Our vaccine, who art in needle...

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....Hallowed be thy injection.

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Jul 15, 2022
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On Earth, which will be like heaven

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Forgive us our trespasses, as we do not forgive those who trespass against us.

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And lead us into temptation, and deliver us unto evil.

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Hallowed be thy lies...

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not often i burst into loud laughter, cheers

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One would think the literally idolatrous name "faith in vaccines" would be enough to keep this campaign out of any serious Bible-believing church. Yeah, I know to those in Public Health it's a cute marketing jingle but words do actually mean things. Our faith is in God, not the misadventures of man.

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...misadventures of man what is killing and maiming millions. Faith in a God that is not helping, because it does not exist, is fantasy.

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Gee thanks Charlie, never heard that pearl of wisdom before! I had just swallowed it all hook, line, and sinker without a shred of critical thinking. Your brilliant exegesis has me reconsidering my entire worldview (eyeroll).

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Well consider were he's from: Gamorrah on Puget Sound. God abandoned that place years ago.

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Seriously, shame on them. As a Christian I am mortified and indignant that they would take advantage of and twist people's trust in their faith communities in this way. Disgusting isn't the word for it.

Here in Canada a pastor has revealed that the government offered him $50,000 to promote the vaccines, and $100,000 if it was promoted out of a non-profit: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/canadian-pastor-says-health-officials-offered-church-50000-to-push-vaccines. One wonders how many churches quietly took the money and kept silent about it? Goes a long way toward possibly explaining the betrayal of churches during the entire covid fiasco, if so.

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The failure of most churches during the past 2.5 years has been incredibly sad. Everyone is on the take or easily brainwashed and church leadership all caved to community pressure to close and hold the ridiculous parking lot services.

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Agreed, although I think it only revealed the rot that has been present in North American churches for a very long time before covid, sadly.

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It was revolting to see, how ready the clergy was in the service of Evil...

Those, who still go to those "churches," are obedient servant now and the rest have nowhere to go...

Doesn't it seem to have been planned?

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Douglas Farrow has good articles on the failings of the church with regards to covid.

With regards to 'bribes', I watched a youtube video where a new zealand financial analyst stated that the IMF offered countries billions in loans in return for supporting the official covid narrative. The covid narrative typically resulted in the GDP of the country falling by a greater amount than the loan so the citizens were then poorer and had an additional debt burden. IMF loans are said to be poorly monitored so may not result to the benefit of the citizens at all.

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IMF "loans" are issued as results of bribery and/or blackmail, and they serve the single purpose of bankrupting all receiving countries as a preclusion to the one-world digital currency (apparently, planned to be issued in the form of "digital certificates" that will function like debit cards.

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Interesting, hadn't heard of Farrow, will check out his Substack. Also very interesting the bit about the IMF loans, hadn't heard of that either.

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Here's a link to the George Gammon video. It's rather long but worth watching, I hope I got the details right.


Chris talks about the '3 waters project' (hope I got that right too), another globalist initiative that I wasn't aware of. It sounded like it was 'dead in the water', at least in new zealand.

Douglas Farrow is a Canadian theologian in Quebec.

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Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, rejected a $900 million bribe in return for orchestrating the fake pandemic. For some miraculous reasons, he is still alive, as opposed to the Presidents of Tanzania, Burundi, and Haiti.

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The secularists have been similarly betrayed by their blind faith in fallible human doctors.

There is no end to the evil that men do, and in these modern times, women are in close competition for the award offered to those whose lies are most convincing.

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The whole Church scam is evil Pork dinners, Sunday " "Sabbath", calling a mortal your shepherd ( "Pastor"), it's all a counterfeit.

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Afraid I'll have to disagree with you there, though it sounds like maybe you've had some bad experience behind your statement.

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There is nothing to dispute The Sabbath is the seventh day memorial of Creation. Pork is abomination, denied by God to His People.

Since God never denies any good thing to His people, it is clear pork cannot be a good thing.

Truth is Immutable and God's Word is truth.

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DC is mostly black, so this is similar to planned parenthood targeting the same neighborhoods. History rhymes with eugenics.

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Exactly. It's so ironic and funny in a not-funny way. Here in Canada Indigenous people were prioritized in the vaccine rollout. Canada, which prides itself on being super-woke and constantly bemoans and repents of its treatment of Indigenous people in the past, repeating history all over again...privileging Indigenous people for genocide.

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And like African-Americans, vaccine side-effects hit First Nations hardest.

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And different lot numbers are shown to have different doses.

Injuries are markedly higher in certain lot numbers.

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In the US, Kentucky was hit the hardest with the killer batches.

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Yep. We lost the maid of honor, and my wife’s best friend, to Pfizer lit EN 6201. Per VAERS that lot has taken 185 lives. It grows every week. It was 90 in December when I learned how to look it up.

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Forced "vaccinations" for the indigenous people also happened in Northern Australia.

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Exactly. It's why all the secular humanist libs nonetheless are so open-mindedly embracing of 'community of color faith leaders'. Because they are really just racists who think they have to humor the (they'll never call it this:) ignorance of these groups until these groups have a) cast democrat votes and b) let themselves become edumacated enough by these same libs to eventually evolve beyond their childish need to believe in the supernatural. I freaking despise this stance.

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As Mark from Housatonic said a few days back "The Eugenicists became Geneticists"

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Except because blacks do not obey much, so the delivery system had to be changed to aerosols.

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Yep -- It's Religion, not Science.


You learn in First Grade that in REAL SCIENCE you make your data available for independent review, not try to hide it for 55 years. This is not, never has been, science. What is it? Probably the Crime of the Century.

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Covidians and Environmentalists - the two new most successful synthetic world religions. Now, if only they can find a way to combine the two, it would be over for the rest of us. Mind you, there have been some weak attempts such as claiming climate change will increase pandemics, but nothing successful so far.

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I wonder how much these pastors are getting paid for genociding their congregations?

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What amazes me is how these same people will attack Christianity. They will call people who have faith stupid, backwards hillbillies who take to heart the rantings and superstitions of Bronze Age barbarians.

Oh until it is time to use Christianity in order to push certain narratives

"Oh, we could really use this. I mean people don't trust us anymore but they do trust their pastors! Yeah let's get them in on this"

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Where I live in Canada, our bishop was featured on a poster promoting the covid shot last year with the caption 'I have faith in the vaccine'. Many of us were in shock over this including most priests of the parish. I think it was the Babylon Bee that featured a cartoon with people worshipping the new golden calf: the vaccine.

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SATAN - welcomed right in the churches! All souls sold to Satan.

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Remember when cigarettes were good for you? So said Lucky Strike.

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Native Americans use tobacco medicinally. It's carcinogenic effects derive from nuclear testing, since tobacco plants have affinity for radiation and soak it right up.

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As far as I know, in cigarettes, the additives and the paper are the most harmful.

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Jordan you keep hitting them out of the park. Well done.


Will we (and the minority communities) ever tire of seeing this leftist control model, be successful?

An earlier commenter alluded to the historic use of the churches (for pushing medical tyranny) , by the left and I thought we should revisit it specifically....Sanger's "Negro Project"

You can find this quoted text many places, but I pulled it from here:


The “Negro Project” in 1939.

"The objective of the “project” was to infiltrate the black community by presenting birth control as a health option for women to kill off the black race. Kill them off by limiting the growth of the population by abortion and sterilization.

They knew that some blacks would figure out their sinister plot so it was decided by Sanger to take the plan to the clergy and charismatic members the black community to have them deliver the death message to their congregations.

In a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble Sanger stated, “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Now, these and other tactics have always been out there and always will be. The left uses ANY and EVERY resource they have in order to control and or crush their enemy...the peasantry.

Be it churches, hollywood, music, sports, social media/influencers, corporations, employers, governments, etc., they will use all tools at their disposal to move along all issues, in the larger agenda.

I've asked this question numerous time and while I have received a myriad of answer, certain ones make little sense.

If XYZ business/church/school/hollywood/sport/sport conference/social media platform/company/etc. is aligned with and actively pushing the message/policies of the woke-industrial complex, why have you not removed them from your daily lives.to wit: stop patronizing them with your time, attention and money?

What will it finally take, for people to stand and refuse to be part of institutions, that are (in this case) preaching a message of death. Take away a pastors congregation/money and they either change their tune quickly or you find out just where they stand on issues (secular and spiritual). Same goes for secular entities as well.

If you are patronizing someone/something, that supports the woke agenda, then you are part of the larger problem...because you are funding it. Their slow, ceaseless take over (seen today), didn't happen in a vacuum. They used conservatives to get it done.

The leftist elites have always known (read for centuries) that 3 things can be used to control the peasantry...Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment. The peasants will trade their freedom, liberty, property, integrity, morals, convictions, families and most recently their children, for those 3 things.

Ask yourself what would it take for you to dump hollywood for good, how about sports, social media, starbucks, ben and jerrys, pick anything you covet (that is supporting the woke agenda) and ask what would it take to actually live my rhetoric and convictions, on just one issue?

We've seen parents do this in response to the discovery of CRT and sexual grooming of their kids.

Many have dumped hollywood (me included), since that industry was and still is the largest and most successful tool the left has for funding, social engineering and radicalization of our society, as a whole.

Those are just two examples that feed the global woke agenda. It has been said it is a hydra, with thousands of heads...which I believe. Until we all cut the heads off that we respectively covet, we will never stand a chance.

Jordan rightly calls out, this time tested, despicable practice of using churches against their parishioners, but it is only one pine needle on a VERY tall and healthy leftist tree.

Until we ALL decide to be uncomfortable and walk away from the institutions that hate us and to the institutions that respect us, they will always win.

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Very good question, thanks for highlighting this!

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Absolutely agree. It’s endlessly disappointing to see how reluctant ppl are to walk away from FB, Hollywood, Twitter, etc etc etc... I’ll never understand it.

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Just awesome. You should start your own Substack.

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Thanks John, I actually am going to. I'm working on the first article and hope to get things posted by the first part of August.

We not only have to make people aware of what is going on in-front of and behind their backs (as Jordan and many others have been doing), but also that they/we still have power. The left still has it's weak spots, however that becomes less the case as the globalization marches forward. When they finally take over the monetary systems (read digital currencies, linked to individual ESG scores) and governments of countries, ceded their sovereignties to the WHO, UN and IMF, we (the peasants) will have very few forms of recourse left.

I appreciate the encouraging words. Keep fighting were you can. This is far from over.

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Back in December 2020 I called it the "Vaccine Saviour" Narrative. Little did I realise how long this one would run and run. It seems to be a most egregious case of life fraudulently imitating art.

Something happened back then in a few very short weeks - screeching handbrake turns post US election result.

My take: "History is full of beliefs that turned out to be 100% false, despite their prevailing narratives being untouchable shibboleths at the time. Those that spoke out could expect severe punishment – and many a heretic has suffered a fiery end, despite being on the right side of history. Throughout such episodes, many nice people put aside raging cognitive dissonance and clung – firmly, though incorrectly – to their belief systems". https://alexstarling77.substack.com/p/tina-turned

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100% on the vaccine savior thing. Full on virtue signal along with "Don't be a grandma-killer" which morphed into "Don't be a racist" by not masking/vaxxing.

Plus, thank-you for "jabbernaut" in yr post! Such a perfect word!

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Thanks! Over here we even had a "Health" Minister whose name rhymes with Savage Jabbit...

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I am going to be sick...

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They can start showing everyone what "faith in the vaccine" looks like by standing behind their product 100% and ending the emergency use authorization for it.

Show the world that you stand behind your product by putting out an official tested product that you are willing to risk lawsuits for death and injuries over because you believe in it so much.

Until then, BUGGER OFF.

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Still trying to get used to the overt in our face open genocide taking place. I knew they were killing people for years but never imagined that when these monsters went LIVE that it would be so fucking obvious. All hail the stupid and the gullible....NOT.

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We'll, at least they're not hiding it anymore.

If it was actually scientific they wouldn't need to have faith..

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It gives us every right and the necessity of throwing the medical industrial baby out with the bathwater. Once we see that where something leads is to pure evil we can categorically deny any common sense to it.

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