The Biden Admin refused to secure the border, so it was time to bring the border to Martha's Vineyard
Via a one-way flight on Air DeSantis
Rarely do you get an opportunity to do what is right, positively impact policy, and showcase hypocrisy in one fell swoop.
And that’s exactly what Florida Governor Ron DeSantis achieved Wednesday when the state sent some 50 Venezuelan immigrants, who I believe entered by way of Mexico, to Martha’s Vineyard.
The affluent Massachusetts summer colony serves as a popular destination spot for the progressive elite. The Obamas own a 12 million dollar waterfront estate on the island. The Clinton family are frequent visitors, along with Oprah, and countless globalists ideologues that claim a willingness to open up their homes to anyone and everyone.
As border states continue to be overrun by the influx of illegal immigrants, and the federal government implicitly encourages the continuation of the crisis, DeSantis was right to shake things up.
If the Biden Administration doesn’t want to address the problem, it’s time to bring the problem to the doorstep of its constituency.
Notably, not a soul on the island has opened up their homes to the Venezuelans. The town has gone as far as to label the continuing episode a “humanitarian crisis.”

While border states deal with the influx of tens of thousands of economic migrants on a regular basis, Martha’s Vineyard has declared a “humanitarian crisis” for 50 people.

And they can’t wait to get rid of them as soon as humanly possible.
It seems “all are welcome here” was nothing more than an empty slogan. Sad!

I don’t want to get caught up in making the case for the legality of the situation, as I am not lawyer, and I do not know the specifics of the situation. But Governor DeSantis is very politically and legally astute, and I highly doubt that he would authorize violations of the law.

There are zero indications that these individuals were forced to get on a plane. It seems the migrants readily accepted this free ride to Martha’s Vineyard through their own free will. And if the Florida governor is violating the law, I have bad news for the Biden Administration.

Ideally, this all ends with a more secure, sovereign country. The Martha’s Vineyard transport serves to bring this debate right to the doorstep of the progressive elite, and it shines a light on the lack of sovereignty in America, due to our wide open southern border.
God bless Gov DeSantis!
De Santis is supporting Martha's Vineyard's motto:
Diversity is our strength