Sep 10, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I'm on a WWI bender and the parallels between then and now are striking.

The elites may have been even more deluded then. Everyone thought the war would be over in a couple of weeks.

Then, the Prussians thought if they killed innocent Belgians through vicious reprisals, everyone would just get scared and sue for peace. But they were wrong, and the whole world turned against them. I could go on.

The elites think once again, if they pass laws forcing everyone to do what they want, then they will finally get their way. I suspect the elites are wrong once again.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Well Jordan you earned my subscription for a year, keep up the good work. Yes this posse of clowns saw the poll numbers for the China virus response and are panicking because it was the only issue the hologram in chief was not under water on. What he just did was an even more fatal mistake than Afghanistan, we Americans are a stubborn lot, you push us and we push back harder. Also I wonder how the race hustlers are going to spin this since only 34% of blacks are vaccinated? This is going to hit minorities the hardest if it is allowed to stand.

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That is a great question. There is no question this mandate will hit Blacks the hardest of any racial group. But this is an administration that banned menthols too. I think they must have the most patronizing view of Black people of any administration in history.

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a disgusting group of individuals. Nobody is listening, and theatrics like this will only further inflame opinion against him.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

This tyranny will not stop until 'we' find a way to stop it. So far, 'they' have all the power, all the money, all the influence, all the media, all the . . . You can see this fight will be uphill from here on out.

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No they don't, they just want you to think that. They are weak. They are scamming us. We outnumber them by a huge margin and they know this

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I hear you; numbers certainly are in our favor. But . . . no matter where I look and what I hear/read, I have yet to find that courageous judge, prosecutor, elected official, unelected official, appointed official, etc. who is in a position of power sufficiently high to effectively challenge this tyranny. Small victories among so many jurisdictions may be encouraging, to some, but we are not yet even close to winning the kind of victory that will turn this around. Once we realize who really is behind this, and it is not by any stretch our puppet government officials, we perhaps can begin to focus our resources and get at the root of the tyranny. It may come as a surprise to many to learn that sovereign governments around the world, 190 countries, have bee co-opted into agreeing to destructive policies (that destroyed their own citizens) as dictated to them by the likes of the IMF and World Bank. Make no mistake, bankers and high finance players are behind this. We waste our time focusing on government officials who are doing what they are told, either because they have been bribed or because they have been threatened, and will go along with the One World Order agenda - the Great Reset. It is happening as we speak, but the great majority of the public around the world are unable to understand what is happening and who is behind it. Given all this, how on earth will we be able to turn this around? The best advice I have seen is for us to focus locally on family and local community to try to break away from the controls being foisted on us by the big players. This is advice coming from people who understand what is happening, who have followed it for years, and who understand (I believe) that we will not soon win battles against The Powers That Be. They are too big and too powerful, so far. Only by breaking away from their control, no easy task, will we, in small clusters around the country/world, be able to make the best of our lives untethered to big tech or big government. Again, I appreciate your perspective; I just don't believe we are yet in a position to challenge so much power, corruption, money and outright total control of the levers of government that they have achieved over the past years or decades. I pray I am wrong, but I don't think so. Sorry for the diatribe and thanks for the reply.

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You are on to it. All this…is by design.

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I am afraid there is no longer a United States of America; today we have a Gutless States of America. The left isn’t the problem, it’s those that supposedly come from the right. It isn’t up to them, it’s up to others to solve the world’s ills; that’s what taxes are for.

Self-absorption is the virus we need a vaccine for!

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soft times created a lot of weak men; these hard times are bringing back the hard men - we are coming back with a vengeance and will not suffer the Uni-Party fools and frauds any longer.

Love the old Sam Adams quote about those that would be supine and lick the hand that feeds them, and that may their chains they enslaved themselves with rest lightly on them, but that real Americans will do the real work and we'll have our country back again much sooner than you might think.

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Hate to keep chiming in, but I wanted to make the point that this is no longer an American problem of government. All of 190 sovereign countries, regardless of ideology (communist, fascist, liberal democrat, mixed) signed on to the New World Order promulgated by the supra-national UN, WHO, WEF, etc. We hard Americans may, perhaps, be able to wrest control of our country back from the brink, though I doubt it, but the rest of the entire world has been captured by the big banks, will be held hostage to their whims, and will not permit the US to stray from the One World Government for too long.

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We still have to try by resisting and communicating.

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You are more optimistic than I am, primarily because I don’t think we have seen hard times yet.

Time will tell …

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simply do not comply or make anything easy for anyone. As soon as the WH releases actual, clear information on exactly how they cooked this up in their meth lab/lack of brain trust, then the lawsuits will fly and this will be shut down. But, more importantly raise awareness with all you have dealings with. Call your congressmen and senators and express your clear feelings on the anti-American, unconstitutionality of an 'installed' president's vapid musings. Make them tell you their position on upholding the constitution, on natural immunity, etc. They really are shocked when you call and you get many others calling. Be smart, be tenacious, and be relentless in demanding answers as to whether they intend to honor their oath to protect an uphold the constitution or not.

People know Biden is in trouble, dems see a bloodbath coming next fall, and not every one of them will die on gimp/simp hill Biden...so let them know you are looking for them to do their jobs.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Thanks for the voice Jordan, again great work. When will an “expert” give me a real reason to get a shot when I have the antibody? I reject everything so far that I have heard and will continue to do so. Keep up the good work. If i have to be considered “unvaccinated” so be it.

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There is no reason. Natural immunity is better.

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Exactly, to fully ignore and elide that highlights just the level of neanderthal thinking in his 'Hitler' bunker. Time for some new geico commercials where cave-man dude can simply listen, react and meme the snot out of Biden for his mid 80's IQ on display.

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Been saying that since this bs started

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Amen Jordan, the fear coming off that man was palpable.

He is anti-American.

He is a failure.

He is to be fully ignored.

I expect this very soon to be shot down and stymied through multiple varying levels of the judiciary, and to try and get this accomplished via a 'sleight of the hand' OSHA technicality is a joke.

Joe's a joke and nobody is laughing anymore.

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Sep 9, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I would say it's more than 25%, but I'm interested where that number came from.

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I use this. You have to look below to see the breakout by age: https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/

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The hubris and mendacity of this act is breathtaking. I can recall several times over the past 18 months members of this Administration, including the Chief Executive, acknowledging a mandate was neither legally permissible nor appropriate. To have this reversal, and to couch the reversal in these draconian terms, is outrageous, and the fallacious logic employed in the arguments justifying these measures inspires the question: exactly how mentally impoverished does this Administration consider the American people?

I am vaccinated as are my wife and children. I judge neither those opting for the vaccine nor those opposed to receiving it. It is a personal choice and, given the following, it is perfectly reasonable to honor a person's individual autonomy in this matter: one, the statistical probability of survival for many even absent novel genomic therapy; two, the likelihood of naturally acquired immunity providing effective protection against this virus; three, this virus is now endemic and we will have to learn to live with it and its multiple future variants for which we have no genomic therapy; and four, the emergence of excellent treatment therapies and protocols that are effective in limiting mortality post-infection.

I am very disappointed and not a little frustrated by this turn of events, and hopefully we will achieve a more rational outcome in the coming months than the alternative this Administration has decreed.

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