The West in general and its elites in particular, in and out of MSM, government and the military, live in a world increasingly consumed by symbol, spectacle and abstraction. Not only that, but they confuse wish-fulfillment with reality. Decide that you're going to identify as a different gender, race, ethnicity, hell, decide that you're a member of a different species and woe betide anyone who doesn't go along with the charade. They might even get themselves "cancelled".
Hell, even the consequences of their (symbolic) actions are themselves largely symbolic. Melvin didn't get to put on a TED talk because someone dug up an old Tweet of his and now he's "literal Hitler" for a while.
For that matter, the truly Great and Good rarely even face those kinds of consequences. They can cause institutions to fail everywhere they go - but as long as they parrot today's approved platitudes, they glide from internship to government sinecure to think tank to academia to financial services to corporate board to consulting gig to MSM Talking Head, sometimes more than one cushy post simultaneously. Most probably never having had a 9-5 job, much less done farm or factory work, in their lives. These days, they may never even physically show up to work, ever, but their bank accounts rarely seem to reflect this.
They can even engage in outright fraud, but a big enough fish will only pay a fine, a portion of his ill-gotten gains. Meanwhile, he remains as free as a bird, and probably doesn't even face social ostracism. Last I checked, Jon Corzine is not on the naughty list of the people who matter.
Since results don't matter and there are few consequences for losing, even for catastrophe, everything becomes a matter of spin. All problems can be solved with better P.R., and there is no greater triumph than when some newscaster recites that glib talking point you just coined or when your FB post went viral, your instagram noticed by the right kind of influencer. In other words, winning is a matter of successful symbol manipulation. Speaking of spin, virtue signaling is an obsession, even unto rank hypocrisy, and the Davos Set think nothing of flying a private jet to a conference where they can congratulate themselves on their commitment to stopping climate change. Again, if there are to be any consequences, then those are for the little people to deal with.
Even in their dwindling contact with the physical world, the elites live in a world of wish-fulfillment. Push a button and whatever food or whatever else you want is brought to your door by some peon, paid for seamlessly by some electrons exchanged between banks that may not even have a physical location within a thousand miles of your location, if they have locations at all. Hell, you can even get laid via internet, just swipe right on the lucky profile. Everything is taken care of in the background, your credit card billed and airline miles accumulated automatically and the food or the girl just show up. Somehow. By Uber, I guess. Mundane questions like "How do I feed the kids this week and pay for school supplies and make the rent?" never come into the equation.
These are people who confuse their fantasies with reality to the point where they actually believe their own press releases. They give an order and it happens. They proclaim their puppets in Kabul to be wise and stable technocrats, their well-trained military striding from triumph to triumph and So Let It Be Done, So Let It Be Written. "So let it be written" - that's the word, that's all that need be done and the little people just somehow make it happen. For sheer lack of contact with the real world, these people make Louis XVI look like a medieval gong farmer or a pygmy tribesman by comparison.
Contrast the Taliban. Symbol, spectacle and abstraction mean very little to them. Doordash doesn't operate in their area and if a Talib wants a vegan option, he'll have to provide for it himself. It has probably never occurred to a Talib that he could cancel his enemies simply by digging up their old tweets, sent under a long discarded Twitter ID, and he doesn't have time for that, anyway. He lives in the world of concrete and material things, he thinks nothing of killing and in his world, there are bullets waiting to kill him quite literally dead and transport him to a very earthly and very earthy sort of paradise.
You can't wish those things away, your credit cards are no good and probably rifa, anyway, and the bullet flying towards him isn't concerned with word games, and is indifferent to pronouns, his upcoming struggle session to root out unconscious racism and it can neither be reasoned with or convinced to bother someone less important.
The world of American elites collided with the world of the Taliban and got its ass kicked. Biden and his crew cannot deal with this, because that kind of reality does not select for success in symbol manipulation, any more than skill at football selects for an ability to do math problems.
The clownish Western response to the COVID is similar. The virus can't be negotiated with, can't be bought off, can't be distracted, and is unimpressed with you and how highly you may think of yourself.
You know, they are trying to eliminate the word naughty from our vocabulary, little by little...they are hacking away at our vocabulary and our sense of what’s normal and acceptable until we become like the Tower of Babel.
Couple of months ago, there were some videos flying around regarding the opening of the Commonwealth Games. You aren't far off with the Tower of Babel reference.
This is meant to be 'humorous', but in reality it is a little jaw dropping. I can't imagine being in the audience.
"Contrast the Taliban. Symbol, spectacle and abstraction mean very little to them."
The same was true of Iraq, Vietnam, and pretty much every American war of choice where sheer destructive power was insufficient or the limited attention span of a materialistic culture with imperial ambitions intervened to bring the exercise to a halt. But all of this presupposes that 'military victory' in some form was the objective. Rather, were these simply opportunities to sell and use weapons and to throw money into some hole as the Ukraine situation appears to be?
This is how Assange described Afghanistan from reading leaked material. There was no overarching goal to achieve. Women's rights, new schools, infrastructure... all just propaganda. The goal was a never ending money laundering operation to take funds from governments... mainly the USA of course... and move it to private hands. I don't have a link but a former US general was giddy talking about the current Ukraine situation. All the money laundering but no large scale US troops involved to upset the public. He was in heaven.
The reason we heard so much about Muh Afghan Women And Girls in the waning years of the occupation was because the Pentagon had commissioned a study which indicated that an emphasis on women's rights was the most effective way to sell continuing the occupation to the public.
Agree with Greg Garcia. Your thinking is clear and precise but subtle.
Start a substack, and even if you condense your thoughts only once a month or two, you will have followers and influence more than a few, one butterfly-effect at a time.
Thank YOU Feral. Well thought out and written comment. Similar insights have taken me years to accumulate. Though we each have our own filters and style, I really like the style with which you expressed yourself.
If you are like myself and at least a couple of others I've found in comments, and are hesitating to write because there is no single thesis or paradigm to guide you, one thing I am thinking of doing is copy-pasting some of my more thoughtful exchanges with the likes of Sage Hana, Mathew Crawford, BHerr, or Tessa Lena ... and publishing those exchanges on substack to help other potential writers triangulate on a constantly emerging and complex world.
Will do. Still have a lot of old Quora posts I had intended on transferring to substack ... but with the acceleration of this planned cull and destruction of quality of life, even off-the-cuff comments on substack are worth more than most 'answers' on Quora.
The free world was never been free, it was always an illusion. These psychopaths have been planning this type of takeover for many years. They are in control and we are cattle to them. They have been soft-killing people all over the world for decades. Covid jab is the hard-kill that Jones has been talking about for many years. He is not perfect and he has his part in this psychological operation for sure. If we think that covid started the tyranny because they are trying to save lives, think again.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
― Frank Zappa
“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”
It was after Biden's election (or whatever happened) that I realized that western leaders were puppets. The leaders of the free world: US got a leader with dementia and Canada has a leader who is a brainless narcissist. It could not be more obvious to those who will look.
I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts.” Ronald Reagan. We must start collectively calling for a dismantling of the “nanny-state” or we are done. Our only hope is true revival!
Change can come. The elements in the GOP that you speak of are very new. My whole life until Trump it was the Bush-Romney-WSJ types running the GOP. But now a new kind of person is engaged and running for office, and in a few weeks many of them may win despite their own party's attempt to shiv them. This could spark change all over the place.
it's part of a much greater populist movement, which is where not only MAGA, but also the many protests in Europe and the truckers' protests in US / Canada come from. and yes we need to be aware of- and prepared for the subterfuge and take-over from the inside: Tea Party 2.0
Sunak was rejected by a majority of Tory MPs and the party membership in the recent leadership contest. Jeremy Hunt, who has now been appointed Chancellor, was roundly rejected in the early stages of the contest. Somebody is parachuting these globalists into the British government and forcefully ejecting democratically chosen leaders; it's not the majority of Tory MPs, useless as most of them are.
Yes. I keep asking why no one is investigating the WEF's successful method of getting its acolytes placed in positions of power. As you say, most Tory MPs are useless if not complicit. However, the rare few who seem to have a spark of principle left are also silent when it comes to raising the questions that matter. Ditto here in the US. Will the electorate eventually face the fact that the system doesn't work for their benefit? And what if anything will they do then?
As short as I can make it the biggest problems that led to the loss of freedom are these:
1. Free trade with China, a country that has zero freedom is a corrupting influence particularly for the political class.
2. Western government became so big and central to the economy that regulatory capture is a necessary part of business which leads to a merger of state and corporation, aka fascism.
3. The death of free speech, which although it had been under attack for many years managed to survive, was finally completed by monopolistic tech companies who dominate public forums.
The points you've made are correct but they are a symptoms not causes. Citizens who have lost moral and ethical standards are the cause, placing a low value on freedom, wanting/demanding something for nothing, 'the world owes me' mentality...take a look at the 7 deadly sins and you'll see that they fit. You don't have to be religious to see it.
Yes, but go back further: who raised those people? We all share responsibility I'm afraid to a greater or lesser degree. The buck has to stop, it will, but the lessons learned may be learned the hard way.
Brilliantly succinct and quite to the point.I respectfully suggest the addition of two(2) points, tone inserted at the appropriate places:
at#1, add, the basic dishonesty of business executives leads to acceptance of Chinese bribe-deals to benefit themselves to the disastrous detriment of their country;
at#3, add, the basic dishonesty of tech executives leads to acceptance of Federal bribes and Federal orders to deplatform and censor the American people .
The West has NEVER been a democracy. Ask the millions of lads who were sent to die in the trenches. The West is a feudality. Always has been. Always will be. We are free to do whatever we want providing it fits in with the ruling elite.
We need solutions that also include the ballot box. This starts with upcoming mid-term elections in the US. There are many candidates who are anti-globalists. The elite have gained control slowly over many years. It won’t be fixed w one election cycle; however, maybe the bleeding can be stopped.
Wait. "Today’s U.K. tories believe in what amounts to communism + tax cuts, but the tax cuts are negotiable." WTF? I guess I missed some world historical event, but the arch-rightists in the Tory party are all in for dictatorship of the proletariat, the smashing of the capitalist state and redistribution of wealth to the working class? To call Tories "communist" is not only a nonsensical claim, it also hides what is going on. The ruling class will remain untouched. The rest of us will be reduced to penury. This is not communism. It is fascism. Get a clue.
Fascists are just communists who are smart enough to realize that if they actually take over businesses, they will run them into the ground (oil in Venezuela).
If you would have shown a clip of Brandon trying to pronounce the words on his trusty teleprompter to people 30-40 years ago and told them that's the US president in 2022, they would have died laughing and wouldn't believe you for a second, yet here we are...
The Anglosphere in this respect seems to have as much in common with every other nation on Earth currently dominated by the World Economic Forum - Davos - Bilderberg kleptocrats. Appears strangely as if the rise of the Digital Culture and the New World Order rose from similar roots.
Something I wrote after the Fall Of Kabul:
These people don't live in The Real World.
The West in general and its elites in particular, in and out of MSM, government and the military, live in a world increasingly consumed by symbol, spectacle and abstraction. Not only that, but they confuse wish-fulfillment with reality. Decide that you're going to identify as a different gender, race, ethnicity, hell, decide that you're a member of a different species and woe betide anyone who doesn't go along with the charade. They might even get themselves "cancelled".
Hell, even the consequences of their (symbolic) actions are themselves largely symbolic. Melvin didn't get to put on a TED talk because someone dug up an old Tweet of his and now he's "literal Hitler" for a while.
For that matter, the truly Great and Good rarely even face those kinds of consequences. They can cause institutions to fail everywhere they go - but as long as they parrot today's approved platitudes, they glide from internship to government sinecure to think tank to academia to financial services to corporate board to consulting gig to MSM Talking Head, sometimes more than one cushy post simultaneously. Most probably never having had a 9-5 job, much less done farm or factory work, in their lives. These days, they may never even physically show up to work, ever, but their bank accounts rarely seem to reflect this.
They can even engage in outright fraud, but a big enough fish will only pay a fine, a portion of his ill-gotten gains. Meanwhile, he remains as free as a bird, and probably doesn't even face social ostracism. Last I checked, Jon Corzine is not on the naughty list of the people who matter.
Since results don't matter and there are few consequences for losing, even for catastrophe, everything becomes a matter of spin. All problems can be solved with better P.R., and there is no greater triumph than when some newscaster recites that glib talking point you just coined or when your FB post went viral, your instagram noticed by the right kind of influencer. In other words, winning is a matter of successful symbol manipulation. Speaking of spin, virtue signaling is an obsession, even unto rank hypocrisy, and the Davos Set think nothing of flying a private jet to a conference where they can congratulate themselves on their commitment to stopping climate change. Again, if there are to be any consequences, then those are for the little people to deal with.
Even in their dwindling contact with the physical world, the elites live in a world of wish-fulfillment. Push a button and whatever food or whatever else you want is brought to your door by some peon, paid for seamlessly by some electrons exchanged between banks that may not even have a physical location within a thousand miles of your location, if they have locations at all. Hell, you can even get laid via internet, just swipe right on the lucky profile. Everything is taken care of in the background, your credit card billed and airline miles accumulated automatically and the food or the girl just show up. Somehow. By Uber, I guess. Mundane questions like "How do I feed the kids this week and pay for school supplies and make the rent?" never come into the equation.
These are people who confuse their fantasies with reality to the point where they actually believe their own press releases. They give an order and it happens. They proclaim their puppets in Kabul to be wise and stable technocrats, their well-trained military striding from triumph to triumph and So Let It Be Done, So Let It Be Written. "So let it be written" - that's the word, that's all that need be done and the little people just somehow make it happen. For sheer lack of contact with the real world, these people make Louis XVI look like a medieval gong farmer or a pygmy tribesman by comparison.
Contrast the Taliban. Symbol, spectacle and abstraction mean very little to them. Doordash doesn't operate in their area and if a Talib wants a vegan option, he'll have to provide for it himself. It has probably never occurred to a Talib that he could cancel his enemies simply by digging up their old tweets, sent under a long discarded Twitter ID, and he doesn't have time for that, anyway. He lives in the world of concrete and material things, he thinks nothing of killing and in his world, there are bullets waiting to kill him quite literally dead and transport him to a very earthly and very earthy sort of paradise.
You can't wish those things away, your credit cards are no good and probably rifa, anyway, and the bullet flying towards him isn't concerned with word games, and is indifferent to pronouns, his upcoming struggle session to root out unconscious racism and it can neither be reasoned with or convinced to bother someone less important.
The world of American elites collided with the world of the Taliban and got its ass kicked. Biden and his crew cannot deal with this, because that kind of reality does not select for success in symbol manipulation, any more than skill at football selects for an ability to do math problems.
The clownish Western response to the COVID is similar. The virus can't be negotiated with, can't be bought off, can't be distracted, and is unimpressed with you and how highly you may think of yourself.
Feral Finstar,
Awesome and we’ll thought out comments.
Thank you.
Get your own substack and keep writing.
You’ll enjoy lots of readers and many more “comments” like this.
Absolutely! My thoughts exactly.
Thank you....
You know, they are trying to eliminate the word naughty from our vocabulary, little by little...they are hacking away at our vocabulary and our sense of what’s normal and acceptable until we become like the Tower of Babel.
Couple of months ago, there were some videos flying around regarding the opening of the Commonwealth Games. You aren't far off with the Tower of Babel reference.
This is meant to be 'humorous', but in reality it is a little jaw dropping. I can't imagine being in the audience.
"Contrast the Taliban. Symbol, spectacle and abstraction mean very little to them."
The same was true of Iraq, Vietnam, and pretty much every American war of choice where sheer destructive power was insufficient or the limited attention span of a materialistic culture with imperial ambitions intervened to bring the exercise to a halt. But all of this presupposes that 'military victory' in some form was the objective. Rather, were these simply opportunities to sell and use weapons and to throw money into some hole as the Ukraine situation appears to be?
This is how Assange described Afghanistan from reading leaked material. There was no overarching goal to achieve. Women's rights, new schools, infrastructure... all just propaganda. The goal was a never ending money laundering operation to take funds from governments... mainly the USA of course... and move it to private hands. I don't have a link but a former US general was giddy talking about the current Ukraine situation. All the money laundering but no large scale US troops involved to upset the public. He was in heaven.
The reason we heard so much about Muh Afghan Women And Girls in the waning years of the occupation was because the Pentagon had commissioned a study which indicated that an emphasis on women's rights was the most effective way to sell continuing the occupation to the public.
At some point, the weapons would no longer sell themselves.
Beware of MICC
Agree with Greg Garcia. Your thinking is clear and precise but subtle.
Start a substack, and even if you condense your thoughts only once a month or two, you will have followers and influence more than a few, one butterfly-effect at a time.
Thank you.
Thank YOU Feral. Well thought out and written comment. Similar insights have taken me years to accumulate. Though we each have our own filters and style, I really like the style with which you expressed yourself.
If you are like myself and at least a couple of others I've found in comments, and are hesitating to write because there is no single thesis or paradigm to guide you, one thing I am thinking of doing is copy-pasting some of my more thoughtful exchanges with the likes of Sage Hana, Mathew Crawford, BHerr, or Tessa Lena ... and publishing those exchanges on substack to help other potential writers triangulate on a constantly emerging and complex world.
Cheers from Japan Feral!
Looking forward to reading more of you.
— steve
Do it up, far as this cat is concerned.
Let me know when your channel is live.
Will do. Still have a lot of old Quora posts I had intended on transferring to substack ... but with the acceleration of this planned cull and destruction of quality of life, even off-the-cuff comments on substack are worth more than most 'answers' on Quora.
Cheers Feral.
Holy shit! Can I used this comment for a piece of dialogue in my upcoming book I'm writing?
This is badass and to the point!
Go buck wild.
Good kitty.
Good kitty!!!
The free world was never been free, it was always an illusion. These psychopaths have been planning this type of takeover for many years. They are in control and we are cattle to them. They have been soft-killing people all over the world for decades. Covid jab is the hard-kill that Jones has been talking about for many years. He is not perfect and he has his part in this psychological operation for sure. If we think that covid started the tyranny because they are trying to save lives, think again.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
― Frank Zappa
“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”
― George Orwell
Freedom isn’t free, there’s a heavy f***in fee
If we don't all chip in, we'll never pay that bill...
It was after Biden's election (or whatever happened) that I realized that western leaders were puppets. The leaders of the free world: US got a leader with dementia and Canada has a leader who is a brainless narcissist. It could not be more obvious to those who will look.
I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts.” Ronald Reagan. We must start collectively calling for a dismantling of the “nanny-state” or we are done. Our only hope is true revival!
Change can come. The elements in the GOP that you speak of are very new. My whole life until Trump it was the Bush-Romney-WSJ types running the GOP. But now a new kind of person is engaged and running for office, and in a few weeks many of them may win despite their own party's attempt to shiv them. This could spark change all over the place.
Let's hope you're right.
Tea Party 2.0.
Let's hope it doesn't get taken over like the first.
it's part of a much greater populist movement, which is where not only MAGA, but also the many protests in Europe and the truckers' protests in US / Canada come from. and yes we need to be aware of- and prepared for the subterfuge and take-over from the inside: Tea Party 2.0
Sunak was rejected by a majority of Tory MPs and the party membership in the recent leadership contest. Jeremy Hunt, who has now been appointed Chancellor, was roundly rejected in the early stages of the contest. Somebody is parachuting these globalists into the British government and forcefully ejecting democratically chosen leaders; it's not the majority of Tory MPs, useless as most of them are.
“ Somebody is parachuting these globalists into pretty much all governments”. Just ask Bernie.
To be clear Sunak won the vote of Tory MPs 137 to 113 for Truss. He lost the Conservative party membership vote.
Thanks for the clarification and correction.
Yes. I keep asking why no one is investigating the WEF's successful method of getting its acolytes placed in positions of power. As you say, most Tory MPs are useless if not complicit. However, the rare few who seem to have a spark of principle left are also silent when it comes to raising the questions that matter. Ditto here in the US. Will the electorate eventually face the fact that the system doesn't work for their benefit? And what if anything will they do then?
Has anyone checked Bill Gates flight logs? He’s probably picking the next PM.
As short as I can make it the biggest problems that led to the loss of freedom are these:
1. Free trade with China, a country that has zero freedom is a corrupting influence particularly for the political class.
2. Western government became so big and central to the economy that regulatory capture is a necessary part of business which leads to a merger of state and corporation, aka fascism.
3. The death of free speech, which although it had been under attack for many years managed to survive, was finally completed by monopolistic tech companies who dominate public forums.
The points you've made are correct but they are a symptoms not causes. Citizens who have lost moral and ethical standards are the cause, placing a low value on freedom, wanting/demanding something for nothing, 'the world owes me' mentality...take a look at the 7 deadly sins and you'll see that they fit. You don't have to be religious to see it.
greed, sloth, lust, anger, pride, envy, gluttony.
Brought to you by the millennials on down. The spoiled brats of the participation trophies. 🤢🤮
Yes, but go back further: who raised those people? We all share responsibility I'm afraid to a greater or lesser degree. The buck has to stop, it will, but the lessons learned may be learned the hard way.
I've never had kids. I've never had any influential relationships with kids. Their parents had both.
Being a good example is also important in your everyday life. Think of people you've admired.
Brilliantly succinct and quite to the point.I respectfully suggest the addition of two(2) points, tone inserted at the appropriate places:
at#1, add, the basic dishonesty of business executives leads to acceptance of Chinese bribe-deals to benefit themselves to the disastrous detriment of their country;
at#3, add, the basic dishonesty of tech executives leads to acceptance of Federal bribes and Federal orders to deplatform and censor the American people .
Thank you.
The West has NEVER been a democracy. Ask the millions of lads who were sent to die in the trenches. The West is a feudality. Always has been. Always will be. We are free to do whatever we want providing it fits in with the ruling elite.
hence the "survival of the fittest".
We need solutions that also include the ballot box. This starts with upcoming mid-term elections in the US. There are many candidates who are anti-globalists. The elite have gained control slowly over many years. It won’t be fixed w one election cycle; however, maybe the bleeding can be stopped.
Yes. That's immediate goal #1.
Wait. "Today’s U.K. tories believe in what amounts to communism + tax cuts, but the tax cuts are negotiable." WTF? I guess I missed some world historical event, but the arch-rightists in the Tory party are all in for dictatorship of the proletariat, the smashing of the capitalist state and redistribution of wealth to the working class? To call Tories "communist" is not only a nonsensical claim, it also hides what is going on. The ruling class will remain untouched. The rest of us will be reduced to penury. This is not communism. It is fascism. Get a clue.
Fascists are just communists who are smart enough to realize that if they actually take over businesses, they will run them into the ground (oil in Venezuela).
If you would have shown a clip of Brandon trying to pronounce the words on his trusty teleprompter to people 30-40 years ago and told them that's the US president in 2022, they would have died laughing and wouldn't believe you for a second, yet here we are...
The voting box has been compromised along with real journalism, which only leaves a few ways for actual change. Few of them are good choices.
We were never free, we get to vote once every 3-5 years then the scabs we elect make laws we don't like.
The Anglosphere in this respect seems to have as much in common with every other nation on Earth currently dominated by the World Economic Forum - Davos - Bilderberg kleptocrats. Appears strangely as if the rise of the Digital Culture and the New World Order rose from similar roots.
'The Five Eyes'.