Why is that different from a typical neocon congressman pandering to Israel? I think that both are terrible cases of dual loyalty in the American Politics.

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First person to get this dual citizen status was a jew by a jew judge. They don't care about laws. The laws of judaism are antithetical to everyone not jewish. THEIR laws are different for you.

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No one said it was, but I guess it's easier to understand now why the Muslims scream about it, too

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I guess that for the majority of USofT Herd of MMS/3i's there can be only ONE FIRST...

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very good point

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Lee Kuan Yue, the first prime Minister of Singapore, put it best decades ago:

"In Multi-ethnic & Multi-racial societies, people vote based on accordance with race & religion, NOT in accordance with social & economic interests."

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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You speak of nothing but hate and rhetoric.

Wrong answer!

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Meh. That’s nonsense, and came decades ago from the first Prime Minister of a tiny, authoritarian ruled, island city state. Wasn’t relevant then and is even less so in today’s world.

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Help me understand the hypocrisy? I’m honestly far more worried about the numbers of folks who have dual citizenship....you can’t have dual allegiance. Pick one or the other. Everyone. Equally.

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Anyone with dual citizenship found to be less than loyal to their adopted country should be stripped of their citizenship. We had a Muslim terrorist stopped by a liberal government of Australian citizenship - to be deported when his jail term was over.Guess what the current labour government reinstated his citizenship. He came here as a refugee, fathered 7 kids, all the n welfare in social housing , then planned to bomb a number of landmarks involving mass fatalities, now we get to support him as tax payers for the rest of his life. From my point of view the only purpose of dual citizenship is if you have a good reason to revoke that right, they aren’t left stateless. Stateless you’re stuck with them. Obviously or legislation and laws couldn’t make it stick 🥲

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I know China was saying it was their "right" because their was not a law against it (birth tourism). That's the way they can go back and forth without suspicion..they seem to think. And China really seemed to think they could just come right in and take over. We saw many examples.

Loyalty to ONE only.

I also have heard a lot of conversation over the last couple of years with Hispanic saying they came, married older men, will work 10 years and go back to Mexico to "retire", all w social security income from the US- another way to rob. Maybe not just Hispanic

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Australia does not have anchor baby policies - the baby only get citizenship if the parents are citizens. An issue not understood by a number of welfare shoppers.

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We just have criminal judges and politicians that allow it, but it's not legal.

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deletedFeb 1
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Indeed. I was oblivious until I met a Chinese lady who was, quite curiously, sent to teach Chinese to our elementary school kids in small town America, by computer. Couldn't they do that from home?

She was quite the gem and we had a great friendship while she was here. She would bring me soup while I was ill and couldn't figure out why our government didn't care about the people better.

But I started watching late night global news after a long day of work and school. This is where I first heard a Chinese woman speak matter of factly that she (thought) they had the right to birth tourism because we hadn't created a law against it. That's crazy speak.

Then, buying up land and business here, it was quite a bit fishy.

There was an old man who was a Chinese from China. We traded some seed. Great, simple conversation, but never about his homeland. This Chinese friend of mine asked what he talked to me about. Told me he's a crazy old man, so don't believe him. So- they were certainly hiding things.

I spent a few years following their movements which indicated they were trying to gain space here While I was still on social media I kept saying I believe we're being infiltrated.

I don't know if anyone paid attention, and I didn't know who to take it to. Even my "smart" sister couldn't fathom it. I earned my first tinfoil hat.

Never become complacent. Freedom is hard earned. Always, always have your guard up and follow the dots.

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deletedFeb 2
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They need to stop it all, for many reasons. So many of our farmers have been outpaced.

Yes, our Republican Governor has recently created a bill to stop that in my state. I hope all follow. No other country should own large portions (any, as far as I'm concerned) of land here. It's not a bright move.

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If you hold elective office at any level, your allegiance must be here and here only. No dual citizenship or multiple passports. That’s imho.

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Agree. Pick a country or don’t come here. Then again, dual citizenship pales in comparison to the US invasion by unemployable Central Americans that’s been going on since Ted Kennedy managed to rewrite immigration laws to preclude the best & brightest from coming here.

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She should be brought up on charges of treason. She is in office for Somalia not Americans. Disgusting miscarriage of justice.

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And Anthony Blinken?

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CFR. Been that way for a very long time. Treason when you consider the end game of Cecil Rhodes.

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And Mayorkis? And Biden? And Graham? And McConnell? And…

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and mitch mcconnell?

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Well, they keep voting her in . So what can be done about her other than that to expose her antics?

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Continue to appeal to your representatives. Never back down

Continue to inform, always truthfully- people will know you by your deeds. We've got this. "Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lord's decision for those who deserve it.." 2 Maccabees ch 2-8 battle btwn a large, aggressive one who wanted to take over and a small army led by Judas Maccabeus. He fell to his knees, repented and cried out to the Lord...and the battle was won in unexpected ways.

Don't lose your cool. Cry out to the Lord, that He may deliver us out of the hands of the evil ones

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she represents a district that was overrun by somalis. They probably love her.

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I'm sure they already know and, obviously, don't care.

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1. Election DAY, not weeks.

2. Count votes that night.

3. Paper ballots.

4. Photo ID at proper polling location.

There is no way someone as repugnant & stupid as Omar would win a legitimate election.

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It's always been strange to me that no one seems interested in the likelihood that Omar committed welfare fraud during the first marriage to her first husband. They had only an Islamic ceremony--which made them legal spouses in Islam--but did not register the marriage civilly. In the eyes of US authorities she was a single mother. Her divorce was an Islamic divorce.

Now, when a Muslim couple divorces and then wants to remarry, at least one of them must be married and divorced from another partner in the interval. This requirement was intended to prevent hasty repudiation of a wife. Following her second divorce she remarried her first husband and this time the marriage was registered under US law and they divorced under US law (regardless of how they handled it per the requirements of Islam).

There's no investigative journalist in the land who might've thought to look into that angle?

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She is controlled opposition allowed by ZOG.

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FYI Zionist here.

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Bragging about your stupidity?

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Perfectly comfortable with the concept of Jews reclaiming their own ethnic territory.

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But no other country is allowed such. This video is Barbara Spectre - a jew who admits jews are behind multiculturalism in EUROPEAN countries.



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You poor kid.

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deletedFeb 1
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You sweet little dolt.

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Why are you surprised and outraged?

She is a somali negro from a clan culture/race. She will always act like this - it is inconceivable for a person of a clan culture/race to do otherwise.

You either accept that clan cultures/races act like this, or you keep them out of your nation. There is no middle ground.

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We should deport this antiSemitic b*****

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YOU are a ZIONIST, you moron. YOU put JEWS, you know, they literally KILLED CHRIST before your own people. Holy crap. We are where we are because of stupid Christians like yourself.

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The romans executed Jesus (if such a person actually existed, which is far from clear), not the jews. The elders wanted him gone, sure, but the execution was carried out by roman soldiers under occupation law, Jesus' alleged heresy and apostasy falling under local religious laws which were something romans generally didn't interfere with as long as religion wasn't used as a basis for revolt.

You can imagine how romans would have handled the border crisis in the EU and US, or how they would have solved invading moslems like Omar putting islam before secular law.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Thank you!!

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

You're a hate-filled anti-Christ. Jesus IS a JEWISH Rabbi fool. No, the Jews did not kill Christ. Demonizing milions of Jews for what the corrupt as hell Jewish leaders did is outrageous! Who do you think the first Christians were? JEWS!

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Jesus was JUDEAN. You believe everything the Jews taught you. The jews, who made communism, put communists into the catholic church.

Keep fawning all over the jews. how come they haven't moved to israel?

A jew just won the Japanese beauty pageant. There goes another country. Watch Barbara Spectre - a jew who admits jews are behing it all. Listen to Noel Ignatiev. My god, you people are so stupid. THEY speak of killing all white christians and you support your own genocide.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Where do you think the term Jew came from? Judah. Judea, Et al. You're a lying antiSemite. Repent JC. You cannot be a Christian & hate His people. As for being stupid, look in the proverbial mirror. Karl Marx was an Atheist, BTW.

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Listen to Ben Freedman. He'll tell you the whole history of JUDEAN. Yeah, he's a Jew who tried to warn the USA about his fellow jews. There's a few of them. Myron Fagan is another.

Did you all take your jewish poison vaccines too? You know all the vaccine companies are run by jews.

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Karl Marx was a jew. Marx’s Jewish name is Chaim Hirschel Mordechai.

Revelations 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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He was Jewish by blood only. He was not by faith. Give it up & repent.

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calling anyone that disagrees with your interpertation of history an anti semite, isnt a way to win arguments.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Blood libels are antiSemitic Jim. 'The Jews killed Christ' is one of the oldest. Fact.

Check out the IHRA working definition of antiSemitism. check out holocaustremembrance.com

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Didn't she marry her brother? Or am I mixing her up with some other privileged America-Last person?

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Nope that's her. Notice he mentioned her first husband in the stack.

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That's what was on TV about her.

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The Minn legislature could re-district her out of existence if the wanted to but they haven’t, you get what you want

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Also: the new state flag

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This person prob should not be in Congress. But elections are what they are.

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The worst exploiters of black people are other black people, the worst exploiters of brown people are other brown people, the worst exploiters of yellow people are other yellow people. So it goes and has for several millennia. That's why all the black, brown, and yellow skinned people want to move to where.... white people live and run everything. The only problem for those countries is that the former bring their chaos and religious and racist prejudices to their new countries. Just watch X and see what they are doing to Western Europe.

So, we shouldn't be surprised about Omar and the others.

Danny Huckabee

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Why is this muzzie, Omar, still in Congress? She illegally married her brother to get his ass into the Country illegally. Where is the "ethics" committee in the House that should be pounding her everyday?

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It must be a coincidence that every President that was elected during the Obama years got in on minimal votes, Zolensky, Mohamud and even after he was gone, Biden. Omar should be stripped of her seat and I am not American.

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She’s committed treason. Period.

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Amazing how all the pro-Israel dual citizens are never mentioned. Our government has been taken over by Jews. The only group of people constantly expelled, obviously never exterminated, but behind every genocide.

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