Americans should be concerned about trespassers on January 6th being treated as political prisoners by OUR government & languishing in a DC jail for 3+ years. Similiar to our southern border crisis the government decides where our attention should be directed & it’s always at the atrocities abroad & never at what they’re doing at home.

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Its interesting how Americans couldn’t care less about other journalists and public figures; like Gonzalo Lira, Julian Assange, etc

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I was thinking about Gonzalito.

something of "outrage" missing there.

Thanks for getting the point in first.

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Indeed. We’re directed to care about a political dissident western forces used to foment problems in Russia, but absolute radio silence over the arrest and subsequent death in detention of an American journalist?

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16

What about the ‘Couts* Four’ in *Canada*? If you want political prisoners persecuted by an authoritarian regime to worry about. David McBride or Bernard Colaery in Australia?

* corrected

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We care, but the lying media makes it look like we don’t.

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Oh I know mate. I should have clarified, the Administration.

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Sadly, at this point my mind immediately goes to "Did we have him killed?" and "Do we benefit from this action, or does Putin?"

In this case, I don't like either answer.

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Navalny was like a guy with an unfortunate taste for being the receptive partner in a sado-masochistic relationship and whose getting kicked in the face until it implodes was always going to be a brief but effective encounter.

Nah, we didn't have him killed. There's always going to be guys in Siberia wanting to earn an extra potato in their gruel.

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Have you seen the video of him talking to the MI6 guy? Sounds like he was planning to do an insurrection!

Edit: If Putin wanted him dead, now is a terrible time to do it -- just like it was a terrible time for him to blow up Nordstream.

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Very hard to control for malnourishment, other inmates doing dirty deeds, and such things.

Or he had him offed, as some kind of counterpoint to letting Tucker Carlsson interviewing him.

Or he died long ago, but it wasn't made official until now.

Or he's alive and this some kind of deal or scheme.

It's Russia. Truth is what the boss tells you.

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Ask Boris "No Treaty" Johnson, Matt "Care Home" Hancock, Liz "Geography" Truss, or Neil "Algorithm" Ferguson. And the rest.

Truth is what your government makes up.

Thanks for the link.

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Oh, you know--it's always good when we insurrect against any o' them!

Putin I think is less cunning than he's given a lot of credit for. It's just everyone attempting to oppose him is so much of a gormless idiot that it's like serving as his elevator shoes.

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Something about the land of the blind and the one-eyed man.....

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Curious that Navalny dies (accompanied by a chorus from our Free World media of prewritten obituaria) on the day that Avdeyevka falls to the Russians.

Burying Bad News...

as you mentioned, any inmate could have added a drop of "Novichok" (not from Porton Down, of course). Russia is a society far more open than we would love to imagine.

Navalny was a "Western Intelligence" asset until he got Life in Siberia, after which his days were numbered as a "Dead In Service" asset. Never let an opportunity go to waste?

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Good question. Navalny was not a threat to Putin politically if his polling numbers in Russia provided here are accurate. The axiom “never let a crisis go to waste” applies here. While the President and the press pretend to mourn his death on a human level, they couldn’t be more enthused about using it to further demonize Putin and by extension Trump. In a more bizarre twist, Biden also used it to scream at Congress for not approving more billions to prolong the extermination of Ukraine citizens. If only he cared about their lives as much as he did Navalny’s.

This administration and it’s hordes of press lackeys ask with a heavy dose of moral indignation and no awareness of irony, “can you imagine living in a country (Russia) where political opponents are imprisoned on trumped up charges?”

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DMang gives the most likely explanation of why Navalny died. Look at Biden's response. He could have just mourned the death of a journalist and talk about how brutal Russia/Putin are, but, instead, he uses this event to call for more funding for Ukraine, when support is waning, and more information is being let out about the Deep State role in fomenting this whole fiasco and tragedy for the Ukrainians and Russians who have died, like Navalny, as pawns of globalist schemes

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Epstein didn't kill himself.

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The latest from Russia sourced from Ukrainian , yes Ukrainian, intelligence was that Navanly died from a blood clot. They didn't enlighten me as to their sources and method so I am unable to determine the truth but it does seem an admission against interest which are often regarded as true.

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US is under military rule - see today’s Tucker — #74

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A typo — #75

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Biden regime was pretty much silent about US citizen Gonzalo Lira dying in an Ukrainian prison.

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Navalny had completely been forgotten and erased from memory over the last 1.5 years or so. Agree with Jordan about cheerleading Putin or Russia in general, but this makes zero sense to have him killed and have him catapult to the top of the news cycle. And Putin may be many things, but he is not this dumb.

Qui Bono? indeed....

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martyr: Navalny? sad that he passed away but elevating him to a Martyr is the lefts way to paint Putin as a bad guy, and making the nation to take our eye's off the issues of the land. Now I'm not praising Putin but after Truckers interview. the left went nuts. Doing all they can to divert all attention from Biden and his destruction of the nation. The US government is no saint. We have killed many but then claim it was all over nations security. We can morn Navalny passing but I will not elevate him. The media and Government tells the public who to hate. I'm not balling for the media's BS Sorry

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So not praising, but Putin is a good guy. The left paints him as a bad guy. Got it.

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Meanwhile, over 80 journalists were killed last year. Killed for being journalists, that is, which includes both political motives and being in a danger zone, such as Gaza.

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Thank you.

Two things--or many, of course--may be simultaneously true. A guy who orders polonium tea to be served to his real or perceived enemies is not an admirable leader. And an idiot with a martyr complex who didn't have the wit to stay abroad, where he was lionized, and chose instead to return heroically to a place where he had zero ability to effect anything at all beyond outraged headlines in the West is just, in the scheme of things, an idiot.

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Whoa...the US has no moral authority to criticize Putin.

Bush...how many innocent people were killed on his watch?

Obama...the drone strike king...including killing an American citizen with a drone strike.

Hillary..."we came...we saw...he died"

Biden...responsible for a drone strike on an innocent Afghan family right after the botched Afghan surrender.

How about covid created and funded by DoD and the US government? How many people did that bioweapon injure and kill?

"we are the baddies"

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You’re right. I find the lack of self-awareness in our government so incredulous. There are still people in jail from January 6 without any due process, and a few have already died in custody; no outrage.

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No, dear. There are many baddies.

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One more time.

The US has no moral authority to criticize.

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One more time. There are many baddies, and I, an American, can say so.

Hey, kid--what did *you* do in the military?

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Take your mora relativism somewhere there are less intelligent participants.

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Not too sure about the polonium tea.

Nor the Novichocked Skripals.

Us Britz do "dirty" so well that we know how to accuse others.

Just saying.

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Blood Clot after exercise.

Did Navalny take advantage of a covid vax offer while under treatment in Germany?

My only criticism of this is that the timing of his actual death managed to bury the Avdeyevka news. A random death date (vax clot) could not be timed for real value.

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Could be if one looked at a timeline of those coincidences year by year? Could you do a line by line chronologically? Could be helpful too with reference notes to events.

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My point was negatively self-referential. To clarify: I don't think that Navalny lost his life due to any plan longer than the duration to date of the Russian Special Military Operation.

Avdeyeva falling had to happen and with its loss the Zelensky party loses its terror threat over the citizens of Donetsk (20 years of artillery bombardment). Apart from that, it is the hole in the dyke through which the RF forces can start to pour. Worst news ever for UK/US/EU proxy war hawks. So yes, it was planned for, and dumbo Navalny was a likely candidate (obituaries already in place).

I was only trolling myself.

I really wonder why we have governments, who only attract the worst type of humans for their employment openings.

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Well, we learn from childhood how to throw tea parties, don't we?

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"...it’s worth asking why exactly my fellow Americans are supposed to dedicate our energies to the tragic death or murder of a non-American man over 5,000 miles away from America’s eastern shores."

That is exactly my sentiment. And yet again, the American public is being manipulated. Not only shades of Khashoggi, but even more recently, Ukraine. It's never ending.

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Yes - Biden using Navalny’s death to push Congress into finally passing the latest Ukraine extortion bill. They need our billions to REALLY punish Putin now. Somehow the timing & circumstances of Navalny’s demise doesn’t add up.

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Man, I remember back when he became a household name in the West. Sounded plausible......Putin bad.

But now, given everything else we've learned about the depravity of the West, I gotta question the establishment storyline. Appreciate the clarity, Mr. Schachtel.

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USA has traditionally been an advocate for freedom and individual’s human rights. For several years, those themes have been pissed away! Endless wars, bankrupting costs, military industrial complex, and no scope or scale in international conflicts have confounded leaders, lobbyists, & low-information voters! USA has lost its way!

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Tucker Carlson / Mike Benz: Uncensored: The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy


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Everyone should watch this!

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I had to watch it 2x it was so mind boggling. Unfortunately, most Americans will never see this interview.

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NASCAR and Golf are on.

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We need to look to our own,

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Nonsensical argument. Two things can be true at once. His death is a tragedy, and a blow against human rights, no matter how unpopular he may or may not have been in a country full of people conditioned to accept authoritarianism. Do you really believe polls reflect the true feelings of people in Russia, when they know the wrong thing said to the wrong person could lead to the same fate for them? Come on, man. Republicans were using the same argument in 2020 about people being fearful answering questions from pollsters that would show them to be pro-Trump

To say his death is important and noteworthy in highlighting the absolute savagery of Putin does not preclude you from pointing out the hypocrisy of those on the left gnashing their teeth over it while at the same time pumping their fists over the Trump persecutions.

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