Feb 24, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I noticed people who still suffer TDS are no longer enjoying the lockdown as much. So I hope they will let go of this lie since it will be harder to enforce.

The bureaucrats running this dystopia fear fest seem to have forgotten how humans think and feel. Though the behaviors of the Covid cult makes me question if they sacrificed their humanity. I don't call them sheep. Sheep are gentle, affectionate and warm blooded.

Zombies is a fitter description. Brainless but devoid of empathy, mindlessly devouring, and they make the rest of us wish they'd hurry up and get buried since they're dead for all practical purposes.

If a lot of them suffer so many phobias and mental problems so they never leave their homes again but isolate forever I say Good riddance!

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Indeed - "good riddance" to the adults ... but what about the kids? ... you are 4 years old on "three-eleven" (3/11/20) - you awaken into a world where everyone is masked and frightened, older siblings no longer go to school, parents (perhaps) lost a business, you can no longer associate with your age-peers, and would be terrified to do so ... I could go on ... damn! - they might as well start putting xanex in the water supply (maybe they already are!) - a totally crushed generation ... my heart cries whenever I see a toddler in a mask - or see (e.g.) a mother screaming at her two year old whenever he reaches out to touch anything (a padlock on a playground fence) - "fingers! fingers! fingers!" she screeched ... what is it like to be 2 years old and be screamed at whenever you reach out to touch things ... that's what 2 year olds do! (or did) ... passive, uninquisitive, frightened ... thanks mom!

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I didn't LIKE Trump personally. But I liked what he wanted for America and I love my country. Hard as that is for lefties to understand. Why I voted for Trump twice. Not like I wanted him for my BFF.

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They already grabbed the power. The masses awakening is worth exactly 💩.

Forget any idea of the masses.

They are sheep.

Meanwhile power moves to despotically consolidate their position with “Fortified” democracy.

Really its cruel to awaken them, it would be like teaching sheep to read.

Quite serious.

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I agree. But in any case, this sheep will never read.

The sunk cost fallacy and cognitive dissonance preclude the notion that the masses will admit they were conned. Psychologically, it is less unpleasant to remain in forever covid mode than to admit one was duped.

We really are in early 1930's Weimar Germany, and we gotta look to the future and make some hard decisions.

Buy bitcoin.

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Buy gas, food and guns.

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Do what you can to secure a food supply.

I plan on trying to help my neighbors save their farms.

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The Reset would have advanced further if people had remained scared till 2025. Or at least 2022. Fauci keeps moving the goalpost to see how much he can get away with.

But he will probably change his narrative now. 1. To save face. 2. He's done enough damage and will wait a couple extra years for the Reset.

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If we can freely assemble in private, they have a serious problem

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We already can in many states or towns. Bye bye Fakebook.

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Has no one noticed the similarities between the Covid contrick19 and the Climate change contrick. They emanate from the very same source.

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These Commie tyrants care about only one thing: power - how to get it, how to keep it. Everything else is a means to this end. They don’t care about the women, the children, the babies they erase, the poor, the migrants, the vagrants, the gender-confused, the climate, or the COVID: they care only about their ability to do with us as they like.

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If they cared about the environment they wouldn't force people to wear lots of paper masks all day.

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It's too little too late. We've already given up our livelihoods and freedoms.

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While fighting for our survival we may regain our freedom.

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We’ll have to fight just to survive.

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Fauci has no shame and he should be ashamed. For me at this point in my life I have a higher chance of dying from a heart disease when I’m 50 based on my doctors numbers. She said I have a 10% chance of dying because of it. I said I have a 90% chance of not dying from it woman!!! I already had covid. Take off your muzzles slaves!!!

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If masks, distancing and washing hands worked then why does the US have the 8th worse COVID death rate per capita in the world? Only 7 countries have a higher death rate than the US. (see https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality).

Recall the FDA banned the use of HCQ in this country because there was no "gold standard" proof that it worked. Well, the data is in and countries that treated with HCQ have per capita death rates 20 to 30 times lower than the U.S. This data indicates the policies advocated by Dr. Fauci, et. al., resulted in the unnecessary deaths of more than 400,000 US citizens.

Why is the media silent on this? Never mind.

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Compare states for a better analysis. Especially California and Florida.

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I compared countries for a reason. Per 100,000 people, the USA had 155.3 deaths and India had 11.6 deaths (source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center). Both used the mitigation measures and India treated with HCQ, which was effectively banned in the US.

A few days ago, the US passed 500,000 deaths. If the USA had the same death rate as Inda then this nation's death toll would stand at 38,000. That is a huge difference. Comparing the results of these two nations, one must ask whether the guidance provided by our experts caused 450,000 unnecessary deaths.

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Because we did not mask, distance, or wash our hands!

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Screw them all.

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A year ago, I never would have imagined this tidal wave of freedom sentiment we are experiencing now. All seemed lost. But now we are in a curious mix of mass psychosis and awakening. Let's hope the tide continues to turn. https://thefreethinker.substack.com/p/are-we-in-mass-psychosis-or-a-great?utm_source=url

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This is pathetic ... Who knows how much the numbers are hyped up , or just made up ...

It doesn't matter anyway , because with essential oils to prevent ( simply mix with water and spray in closed up areas ) , or if someone is actually sick , whether it's a flu ( actually more deadly ) or some Frankenstein lab variant , medicinal herbs will do just fine ( but I don't see hardly anybody

talking about it !!! )

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Keep listening folks...This Jordan guy predicted on March 20th, 2020 that covid would be "completely insignificant" and be gone by the end of the month... This guy is a fraud and con...hey but he entertains us!

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He was right about that. Virus peaked in Feb/ March worldwide and was gone by April. If you don't believe that check out Ivor Cummins video on the actual data.

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Quack Quack

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Imagine not being 100% right first time, every time and having people hark back to something you said a year ago and use that constantly as a cheap 'get out' to avoid having to expend any intellectual horsepower on debating you on anything you ever say ever again.

That's EXACTLY what you just did; it is, by turns a lazy and cowardly instrument.

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Exactly the response I'd expect.

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Covid was gone. Convid remains !

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It should have been completely insignificant, in a rational, evidence-based society... which we clearly are not. None of us could know deep and pervasive the psychosis was about to go.

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