In a sane world, RFK Jr would make a quality candidate for a political party. Today, however, we live in Clown World, in which RFK Jr might very well be the last Kennedy Democrat alive.
Support him on many issues especially the C19 vaccines, but his stance on climate change makes him a 'pass' for me. Glad he's declared nonetheless to put the spotlight on the vaccines though.
I understand where you are coming from, with you on CC but I've noticed he refers to environmental issues and the environment which may be a nuance approach or may be old fashioned environmentalism which is (I think, hard to keep up with changing definitions) a less radical and different issue? Maybe? And he focuses on the regulatory corruption which MAY lead us to uncover more about the climate change movement. Anyway, I'm listening, learning. This may be a position he has which I can support if it's not radical cray cray - he has SO much to offer and we have so many problems. I'm excited about this campaign,
He is still a Democrat, liberal and progressive. That hasn't changed. He most likely voted for Biden and Hillary and would/will do so again if it comes down to it as has his family. I agree with him on ALL vaxs and their issues. Read Turtles All the Way Down for vax info.
Keep in mind, the definition for these labels has changed. I'm pushin 70 and these labels used to mean positions that are now leaning right of center. My "label" has changed but my stance on positions has not changed much. I encourage people to look at individual issues and positions rather than what someone is labeled. Note he refers to it as a Kennedy Democrat - with the Constitution as the guide for core principles. He's laid out what he stands for. Much has changed in the past six years. I hope you keep listening to the details and his plans of action rather than labels and assumptions. I appreciate your reply! (I'm well aware of the vax issues.)
What is his stance on climate change? Only heard him say clean air, clean water and clean food....... He is against industrial pollution caused by big tech (5G) and monsanto and chmtrails. All agreed.
I was wondering about his take on 2a (I didn't catch the speech and i haven't seen that topic reported yet). Thanks for the heads up. Any constitutional meddling is a no go for me.
How is it that someone can see right through the pandemic scam, but can't see through the global warming scam? They're the same thing run by the same criminals!
He may well be the very last pro-America Kennedy alive. A distant echo of our assassinated John Kennedy, and, hence, imperfect.
Today we forget that JFK had a 1st term learning curve that saw a long string of costly disasters. The Bay of Pigs. The Berlin Wall, McNamara, an accountant, as Secretary of Defense, and, yes, even an entry into the Vietnam War. But he was a good man, intelligent, patriotic, and honest.
Eisenhower and Allen Dulles gave us the Bay of Pigs disaster. Kennedy was essentially forced into it. He should not have done it but Eisenhower loved the CIA and seemed to enjoy eliminating leaders he didn't like around the world covertly.
Kennedy was a rookie, and he made rookie mistakes. He was a few steps behind -- also in the Cuban Missile crisis. But he was, I think, learning. Too late.
Same with Vietnam. Instead of "mutually assured destruction" to stop the USSR under Eisenhower, we went to "measured response" under Kennedy. You send one man with a gun, and we'll balance that by sending one man with a gun. "See, you can't win...."
The USSR, a nation of chess players, smiled and happily gave us a land war in Asia. They could care less about body counts. Oh, whoops....
Kennedy likely caught on, but too late. He was pulling our troops out when he was assassinated.
Well written Jordan. I did read his book about Fauci and found it to be the equivalent of a college level course in the medical industrial complex and mad scientists.
I agree strongly with your analysis. The Democrat Party is far too corrupt right now to support him.
RFK, Jr has always been a fascinating person and one well worth the listen.
Can he translate that into enough political momentum to overpower the entrenched Establishmentarians inside the Democratic Party? That's going to be the key question.
He'd have the same challenge if he tried for the GOP nomination. His name probably gives him more traction with Democrats, even though his platform will give both sides of the Uniparty a case of the vapors.
Still, a Kennedy-DeSantis or a Kennedy-Trump matchup next fall would be what 2016 could have been had the Democrats not kneecapped Bernie Sanders.
That's reason alone to hope he enjoys success in the primaries.
Who makes the decisions in our society? Who writes public policy?
Years of social engineering has caused people to be deluded on this matter.
The White House and Congress don’t make the decisions, Wall Street and the Pentagon do.
What we have is the continuation of a duopoly in which the differences between the two sides of the duopoly are far less important than their similarities. There is a largely successful establishment effort to control the political process so that the range of options is severely limited. We have the outward semblance of democracy without the reality of it.
Voting in the United States isn't about "democracy"—it's about perpetuating the illusion of democracy.
In today's US, especially at the national level, elections are worse than worthless -- they simply perpetuate illusions and waste time. They are degrading and repulsive exercises in Madison Avenue PR techniques, where "the truth" is off limits from the get-go. Effort should be directed not at participating in this system, but at exposing its corrupt essence and building genuinely constructive alternatives.
Elections in the US are also incredibly fraudulent. I am a US/UK dual citizen and have voted in referenda or ballot initiatives and for candidates once in a while, in both countries. In the UK, the rigging is done through the party system and party “discipline” and many other ways, but the votes are then mostly counted honestly.
Agreed. That said, oil production will certainly decline sharply for the next 4 years, regardless of policy. This is inevitable. Conventional oil production has been in decline for a decade. The fracking 'miracle' is now over and fracking is in decline. Please be certain to differentiate POLITICAL interference in oil production from GEOPHYSICAL reality with respect to oil production.
The world will never run out of fossil fuels. That's the wrong question. One sensible question might be, "Do geophysical limits to energy production exist and, if so, what are they?"
Another reasonable question might be, "When and how might geophysical limits to energy production influence economic growth of global industrial civilization?"
A third question might be, "Are there rate limits to fossil fuel production and, if so, what are they?"
There is a point when the energy required to extract and refine the product is too high to support this lifestyle.
Two main forces are play, the product from the Earth is becoming harder to obtain and refine. Market demand is growing.
The other main considerations are a barrel of oil has a 20,000+ hour of human physical equivalent, so what's a barrel of energy real price? And at what higher price does it blow up the current financial debt arrangement?
It would be great if Kennedy and DeSantis ran. For once we could hear a civil debate between the candidates and not hold our noses when voting for the lesser of two evils. It would probably prevent a civil war too.
Because he is a cretin and a blowhard who is incapable of learning from his mistakes. He poisoned the world and brags incessantly about it. He’s a baby and an embarrassment.
I am far from that. He had all the right people giving him all the right info on Covid, and made all the worst decisions. Fuck him. He will lose terribly. Far too many people with jab injured and dead within their circles and this fuckface won't shutup about how he saved the world. He learned nothing. He will go down in flames.
He had Scott Atlas, AFLDS, and more telling him the real deal. WTFU. Keep making excuses for the ignoramus, have fun with that. 4d chess my balls. He chose to listen to Fuckci and Birx instead. When it mattered most, he was a spineless pussy.
I won’t vote for him, because on most issues we won’t find common ground, but I admire his honesty and tenacity in exposing the medical-industrial complex corruption and their COVID related crimes against humanity. Like a handful of other old school liberals, he’s not relinquished all of his integrity to satisfy the woke mob. If he can get Biden on stage for a debate, I’d love to see that. Unfortunately I think he’s likely to turn out to be an unwitting stalking horse for candidate Brylcreem.
I figure the A/I robots have already re-elected The Dummy who is the perfect non-president for the left to use as a facilitator. I have always said that I would never vote for any democrat for any reason. Not yet sure about RFK, although I follow him on CHD. Not sure he can plow through the DC Swamp and make much headway. Trump tried it and was not very successful because the corruption in clown world runs as deep as a pit all the way to China.
No. There is a Congress, Supreme Court, and state constitutions to consider on the hierarchal level. Various lobbying groups to support political opposition. And us Good Old Boys who won't give them up.
No, this isn't a binary one way or the other actual judgement. Simple binary politics to fool the unwary.
Although that book was already extensive . Adding in the childhood vaccines to that would have made it two volumes and detract from the focus of Fauci.
PS he even shares the charts in his book on the major vaccines and when they were introduced AFTER the respective diseases were eradicated. I would not be an apologist, especially if you have not carefully read the book and/or appreciated his nuanced positions and hedging.
I agree fully with him on vaccines, lockdowns, the merger of government and corporate power and war.
I admire his personal courage - there was something heroic about his two-hour speech, in which his voice seemed to grow stronger as he went on, despite the challenge with his vocal cords.
And he does look like a president, if only because of the family resemblance (a fine set of County Wexford faces on those Kennedy boys).
The climate issue is the one I need to hear more from him on. Maybe he has evolved after seeing how “The Science” was manipulated and abused during Covid? A lot of people have, I reckon.
Unfortunately RFK may be a "nice" guy...but he's no better than anyone else...germ theory supporter...virology supporter...climate change hoax supporter...all bad news that really doesn't get cancelled out because of his Covid jab stance...but he still supports "good" vaccines, and that's a big no better than anyone else
But you do have to get off your ass and turn off the tube and read.
We’ve known for well over 150 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.
And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.
And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.
If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.
People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.
And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.
And those “doctors” who are shilling for the medical cartel, the pharmafia and allopathic medicine should hang their heads in shame.
They know the truth, but have sold their soul to the company because their payment on their yacht, McMansion, and Jag is due.
Pitiful. Sickening, pathetic and pitiful.
And to those in the media, you drug pushing pieces of corporate shit: I hope you have a great answer come your judgment day.
Sadly, few people understand that it doesn't matter a whit which politician is (s)elected and anointed. The sad truth is that the Central Bankers, headquartered in the City of London, are calling all the shots. Truth told, if JFK, Jr. ever enters the White House, he will have done so with the blessing of the bankers and he will be told exactly what to do as a consequence of them letting him win. Until and unless we recognize this reality, and take steps to get central bankers out of our lives, we stand no chance of living as free human beings. TPTB (bankers) are ecstatic that we are focused on issues of gender, left-v-right, race, LGBTetc. etc. as long as we don't focus on what they are doing to the world.
Yes, Joe, you are completely correct. The central bankers have controlled American since 1913 when they got the power to issue our national currency (created/printed out of thin air) and loaned to the government at interest. Our founding fathers knew that the international bankers got control of nations by getting the power to issue the national currency, so they specifically gave this power to Congress. Unfortunately, the corrupt whores in Congress gave this power away to private bankers in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act.
For more on the banker takeover of America please watch the following: (our money is issued as debt, if we pay off the debt, there will be no currency in circulation; President Abraham Lincoln broke free of the banking cartel by issuing his own debt-free, interest-free currency (greenbacks), so they blew his head off)
James Madison - History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.
Thomas Jefferson - If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Representative Charles Lindberg (R-MN)--This Act [Federal Reserve Act of 1913] establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill.
Representative Louis McFadden (D-PA), chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee from 1920-31 - said that the Federal Reserve Act that established a private central bank in the United States with a monopoly over the country's currency [The stockholders of the Federal Reserve are] a super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure."
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning” — Henry Ford
Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s - Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the slick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue as the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit.
I was at the doctor just yesterday and this subject came up. I asked him if he knew that the Federal Reserve was NOT a branch of the U.S. Government. You can imagine his answer. If even highly educated doctors don't have a clue, is it at all surprising that the rest of humanity also have been fooled?
Maybe people will wake up and be willing to do some research when the dollar collapses. Though, by then, it will probably be too late, as they will be rolling out the digital slave grid CBDCs.
Everyone has been fooled- I only woke up years ago, when I listened to Dr. Ron Paul. I post comments on this all over the place---IMO this is the KEY To everything. People need to know who really runs the world. I'm so sick of the vague "its' the globalists"--we are at war (war is being waged on us), but how can we fight back if we don't even know who the enemy is???
“Who collectively runs the entire financial system? Who runs the economy? Who runs world markets? The answer to all these questions is CENTRAL BANKS.
“Central banks run the world, period. The illusion may be that Kings, Queens, Monarchs, Dictators, Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc. along with so called representative democracies or “We the People” get any kind or choice is nothing but an illusion.
“The dire situation regarding the world economy is deliberate, as central banks are collectively pushing it off of a cliff. If we were to look back on history, we would see that it is precisely these economic downfalls/situations which lead the world population into World Wars. War of course, is both the end game and the scapegoat which will be blamed by our so-called world leaders as the source AND REASON WHY the world economy is failing and inflation continues to skyrocket- anything to distract people from the real culprit, central banks.
“Robert Reich understands the current power structure of the U.S. because he was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a member of the CFR, and he was Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration. Robert Reich's January 7, 1999, article in USA Today states:
"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. . . Congress is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or house members politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy . . . Then he goes back down to the Fed and runs the country. . . . America's foreign policy is being run by the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) . . . and when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress." [23
And on what Reisch wrote about the President no longer needing a declaration from Congress to go to war, well when I was living in DC during the lead up to the Iraq war, I had a friend who was married to a guy at the State Dept, and long before Congress voted, she told me that it had already been decided and that the war was definitely happening. So the vote in Congress was simply for the sheep, to continue the illusion that you live in a "democracy."
And it is the banking cartel that is behind the Great Reset and plans to set up a one world global government--they even openly declared it to the US Senate:
We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” -James Paul Warburg, whose family co-founded the Federal Reserve – while speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950
And yes, Joe, I completely agree with you--until we find a way to get the central bankers out of our lives, nothing will change and they will continue to move forward with their Great Reset agenda. We are headed for economic collapse and collapse of the dollar, and they are already moving forward with the CBDCs, which will enslave all of us.
RFK Jr. is the leader for our times. He can provide the balance, pragmatism, wisdom, and statesmanship our country very much needs. He understands the issues and what is at stake.
I am a lifelong conservative Republican - now calling myself a "Kennedy Republican"
“Let’s be honest. The NRA is as responsible for the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas child murders as if they pulled the trigger. The NRA has turned the 2nd Amendment into a suicide pact for our children. When do we deal with the NRA?”
- RFK Jr., 2018..
Does that sound like someone who believes in the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution?.. And NO.. Kennedy has NOT modified his opinion regarding the private ownership of firearms, nor the culpability of those who would defend the 2nd Amendment.. Pro climate change, pro abortion, pro taxation, pro marxism. Vaccines?? He is on the right side. All else??? Study up folks! Even blind pigs find acorns on occasion, so please, let’s not be fooled by this PIG…..
Support him on many issues especially the C19 vaccines, but his stance on climate change makes him a 'pass' for me. Glad he's declared nonetheless to put the spotlight on the vaccines though.
I understand where you are coming from, with you on CC but I've noticed he refers to environmental issues and the environment which may be a nuance approach or may be old fashioned environmentalism which is (I think, hard to keep up with changing definitions) a less radical and different issue? Maybe? And he focuses on the regulatory corruption which MAY lead us to uncover more about the climate change movement. Anyway, I'm listening, learning. This may be a position he has which I can support if it's not radical cray cray - he has SO much to offer and we have so many problems. I'm excited about this campaign,
He is still a Democrat, liberal and progressive. That hasn't changed. He most likely voted for Biden and Hillary and would/will do so again if it comes down to it as has his family. I agree with him on ALL vaxs and their issues. Read Turtles All the Way Down for vax info.
Keep in mind, the definition for these labels has changed. I'm pushin 70 and these labels used to mean positions that are now leaning right of center. My "label" has changed but my stance on positions has not changed much. I encourage people to look at individual issues and positions rather than what someone is labeled. Note he refers to it as a Kennedy Democrat - with the Constitution as the guide for core principles. He's laid out what he stands for. Much has changed in the past six years. I hope you keep listening to the details and his plans of action rather than labels and assumptions. I appreciate your reply! (I'm well aware of the vax issues.)
"He most likely voted...." doesn't sound very convincing.
What is his stance on climate change? Only heard him say clean air, clean water and clean food....... He is against industrial pollution caused by big tech (5G) and monsanto and chmtrails. All agreed.
Gun control and climate BS are non starters, despite the other good stuff.
I was wondering about his take on 2a (I didn't catch the speech and i haven't seen that topic reported yet). Thanks for the heads up. Any constitutional meddling is a no go for me.
I'm going based on his past statements. If he remains consistent, then that's that.
Maybe he's evolved. Hopefully.
Doesn't matter, no president will claw the guns back.
Those are two biggies for me as well.
How is it that someone can see right through the pandemic scam, but can't see through the global warming scam? They're the same thing run by the same criminals!
He may well be the very last pro-America Kennedy alive. A distant echo of our assassinated John Kennedy, and, hence, imperfect.
Today we forget that JFK had a 1st term learning curve that saw a long string of costly disasters. The Bay of Pigs. The Berlin Wall, McNamara, an accountant, as Secretary of Defense, and, yes, even an entry into the Vietnam War. But he was a good man, intelligent, patriotic, and honest.
He figured it out. So they killed him.
Eisenhower and Allen Dulles gave us the Bay of Pigs disaster. Kennedy was essentially forced into it. He should not have done it but Eisenhower loved the CIA and seemed to enjoy eliminating leaders he didn't like around the world covertly.
Interesting. Some merit.
Kennedy was a rookie, and he made rookie mistakes. He was a few steps behind -- also in the Cuban Missile crisis. But he was, I think, learning. Too late.
Same with Vietnam. Instead of "mutually assured destruction" to stop the USSR under Eisenhower, we went to "measured response" under Kennedy. You send one man with a gun, and we'll balance that by sending one man with a gun. "See, you can't win...."
The USSR, a nation of chess players, smiled and happily gave us a land war in Asia. They could care less about body counts. Oh, whoops....
Kennedy likely caught on, but too late. He was pulling our troops out when he was assassinated.
Well written Jordan. I did read his book about Fauci and found it to be the equivalent of a college level course in the medical industrial complex and mad scientists.
I agree strongly with your analysis. The Democrat Party is far too corrupt right now to support him.
RFK, Jr has always been a fascinating person and one well worth the listen.
Can he translate that into enough political momentum to overpower the entrenched Establishmentarians inside the Democratic Party? That's going to be the key question.
He'd have the same challenge if he tried for the GOP nomination. His name probably gives him more traction with Democrats, even though his platform will give both sides of the Uniparty a case of the vapors.
Still, a Kennedy-DeSantis or a Kennedy-Trump matchup next fall would be what 2016 could have been had the Democrats not kneecapped Bernie Sanders.
That's reason alone to hope he enjoys success in the primaries.
Who makes the decisions in our society? Who writes public policy?
Years of social engineering has caused people to be deluded on this matter.
The White House and Congress don’t make the decisions, Wall Street and the Pentagon do.
What we have is the continuation of a duopoly in which the differences between the two sides of the duopoly are far less important than their similarities. There is a largely successful establishment effort to control the political process so that the range of options is severely limited. We have the outward semblance of democracy without the reality of it.
Voting in the United States isn't about "democracy"—it's about perpetuating the illusion of democracy.
In today's US, especially at the national level, elections are worse than worthless -- they simply perpetuate illusions and waste time. They are degrading and repulsive exercises in Madison Avenue PR techniques, where "the truth" is off limits from the get-go. Effort should be directed not at participating in this system, but at exposing its corrupt essence and building genuinely constructive alternatives.
Elections in the US are also incredibly fraudulent. I am a US/UK dual citizen and have voted in referenda or ballot initiatives and for candidates once in a while, in both countries. In the UK, the rigging is done through the party system and party “discipline” and many other ways, but the votes are then mostly counted honestly.
Thx, well written.
Many of his policies are great but we cannot do another 4 years of democrats killing of oil production!!!
China is now making power moves and the dollar dumping by Saudi Arabia will kill the American petro dollar and as the reserve currency.
Agreed. That said, oil production will certainly decline sharply for the next 4 years, regardless of policy. This is inevitable. Conventional oil production has been in decline for a decade. The fracking 'miracle' is now over and fracking is in decline. Please be certain to differentiate POLITICAL interference in oil production from GEOPHYSICAL reality with respect to oil production.
When do you think the world will run out of fossil fuels ?
The world will never run out of fossil fuels. That's the wrong question. One sensible question might be, "Do geophysical limits to energy production exist and, if so, what are they?"
Another reasonable question might be, "When and how might geophysical limits to energy production influence economic growth of global industrial civilization?"
A third question might be, "Are there rate limits to fossil fuel production and, if so, what are they?"
I like your answer.
There is a point when the energy required to extract and refine the product is too high to support this lifestyle.
Two main forces are play, the product from the Earth is becoming harder to obtain and refine. Market demand is growing.
The other main considerations are a barrel of oil has a 20,000+ hour of human physical equivalent, so what's a barrel of energy real price? And at what higher price does it blow up the current financial debt arrangement?
Maybe $50? Ha!
It would be great if Kennedy and DeSantis ran. For once we could hear a civil debate between the candidates and not hold our noses when voting for the lesser of two evils. It would probably prevent a civil war too.
Therefore, the puppet masters won't allow it.
De Santis is not to be trusted. WEF and Guantanamo
I don't trust any politicians.
Why would we "hold our noses" if Trump is the candidate?
Because he is a cretin and a blowhard who is incapable of learning from his mistakes. He poisoned the world and brags incessantly about it. He’s a baby and an embarrassment.
Injecting bleach will help with your TDS
I am far from that. He had all the right people giving him all the right info on Covid, and made all the worst decisions. Fuck him. He will lose terribly. Far too many people with jab injured and dead within their circles and this fuckface won't shutup about how he saved the world. He learned nothing. He will go down in flames.
I'm no doctor but your symptoms definitely point to TDS
If you think Fauxi was one of "all the right people", you are not someone to be taken seriously.
FWIW, Trump would never have mandated the clot shots either
He had Scott Atlas, AFLDS, and more telling him the real deal. WTFU. Keep making excuses for the ignoramus, have fun with that. 4d chess my balls. He chose to listen to Fuckci and Birx instead. When it mattered most, he was a spineless pussy.
I won’t vote for him, because on most issues we won’t find common ground, but I admire his honesty and tenacity in exposing the medical-industrial complex corruption and their COVID related crimes against humanity. Like a handful of other old school liberals, he’s not relinquished all of his integrity to satisfy the woke mob. If he can get Biden on stage for a debate, I’d love to see that. Unfortunately I think he’s likely to turn out to be an unwitting stalking horse for candidate Brylcreem.
Who Newsom?
I figure the A/I robots have already re-elected The Dummy who is the perfect non-president for the left to use as a facilitator. I have always said that I would never vote for any democrat for any reason. Not yet sure about RFK, although I follow him on CHD. Not sure he can plow through the DC Swamp and make much headway. Trump tried it and was not very successful because the corruption in clown world runs as deep as a pit all the way to China.
Trojan horse that will strip 2A and leave everyone defenseless against PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE murder scam and WHO bioweapons eugenics.
Not safe bet.
Loved his Fauci book, but even while reading it he dared not fully condemn the AIDS scam nor did he go against the rest of the vaccine schedule, etc.
No president can strip the 2A.
He can and will sure try.
And in today's clown world they are stripping 2A with the help of this current puppet's admin.
No. There is a Congress, Supreme Court, and state constitutions to consider on the hierarchal level. Various lobbying groups to support political opposition. And us Good Old Boys who won't give them up.
No, this isn't a binary one way or the other actual judgement. Simple binary politics to fool the unwary.
Good Ol' Boys never vote Democrat.
You are being conned.
You have no idea what I'm thinking then.
Although that book was already extensive . Adding in the childhood vaccines to that would have made it two volumes and detract from the focus of Fauci.
PS he even shares the charts in his book on the major vaccines and when they were introduced AFTER the respective diseases were eradicated. I would not be an apologist, especially if you have not carefully read the book and/or appreciated his nuanced positions and hedging.
Reread it, because his statements are nuanced but clearcut. But nice try.
I agree fully with him on vaccines, lockdowns, the merger of government and corporate power and war.
I admire his personal courage - there was something heroic about his two-hour speech, in which his voice seemed to grow stronger as he went on, despite the challenge with his vocal cords.
And he does look like a president, if only because of the family resemblance (a fine set of County Wexford faces on those Kennedy boys).
The climate issue is the one I need to hear more from him on. Maybe he has evolved after seeing how “The Science” was manipulated and abused during Covid? A lot of people have, I reckon.
Unfortunately RFK may be a "nice" guy...but he's no better than anyone else...germ theory supporter...virology supporter...climate change hoax supporter...all bad news that really doesn't get cancelled out because of his Covid jab stance...but he still supports "good" vaccines, and that's a big no better than anyone else
Ro ably because there are some effective/good vaccines.
No there are not
Not one
I’ve said this so many times already and I’ll say it again...and again:
When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.
NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.
Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:
The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886
- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889
- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889
There are many others, they’re just a few.
Finding the truth isn’t that hard
But you do have to get off your ass and turn off the tube and read.
We’ve known for well over 150 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.
And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.
And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.
If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.
People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.
And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.
And those “doctors” who are shilling for the medical cartel, the pharmafia and allopathic medicine should hang their heads in shame.
They know the truth, but have sold their soul to the company because their payment on their yacht, McMansion, and Jag is due.
Pitiful. Sickening, pathetic and pitiful.
And to those in the media, you drug pushing pieces of corporate shit: I hope you have a great answer come your judgment day.
Probably because
Sadly, few people understand that it doesn't matter a whit which politician is (s)elected and anointed. The sad truth is that the Central Bankers, headquartered in the City of London, are calling all the shots. Truth told, if JFK, Jr. ever enters the White House, he will have done so with the blessing of the bankers and he will be told exactly what to do as a consequence of them letting him win. Until and unless we recognize this reality, and take steps to get central bankers out of our lives, we stand no chance of living as free human beings. TPTB (bankers) are ecstatic that we are focused on issues of gender, left-v-right, race, LGBTetc. etc. as long as we don't focus on what they are doing to the world.
Yes, Joe, you are completely correct. The central bankers have controlled American since 1913 when they got the power to issue our national currency (created/printed out of thin air) and loaned to the government at interest. Our founding fathers knew that the international bankers got control of nations by getting the power to issue the national currency, so they specifically gave this power to Congress. Unfortunately, the corrupt whores in Congress gave this power away to private bankers in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act.
For more on the banker takeover of America please watch the following:
"Legalized Plunder of the American People" - G. Edward Griffin 16 min
Bill Still's The Money Masters
Just reading the quotes here will give a sense of how this system of debt enslavement works:
Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism (banker takeover in 1913 and the illegality of the income tax and the IRS)
Mike Rivero's All Wars are Bankers Wars
Money as Debt (our money is issued as debt, if we pay off the debt, there will be no currency in circulation; President Abraham Lincoln broke free of the banking cartel by issuing his own debt-free, interest-free currency (greenbacks), so they blew his head off)
And read Ellen Brown's Web of Debt (, G. Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island, or Eustace Mullins The Secrets of the Federal Reserve.
James Madison - History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.
Thomas Jefferson - If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Representative Charles Lindberg (R-MN)--This Act [Federal Reserve Act of 1913] establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill.
Representative Louis McFadden (D-PA), chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee from 1920-31 - said that the Federal Reserve Act that established a private central bank in the United States with a monopoly over the country's currency [The stockholders of the Federal Reserve are] a super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure."
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning” — Henry Ford
Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s - Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the slick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue as the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit.
I was at the doctor just yesterday and this subject came up. I asked him if he knew that the Federal Reserve was NOT a branch of the U.S. Government. You can imagine his answer. If even highly educated doctors don't have a clue, is it at all surprising that the rest of humanity also have been fooled?
Maybe people will wake up and be willing to do some research when the dollar collapses. Though, by then, it will probably be too late, as they will be rolling out the digital slave grid CBDCs.
Everyone has been fooled- I only woke up years ago, when I listened to Dr. Ron Paul. I post comments on this all over the place---IMO this is the KEY To everything. People need to know who really runs the world. I'm so sick of the vague "its' the globalists"--we are at war (war is being waged on us), but how can we fight back if we don't even know who the enemy is???
More on the central bankers being the real power that rules over America:
“Who collectively runs the entire financial system? Who runs the economy? Who runs world markets? The answer to all these questions is CENTRAL BANKS.
“Central banks run the world, period. The illusion may be that Kings, Queens, Monarchs, Dictators, Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc. along with so called representative democracies or “We the People” get any kind or choice is nothing but an illusion.
“The dire situation regarding the world economy is deliberate, as central banks are collectively pushing it off of a cliff. If we were to look back on history, we would see that it is precisely these economic downfalls/situations which lead the world population into World Wars. War of course, is both the end game and the scapegoat which will be blamed by our so-called world leaders as the source AND REASON WHY the world economy is failing and inflation continues to skyrocket- anything to distract people from the real culprit, central banks.
“Here's ex-Secretary of Labor, Robert Reisch, under the Clinton Administration admitting the truth:
“Robert Reich understands the current power structure of the U.S. because he was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a member of the CFR, and he was Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration. Robert Reich's January 7, 1999, article in USA Today states:
"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. . . Congress is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or house members politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy . . . Then he goes back down to the Fed and runs the country. . . . America's foreign policy is being run by the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) . . . and when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress." [23
And on what Reisch wrote about the President no longer needing a declaration from Congress to go to war, well when I was living in DC during the lead up to the Iraq war, I had a friend who was married to a guy at the State Dept, and long before Congress voted, she told me that it had already been decided and that the war was definitely happening. So the vote in Congress was simply for the sheep, to continue the illusion that you live in a "democracy."
And it is the banking cartel that is behind the Great Reset and plans to set up a one world global government--they even openly declared it to the US Senate:
We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” -James Paul Warburg, whose family co-founded the Federal Reserve – while speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950
And yes, Joe, I completely agree with you--until we find a way to get the central bankers out of our lives, nothing will change and they will continue to move forward with their Great Reset agenda. We are headed for economic collapse and collapse of the dollar, and they are already moving forward with the CBDCs, which will enslave all of us.
An excellent overview of his superb speech.
RFK Jr. is the leader for our times. He can provide the balance, pragmatism, wisdom, and statesmanship our country very much needs. He understands the issues and what is at stake.
I am a lifelong conservative Republican - now calling myself a "Kennedy Republican"
RFK Jr. 2024!
“Let’s be honest. The NRA is as responsible for the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas child murders as if they pulled the trigger. The NRA has turned the 2nd Amendment into a suicide pact for our children. When do we deal with the NRA?”
- RFK Jr., 2018..
Does that sound like someone who believes in the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution?.. And NO.. Kennedy has NOT modified his opinion regarding the private ownership of firearms, nor the culpability of those who would defend the 2nd Amendment.. Pro climate change, pro abortion, pro taxation, pro marxism. Vaccines?? He is on the right side. All else??? Study up folks! Even blind pigs find acorns on occasion, so please, let’s not be fooled by this PIG…..