer as a purveyor of International Peace? I may be misinformed but it seems Musk is involved with the US Government in SpaceX. Strangers in a strange land.

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Is the UN truly an independent body? I used to believe it was. I don't believe that any more.

Also, this war is serving powerful interests who aren't interested in it ending.

On paper, it's super sensible and realistic.

In reality, it assumes that that 1) the UN is neutral & 2) The Masters want the war to end.

Those assumptions are too weak to legitimize the plan.

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Musk is correct that this is more or less how its likely to end anyhow, its just a matter of how much suffering happens between now and then.

However, with Russia sending in 300k new troops theres a pretty damn good chance that Ukraine also loses Odessa and the associated coastline and becomes a landlocked rump state. Being as Russia is pacifying them in the Roman sense I dont really see this ending with Ukraine being allowed to have a navy.

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These ideas are essentially repeats of the Minsk agreements that NATO did not honor.

It also repeats essential requests of Russia when the conflict intensified in February 2022, which are far fewer than what has resulted. Remember that this war has been waging under the world radar since 2014.

Turkey helped to broker and draft a peace agreement in April this year that the Biden administration and Boris Johnson overturned.

The people in the 4 regions have already voted and independent journalists were there (e.g. Patrick Lancaster and Eva K. Bartlett) who documented the process. The voters have spoken. If anyone has been watching the details of the battle on a daily basis they would know that these demoralized people do not need Musk to broker a new and different deal and do not need to revisit what was already a difficult and emotional process. The ceremonies have taken place, the people are celebrating, and the legal processes within Russia are completed. It is done.

Musk can get on with fixing Twitter which will be a whole other battle on its own of epic scale.

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Alex Christoferou, one half of the geopolitics duo The Duran, summarizes this well what the Minsk agreements were and how Musk doesn't seem to know this or at this late date wants a mulligan and to go back and accept Putin's initial terms, and reaffirm Minsk 1 and 2. First half of video: Alex is the son of a diplomat and lives in Greece.


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