Russia-Ukraine madness highlights the wisdom of Trump's non-interventionist principles
The Russia-Ukraine era, rapid fire hoaxes, and the necessity of a Trump-like non-interventionist president
In our era of nonstop media manipulation, government-backed hoaxes, and rapid fire disinformation, it’s more vital than ever for America to have a commander in chief who exercises prudence before committing the most powerful military in world history to another major intervention. Everything else in the presidential portfolio comes secondary to that role.
Observing the mad propaganda war unfolding throughout Ukraine, there is an unbelievably intense information operation with the clear goal to pull the United States into direct conflict with a nuclear power.
This saga is an eye opening reminder about how much power is wielded by our president. With one wrong decision, an irresponsible president can greatly increase the chance for a global catastrophe.
Say what you want about President Trump, but there’s one thing that remains unquestionably remarkable about his presidency, given the track record of his predecessors and that of his successor, who has a decades-long record of rubber stamping overseas conflict.
Our 45th president did not start any new wars.
Not one.
He campaigned against the trend of interventionism, and he largely followed through with it. Yes, Trump authorized minor, strategic strikes in the Middle East. And yes, the clock ran out before he could execute the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Nonetheless, his record remains a remarkable departure from the current normal in Washington, D.C.
Over the course of his tenure, Donald Trump resisted relentless demands from America’s ruling class to drive the United States into further conflict. They wanted to stay in Afghanistan forever. They had plans for more conflict in Africa. They wanted to continue to reshape the Middle East. They wanted to topple anti-US “dictators” on demand. They wanted to continue to support color revolutions that resulted in the installation of puppet regimes. Trump rejected almost all of it.
If we left all of our decision making up to the beltway elite, surely, America would remain constantly bogged down in overseas conflict, enriching our ruling class at the expense of the rest of American society.
Just observe what has happened during the last few days.

Coupled with their relentless information operation, members of the D.C. uniparty are openly calling for the assassination of the leader of a country that possesses thousands of nuclear weapons, and maniacal actors are rabidly encouraging direct NATO conflict with Russia. These shadowy and overt forces are clearly attempting to bring the U.S. into the war, through information campaigns that are completely detached from the reality on the ground.
These interests are used to getting their way, and they are also used to remaining completely unaccountable to the disaster that is American foreign policy in the 21st century.
President Trump is far from perfect, and your humble correspondent definitely has a bone to pick with him over his handling of COVID Mania, but now, more than ever, it is essential that current and future presidents display Trump-like wisdom over their most sacred and powerful duty.
Trump spent his presidency outrunning Russia collusion allegations with no spine. He stocked his cabinet with neocon swamp rats like Bolton and wall street Goldman Sachs whores. He did drone African nations, armed the lunatic comic dictator in Ukraine and used American troops as pawns for Syrian oil theft. He never had the guts to fire Fauci and has been whoring toxic bioweapon vaccines that have killed or maimed millions for the past year. Not to mention his supporters rotting in DC jails while he golfs in palm beach. DeSants 24'.
Trump is a deceiving puppet just like the rest of them. He has blood on his hands just like the rest of them and their handlers. All the so called world leaders are Selected members of secret societies and Trump is no exception. They are all serving the same masters and the same Luciferian agenda.
This is what Trump is responsible for besides signing the emergency act based on the fake pandemic and the largest wealth transfer in history..
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