I'm sure glad our government doesn't act this way, depriving political opponents of their rights.

Danny Huckabee

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I think the third paragraph answers the last question: He knows where all the bodies are buried.

I believe he also knows about all the Biden interference within the country. And let's not forget the other undue influence peddled by multiple other United States officials.

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As the saying goes ,"you make your bed and now sleep in it " even if you sh*t in it.

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If H Biden was on Burisma and records of his dealings are in Kolomoisky's hands, then it makes sense to fivest K of those records as a life-insurance for Zelensky. Also, it may help Z get more dollars from J Biden and other USUK parties with interests in Ukraine.

Plus K has served his purpose for Z. Compare it to Putin's rise: Jeltsin's backers and the USUK-axis power saw him as an easy target for their machinations and manipulations, and Putin and his Old Guard KGB-colleagues were clever enough to exploit the greed that underlies every USUK decision.

Then Putin consolidated his power and got rid of the people who had thought him a suitable puppet to replace Jeltsin with. (Which is also part of the reason Putin got designated a Bad Guy by the USUK; the other part being preventing US oligarchs loyal to the Obama/Clinton-gang taking control of russian natural resources in 2008.)

Is it that improbable that Z is doing the same thing?

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Bad dogs will turn on their masters when better meat is smelled elsewhere.

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I don't know why Zelensky turned against him but I do know why it gets no media attention. Western media is completely in the tank.

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May 17Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Zelensky is one of history’s great men. He is committed to rooting out corruption. His old Benefactor has to be stopped to clean up Ukraine. Joe Biden has said ‘clean up Ukraine of corruption. If you don’t, Hunter and Blackrock won’t come in and rebuild it. (Seriously…someone needs to invent a sarcasm font).

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So he obviously knows too much about the Biden's and the bribe for Ukraine to get US weapons was putting him in jail. The only strange part is Democrats like Biden have absolutely no reason to hide their corruption. They could murder someone on National TV and the MSM would come to their defense.

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"Volodomyr Zelensky has labeled his longtime patron as enemy number one. The man responsible for his rise to fame, fortune and the presidency remains in a state of indefinite detention. The question remains: why?"

Because he can. As long as the Americans are happy with him, Zelenskii is de facto dictator. The moment the Americans withdraw their favor, he goes.

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Ngo Dinh Diem is unavailable for comment.

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That isn't a bad example.. Diem presided over a full-on reign of terror in South Vietnam, until the Americans decided that he was a liability.

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"These are the days of our lives"

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Would you agree it involves the late john McCain, the CIA and Barack Obama? Hmm!

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His pacifist shift toward Russia? Hmm?

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Clearly he's a threat to the tyrants running the U.S.

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The parasite class have no compunction in using one of their own to set up the crime scene and then promptly dispose of said "know it all" once the scheme is running. Greedy people really never learn. So, you wanna be a Kingpin do ya? Sure, we'll place (fix) you on the bowling alley spot. Ha ha ha ha

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George Webb (georgewebb.substack.com) might declare Kolomoisky is exactly where he should be -- in jail -- though likely the multitude of crimes committed by Ihor will never be revealed during Ihor's lifetime.

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He’s gonna be like Epstein

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Wow 😮

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