My heart breaks a hundred times a day witnessing the horrific, traumatizing, and immediate effects of these "pandemic" "measures on children. Despite what some people pass off as the results of "unprepared, stupid politicians," this is planned, organized, and expected (not by the average government worker, but by the higher-up Pavolvian lapdogs of the controlling elite: I'm looking at you, Nuisance in California.)

Jordan is right again: The pro-lockdown/social-distancing/mask-wearing camp is responsible for mainstreaming its fear-porn propaganda to everyday folks. But people still need to step outside their tv-watching, social-media-addicted, politician-worshiping mentality and think critically about these "measures."

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We pay for our grandchildren to go to private schools. They have been in school thru this whole mess, with precautions. The public school teachers’ union’s’ have failed our children. Their agenda is political, not about educating.

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Good for your, Bert, and for your grandchildren. Everything about politics is an agenda to destabilize, dehumanize, and dumb down humanity before attempting complete enslavement.

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Thank you, and once again we are on the same page.

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You are absolutely right. I find it’s a very very selfish cohort (dare I suggest, largely upper middle class baby-boomers!) that has imposed this lockdown. Fear and short-sighted selfishness. It’s tragic in a very insidious way - and on a scale that’s hard to comprehend.

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These are dark hearted monsters who will hurt children, kill our economy, and run our country into the ground to promote a political agenda that seeks more and more control over us. We need to stand up to these tyrants before we all wind up crazy, broke, slaves with no real freedom. Enough I say.

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Bert, once again I totally agree with you! I'm taking my own "measures" to create a very local group of like-minded/hearted folks to work in solidarity on bartering, community gardening, etc. We envision the group expanding to a point where members want to either "exit and build" or "stay and reclaim." Whether and if SHTF in two days, two years, or two decades, we are building skills—stemming from a necessarily strong, flexible mental and spiritual grounding—for living in true human freedom as our Creator intended.

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We do two gardens a year a large one on out lot across the road and another close to the house. My Wife cans and stores what I grow and we trade out with neighbors who garden. As some of us do better than others with certain crops. no herbicides or pesticides or nitrates. We get the bulk of what we need from a local farmer who has dairy cows, raw milk, free range chickens and pigs. They are chemical and steroid free, with no anti biotics. The cows are grass fed, no grain. Everything is local.

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That's pretty much how I grew up in the Midwest!

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Good to hear. I have lived on both coasts and a few other places, but settled in the Midwest. Meets my needs and tastes. I do miss the ocean but can always visit.

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Great, Bert! The Midwest has so many benefits for natural living. And yes, please come to California! The Mighty Pacific misses your vibe!

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Thank you. I miss surfing and the beautiful sunsets, not to mention the weather. I get back there about every three to five years.

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This article is a great summary of what we have put our children through. However, as a watcher of language, I found especially gratifying your point about the media's blaming the pandemic rather than blaming our *reaction* to the pandemic, our policies. We forget that every ill consequence we've seen--lost businesses, lost time with loved ones, loved ones dying alone, an increasingly isolated and mentally dysfunctional population, increased mental health issues, lost income, people dying due to lack of medical care for issues other than COVID, the hysteria--all this can be blamed on people, and a particular set of people at that. But it can also be blamed on us, the population in general, for not exercising our own judgment to counter the less than altruistically motivated edicts of these people. But the media continues to blame the "pandemic" as if the "pandemic" somehow made us do all this. It didn't. We have led normal lives through far worse. If anything it's human weakness in general that has gotten us here, not some virus.

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Well said.

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What is the mental health issues rate for homeschooled kids?

That's the only data we might, might have to compare COVID from home.

Schools especially mass mandatory schooling is a recent development.

It is possible that for some children schools are the only beacon of order and sanity, a refuge from home. Possible.

Otherwise Drama, and their mothers being hysterical now that they have to spend time with their kids.

The Horror!

The Horror !

Sure the lockdowns are wrong and repressive, but that's the point of the lockdowns: Repress us, harm us. We go along easy enough, but the Dems can't be blamed for our weakness.

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Wow. What a ridiculous comment.

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Why I chose to homeschool this year. Best decision ever.

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"“The pandemic” is not responsible for inhumane action."

Of course NOT... degenerate uman animals are.

That child in the last image is a parent-less one!

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