I’m a big, big Tucker fan but he got this one wrong. I did not do a deep dive (or shallow, for that matter) on this guy because I trust Tucker to choose guests with meaningful discourse, even if I don’t completely agree with them. But 5 minutes into the interview I turned it off. It was easy to see where it was going and that this guy (can’t remember his name and don’t care enough to look it up) was another anti-Semite. I don’t do Jew haters. I was surprised Tucker gave this guy a platform. I think Tucker is more an anti-war guy, which I can get behind. But you can hate war, be against war in every possible scenario and still not hate Jews. The Christian hook was bogus and I hate that Tucker was fooled, because I don’t think there was truth, only a Jew hating agenda.

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Yes. Exactly my impression. Well said.

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I'd like to see Tucker have you on his show to discuss this.

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When Christians in Israel can be in-prisoned for up to 5yrs for sharing their faith do they have any other choice but to indicate they are content there?

With the growing number of laws pushed through to squash anything but support of Israel or the Jewish faith who can honestly make any statement without being accused of anti-semttitism that has changed it description over years.

With the Noahide laws being pushed and gaining traction Christians are in for a big surprise when they wake up from their Israel backing.

Their are families on both sides of that border who have suffered family losses and sadly they will be ignored in this division.

At this point it appears a very large number of Palestinians have no homes to go back to. But like Jared Kushner indicated there is some great ocean front property that may be available.

Odd to omit the decades of IDF/Israeli occupation Palestinians have endured.

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I wonder what the penalty is for Christians proselytizing in Moslem countries.

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Likely not good, but their actions are not ignored like in a particular country.

Maybe you support Noahide laws.

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This was a just strange issue for Tucker to give time to in general. Tucker could have spent time questioning the values of about 190 other countries before Israel. Unfortunately Israel and apparently this Christian church have been infiltrated by the communists like the USA and Catholicism. Israel still represents one of the greatest societies ever created on Earth along with some former parts of the British Empire.

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👏👏👏 thank you Jordan

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Excellent column, Jordan! I haven't watched the interview because the priest doesn't look like a nice person at all. Was Tucker fooled or was he not? I can't decide. He has some 'splaining to do, IMO. I hope you can get in contact with him - a lot of people are most likely waiting to find out just WTaF is going on with Tucker. If he is anti-Jewish, I'd like to know so I don't watch him ever again.

In my religion (Southern Baptist), and in the Bible, the Jews are said to be "God's Chosen People", which I strongly believe. Even chosen people can have feet of clay though. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

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Good grief, the chosen ones. Bow down and worship them Christians have been blind-sighted. Have to wonder what Christians will think when Noahide Laws are enforced.

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I looked at those and they seem quite similar to the Ten Commandments. I must have missed something. Eating flesh from living animals is disgusting but I didn't know about the oysters!

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You are only looking at them topically. Are you aware there at least 66 sublaws within the. 7 Laws of Noah, aka Noahide laws?

Are you aware these laws are treated differently for Jews than non-Jews?

Are you aware that within the idol worship that they consider Christ follower Christians as idol worshipers and the penally is death? In some divisions of the Jewish faith that death is by beheading Christians?


These two videos are good overviews of them from two different Rabbis.


The longer one does have a lot more detail. They are videos, but nothing really to watch and listening to audio while doing chores, while on a walk or a longer drive is a good way to listen.


Rabbi states at least 66 sub laws under 7 Noahide laws THE SEVEN LAWS of NOAH - TORAH FOR NON-JEWS AND GENTILES – Rabbi Michael Skobac – Jews for Judaism-47:38 min



Rabbi states at least 50 sub laws under 7 Noahide laws

The 7 Laws of the Gentiles and More | Divine Information-2 hrs


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I agree and had the same reaction as I watched. I was very saddened and disappointed in Tucker for the lack of transparency. Even if I don’t agree with their perspective, I have a well earned trust in Tucker to give us researched truth as best he can. But I’ve noticed this lack of documented facts and follow up in other peices he’s done lately. I have an expectation that he will question the guest for details that can be backed up. I stopped watching FOX when he left. At that time he was the only light spot in the middle of lies and cancellations. I’m confused and surprised. But who knows maybe now that he is able to have more of an agenda that’s the way he may go. But I will listen with a new added level of skepticism that was a relief to be free of in the past.

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Initially, I was disappointed by Tucker’s peculiar embrace of Candace Owens’ “ new self” and extremely unfair disparagement of Ben Shapiro based upon complete falsehoods. I saw through Owens when she burst upon the scene as the Great Black Female Conservative Savior. Nope, I saw Little Rhoda Penrod in a remake of “ The Bad Seed”. With her center parted little ponytail, perfectly ironed little girl puff sleeved, Peter Pan collared dresses, ballet flats, rehearsed smile, fawning praise and rigidly ideological talking points. Waited for her to ask Trump “ What would you give me for a basketful of kisses?”, though I knew he wouldn’t reply “ A bushel of hugs”.

Her chirpy appearance at the opening of the Israeli Embassy in Jerusalem… you know, where those horrible, racist, apartheid, anti-Christian Jewish supremacists applauded Pastor Jefress’s prayerful dedication speech.

When I would counter her Conservative acolytes’ Candace worship… that I found her unlikable, ingratiating, patronizing , phony , strident and yes, offensive, the backlash was immediate. Angry. My husband was really put off. “ You just have to find fault because everybody else is impressed. She’s intelligent, articulate and a great role model, but you can’t resist bursting the bubble”. He couldn’t have been more wrong. I wanted to like her. I really tried, but couldn’t. The more visible and vocal she became, the more annoying, abrasive and unlikable she became. It became such a bone of contention that we had a blowout. My husband is not confrontational, but for whatever reason, he really thought she was terrific and I was being deliberately contrarian. I wasn’t. My dislike for her was visceral. The “ Get off the plantation” trope, “ Slaves to the Democrat Party”,Hitler hyperbole, abortion crap…clickbait “ Look at me! “ neediness. I was sure black people found her repugnant and didn’t connect with her,. My dear friend, Sonnie Johnson, hosts Sonnie’s Corner , weekends on Patriot. I had to know , called in and was put through. I took a chance and with a deep breath, let it rip. Sonnie greeted me with,” Hey Girlfriend Gail in Miami, I hear you have an UN-PC question for me. Have at it”. “ Hi Sonnie, if I piss off your listeners, know that this isn’t a racist screed, it’s curiosity. Here goes- Am I alone in absolutely loathing Candace Owens? Yeah, I’m white, not apologizing for it. As a grounded human with pretty good instinct, well.. I better quit while I can.” Sonnie exploded with laughter. She literally could catch her breath. “ “ Your white girl instinct is spot on. I’m gonna call you Sista Gail. As a black woman, as a human, as an American, I can’t stand her, my peeps can’t stand her and the GOP fools keep swinging and missing. She’s that suck up to the teach’ in school who’s Mama hates her.A wannabe. Wannabe white, wannabe recognized, but nobody wants her. Not because she’s black, not black, not whatever. It’s because she’s got no charm. She’s missing something within. And Sista Gail, trust me. When Trump ignores her, she’s gonna turn. Latch on to whatever will give her creds. She’s not real, has no standards or values. She just needs to fill the hole that’s burning inside.”

After the call, I became the most popular person to have hit Sonnie’s airwaves.

Owens is a textbook con. A malignant narcisstic opportunist.A grifter.

She smeared not only Shapiro, but the person who mentored her when she was a nobody and gave her the spotlight, Dennis Prager. She concocted egregious lies about both. Dennis never discarded her, never forced her to apologize, make retractions or discontinue her awful antisemitic screeds. Though there’s no doubt he was hurt and disappointed, like Shapiro, he advocates free speech. Both had every right to fire her and condemn her antisemitism, but didn’t. Perhaps they should have because as we’re seeing, it wouldn’t have made any difference.

But as evil and dangerous as is Candace, it pains me to say, Tucker is worse. Because he of all people should know better. Instead, Tucker has proven to be no different. Just another self aggrandizing fraud. And apparently, a real antisemite. I never saw it before. I’ve defended him for years against the leftist smears, among their faves prior to shilling for the Squad and now, the CommunoIslamo Fascist Hamas/Palestinian Holocaust enthusiasts. When they would falsely label Trump, DeSantis, MTG,Elon, RFK Jr, Giuliani, Larry Elder,Lou Dobbs… anybody who made a difference, but didn’t align with their sickness “ antisemitic”. Anybody who called out Soros ( the self loathing virulent antisemitic Nazi kapo) Kissinger, Zelenskyy,Rob Reiner, Blinken, Weissman,Jill Stein,Medea Benjamin, Tom Friedman,Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate’, Beinart, Bernie all Jewish atheist zealotous Jew - haters as “ antisemites”.

Tucker refuses to have Shapiro on his show to defend himself and correct the record. Now, Tucker has become popular among people who formerly couldn’t stand him, but weren’t anti-Israel, antisemitic, pro-Palestinian/Islam/ Hamas enthusiasts and is turning them into haters. Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, Neil Oliver, Members of the GOP as well as those on the left who always were, but had to at least tamp it down.. Russell Brand, Glenn Greenwald,Kim Iversen, Crystal Ball, Jimmy Dore, …

He’s legitimized Roger Waters, Norm Finklestein, Ron Unz, Mearsheimer, Farrakhan, David Duke, Rev Wright, Kanye( who, in his defense is mentally ill)Clyburn, Tim Kaine,Chris Murphy, Chris Van Hollen, Warnock, Obama,Maxine,the Ayatollah,the entire lot of ‘em.

And he has betrayed Tulsi, Gutfeld,Mark Steyn, Glenn Beck, Doug Murray, Roseanne, VDS,Drs. Malone, Risch, Kory,Battacharaya, Elon, Greta Van Sustern,RFK Jr. Laura Ingraham, Brett Weinstein, Eric Epstein, Javier Milei,Thomas Sowell,Elon, Posobiec, Charles Payne , you, me and oh so many more.

Tucker appears to be bringing back the Inquisition. Perhaps he should study the Crusades. It would be quite eye opening.

Or if he had an iota of curiosity or integrity- invite Pastors Duminsani Washington, Franklin Graham, Jefress,Hagee,Manning, Parker,Imam Altamini, Imam of Peace, Majiid Nawazz, Asra Nomani, Ayaan Hirsi -Al, Son Of Hamas, Huckabee, Michelle Bachmann, Doug Murray, Rob Schmitt, Coleman Hughes,Bill Maher, Milei,Niall Ferguson, Raheem Kassam, Bannon, Nigel Farage , Tulsi,Battacharaya,Marco Rubio, Modi, Nikki, Ric Grenell,and ask how Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Black, brown, gay, atheists, etc are treated in Israel.

But he won’t. He’s made up his mind.

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Ben Shapiro’s worship of Israel is not appealing in the least.

Shapiro and Prager both are for the Tullud and Noahide Laws.

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This pastor is a Palestinian who lives under the PA & happens to be Christian. Tucker obviously assumed (like most) that a vocation of Christian priest/pastor means the individuals faith is first, second, & third….not politics. The powers that be pitted Palestinians against Israelis decades ago. Although one is majority Muslim & one is majority Jewish neither side changes their treatment of the other based on them being a Christian. Have we ever heard how many Israeli Christians Hamas killed on 10/7 or how many Palestinians were killed by the Israelis? Tucker should’ve had a better understanding of the geography & politics before putting this guy up there as a Christian authority. Christians do not have hate & are taught to love their enemy so not sure who would fall for his shtick if it’s obvious that he hates Jews.

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I didn't agree with the pastor but I'm glad Tucker had him on. Another, but different, perspective from the jihadis, who only want to kill and destroy but he needed to be heard.

Danny Huckabee

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I am so exhausted of these "Christian Pastors" and their false teachings. A man of the pulpit, denying Israel has the right to exist. Unreal.....

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I began watching that episode and turned it off. Very unlike me, but I saw no value in it, and chose to not waste my time.

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