Mar 2, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Yep. All good points. The only difference between Ukraine and Russia is that US is laundering money in Ukraine 🇺🇦 Nobody is safe now from the truth leaks

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You are right that the US uses Ukraine as Money Laundering Central Station, particularly our politicians, and they are easily the most corrupt country in Europe. But are they really exactly the same? Power changes hands in Ukraine sometimes, in Russia never, I think? Anyway the praise for noble Ukraine is out of control. A neutral Ukraine sounds okay to me if it avoids World War 3.

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Time will show. I have many friends and relatives in all countries. I don’t make any conclusions. I’m not taking sides. Wars get funded, not stopped with money. Anyone who gets between Russia and Ukraine has personal interest. It’s not about people or democracy 🙄 If anyone learned anything from the past two years…

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He got this. I’m not choosing sides.


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Can you explain how Svetlana saying the US is laundering money in Ukraine is the same thing as her saying that there is no money laundering in the US? And if not, why don't you go find someone who takes that position and yell at them.

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But what will Quid Pro Joe do without his 10% for the Big Guy?

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They are ALL in it together. The goal - destruction of the current world order to usher in a new order of the ages. The entire scenario was written years in advance together with Corona Op.

The world is a Stage

A Staged Russia/Ukraine Conflict Is Part of the Plan To Take Down the Current World Order


The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation


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RemovedMar 3, 2022·edited Mar 3, 2022
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You can believe whatever you want. Soon they will make you worship their god or die.

Their 'god" is real so is Jesus Christ

It's time to start listening to the satanic elites when they tell you the truth about their goals. From the horse'd mouth:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)"

“We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government, one-world religion under a one-world leader.” R.Muller, Muller’s UN credentials include being the author of the World Core Educational curriculum and drawing up the framework for world media coverage.


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I say that anyone who resorts to war is a killer. Killers come in all different forms and use different methods. The path Putin has chosen has hurt millions, and killed thousands. Not to mention the lost infrastructure. He is no better or worse than the rest of our ruling elite. When you can't see an idea or vision that you have without violence or the threat of violence, dosen't that mean it may not be a good idea?

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The US/NATO criminals have been laundering 50 billion per month in Ukraine. They have spent 8 years and billions to arm, train and equip Ukranian troops, shelling the citizens of the Donbas for 8 years. There is also a very lucrative traffic in organs, both from wounded Ukranian soldiers and murdered civilians. There is also human trafficking. The Ukranian army was poised to invade Donbas, and commit genocide when Russia preempted the move, this has been documented. And then, the 30 or so bioweapons labs, collecting slavic genomes to engineer biological weapons. There is evidence emerging that corona19 may have been produced there. Russia has rescued ethnic russians from genocide. The reason the west is in a panic is that many senators sons have been deep in the grift, and become millionaires. Hunter Biden´s company helped finance the bioweapons labs. Violations of the bioweapons conventions are punishable by death. I'm rootin´ for Putin. May all skulduggery be exposed. Keep watching the Russian Federation´s presentations and documentation to the UN.

So, the response to your comment is, how is all this not violence and killing? The Ukrainians have been testing pharmaceuticals on mentally disabled people. Maybe it takes some violence to end this vile excuse for a nation.

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I don't argue any of your points. What I see is civilians being killed, injured, and ran out of their homes. There are no good guys when this happens. Russia and the US are the two biggest suppliers of arms in the world.

I also know that Putin's personal wealth is quite high for a public servant in a country with an economy the size of Texas. Estimates are 70 billion on the low end and 230 billion on the high end.

I am rootin for peace and a cease fire, with a negotiated settlement......and then I woke up. I dislike all wars, unless your country gets invaded, then I say fight to the death. Putin is not the sole villain here. "We are all murderers in this room" Paul Neuman from the Road to Perdition.

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Putin has no more money than US oligarchs like Sen Pelosi (whose son is deeply involved in Ukraine, probably money laundering). He has rescued and rebuilt his country from the financial rape instituted in the 90´s by wall street and the Clinton administration. Most Russian industrial assets were transferred to Israeli and other western companies and individuals. Putin has had to use the law to get some of those assets returned.

Even the buddha said murder is acceptable if it will save many lives. The example was a robber who planned to kill all of the people on a ferry, and rob them. The bodhisattva killed the robber without rancor. I think that is an apt analogy.

The degree to which the west has killed, robbed, and violated international law has accelerated since 2011. All citizens who let their countries destroy human lives, cultures, economies and ecological systems have a huge karmic debt to pay.

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I did not say he did or that he was the only one enriching himself while in office. I do not say that two wrongs make a right either. The West in in it's death spiral and does dirty deeds around the world, so does Russia and China. There are no good guys in this clown show.

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“In Russia, oligarchs have heavy sway over the economy and politics of the nation. The same applies in Ukraine…” and now the United States as well.

“… we do not hear much about the troubles within Ukraine, most likely because because it is less consequential on the world stage” - actually, it’s because the United States has played a big role in causing these problems and because it is a favorite money laundering center for OUR Oligarchs. These same Oligarchs control our media.

“…massive weapons shipments continue to arrive in western Ukraine, with hopes that Ukrainians will use them in a long campaign against Russia.” -Instead, the weapons are being commandeered by criminal elements and neo-nazis to reign terror on Ukrainian citizens.

“Given that this is Russia’s initial approach, Ukraine can probably find some flexibility on the second demand.” - probably not at this point. The NATO-sphere has proven itself to be completely without virtue in the eyes of the Russian leadership. If the peace talks don’t arrive at these two simple points we will soon see massive Russian counter sanctions simultaneous with the closing of the pincer so expertly and rapidly set up by the Russians. Pray for all in this war on both sides. Pray for the peace talks. Russia is on the cusp of eliminating the Ukraine, politically, as we know it, either through the peace talks, or militarily. They are also, with China’s help, dealing a mortal wound to the dollar as the world’s currency.

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Hollywood for ugly people who are given roles and scripts. All the world is a stage. Stock up on candles and 🔦 batteries.

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I would venture an opinion that you do not know what you are talking about. Ukraine has very big differences between East Ukraine and West Ukraine. Without describing these differences that are evident on many levels, you miss several important points. As you can see below, Soviet plants will infuse Putin's propaganda in a quite sophisticated way. You do the same, but I'm not sure why?

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kleptocracy, officials are thieves police are bandits, court is a mafia

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You forgot to mention that a big slice of the American "aid" will end up in the Swiss bank accounts of Western Oligarchs and the corrupt US and EU politicians who were largely to blame for Putin's aggression

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The Zelensky regime is a puppet regime controlled by Washingon. It has been attacking Ukrainian civilians in the Donbass region for years with little to no attention by Western media. Now Putin invades Ukraine to put a stop to this and everyone starts comparing Putin to Hitler. How exactly is Putin the bad guy here?

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Russian politicians are corrupt but the enlightening part of your articles is that it shows Ukrainian politicians are corrupt as well. By MSM logic, the same sanctions must be applied to Ukraine. That means cancelling a whole country, as they cancelled Russia. When we criticize cancelling Russians as a society (not elites), the MSM parrots say "They shouldn't have voted Putin! The whole nation will suffer!" But since Ukraine elected a corrupt president, should we cancel them from the world too? Of course not. Individuals are not responsible of elite corruption.

Also by their logic, cancelling the whole US is justifiable because America shouldn't have voted Bush... But I clearly remember that he was "bringing democracy."

Media sucks. :(

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The US is so corrupt, its not even a democracy.

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kleptocracy, officials are thieves police are bandits, court is a mafia

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In Russia and in former Soviet colonies. This is typical for postcommunist mafia.

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Great article! We need to keep an eye on other things whilst this is going on, otherwise its a great day to bury bad news.


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deletedMar 3, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel
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You know Putin ? Or are you just buying the mainstream media narrative ? As a leader of any country. I'm sure you're faced with some tough choices. Not what you want for supper choices. But do we really need to kill these people choices. I hope you feel the same about all Govts ? Because none of them are without guilt. Putin is for Russia.

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