Feb 22, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Well said Jordan. The main result of these mRNA jabs is that we have lost any faith we had in the healthcare system, and especially the "public health" bureaucrats. God help us if some government releases a truly dangerous virus. We have proven that our pandemic defense structure is powerless and that the government is, as always, King in the Land of Unintended Consequences.

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Government waste turned into Big Pharma's treasure and profit. Citizens are just disposable guinea pigs.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The phrasing I always see is “highly effective” or, more annoyingly, “remarkably effective” vaccines. I am willing to be believe it’s true and frankly hoping that it is true- but I would love to see the evidence, particularly after Omicron. Given the amount of data collected by governments, especially places like Israel, it should be relatively easy to show.

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Once you redefine effective to mean effective at population reduction, they are both highly and remarkably effective.

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RemovedFeb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022
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There are definitely some very weird things going on with the data. My point is just that the phrasing seems constant and deliberate without providing evidence in the face of growing skepticism- and, as you correctly point out, the side effects, which add another element to the cost-benefit.

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apart from the breach of trust (we might or won't be able to trust any health professional in the near future) and the perfectly proven global inaptitude of responding to a 'real' pandemic, there's also the question about how happy the insurance companies are now. no more HIPAA, big profits, very scary.

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They're manipulating the denominator in a lot of places like New York.

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I hear the talk about 'omicron,' but what about the testing? I don't doubt there is a variant. I have no reason to believe it is an important or significant variation. I hear things asserted. Where are the clinical trials, the experiments, the papers? Most of all where are the tests?

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They are still using the same inaccurate PCR test. They have no way of mass testing for variants.

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Once the new vaccines are made, we get to do this all again... Yay.

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But the government will already have seized all my assets, so not sure what they can do again

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The vaccines are old news - the game has now pivoted to control through financial means. Vaccine passports, etc. was merely to set up the infrastructure. Look at what Canada is doing to the truckers, this is the new battleground.

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Yes, and how do they measure "efficacy"? Unambiguously in the clinical data, and from what I've seen about the latest Israeli data, "efficacy" is based "symptomatic" expression of COVID in relative terms. So, if you have 10000 jabbed and 10000 unjabbed and 10 unjabbed feel sick at some point and 7 jabbed feel sick, that's your 30% efficacy.

But, these metrics ignore two crucial things. First, from a mandate perspective, what the viral loads are like in each population *regardless* of symptomatic expression. The original clinical studies made explicit the fact they didn't make any claims about that -- the only thing they tracked were how many people had symptoms. That means if jabbed people are still getting infected with high viral loads, but don't feel sick, that's treated as success, when in fact that's exactly what you *wouldn't* want.

The second thing they ignore is absolute efficacy. In my made up example above, you only prevent 3 in 10,000 from feeling sick. It's relative efficacy of 30%, but absolute efficacy of only 0.03%!

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In the end it was all about profits, control, and culling the herd of the most vulnerable. If the vax didn't get you then the approved treatment would. As a bonus it opened the door for massive voter fraud and the deep state got rid of Trump. A win all around for the globalist agenda, drug companies, hospitals, and Trump hating politicians. It was never about a health emergency.

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I would also add that if Trump were still President, the Russian invasion of Ukraine never would have happened.

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After what has been revealed with our inept and captured agencies, I will never even take a tetanus shot again. They can shove their new vaccines.

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and why does any non-superannuated individual want a vaccine or therapeutic for Omicron? It really is a cold for most people, and a significant number have already had it and their body has made them far more immune than anything manmade. All attention should have been on readily available medicines to keep it from spreading to lungs, especially in old people. This would also be helpful for other respiratory infections (especially in old people).

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agree, but hey, 'they' don't want us healthy and all our health care professionals are complicit.

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Omnicrom is the vaccine. It’s pretty damn close to 100% safe and effective.

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Reinfection rate kinda going through the roof though

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For the unjabbed?

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the jabs don't prevent anything and natural immunity ('the unjabbed') is far superior, according to Israeli studies and a CDC report published last January, which showed natural immunity was at least three times as effective as vaccination alone at preventing people from becoming infected


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But how did they acquire the “natural immunity was at least three times as effective as vaccination alone at preventing people from becoming infected”?

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BS for all Big Pharma grifting propaganda. The really bad part is our government and MSM have joined in to mandate and call for shots in schools and most industries. Wait until the kids start to show longer term effects and average people wake up really, really pissed. RESIST.

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That they are normalizing heart disease in kids, in adults is so beyond reprehensible...I know folks will be livid but for me it was a 3-4 month process of finding out the damages the jab causes...to think that one can simply replace the human immune system with this poison, even to prop it...is so ridiculous. I am not sure how fast the ostriches will come around...

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too late anyway, so many children already compromised or worse, seriously damaged....

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Seriously, at this point if these mRNA and DNA transfections masquerading as 'vaccines' qualify as "safe and effective" then, by that same standard, getting covid is "safe and astoundingly effective".

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Did you see project veritas expose FDA executive Christopher Cole with mission statement of these NGO disguised as regulatory protectors of health. Mission to provide a forever cash flow to the Pharmafia that co funds our work!

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Lot's of answers in their own documents:

Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing


The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan"


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The next crisis to distract us from Covid, Vax fraud and the Durham report.

NEW INTEL: US power grid to be taken down with cyber attack false flag kill switch


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and the midterms.

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Been waitin for the screen to go blank, suprised they have allowed it, but taking the whole grid down, now that is deadly for all. It's clear they want to destroy as much as they can of current civilization, and so they now deserve the wrath of us all, forever.

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