Public-private partnership is Orwellian double-speak for fascism.

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Yup, and I despise the word "public" the correct term is government, it is not the "public". They are government schools, government employees, government health care officials etc...

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State-corporatism indeed is Fascism, and this also existed in the USSR (real socialism is distributed ownership not by the party)

It's even worse than a dictatorship according to mattias desmet, because at least a dictator backs off because they know that they cannot keep the people upset for too long or they will have his head.

With this corporate system, there's constant finger pointing at the other group for the issues. Accountability is lacking.

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I'm seeing your reporting on this all over. Congrats and I'm pleased to support such great work

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Well their perfect model of utopia is the Chinese version of "communism done right". Saw an amusing tweet from an account calling itself the World Ecommunist Forum, it was a picture of the hundreds of private jets parked in Davos and a sub headline stating how excited they were their delegates had flown in to talk about climate change.

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Klaus Schwab is a Gotham City villain and I think the best shot we currently have at a Batman is Elon Musk. Unless he's part of The Plan.

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all billionaires are ‘chosen’... he didn’t get to where he is without insider help, extravagant tax credits, subsidies... his ventures are an essential part of the climate change scam...


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These communists only succeed if the people allow them to succeed. There are a lot more of us than there is of them and we ALL must set down our differences and fight back. REFUSE TO COMPLY.....then we win. If people would have done this 2 years ago we would have put a major crimp in their agenda. The longer you take to refuse to comply to the agenda the harder it will be to fight back and your kids will live out their lives as slaves.......that is assuming they will be allowed to live.

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The Davos crowd will not win, but the war will be very messy. There has never been a group that has successfully controlled mankind. It never works, but it is painful and ugly to end the program of these miscreants.

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The media toadies serving their overlords.

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Of course. Did we really expect anything else?

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First clue a leader, boss, commander or politician or other authority figure isn't on the up and up: shutting down and forbidding the asking of questions, debate and banning live coverage.

Also, anyone so inclined or connected to people with the right computer savvy should run image recognition on the WEF mercenaries and those (allegedly) used in Canada earlier this year.

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Wow yes. Been writing about this “public private partnership” for several years. With how very public it may be it certainly stays underground. These are the major culprits - proud representatives of the International Corporatocracy. ( synergistic, joined at the old hip, group of governments, corporations, institutions). So big, so wide, so deep the average human doesn’t have an adequate imagination or mental mapping system to envision it. Nah, they say - too far fetched. Yeah. Fascist beyond what the day is long. Hmn.

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I wish these Russia and China fanboys like pepe Escobar and Matt Ehret would realize that they are continuing the con-vid authoritarianism, with vaccines and other bs.

Edward Slavsquat has been one of the few to point out this


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Good research Jordan, will be linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Simply stated, the Fourth Estate has become the Fifth Column.

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There is no functional difference to journalism and propaganda, and there never was. But the false ideal that journalists in some way safeguards truth, honesty and the people's right to know (and rights that cannot be enforced by the individual himself does not exist) has been very useful in conditioning us for the past century and a half, that news reporting is different from propaganda, demagoguery and agitation.

Cynical, maybe, but a much more practical stance than just believing something is true; approaching all reporting as if someone is trying to sell you a monorail is a good rule of thumb.

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The only question I would ask the members of security would be "Will you plead guilty when you are tried for war crimes?".

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