It's already been downloaded to the NPCs. It's only a matter of time until it's full-blown policy in most places. I've already seen a handful of people at my workplace donning them. Just ridiculous, this is never going to end, they are going to keep pushing us to see how far we'll let them go. And it's clear we're going to let them take everything - our freedom, livelihood, and dignity.

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plugs and kammy used to double-mask; now they don't. Maybe they need to be told of this new "science."

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Not where I live. I guess we just like each other too much to live in fear.

The masks are already being ignored sometimes. Talk of a mask burning party come April.

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I heard smearing feces on the inside of your mask captures 99.999% of aerosol virus. Smearing them on the outside guarantees social distancing.

What the hell is going on in this country?

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Isn't a plastic bag over your head even better than 5 masks ?

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I have always loved these "studies." They forget that for a particle the size of a virus, even in a bit of aerosol, the human respiratory system has all the force, in and out, of a jet engine, relatively speaking. So we are constantly sucking whatever lands and collects outside the mask through the mask, but then we create a sticky swamp right behind the mask. I miss old science, where if something didn't really work you tried to figure out why and then you came to an honest conclusion. You didn't double down, quite literally in this case. I can't believe people actually go along with this ridiculousness, but then our education system was taking a nosedive when I was in school 30 years ago. I can't imagine what it's like now.

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Blocking 92% of particles also means blocking out/keeping in similar shares of oxygen and co2. They might as well be telling people to pull plastic bags over their head to keep 100% of the particles out. If you're gonna slowly suffocate people to death like this, you might as well get it over with right away.

Our bodies and brains obviously need oxygen to work and our immune systems depend on it too. If you want to make sure you get really, really sick and to possibly even die from contagions, go ahead and double mask. Even single masking has a large negative impact on our immune systems and in many other ways. Since there is no asymptomatic spread it doesn't really serve any (beneficial) purpose at all and even if there was the virus is very, very mild and easily beatable by any reasonably healthy individual, regardless of age. At best masking serves to alleviate some of the harm they cause.

If you want to stay safe from contagions and protect others all you need to do is eat right, exercise and make sure you have enough of vital vitamins and minerals.

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And what about the effects of covering the only entrances to one's upper respiratory tract immune system? How will this affect the production of NO in the nasal passages? What will it do to the humidity in the nose and mouth and how will this affect the wearer? What is the effect of double masking (or any masking) on dental health and therefore on overall health? I could go on and on and on. And on. Why are reports on this study not greyed out with the ubiquitous "fact checking" stamp so prevalent these days.

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All these mannequin experiments (like the one that spread like wildfire at the beginning of all this nonsense) remind me of those As Seen on TV advertisements. Just a bunch of complete nonsense.

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Ha ha CNN Health what an absuridty

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Next thing you know he will be pushing double condom use. Half witted moron.

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Thanks for your analysis, Jordan. This is absolutely horrifying and—not at all shockingly—comes perfectly on the heels of the Satanic Stupor Bowl half time show. I encourage everyone to boycott all Pepsico products, here is the link to find out what they are:


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Do you think Point Deer, Make Horse Lunacy?

The Emperor did.

He quite lost his head over trying to be sane.

Trump will be lucky to keep his and he has only himself to blame.

They don't want sanity: They want COMPLIANCE.

As they are inane, petty tyrants the compliance will be inane and petty.

BTW the new SecDeaf's proper @rabic name would be you know 'Abu ISIS'.

This is quite public record.

Perhaps there are bigger problems than the masks.

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Never mind that mannequins don't actually BREATHE. Breathing is essentially forced air, and breathing would necessarily draw in particles. Mannequins were chosen specifically because the "researchers" were trying to rig the results. This is laughable as "science," when the CDC, of all entities, knows full well that randomized controlled trials are THE gold standard, and there is no RCT, or meta-analysis (also a gold standard) of mask studies that shows that masks work to halt virus spread. They *do* halt water droplets, which is what the CDC used, but they do NOT halt air-borne virus particles.

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Maybe the CDC should publish a report on this study. Might I suggest the title: Mask Wearing for Dummies?

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OMG. Thank you, Jordan. My own experience with the mask is the topic of my first article here https://thecentrist.substack.com/p/the-dilemma-of-the-masked. Let us stop the insanity.

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The CDC has yet to prove the virus spreads via aerosols. Coronaviruses never spread that way before. And, indeed some people have done their homework and found nothing more than useless viral fragments coming out of the nasal cavity as they were not able to get one sample to grow in a culture. Indeed, what they found is the virus transmits via fecal matter to oral via improper or no handwashing following visits to the toilet, or b agricultural workers with no bathroom facilities pooping in the fields, and by powerful hospital toilets being flushed, which send a gust of poop aerosols into the hospital rooms.

Read all about it here.


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