The American interest is the wealth of the Biden, Pelosi, Romney, and Kerry families given their sons' dealings in Ukraine.

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Russia is seizing Hunter Biden's accounts. This is going to make the big guy very angry.

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In Switzerland? I doubt it!

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Yes!! “There are no American security interests at risk.”

Except for the personal secret-keeping security interests of individuals who received large sums from govt and quasi-govt NGOs.

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Indeed, a giant secretive slush fund and don't forget they're protecting the bioweapon labs of big Pharma..

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Still not an American interest!!

Except to the point of investigating and prosecuting these corrupt family dealings. Which we know never happens since this UniParty system is a ‘one hand washes the other’ ploy. We need a viable 3rd political party we can trust. Again…wishful thinking.

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Beat me to it. Well said.

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Ukraine is a giant money laundering operation for American politicians. And now that they made all the money possible off COVID they are going to make huge profits off military industrial complex stocks.

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Not all! Only THE UNIPARTY!

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The Ukrainian issue illustrates to Americans how far our politicians have strayed from public servants and representatives. They are ginning up this war to defend their own clandestine interests in the Ukraine and those of their puppet masters.

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Remember when the Left… uhh, I mean all those reasonable people in the media and Hollywood and such, went bananas over Saudi Arabia doing this same thing in Yemen? Yeah, neither do I.

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Well, the "president's" crackhead son was given several million dollars by corrupt Ukranian oligarchs. Zelensky is blackmailing the dribbler in chief into giving Ukraine billions.

Make no mistake, biden will attack Russia to protect his corrupt scum ridden family.

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Send Americans to die for a sovereign border in Ukraine while ours is wide open.

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Biden et al are hell bent on getting us into a war. Not that Putin is a good guy but the media is beating the drum with all the atrocities and bad things the Russians have done. If you read any analysis by someone who knows Russia and follows them, they will say none of that is in Putin's best interest. But it is war and innocents always suffer. Biden's motivation is multifold. A distraction for starters from the mess in the US, the fog of war to probably cover his dealings there as well as Pelosi, Romney, etc. but maybe mostly as a way to further crush the American people and destroy the US. Zelensky is a WEF grad. and anything involving Schwab and Soros is bad for us. I fear a false flag to blame on Putin ( hence inciting the Libs here with the Ukraine love fest) and blow this whole thing solidly into WW3.

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We need to step back from this war immediately. It is a regional conflict at worst and does not involve us.

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You say "Lost in the Ukraine war conversation is the reality that almost none of it has anything to do with the interests of the American citizen [...]", but it has nothing to do with the interests of the Ukrainean and the Russian citizens either.

Did anybody asked the Ukrainean citizens if they would rather give up on their life habits of going to the mall, playing with their kids or going on holidays in Turkey's Antalya in exchange for their EU and/or Nato admission?

Did anybody asked the Russian citizens if they feel unsafe if Russia does not secure the Black Sea and Ukraine keeps lurking toward EU and/or Nato?

The citizens interests are nowhere in sight in respect of ANY national or international policies within the western and big nations of the world. Unfortunately there is no place on earth that would care for their citizens interest anymore. The democracy has failed nearly as miserable as any other authocratic system.

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Obama and Biden to Zelinsky. "You f**ked up, you trusted us!"


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Send our youth to die for Ukraine's border sovereignty while ours is wide open.

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It's all about slight of hand; mass confusion.

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There is no interest for Joe American but damn, Zelensky looks natty in that T-shirt, don’t he?

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an actor's slick PR.

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Who gets all these weapons if Russia wins? Why on earth has Ukraine??? been in the news for six years now? Who the hell is bribing/blackmailing who? How many Russians living in Ukraine have been attacked? How many Russian kids are dead? Does anyone care? Has anyone noticed all the covid tests stacked high on the boxes of donated medical supplies? Do they have to isolate if they are positive? Is Romney in hog heaven "exonerated" for his "Russia geopolitical" comment during the 2012 presidential debates? Has the USA ever interfered in another nations election? Have we ever droned/bombed innocent kids? I have no doubt...NONE that we pushed this farce onto the Ukrainian people. We flattered and deified Mr Zelensky. What man could resist that? Ukraine cannot possibly win a war with Russia. Why are we cheering? We should be doubled over in shame!

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Blinken's family comes from Ukraine - https://blog.nli.org.il/en/lbh-blinken/

Biden's family members are heavily involved in business deals in Ukraine - https://nypost.com/2022/02/02/us-diplomat-warned-about-hunter-biden-ukraine-deals-in-2016/

no coincidences.

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If we start shipping in shiny new arms, the Russians will start bombing the shipments, which will eventually run them afoul of NATO, directly. There’s no good end to that.

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NATO and the US have already started.. I agree. This can't end well.

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