"I know math well enough. I have read enough about the science."
Perhaps he would like to share what he was reading, because in my world there's never been any data at all that suggests the jab stops transmission, which was the entire basis of the mandate. The only 'science' that was halfway convincing is when they threw all the vaccine failures into the 'unvaccinated' bucket and then touted the fake 100% efficacy of everybody who didn't get covid during the trial.
You must remember that you, I and the rets of us aren't as smart as Mark Cuban because if we were we'd be filthy rich too so we must be dumb.
That said Mark Cuba can't handle a candle light to this billionaire property developer named Tim Gurner. This psychopath had the nerve to say on video without any shame that the worlds nations need to artificially drive up unemployment to around %40-%50 because the workers have forgotten their place that they should be thankful for the employer helping them out by giving them a job and not that it is an equitable exchange and that the employee is no more lucky than teh employer. I know Wurner is a psychopath because he's speaking out loud the quiet parts shared amongst them. I believe it's this kinds of arrogance as to why some billionaires like Elon Musk don't seem to be interested in joining the blue bloods club.
I don't have a problem with Mark Cuban thinking I'm dumb or even that he's smarter than me.
I have a problem with Mark Cuban thinking that he's so smart that he gets to override the bodily autonomy of his employees, and pretend he's being virtuous about it.
But that's standard faire for these types; to look down upon those who aren't wealthy. Even before he opened his mouth about covid and even before covid itself there was always something about Cuban that rubbed me the wrong way anytime I'd see him on The Shark Tank; a show my wife loves but I don't care for as it feels like every day people pleading for a loan. I always wanted to see an episode where someone comes in with this next level Windows 85 type of sales record breaking product/concept that every Shark is pleading to be allowed to invest and the guy says no I just wanted to watch the snooty among us plead for something from the average guy for once. I'm not anti wealth by any means I just don't respect people who achieved it thru scrupulous means, got it simply because of their bloodline and or doesn't respect the wealth. I don't care for much for Warren Buffet but I believe he at least respects his wealth; something not easily said for most of these people primarily because the majority are those who's wealth comes from family/bloodline and the few are those who are self-made and not at the expense of others.
I'll admit that I love Shark Tank, but mostly for the cool things that people bring on. It's rare to find somebody that I think will be REALLY helped by the sharks.
Didn't Gurner hear that human workers weren't meant to find employment again? He's supposed to replace them with AI and bots. Someone needs to keep him up to speed.
I wonder if Cuban has enough self-actualization to understand he isn't in the Cool Guy Club when he gets hit with myocarditis after his next booster. Kinda like Newsom must have felt.
Wow. I dozed off fantasizing about smoking a Cuban...Luckily I woke up to find that's something just revealed as more likely what Obama would do with the Canadian Prime Minister. I don't even know what that means.
Why does Hawaii that did the most to mitigate spread have the lowest Covid death rate?? Why does Arizona that is the largest state that did the least to mitigate spread in 2020 have the highest Covid death rate??
The reality is we never found a silver bullet to stop Covid but mitigating spread to buy time for availability of the vaccines saved lives. So your argument is that everyone got Covid eventually which means masking and vaccinations didn’t work…but you conveniently ignore the Covid death rate data which shows delaying getting Covid and vaccinations mitigated severity.
True but even if effective should have been a choice to take the shot. Those who had covid or in the group at low risk - anyone under 60 - had good reason (a basic cost benefit calculation) not to take it. People like MC are either dangerous fools, or just dangerous. I’m still disappointed that there were so many little marionettes like Cuban.
Covid causes myocarditis. The anti-vaxxers are exaggerating the adverse event data. The reality is Hawaii got the response most right while Arizona got it most wrong. North Carolina blows up cost/benefit argument because it shows a few relatively innocuous mitigation measures can significantly reduce spread with very low economic costs. And NC doesn’t have a good vaccination rate and so the economic costs would have been even lower with a higher vaccination uptake.
Correct me if I am wrong, but Cuban made his fortune selling a worthless internet radio site to Yahoo who later had to write-off pretty much the entire transaction as a loss. So yes, I take nothing that Cuban says or is selling, serious. I could not live with myself if I stole a few billion dollars from some person or entity because I sold them a worthless product. Somehow Mark Cuban thinks he is empowered by these facts. Total loser.
I AM an actual research scientist. My area of study was biological psychology. And the whole Covid and jab narrative didn’t add up to me from the beginning.
I started conducting my due diligence right away and didn’t like what I was finding out. From research papers showing how the virus was engineered, to the mystery of whistleblowing scientists suddenly disappearing, to the constant flip-flopping of Anthony Fauci, to the rumors that two American universities were involved in the project to create the Covid virus, these things and many more suggested to me that all was NOT what it seemed! I therefore chose to exercise the precautionary principle until all the facts had been sorted out. Boy, I’m so glad I did! The more we find out about the virus, the jab and the people behind both, the worse the story gets.
As for Cuban, he can shove his hubris about his “research” into Covid, as well as his attitude towards those of us who are sufficiently intelligent to ask questions before blindly following authority. Not sure what the fascination with this dude is, but if he wants to debate an ACTUAL scientist on the topic, he can call me any time. Would love to take that little pr*ck down a peg or three.
It suggests to be that there might have been insiders chosen to help the project. Cuban is probably just the sort to be seduced by his own ego into serving the cause. Amazing link.
I’d actually love to see more sane people try this strategy in reverse. “Sure, I’ll come on your show, on one condition: you have to admit on air before my interview that the Covid vaccines and masks did nothing to stop the disease, and that you regret making yourself a guinea pig for an untested mRNA therapy.”
His employees...The unmitigated gall it takes to force someone to take an experimental medical procedure all because you’re a scared shitless follower of the herd.
Cuban's just another rich prick that causes so many of us normies to have unkind words for the wealthy. During the last 5 years employers like Elon Musk have treated employees far better than Cuban does and it's because Mark Cuban like most of his wealthy accomplices, doesn't respect anyone who's not filthy rich; considers us to be lazy else we'd all be billionaires.
If Mark Cuban declines to appear on interview shows where the other participants have not been inoculated that is his right.
"“My choice not to support people who haven't been vaccinated,” Cuban declared"
This is true. It IS his choice, and it SHOULD BE his choice. Was he wrong on the facts? Yes. That does not change the fact that it is his choice. Just as it is my choice, or your choice, not to support any business which enforces inoculation mandates. His choice is our choice, merely in a different direction.
The same cannot be said of his "secret shopper" program or of his imposition of the inoculations on the entirety of the Dallas Mavericks organization. Those were and remain absolutely indefensible--one is a noxious invasion of privacy and the other is blatant and intolerable pharmaceutical authoritarianism.
If we condemn others, we should do it for their condemnable behaviors, not for the mere exercise in error of rights we ourselves would hold most dear.
Cuban always the pompous asshat not willing to debate! Talks about voluntary jabs while holding leverage over his employees who couldn't afford to lose their livelihoods. POS royale.
That’s some truly narcissistic behavior. Demanding that another human being undergo a particular medical intervention is bad enough, but further demanding that they propagandize your political opinions is over the top. How about we Bud Light Mr. Cuban?
EXCELLENT reference, THANK you! I’ve already sent it to my circle. I encourage everyone else here to read it, then spread it to THEIR friends and family to innoculate them against the mind viruses being created to bunch and herd the sheeple to slaughter.
P.S. - I would have been the outlier in whatever arm I was assigned to, because I would have insisted on seeing far more data than was made available to the public and because I would have seen that the messages were all based on emotion and answered none of the fact-based questions I had. We are very much creatures of emotion before reason, and quickly revert to emotional decision-making when put in situations that involve either strong stimulation of instinctive impulse drives, or social acceptance/approbation.
Be very skeptical whenever someone tries to overwhelm your critical faculties with emotional pressure tactics. Usually best to remove yourself from the situation and do nothing hasty until you’ve had time to cool down and research the issue for yourself.
"I know math well enough. I have read enough about the science."
Perhaps he would like to share what he was reading, because in my world there's never been any data at all that suggests the jab stops transmission, which was the entire basis of the mandate. The only 'science' that was halfway convincing is when they threw all the vaccine failures into the 'unvaccinated' bucket and then touted the fake 100% efficacy of everybody who didn't get covid during the trial.
You must remember that you, I and the rets of us aren't as smart as Mark Cuban because if we were we'd be filthy rich too so we must be dumb.
That said Mark Cuba can't handle a candle light to this billionaire property developer named Tim Gurner. This psychopath had the nerve to say on video without any shame that the worlds nations need to artificially drive up unemployment to around %40-%50 because the workers have forgotten their place that they should be thankful for the employer helping them out by giving them a job and not that it is an equitable exchange and that the employee is no more lucky than teh employer. I know Wurner is a psychopath because he's speaking out loud the quiet parts shared amongst them. I believe it's this kinds of arrogance as to why some billionaires like Elon Musk don't seem to be interested in joining the blue bloods club.
I don't have a problem with Mark Cuban thinking I'm dumb or even that he's smarter than me.
I have a problem with Mark Cuban thinking that he's so smart that he gets to override the bodily autonomy of his employees, and pretend he's being virtuous about it.
But that's standard faire for these types; to look down upon those who aren't wealthy. Even before he opened his mouth about covid and even before covid itself there was always something about Cuban that rubbed me the wrong way anytime I'd see him on The Shark Tank; a show my wife loves but I don't care for as it feels like every day people pleading for a loan. I always wanted to see an episode where someone comes in with this next level Windows 85 type of sales record breaking product/concept that every Shark is pleading to be allowed to invest and the guy says no I just wanted to watch the snooty among us plead for something from the average guy for once. I'm not anti wealth by any means I just don't respect people who achieved it thru scrupulous means, got it simply because of their bloodline and or doesn't respect the wealth. I don't care for much for Warren Buffet but I believe he at least respects his wealth; something not easily said for most of these people primarily because the majority are those who's wealth comes from family/bloodline and the few are those who are self-made and not at the expense of others.
I'll admit that I love Shark Tank, but mostly for the cool things that people bring on. It's rare to find somebody that I think will be REALLY helped by the sharks.
Didn't Gurner hear that human workers weren't meant to find employment again? He's supposed to replace them with AI and bots. Someone needs to keep him up to speed.
Odds that if / when the property market has a major correction Mr Gurner will the the loudest voice out there shouting for a bailout?
True Dat!
I wonder if Cuban has enough self-actualization to understand he isn't in the Cool Guy Club when he gets hit with myocarditis after his next booster. Kinda like Newsom must have felt.
Wow. I dozed off fantasizing about smoking a Cuban...Luckily I woke up to find that's something just revealed as more likely what Obama would do with the Canadian Prime Minister. I don't even know what that means.
Why does Hawaii that did the most to mitigate spread have the lowest Covid death rate?? Why does Arizona that is the largest state that did the least to mitigate spread in 2020 have the highest Covid death rate??
The reality is we never found a silver bullet to stop Covid but mitigating spread to buy time for availability of the vaccines saved lives. So your argument is that everyone got Covid eventually which means masking and vaccinations didn’t work…but you conveniently ignore the Covid death rate data which shows delaying getting Covid and vaccinations mitigated severity.
True but even if effective should have been a choice to take the shot. Those who had covid or in the group at low risk - anyone under 60 - had good reason (a basic cost benefit calculation) not to take it. People like MC are either dangerous fools, or just dangerous. I’m still disappointed that there were so many little marionettes like Cuban.
Covid causes myocarditis. The anti-vaxxers are exaggerating the adverse event data. The reality is Hawaii got the response most right while Arizona got it most wrong. North Carolina blows up cost/benefit argument because it shows a few relatively innocuous mitigation measures can significantly reduce spread with very low economic costs. And NC doesn’t have a good vaccination rate and so the economic costs would have been even lower with a higher vaccination uptake.
Correct me if I am wrong, but Cuban made his fortune selling a worthless internet radio site to Yahoo who later had to write-off pretty much the entire transaction as a loss. So yes, I take nothing that Cuban says or is selling, serious. I could not live with myself if I stole a few billion dollars from some person or entity because I sold them a worthless product. Somehow Mark Cuban thinks he is empowered by these facts. Total loser.
He sold his compression software. He made them buy the internet radio station to get the software.
Imagine simping that hard for liability-free pharmaceutical products
Imagine simping that hard for the CCP too. What is the point of having F*** you money if you are too much of a bitch to say f*** you?
"Liability-free" should have been the end of it, IMO.
Wow. I always thought that Mark Cuban was a douche. Now I know him to be an Uber-Douche. Thanks for the heads-up!
I AM an actual research scientist. My area of study was biological psychology. And the whole Covid and jab narrative didn’t add up to me from the beginning.
I started conducting my due diligence right away and didn’t like what I was finding out. From research papers showing how the virus was engineered, to the mystery of whistleblowing scientists suddenly disappearing, to the constant flip-flopping of Anthony Fauci, to the rumors that two American universities were involved in the project to create the Covid virus, these things and many more suggested to me that all was NOT what it seemed! I therefore chose to exercise the precautionary principle until all the facts had been sorted out. Boy, I’m so glad I did! The more we find out about the virus, the jab and the people behind both, the worse the story gets.
As for Cuban, he can shove his hubris about his “research” into Covid, as well as his attitude towards those of us who are sufficiently intelligent to ask questions before blindly following authority. Not sure what the fascination with this dude is, but if he wants to debate an ACTUAL scientist on the topic, he can call me any time. Would love to take that little pr*ck down a peg or three.
As a biological psychologist you may find this blog post interesting :
Wow! Thanks for sharing! I saved your article for future reference. You sniffed out the fraud early.
It suggests to be that there might have been insiders chosen to help the project. Cuban is probably just the sort to be seduced by his own ego into serving the cause. Amazing link.
I’d actually love to see more sane people try this strategy in reverse. “Sure, I’ll come on your show, on one condition: you have to admit on air before my interview that the Covid vaccines and masks did nothing to stop the disease, and that you regret making yourself a guinea pig for an untested mRNA therapy.”
His employees...The unmitigated gall it takes to force someone to take an experimental medical procedure all because you’re a scared shitless follower of the herd.
Don’t forget the organizations who complied and mandated this for their employees got massively paid.
Wasn't there also a threat of fines at one point? For businesses of a certain size? Something like $4K per employee? It was not reported widely.
Or an insider who is part of the program.
I used the term medical procedure because I did not want to use the term vaccine because it clearly is not a vaccine.
No worries, I’m sick and tired of the double-speak too. Maybe we’ll see each other in room 101.
A jackass is a jackass
Cuban's just another rich prick that causes so many of us normies to have unkind words for the wealthy. During the last 5 years employers like Elon Musk have treated employees far better than Cuban does and it's because Mark Cuban like most of his wealthy accomplices, doesn't respect anyone who's not filthy rich; considers us to be lazy else we'd all be billionaires.
LOL if he is jabbed.
If Mark Cuban declines to appear on interview shows where the other participants have not been inoculated that is his right.
"“My choice not to support people who haven't been vaccinated,” Cuban declared"
This is true. It IS his choice, and it SHOULD BE his choice. Was he wrong on the facts? Yes. That does not change the fact that it is his choice. Just as it is my choice, or your choice, not to support any business which enforces inoculation mandates. His choice is our choice, merely in a different direction.
The same cannot be said of his "secret shopper" program or of his imposition of the inoculations on the entirety of the Dallas Mavericks organization. Those were and remain absolutely indefensible--one is a noxious invasion of privacy and the other is blatant and intolerable pharmaceutical authoritarianism.
If we condemn others, we should do it for their condemnable behaviors, not for the mere exercise in error of rights we ourselves would hold most dear.
Sure it was his choice. His choice was to try to manipulate others to accept a medical procedure.
He certainly is guilty of that with respect to imposing an inoculation mandate on the Dallas Mavericks organization. That is inexcusable.
He is also guilty of that with he paranoid "secret shopper" program, and that is likewise condemnable.
Condemn that which is condemnable.
Just making the point that evil is a choice
Cuban always the pompous asshat not willing to debate! Talks about voluntary jabs while holding leverage over his employees who couldn't afford to lose their livelihoods. POS royale.
That’s some truly narcissistic behavior. Demanding that another human being undergo a particular medical intervention is bad enough, but further demanding that they propagandize your political opinions is over the top. How about we Bud Light Mr. Cuban?
Covid Karens may pay it forward when their vaxxed health fails and they are denied entry to the poshest gated community ever...
Now that he's hired the unvaxxed Kyrie Irving, he should be willing to talk to Layah.
Good point!
🖕mark cuban
EXCELLENT reference, THANK you! I’ve already sent it to my circle. I encourage everyone else here to read it, then spread it to THEIR friends and family to innoculate them against the mind viruses being created to bunch and herd the sheeple to slaughter.
P.S. - I would have been the outlier in whatever arm I was assigned to, because I would have insisted on seeing far more data than was made available to the public and because I would have seen that the messages were all based on emotion and answered none of the fact-based questions I had. We are very much creatures of emotion before reason, and quickly revert to emotional decision-making when put in situations that involve either strong stimulation of instinctive impulse drives, or social acceptance/approbation.
Be very skeptical whenever someone tries to overwhelm your critical faculties with emotional pressure tactics. Usually best to remove yourself from the situation and do nothing hasty until you’ve had time to cool down and research the issue for yourself.
Excellent comment.