Maybe just one time, Republicans in Congress can do the right thing and devote the power of the purse to helping the people of Hawaii, while telling Zelensky and the Biden regime to take a hike.


I won't hold my breath. Great article, those pictures are heartbreaking. It's unconscionable that we're sending billions of dollars overseas while the country crumbles around us.

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What's especially shameful is the legislative ploy they're reportedly going to use for the next round of Ukraine "aid": packaging it with disaster relief. So anyone who votes against the bill will be accused of heartlessly voting against relief for Maui victims.

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Sounds like when they packaged up the poker-killing language into a SAFE PORT bill.....

Do you have an URL about this plan to package them up?

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Doesn't say Maui specifically but "$8 billion for humanitarian support."


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The Biden administration on Thursday asked Congress to provide more than $13 billion in emergency defense aid to Ukraine and an additional $8 billion for humanitarian support through the end of the year, another massive infusion of cash as the Russian invasion wears on and Ukraine pushes a counteroffensive against the Kremlin’s deeply entrenched forces.

The package includes $12 billion to replenish U.S. federal disaster funds at home after a deadly climate season of heat and storms, and funds to bolster the enforcement at the Southern border with Mexico, including money to curb the flow of deadly fentanyl. All told, it’s a $40 billion package.


No doubt that money will be funneled toward climate change.....

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You are SO right.

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Ukraine has nothing to do with helping Ukraine or defending democracy. They no longer have free elections and are busy locking up Christians. That isn’t freedom or democracy. It is tyranny. Ukraine is just about laundering money for leftists. No one in congress actually cares about Hawaii, just like no one cares about Ukraine.

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Biden needs to be tried, convicted & executed for treason. Impeachment is not enough.

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Ovomit needs to go first, then Obiden! He has always been corrupt!

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The fire in Hawaii was no wildfire. It was a fire engineered with a microwave DEW.

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I agree completely!!! These are not wild fires. You have never heard about this in Hawaii along with all the so called Canadian wildfires!!!!

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I think it’s most of these fires: California, Canada, Australia, Greece, Colorado. It’s the Globalist bankers/Davos operatives attempting to run rural residents, and residents of other choice properties off the land and into their 15 minute cities/rabbit hutch accommodations:


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Yes, exactly, plus destroy our food sources and places to grow food!

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For all the folks jumping on the "planned disaster", "directed energy weapon" train, I would like to make a simple, plausible, explanation.

Having spent over 30 years fighting fire in the west, dealing with scenarios very similar to all the mentioned events, and having spent many short winter vacations in Lahaina, this was an inevitable event.

The weather there the past week has been exceptionally warm and dry. Fighting a fire in 80 mph winds is futility. And 80 mph winds have broken thousand of power lines, which have started thousand of catastrophic conflagrations. The cause will most likely be found to have been a powerline, or the homeless.

For Maui this is a rare event, one they were not, nor could have been prepared for. With the exception of clearing the dry non-native grasses that line every westside road and community, once a fire moves that quickly, and ignites more homes than would normally burn in a year on the island, the handful of firefighters and fire engines were completely out gunned.

Let's just do what ever we can to help these folks. Their lives have been eternally disrupted.

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The biggest problem is the UN agendas,. I live in Australia and the biggest problem for us is the lack of ground cover harm reduction. The UN won’t allow it, we can’t build dams for times of drought , foreign ownership off all water. If you read through those agendas and link it to Schwab. The control of local councils/ local government being given control over everything from environment, and in our case all the woke agendas. As a society worldwide we are being smashed from all sides- cultural Marxism

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Sympathies for the situation you've described. But the UN can only dictate to countries that have given away their sovereignty.

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In 1975 206 countries signed the Lima agreement without the consent of those who elected them. Go read all the agenda 2020 , 2030,2050. The Paris accords and the WHO agenda - check out Roguskis Substack for that.

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I am aware. In kingdoms and dictatorships, things like this are "the law", but in democracies or constitutional republics, these are abuses of power, illegal and the bullies will continue until the people who outnumber the so called power, reaffirm their true power.

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Sadly most people are unaware.

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PS: Don't forget those goddamn Eucalyptus trees from Australia that go up like fire bombs in a wildfire.

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John: Firefighters here in northern California who examined the Tubbs and Paradise Fires were very suspicious. Trees didn't burn but car engines melted. The metal in the guard rails on the highway into Paradise melted. Why? And BTW, one of the first things Cal Trans did was replace those guard rails.

During the night of the Tubbs Fire (2017) there were no warnings beforehand of a coming fire. It's always dry here in Sonoma County in the Fall. A fire had never gone into Santa Rosa before. Fire stations, with a huge water tank behind them, burnt up.

It was chaos. Nothing worked. No TV, no radio, no phones... nothing.

And this happened again with the Kincade Fire and other fires in Sonoma County.

Don't tell me it is a "rare event". These things are orchestrated. IMO.

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No one can argue with another's opinion. What I can tell you is in my decades of experience the patterns of combustion you've described are not uncommon. I could in a very lengthy write up explain each and every scenario you've mentioned, but the comments section is not the place for that. Fire is not like a tidal wave rushing over everything, rather a collection of many smaller ignitions each having variations in how far and fast they spread.

I have near zero trust in our government agencies and their lack of integrity. But I do know that we can't let fear make decisions for us.

What is rare, is an event of this magnitude in Hawaii. And the impacts it will have on the people if that area will last for many years.

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John: I'm just repeating what the experienced firemen said here in Sonoma County. Some people in Santa Rosa still haven't recovered from the Tubbs Fire in 2017.

Villa Capri, an assisted living facility, burnt to the ground. My father-in-law barely survived that one. The buildings around Villa Capri survived. The sprinklers didn't work at Villa Capri for some reason. The fire made no sense. The explanation for how the fire started made no sense. Where that freakishly strong eastern wind came from made no sense.

There still aren't any good explanations from government agencies about why the whole emergency system failed that night.

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I can empathize, and I can make educated guesses towards all your unanswered questions. But not knowing all the pertinent facts, they would be just that.

I can tell you though, that in my 34 yrs of experience, (firefighter-battalion chief, hotshot superintendent, ops chief, fire behavior analyst, etc) I have seen those exact same situations, and all were easily explainable given the conditions. And no nefarious shady gov't shenanigans, or directed energy beams were involved.

I've seen house burn to the ground and leave all the vegetation untouched, hundreds if times, whole blocks destroyed, and for some reason a single house survives, a truck catch fire and have the starter short out and make it drive itself down the road, the possibilities are phenomenal.

Do I think there are people and groups setting fires when areas are vulnerable to extreme fire behavior to make the gov'ts irrational claims of a climate disaster more appealing, I do. But in this case of Lahaina, I think it is more likely just very very bad luck and an exceptionally overwhelmed fire department.

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John: I'm sure there are explanations for all of it without the energy beams. If the government is starting fires on purpose we have a real problem.

Much of the Tubbs Fire, and other fires in CA, revolve around broken power lines due to a lack of maintenance by PG & E the power utility. Lots of crooks were running the company.

We also have these damned Eucalyptus trees from Australia. They go up like fire bombs in a fire. Maybe they have Eucalyptus in Lahaina as well.

What irks me the most about the Tubbs Fire is the failure of the emergency system. Sonoma County didn't fire proof the structures that held the emergency equipment for broadcasting. Neither did Comcast and other communication companies.

The information blackout was perhaps the most frightening part of the fire and the aftermath.

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Hawaii is mostly full of Bolshevik democRats, so they/them will get tremendous AID $$$$, Unlike that town somewhere in Deplorable, USA that had the forgotten railroad fire disaster.

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East Palestine, Ohio

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"Maybe just one time, Republicans in Congress can do the right thing and devote the power of the purse to helping the people of Hawaii, while telling Zelensky and the Biden regime to take a hike."

Dream on.

Do we have slums in America? Do we have hollers in America that look like any third-world sinkhole? Do we have Indian—sorry, Native—sorry, Indigenous reservations—sorry, national homelands—whatever, you know what I mean, places full of neglect and despair? Do we have American kids who don’t require ESL services but require everything else to give ‘em a hope in hell of some sort of useful productive self-respecting adult life?

Has any politician from any party or fringe movement actually ever done anything meaningful and durable for any of them?

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Another measly $24 billion to line Zelenskyy, his generals, the MIC and our politicians pockets. They don't give two shi** about the American people. That much is obvious. Mike Pence said, the suffering of the American people is not his concern when discussing with Tucker Carlson how we need to get more tanks to Ukraine. Both parties are beyond corrupt.

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The fu.king Uniparty is bailing out Ukraine while America burns and rots. When do we collectively say enough is enough? I am baffled by this corruption and incompetence being tolerated.

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Liberals living in cities are absolutely brainwashed by this Ukraine nonsense. Somehow wars started by Republicans are worthy of mild opposition, but wars started by Democrats are a defense of freedom. Republicans are every bit as guilty of the opposite.

Most Republicans were blindly supportive of Operation Iraqi Freedom, which was such a blatant lie to create yet another slush fund for the military and the parasitic industries that feed off of society. There was little opposition to that war, even in defense of Christian populations being targeted there.

MIB had it right. Only cockroaches start wars.

However, many Americans only see the thin veneer of football politics that vilifies Republicans or Democrats, in turn, to garner support amongst the public to disenfranchise all of us and remove more rights in the name of nebulous ideological causes, like national security or family values or the war on terror.

All that really ever gets accomplished is the overthrow of actual democracies around the world, as we ourselves no longer live in one. An inherent requirement of a democracy is respect for political opponents and treating everyone like human beings, who are entitled to inalienable rights by their creator.

There are specific provisions in the Constitution against assassinating the leaders of other countries, yet the American public gives routine tacit consent to the murder of generals and leaders in other countries by not giving a shit about the campaigns of terror organized to oust leaders, who refuse to sell their citizens down the river for American corporations and their political lackeys.

How many Democrats do you know who blindly support blatantly corrupt warmongers like Pelosi? How many Republicans blindly support Lindsay Graham, her conservative counterpart?

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Great commentary and excellent questions.

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"Maybe just one time, Republicans in Congress can do the right thing and devote the power of the purse to helping the people of Hawaii, while telling Zelensky and the Biden regime to take a hike."

Bwahahahahahahaha! Excuse me while I wipe tears of laughter out of my eyes.

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An Indian? Expecting the US government to be responsible??? That's hilarious! I guess that explains "vanishing". Hahaha, so funny!

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Meanwhile, I donated to Samaritan's Purse US Disaster Relief Fund which seems to be one of the best US charitable groups as far as getting assistance to places needing immediate help. I live in NC and know they send teams out asap and stay for a good amount of time helping communities recover.

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Mercy Chef’s is another good one that is either in or going to Maui.

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And another was shared by Tulsi Gabbard today, her charity - https://secure.anedot.com/we-must-protect/donate

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What is happening in HI is very sad, but remember it is a very deep blue state and virtually all the people being affected are Biden/Obama Democrats. And they support the very ones who are screwing them by sending billions to a Ukrainian gangster state and leaving them to wallow in their ashes in Hawaii. As De Maistre said, people in democracies get the governments they deserve.

Danny Huckabee

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If true so what? You don’t know if people on the island voted for Biden and in case you haven’t noticed it’s been both parties with both D and R presidents that have been screwing all of us for decades.

And no matter how people vote they still deserve help from their government. It might be you next time…sheesh!

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I find it hard to believe that such devastating fires could take place in Hawaii. I surmise a HAARP attack initiated by our military & ordered by the Cabal. Would like to hear Edward Dowd’s (Phinance Technologies) take on the fires as he lives on the island of Maui.

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I just hope he is safe, we need people like him who n our side, especially his work in n the effect of the Deathvax on his Substack

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I spoke with an old family friend in Honolulu today whom I called to see if he knew anyone on Maui and of course he did. On a hunch I mentioned HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Program which some have implicated in severe weather events and fires such as the devastating Paradise California fire of 5 years ago. My friend who was unfamiliar with HAARP until I explained what it was then said that two of his Maui friends claimed they saw what looked like a laser shoot down from the sky and set off the fire in the mountains. It could have been high tension electrical lines shorting out but I have since heard others had witnessed the same..

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Dennis K: There is a wind turbine power plant SE of Lahaina, but several miles away. There are no power lines going over the mountains.


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So glad you and yours got out safely. I can’t imagine the devastation you witnessed. Mother Nature is an unstoppable force but our shameful Congress can be stopped if enough of us demand it.

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Ukraine funds at this point are lining Elensy’s and his crew pockets. Things seem to be falling apart fairly quickly now. He better grab his cut quick as his shelf life is about to expire.

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He already owns a mansion in Florida, and at least $100 million in an offshore tax haven. And that crypto crack addict from the Bahamas who money laundered from Ukraine back to the democrats has just had all charges dropped

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