Thanks for this podcast and pointing out the Rational Ground website. Wonderful resource.

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This appears to be a post on how to be selfish without appearing to be selfish. Being a Patriot is about being a team player when your country needs you. We can end this all if you all would get vaccinated !

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As a real practicing scientist with three advanced degrees and a licensed health care practitioner with three different state licenses with over 50 years of experience your comment is preposterous in so many ways! This “vaccine” provides, by their own admission, NO IMMUNITY TO COVID and NO UPSIDE ON ANY DISCERNIBLE LEVEL. Breakthrough infections are now driving the numbers. Valid proven safe, effective and inexpensive treatments, such as HCQ and Ivermectin have been actively suppressed by our corrupt media and imbecile politicians pushing for “vaccinations” against a cold virus with a survivability of 99.9%! The Chinese doctors used Chinese herbal medicines such as Lianhua Qingwen to wipe this out over a year ago while the West floundered in “Gates/Fauci Nightmare World” of terror, variants and Ginormous profits! Being a Patriot means keeping your head in a crisis and recognizing how youre being played in the most cynical dystopian web of deceit in history!

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JJ Clare you are delusional

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Mmmm great big fat round number, that 45,000. Call me skeptical.

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