
Appreciate all of the engagement on this post. I respect the robust debate, whether you agree or disagree!

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

It is a credit to you, Jordan, that you have such informed and articulate readers. These comments are the best I have read.

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Wuhan researcher says the virus was a bio weapon. But there’s no virus? 🙄

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Nah. There was a novel bioengineered coronavirus. That’s a proven fact. Not sure how one could argue otherwise. How deadly was it? Not deadly to most healthy people. Mortality similar to bad flu season, but it’s not an influenza virus and has some unique pathophysiology associated with it as it was designed to target ACE-2 receptors:


That’s engineered.

As to the rest of your argument, most of it rings true. Deliberate or accident, unknown. Covered up, absolutely. “Cure” worse than disease. Yes for most people.

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There was a novel propaganda campaign to conivnce you of a new bogeyman.

They've been doing this shit for over 25 years- same playbook.

On Oct. 28-29, 2019 The Milken Institute hosted “The Future of Health Summit.”


On the 29th: a panel of “health experts” gathered to discuss the “scientific and technological prospects of an effective universal influenza vaccine.”


The focal point of this panel discussion was, “the need for more funding for research, better collaboration between the private and government sectors, advances in technology in flu research and the goal of a universal flu vaccine.”

Two themes emerged from this meeting- the desire for a new way of producing vaccines and the “need” for something new and more frightening to emerge as the flu no longer created enough fear in the population at large to warrant such a “universal vaccine.”

Anthony Fauci lamented that bringing in a new type of vaccine, like an mRNA vaccine, would take at least a decade “if everything goes perfectly.”

Rick Bright suggested the problem of long-term development could be sidestepped if, “there were an urgent call for an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.”

Anthony Fauci: “So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and say, I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.”

Responding to Fauci, Rick Bright stated, “But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere."

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And I don’t disagree with you. But the virus is real and it’s engineered. Those were my two points. That fits neatly into your paradigm.

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"The Virus®" is as real as Al-Qaeda. It's engineered alright meaning completely concocted.

I don't have a "paradigm" I just research the evidence and have been doing so long before this latest manufactured story was invented.

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Why are you so certain of this? Show the reciepts. I’ve yet to see anything that proves it’s existence. I’ve heard many theories like this that say it doesn’t exist. I tend to side with this writer, appears to have been some sort of a seasonal respiratory virus that mutated as a flu does. Not very deadly or different from any other cold or flu that occurs year after year. I’m open to your assertion however, just never seen any proof.

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What do you think they do at the WIV? They do gain of function research with bat coronaviruses. We gave them money and trained them on how to do it. Those are facts. Is that a lie? Was SARS in 2005 imaginary? Was MERS imaginary? Are all viruses imaginary? Tobacco misauc virus was discovered in the late 19th century and crystallized in the 1930s by Wendell Stanley. Is the last 125 years of virology all a lie? This whole line of reasoning is basically that everything is a lie because somebody say it is. That’s it. They’ve gotten the genome from many patients . That’s how they know different strains exist. They can see the mutations in the sequence. They can see the virus with an electron microscope. If they couldn’t get the virus out of the patients, how did they do that? We sequence all sorts of genomes. Is that a Lie? We treat diseases with genetic splicing and amplification. (CAR-T). Is CRISPR treatment of thalassemia a lie? It’s a pretty ridiculous argument. Look I don’t like the government. They are corrupt as hell. This is a bio-weapon, not imaginary.

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Over a couple decades of becoming familiar with the work of Kary Mullis, Peter Duesberg, and more lately Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka, and Samantha and Mark Bailey, among others; yes, viruses are imaginary. We have identified them by what they *cause*, not by having observed them *and* shown what we’ve observed to be both necessary and sufficient to explain the effect.

The effect, by the way, is illness and often death. Death is inevitable, so naming an illness is a way of categorizing a potential door to the inevitable.

I don’t think many of the specialists necessarily know or see any of this. A certain amount of believing and lack of wondering is enough to keep this convolution convoluting, similar to financial speculation, profitable technology whatever it might be, and the like.

The ‘bottom line’ is that the virus story breaks down at every single point if you investigate it on your own terms or even on the specialists terms. At least that’s what I’ve found.

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Neither Duesberg nor Mullis ever said that viruses don’t exist. They simply questioned HIV as the cause of AIDS. The other people you mention were family practitioners, not bench researchers or infectious disease specialists . In any event, more power to you. You’re entitled to think and say whatever you like, but to be clear- the opinion of a couple of general practitioners doesn’t invalidate over a century of research by thousands of independent scientists around the world. Viruses are real in my expert opinion as a medical doctor. So again, agree to disagree.

Einstein said to make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler than possible.

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Yet many viruses have been observed, and are completely observable.

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If not a virus causing illness like what is called COVID, what did?

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*mosaic not misauc

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Only in Your mind.

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I agree with almost all of this just not that idea that covid doesn't exist, and that it's just the flu that people are pretending is covid. It didn't need to be deadly to scare people and achieve its many adgendas.The propaganda is what does that. But claiming that it's just the flu completely negates the fact that they performing dual use research on pathogens in order to create medical products to foist upon the public.

This is an interesting one with these two scientists. The pathogens are different, but you have WUHAN and the PLA involved, again. Plus cover up. The flu and covid are some of the least of our worries if wecllok at these things. We can't negate that this dangerous activity is going on by dismissing its happening with a wave off.


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Doesn't matter it you or I believe anything you have to provide evidence- there is none as it is purely fircitonal. That the PCR fraud was used to dupe people is yet another of the numerous pieces of factual evidence that illustrate the fraud.

"Dual use" is yet another fiction.

It's really amazing. People go on and on about this, I think they like living in movies, yet never provide evidence for anything.

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much much more going on. Remember, if it's political then you can bet someone planned out the entire incident. I'll post a snip above

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Yeah, I'm pretty bumped out to see him go down this road.

One might as well be a virus denier period. The lab sequencing of various patients showing a viral genome of a previously unknown coronavirus type virus, not a influenza strain sequence which is a respiratory virus but not a coronavirus. Different look under electron microscopy too.

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Yup. Every time in the last few years with rare exceptions, when I seem to find somebody who seems to be sober in their analysis and rational, I get to this point where they go off the rails on something. 🤷🏼what can you do but do your own analysis and double check as much as you can. The viral genome has been sequenced and the data looked at by people like Luc Montagnier, David Baltimore and others, including CDC scientists who are breaking from the narrative doctrine, all who are serious scientists. I know Montagnier was controversial for some of his last work, but he was a smart guy when it came to virology. . A lot of lay people now think all virology is voodoo, but that’s not accurate at all . And this is the problem you run into when the public health experts are compromised and bought off. Now nobody knows whom to trust.

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It has only been "Sequenced" In Silico "In biology and other experimental sciences, an in silico experiment is one performed on computer or via computer simulation." That horse of your needs new legs.

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Do you know how genomic sequencing is done?

I’ll answer that for you. No, you don’t. You need to read more science and less science fiction. Thanks for playing.

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There is no point debating with people that don't believe. It doesn't matter that thousands of patient cultures from across the world were sequenced and one can compare those for type, mutation, lineage,etc with a complete random strangers culture in a different part of the world.

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You're right there's no point in debating with people like you who do not understand virology and hang their hat on nonsense like sequences matching

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Yes. You are correct.

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Hey Pompous ass virology is based on CPE studies not sequences. And studies based on CPE are garbage and false science

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I loves me some dismissive clowns. I'll put my 35 years in the medical field up against your arrogance any day... But I don't take to your style. Bye.

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Sounds like a plan.

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Agreed. I can't go with Jordan on this one, there's too much evidence-- furin cleavage site, the fact it originated in Wuhan and that as best we can tell the 'patient zeroes' were all employees of the WIV. Weird coincidences!

The virus wasn't nearly as bad as we had been led to believe, and the ridiculous measures that were taken to stop / slow it (useless masking, lockdowns, non-sterilizing vaccine) threw Public Health's credibility into the Earth's core, but that doesn't mean Sars-Cov2 never *existed*.

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Defuse grant proposal, the previous GOF work, the destroyed samples and computer wipe at WIV, specific symptoms that are not typically common with influenza, like the extreme asonmia and ground glass opacities.

I had it once and even though I was just fine, it was like nothing I ever experienced in my almost 5 decades on this earth. I had complete loss of all taste and smell. I mean 100% nothing for a few weeks. That was no flu.

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The disease is real. The symptoms are different. The pathophysiology is different. At the same time the vaccines aren’t vaccines. They are an experimental gene therapy that doesn’t work and is dangerous, apart from never being properly tested in clinical trials and the data fudged. They haven’t been able to create a vaccine anyway for coronaviruses because they mutate so fast that by the time you make it, produce it and distribute it, it’s too late. New strain is dominant. ( even though the viruses don’t exist 😏). Beyond which respiratory viral illness tends to have lower infection fatality rates, and become less dangerous over time as the virus mutates. If it weren’t that way, or was the reverse, none of us would be here. We’d all be dead.

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I will never not regret wiping down Amazon boxes and bags of Fritos. Foolishness.

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You can go to gen bank and look up somebody who has sequenced a vid patient and find that sequence for comparison, and we know the genome sequence of Influenza A and B strains.

Influenza also doesn't have a spike protein. https://asm.org/Articles/2020/July/COVID-19-and-the-Flu

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Not according to the flat earth crew ratioing me now, lol.

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A lot of terrain folk will talk about the different toxic components of the Covid vaxxes. They will talk about the spike proteins. Ask them what a spike protein is. 😁

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Something in a genbank says nothing about whether that thing causes any disease

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You don't even know how the "sequence" is created

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Viruses don't cause disease

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What does? Something killed thousands. We never saw this before

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Why does there have to be a single agent? ‘If not a virus, then what?’ What’s inevitable is dying, not there being a single or even a few agents that ‘cause’ a disease (with a name, of course), that appears to lead to dying.

Your question is understandable, extremely common, and happens to be automatic.

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Yes people die all the time. Nothing extra happened except vaccine damage and hospital killing people

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It is ridiculous to argue, with sweeping assertions, that there was and is no SARS-CoV-2 virus infecting, harming and killing people. To argue for something like this, you need to show why thousands of research articles, such as this one on the detailed mechanisms of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41580-021-00418-x were written and widely accepted as being true and useful, if there is no such virus.

Likewise, to argue that the virus was not the product of a lab release, you would have to argue against the massive body of evidence for this, and the absence of any evidence of zoonotic transfer (evidence of zoonotic transfer of SARS and MERS was quickly found). This report is a good place to start for all the evidence which needs to be disproven or somehow discounted if one is to argue for zoonotic transfer: https://www.marshall.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sen-marshall-releases-bombshell-covid-19-origins-report/ Also: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.18.512756v2 and https://alexwasburne.substack.com/p/the-case-for-a-lab-origin-of-sars .

Arguing against the existence of SARS-CoV-2 is a serious distraction from the task of finding the truth about its origins and from improving the immune responses of the vast majority of the population, whose 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are half or less of the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L their immune systems need to function properly. Please see the research articles cited and discussed at: https://brownstone.org/articles/vitamin-d-everything-you-need-to-know/ and https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

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the brownstone article on vit.D was impressive, TQ

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Washburne is a favorite of mine.

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You don't understand virology procedures

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It's not much help making such a statement without specifying which part of what I wrote was incorrect, and supplying us with the correct information,, properly referenced.

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The same people can't explain diseases like rabies or herpes. The just dogmatically repeat "samples can't be purified, therefore viruses don't exist".

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Mechanisms? Of something that has not been proven to exist? Or cause disease? Virology is based on experiments showing CPE..in mixed samples. that is an invalid experiment proving nothing and you are lost in the weeds and you think you know stuff but you don't..

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Ironic comment from someone who claims spike protein is irrelevant to it.

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Yeah I agree, the “pandemic” was certainly exaggerated, if not nonexistent. But I definitely think Covid started in a lab, there’s too much evidence pointing that way...

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including the sobering realisation that 'a virus' cannot 'escape' from a lab. everything we've experienced the past 3+ years, worldwide, ties into the racket of Biodefense: rebrand war as a “public health emergency”, rebrand weapons as “countermeasures”, rebrand killing as “saving lives” - https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/covid-and-marburg-weapons-systems

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Proven fact? Ha! There is no "proven fact" that ANY Pathogenic viral particle has ever existed. Time to climb down off that Germ Theory Horse and join the 21st century.

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Lol is a typical response from someone who does not know how to refute it

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You make a grand assumption right-off the bat, that viruses actually exist. NO virus, ever, has been isolated, purified, and tested to see if it makes people sick. Viruses are a BIG PHARMA contrivance. I ask you, before about 1910 when pharmaceutical companies first began, how did the human race thrive and grow without Big Pharma and its medications to care for it?

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Considering the despicable history of human experimentation (orchestrated by the U.S. government and deployed by the military) , it is not outside of the realm of possibility that something similar did happen. Open air "testing" has been happening for decades.....remember Operation seaspray? The sociopathic minds capable of deliberately spreading bacteria and chemicals (and injecting people with radiation!!) with the specific purpose of infecting people to "study" how they react are very much alive and well, and working for governments, and industry. As long as useful idiots keep following the orders of sociopathic clinical-minded scum who do not possess a single shred of decency, morality, or empathy continue to act as footsoldiers....this shite will continue. Who are the pilots knowingly spraying lithium, strontium, sulfuric acid and the rest of the noxious chemicals out of the planes "for ten bucks a gallon"? Who are the people on the ground setting up the cannisters of poisons for release into subways and air duct systems? Who are these sick, disgusting pieces of crap who are so incredibly brainwashed that they believe they are serving some greater good? I suppose these questions are off topic of whether or not bioengineering has occurred, but they certainly illustrate how incredibly EASY it is for governments to deploy demonic experiments.

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And yet nobody has a purified sample.


Fantasy these days is written on the pages of so called scientific journals.

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Of course. But there isn’t one paper in this topic. There are dozens looking at the virus genome and spike protein structure from people who are not on the inside and getting paid by big pharma or the government. Saying the virus doesn’t exist because PCR testing isn’t specific is not the correct approach. The virus exists and PCR testing isn’t useful for diagnosing an acute viral illness in the way it was used in COVID, if ever. True, true, and unrelated.

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But that’s not accurate. We can see viruses under electron microscopes. There is viral phylogeny.

Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. 2017 : B978-0-12-801238-3.95723-4. Published online 2017 Jun 26. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.95723-4

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Seeing something under a microscope says nothing about causation of disease. Viral phylogeny means nothing it's just variations in how they are creating the genome in silico you think you know s*** you don't know anything you ignorant tool

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They don't look at viruses in pure samples they look at computer generated sequences that others have created from mixed samples it's all garbage and meaningless and they're fooling you and you think you're smart but you're not

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Not to you apparently. Not gonna do your homework for you. Let’s agree to disagree.

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You are correct. And it’s been done already. What would satisfy you, the virus guest appearing on a podcast? The virus signing an affadavit?

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Great rational public dialogue Jordan. I agree that the medical industrial complex deliberately forged and inflated the numbers of sick that were actually the flue with great assistance from the PCR tests. As to whether the phantom virus actually existed, I see a few possibilities, based on what we know from David Martin’s work. Bill Gates had a corporation apply for and received a patent on a co

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Much of that inflation was purely economic and self-serving, with Medicare showering hospitals with obscene overpayments for any patient they could claim suffered from covid. How could even the most ethically pure (ha, ha) Healthcare Industry executive refuse free money from the government?

Sadly, we will likely never know the true covid-specific mortality.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

This is actually one of the more intriguing theories I have heard. The Ethical Skeptic thinks there had to be 2 separate Covid viruses going around because Omicron was so much different from the original Wuhan which lends even more credence to naturally occuring viruses.

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I like Ethical Skeptic's work too

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Great piece; have you seem eugyppius’ 6/29 post? The Germans have some interesting data re Covid / flue interaction.

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Are you referring to his flu viral interference piece? It is interesting.

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Germ theory has been disproven

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Utter nonsense. There is no such thing as Covid. There's no "Wuhan" virus and no "variants."

It's all pure propaganda that is dispelled by mutliple reams of actual evidence.

This was a well orchestrated political and economic set of maneuvers using the well established architecture of the medical and bio-security apparatus in conjunction with the media cartels. All of them owned and operated by the same financial conglomerates.

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Q: What is the difference between the latest covid variant and a wholly new virus?

A: Whatever CNN tells us it us this week.

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And Omicron effectively ended the pandemic…maybe it was engineered to end the pandemic but if they admitted that they 1. Couldn’t sell vaccines 2. Would have to admit Covid was engineered in the first place!

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Viruses don't cause disease

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What does?

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Or, what *do* viruses do?

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A hell of lot of fit and unfit middle aged and younger people died in the early months of whatever it was or wasn't, far in excess of the death rate from seasonal flu. How is this explained under this theory that there was no virus more virulent that those of other years?

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The treatments used (in some cases not treatment but neglect) killed untold numbers.

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Exactly, in Louisiana one of the first people hospitalized was a perfectly healthy 45 yo partner at a law firm with a family. And then in January 2021 a perfectly healthy 40 yo Republican congressman-elect with a family died in Louisiana. So these are people with access to very good health care and obviously healthy enough to be in the middle of highly successful careers.

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If by access to good health care you mean ending up in a hospital that most likely killed them with there treatment protocol, than ok. In the early days the worst place you could be is in a hospital. If they stayed home and used homeopathic cures they probably would have lived. Funny, I don’t know anyone that died in there house alone. I do know someone that was killed by the hospital protocol, and read of the many killed in assisted living facilities, most of them probably from neglect, and malnourishment.

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My Aunt died in 1995 from (complications of) "the flu" at 52. She was perfectly healthy and golfed several times a week. When she went to the ER with severe symptoms, the team attempted to vent her and she had a massive heart attack and died. Outlier mortality existed long before the Covid panic.

That being said, PCM, you have a valid point. The Corona virus is a cold virus not a flu virus. It's structure and pathophysiological progression are entirely different than the flu. That's one reason why the #1 comorbidity condition was/is obesity and age distribution skewed right as opposed to two large spikes at either end: Covid kills the old & fat, the flu kills the young and old.

As I've always said on this board, I could care less whether it was zoonotic or engineered. What I am terrified of is what the reaction was and will be the next time.

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There are no viruses. It's our own decaying cells

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Luke Letlow died from a heart attack after a procedure to treat a blood clot. Perhaps the blood clot was caused by covid--there are some reports that it is a rare but possible complication.

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COVID doesn't exist

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Exactly my question. Thank you.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

This has been my theory from the beginning. They do mess around in the lab, hoping to create bioweapons, etc., but when it turned out to be a dud, pretended it was dangerous & resorted to totalitarianism on a gullible public anyway. For all the decades the secretive labcoats have been working on bioweapons, they haven't come up with anything of note. Biohazard is a self-cancelling phrase.

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indeed. probably also because it's difficult to release any such lab-created bioweapons - can it be done through the air? in a fully packed stadium (how)? drinking water? aerosolised? next, to only infect one's targeted enemy instead of the general population is problematic as well.

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I like where you're going with this. But I'll add to that in saying that any increase in severe flu-like symptoms and deaths in early 2020 were very likely caused by the 2019 flu vaccine. I submit that since we know from experience that vaccines themselves are capable of shedding, not just "wild" infections, maybe we should take a look into what the 2019 influenza vaccine looked like?

This publication describes a brand-new style of flu vaccine that came online for the 2019-2020 flu season. Mammalian cell-based instead of egg-based. Claims that it was studied for efficacy...but no mention of safety trials:


"A new cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine has been issued marketing approval by the European Commission and will be available for the 2019/2020 flu season.

Flucelvax® Tetra (Seqirus) is the first cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) to be made available in Europe and is licensed for use in individuals aged nine years and older.

To date, there have been no randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of QIVc and standard egg-based quadrivalent vaccines (QIVe)"

“This real-world study, along with other emerging evidence, indicates that cell-based influenza vaccines may result in better influenza-related outcomes compared to standard egg-based vaccine options in some seasons"

"In the UK, the potential advantages of QIVc, which is cultured in mammalian cells rather than eggs"

“We are pleased to be bringing Flucelvax Tetra to the UK next season and have sufficient capacity at our cell-based manufacturing facility in the US to also ensure supply in September 2019"

This article is interesting. It says that they added live-attenuated influenza vaccines to the schedule. It goes on to say that flu vaccines most definitely, positively, absolutely don't cause the flu, and by that definition won't shed...even after all of the science on vaccines admit that live-attenuated vaccines do shed. Curious:


"The 2019–2020 influenza vaccine recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have remained mostly the same, with the exception of adding the LAIV to the immunization schedule."

These articles tell us about the WHO's process is and what they decided the 2019-2020 vaccine recommendations would be. I'll note that the first link speaks to concerns with preparing for H3N2 from the prior year, while the second link says they ended up not developing that specific strain of vaccines, after all, and the third link says they went ahead and included the H3N2 variant, after all:




Now, this is an interesting story from CNN that came out in November, 2019, an important time frame in the evolution of the CV story. Note the discussion about the need to develop a new type of all-purpose vaccine, a desire to test it widely, one that focused on a protein they link to a particular virus...like, say, a spike protein. Fauci is frequently quoted in it:


"But a universal flu shot would theoretically cover every strain of the flu using what’s known as an ice cream cone approach."

"Last spring, doctors at the NIH started testing universal flu shots on Sonn and other study participants to see how their bodies respond.

“I have a personal connection to the flu,” Sonn explained. “My grandfather was orphaned due to the flu epidemic in April 1919.”

The 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic infected a third of the world’s population and killed 50 million people.

Losing his parents at 6 years old left a mark on Sonn’s grandfather, and subsequently on Sonn himself.

“He really had great trust in science and medical research, so I know he would be proud I’m taking part in this,” Sonn said.

One of the most useful things about the universal flu shot is that if it works out as hoped, it will also protect against flu pandemics like the one that killed Sonn’s great-grandparents.

In a flu pandemic, a new strain of flu virus emerges. Since very few people have immunity to it, it can spread quickly and easily.

There have been four flu pandemics in the past century: in 1918-1919; in 1957-1958; in 1968; and in 2009.

The research got an extra push in September when President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at developing a better flu vaccine.

Fauci said it could take less time – but still many years – to develop a semi-universal flu shot, which would protect against not all flu viruses, but rather a group of flu viruses."

"The faster and more precise method is not to grow the virus at all and instead just create the virus’ protein, he said.

“We clone the gene that codes for the specific protein we want,” Fauci said. “I don’t even want to see the virus. I just need the sequence of that virus, the genetic map of that virus. And you could send that to me by email.”

That’s the technology that’s being used to create the vaccines being trialed on participants like Sonn right now.

“We feel like we’re pioneers, and our volunteers are pioneers,” Ledgerwood said."

Hmm. What was that experimental technology they were trying out in the summer of 2019? Has everyone who took the jab been made unwitting "pioneers" since 2020? Especially now learning that large percentages of the CV biotech injections were placebos, like an actual (stealth) trial would have? And what of that experimental mammalian cell-based vaccine technology that the 2019-2020 flu vaccines were supposed to have? Could the 2019-2020 influenza vaccine been the precursor to the pandemic?

For public dialogue.

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My goodness you waste a lot of time on nonsense. Germ theory is false and vaccines do nothing positive

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My goodness. You're such a Johnny One Note. Do you know that what is put into the so-called vaccines *are* infectious? Germ or otherwise. You are right, "vaccines" do nothing positive. My comment and yours synch about that. But since you're such a Johnny One Note you can't even admit that they're worse than nothing positive. They do harm to both the recipient and those they spread whatever poisons are in the injections to others. Dense is dense in those who are only used to hearing and saying something one way. Like Johnny Gfo One Note. A parrot has a bigger vocabulary.

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Thank goodness someone is sticking to the truth. It is driving me brontobananas that people like Igor and Mathew Crawford and others are discussing their latest bouts with Covid errr the actual flu or allergies, or a summer cold or crappy terrain what ever.

Sure GoF work is being done. Sure Fauci ordered and funded a 21st Century Manhattan project to decimate America. But the

Spike protein with its Furin Cleavage site GP120, venom like peptides etc ad nauseum was rattling around in cyberspace until the complicit American deep staters, Mr Globo, China, and the WEF (apologies to any Super-Villians I neglected to credit) scared the shit out of the world to trick 60% of people to clamor for the actual bioweapon to be injected right into their muscle! And then attempted (and actually succeeded to some degree) to exclude critical thinkers and plain ol' skeptics from society for resisting to be injected with inarguably poison. Uhhhggg!

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But if it was a sort of accident, what explains the killer hospital protocols? I saw ngo from 2019 pushing doctors not to use antibiotics for viral pneumonia-- which is grooming for 2020. Massive orders of midazolam? The Chinese advice to use ventilators amplified by the WHO, adhered to despite it being nearly a death sentence?

The pandemic planning scenarios? Bill Gate's fortuitous investment? Moderna patents with furin cleavage site sequences? Moderna's entire funding history?

For that matter, what explains the decades of small changes to US laws that build up to EUA like the prep act? It was all just benevolent public servants carefully legalizing the deployment of deadly 'countermeasures' for our own good?

The incompetence is nearly indistinguishable from malice. Also, there may be some that were witting and others that were simply playing the same corrupt role they had always been.

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There was no virus. There are no viruses. It has been proven that virology is a fraud just like all the other lies they tell us. This entire democide was originated by the DoD to depopulate the earth. They injected graphene oxide (an established poison) and nanotechnology to cause disease and death and to connect their new trans humans to the internet of things. To exterminate humanity and all life on earth is their goal. And total control of the new species by the antichrist.

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Sorry, Jordan.

There was a GOF virus. Or at least a weaponized GOF spike protein hooked to LNP’s.

Baric’s research and GOF papers going back to 2005 prove it. David Martin has spoken extensively on this.

I agree there was no “super virus”. What was cooked up was just enough to kill elderly or immune compromised or unhealthy people. Like a typical flu. They couldn’t make it too deadly or it might kill them.

Add to that a common coronavirus sequence provided for the fraudulent PCR scam test and viola! PsyOp planDemic. Roll out the jabs.

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Germs don't cause disease. They are not flying around infecting people our toxic bodies are what make us ill

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“That things were made up and proceeded to get way out of hand?


A man modified super virus bioweapon successfully appears for the first time in human history, but it is not at all unique and cannot differentiate itself from any other recent respiratory season.”

OR a third scenario:

“They” know that viruses don’t exist but their eugenics program can create a cure for the supposed virus based on a computer model that they already patented so they can make money while killing you. Its like having the mark dig their own grave in the corn field.

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"Its like having the mark dig their own grave in the corn field."


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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

One issue that has always been glaring with the whole covid came from a lab theory, whether a deliberate or accidental release, is the same issue that givers rise to MAD - mutually assured destruction. Do people really believe that Fauci et al would be wiling to fund scientists that would tinker with a virus that might ultimately kill them and/or their loved ones? One might argue that they have a sure-fire cure but that's weak because sure fire cures that work on everybody don't exist. Also, if it escapes it becomes uncontrollable and evolves so the sure fire cure may no longer work. Plus, you would have to share this cure with everyone you want to save and expect they would all keep it secret.

The reason people believe there is a novel deadly virus out of Wuhan is because of the propaganda out of Wuhan showing people dropping dead and armies spraying down streets. Now though Wuhan remains the focus from that early focus along with leaks which also could be propaganda. The virus was detected in Italy in September 2019 which isn't explained by a lab leak that took place well over a month later. One also has to wonder how long ago this virus would be detected if it was searched for further back in time. If one were to want to pretend a deadly virus is plaguing the land, what better place to pretend an origin story whether natural or lab than a city where a virology lab exists and where one could also argue for a natural origins? Perfect camouflage to get the plebs to argue how the virus came about rather than question whether a novel deadly virus even emerged .

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Jordan, step back a bit and I'll point to a bit larger view. Wuhan was funded by DOD way back, same with Orange Ukraine labs, et al. Bat virus was made by the one genius, Baric, out of NC State; he sorted out how to insert genes without leaving a trace. Baric, to my knowledge, was NOT a part of the endgame, just a brilliant scientist that appears to be a pro. Everything Wuhan did was a cover for to present the bioweapon c19 vaccines. DOD and pharmas worked together with timing of the rigged election for MORE than one goal: produce a critical mass of consensus that Trump lost the election due to the fact that the c19 vax was released AFTER the rigged election. All observers noted that Trump won with the numbers in all critical states until the LAST minutes. All observers knew then, as all the DC pols, CFR controlled fake news, all knew the election was rigged.

DOD-Trilateral would NOT allow Trump to win as they knew he would sort out the following: c19 vaxxes were NOT even the typical lousy vaccines but THEY were the bioweapons. Each loaded with nanos with the ability to self assemble, make protective hydogel, and mimic internal organs. Transhumanism with autism are factors with the nanos. Much more but ran out of time. I'll gather a list of authors and we have a couple researchers on net with material. Carnacom is one.

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This was not simply "bungling", this was a well orchestrated political and economic set of maneuvers using the well established architecture of the medical and bio-security apparatus in conjunction with the media cartels. All of them owned and operated by the same financial conglomerates.

Fauci and Collins are professional liars and crooks- there is nothing they say or write that can be trusted- nothing.

How many times do these people have to "bungle" their way to another record-breaking theft of public monies at the expense of public well-being before people realize that getting what you want time and again isn't "bungling."

They didn't panic. It was very carefully controlled and designed

The "first wave" was Vents/ Fetnanyl/Midazolam euthanasia in hospitals and old people's homes via the deliberate misdiagnosis of common flu as "covid" with case numbers inflated by fraudulent PCR test results Remdesivir followed and then the mRNA injections.

That the CIA's Avril Haines, ran the Event 201 pandemic planning exercise is a pretty easy to understand clue.

There was nothing 'mistaken or panicked' about the governments & media's fear propaganda over the fraudulent 'Covid crisis': They all said and did the same things, stage by stage.

This was all planned.

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