Trump spent his presidency outrunning Russia collusion allegations with no spine. He stocked his cabinet with neocon swamp rats like Bolton and wall street Goldman Sachs whores. He did drone African nations, armed the lunatic comic dictator in Ukraine and used American troops as pawns for Syrian oil theft. He never had the guts to fire Fauci and has been whoring toxic bioweapon vaccines that have killed or maimed millions for the past year. Not to mention his supporters rotting in DC jails while he golfs in palm beach. DeSants 24'.

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Yemen still going on too.

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All of these thing are true. I do give him credit for a great economy, energy independence, and securing the border. We have none of that now. I do like DeSantis, he makes few compromises and will learn from Trump's mistakes.

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I think DeSantis is far less likely to step on his own dick, as Trump does 25% of the time he speaks. (I say this as someone who voted for Trump 3 times and would do so again.) Those wishing for Trump's political demise may well be outsmarting themselves.

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All excellent points that I agree with. Maybe a Trump DeSantis ticket with Trump running the economy and DeSantis everything else. Seems like a win win.

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Sounds good, but there van only be one president at a time.

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With DeSantis as VP, Trump can delegate to him and Trump makes the announcement or signs the paper. We could get 4 years of Trump and 8 more years of DeSantis. Maybe enough time to drain the swamp.🙂

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I'm with you on sentiment, but that leaves us with Trump running and therefore standing in front of microphones and stepping on his dick 25% of the time.

It would be great if it worked, and if we had anything remotely resembling honest media, it should work, coz the Demonrats are utterly dreadful.

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Plantation dweller

1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?

2. What did you loot, directly or indirectly, from the Capitol on that J6?

3. How do you like the rising petrol and food prices?

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Mar 4, 2022
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After what happened after the Washington protest I think the Rino`s in the Uniparty shown their true colors to the American people and are finished, now to get rid of McCarthy and the Turtle Mitch McConnel too.

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Mar 4, 2022
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I could not believe Trump kept beating his chest well passed the sell by date on the Shit Shots, and even worse, well past the time everyone with half a brain learned the truth about Covid, Fauxci and the so-called fraud of a vaccine. I am grateful for the good he did do, but we need better.

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To his credit, I never heard him say mandatory shots or promote them.

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Plantation dweller

1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?

2. What did you loot, directly or indirectly, from the Capitol on that J6?

3. How do you like the rising petrol and food prices?

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No.1 I don`t vote for Globalist Uniparty sock puppets. No.2 Who are you another one of those FBI plants, like the ones at the White House on 1/6? No.3 WTF?

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Thank you Barry. As I read the emotional TDS comments I thought I was on Twitter. On Substack I hoped to avoid mindless dialogue

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We need balance. So, occasionally it is fun to stoke some plantation dwelling NPCs.

And I am glad that they are on some Subs so that we can tickle them.

Sometimes I wonder if they behave like that offline.

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Mar 6, 2022
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I'm afraid there is no "better": don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good!

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Plantation dweller

1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?

2. What did you loot, directly or indirectly, from the Capitol on that J6?

3. How do you like the rising petrol and food prices?

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Trump is a deceiving puppet just like the rest of them. He has blood on his hands just like the rest of them and their handlers. All the so called world leaders are Selected members of secret societies and Trump is no exception. They are all serving the same masters and the same Luciferian agenda.

This is what Trump is responsible for besides signing the emergency act based on the fake pandemic and the largest wealth transfer in history..

The Warp Speed of injuries,death and Sterilisation

Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda: Anti-Sperm Antibody Is One of the "Adverse Events of Special Interest" Found in the Secret Pfizer Document “The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point


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Yes, Trump wasn’t perfect, but he was not inclined to get into wars. Reports coming in from alternative sources say that the group that fired on the Russians, from a meeting room far from the reactors, were actually planning the last minute scuttling of the reactor (no doubt to blame on the Russians), but ran out of time and fired on the Russians instead. There’s a lot more going on here than most ”kill Putin” fools know.

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He choose poor sometimes corrupt advisors and sometimes got rolled on some things. It's too bad but I think there's no question he is the only president in my lifetime with what are now called "America First" instincts.

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Agreed, I think no one in the beltway thought he was going to win. When he did, career politicians from both sides, who all have their honeypot, tried to derail his presidency in any way possible. He made many personnel mistakes. He was however a populist and believed in America First... even if it was an imperfect vision of America.

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Rump first, billionaires first, Corrupt corporations first.. Never everyone's America first

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He would of walked into Ukraine holding his butt buddy's Putin hand.

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We've found the reddit cringe poster...

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He wanted to do all sorts of crazy shit and would have started a war for sure, but was held back by whoever was the military leader at the time. So people portraying him as some sort of pacifist are sadly mistaken.

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It is important to remember that this war is made in the USA and has been coming for decades because of a US policy of aggression toward Russia.

Trump may not have started any new wars but I am not sure he worked to end old ones or stop this one from happening. He certainly worked to foment the colonial war Israel wages against Palestine.

Nato is a US 'tool' or weapon and the Europeans do what they are told by the US. Playing only bully on the block since the Soviet Union fell has led to the US creating more war not less.

Perhaps the rise of China will return us to a bipolar world where the US does not get to impose its will on everyone else and actually has to stop and think about what it is doing as some senior political observers and diplomats have been advising, if not begging for decades. John Mearsheimer being a notable one among many.

At the Malta Summit in 1989, George H.W. Bush and Secretary of State James Baker, persuaded a reluctant Gorbachev to support a unified Germany.. In return, and in very explicit terms, it was agreed upon that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward”. Unfortunately, according to Mearsheimer, it seems the Russians did not get this promise in writing.

Would it have made any difference? Probably not. The Americans were too busy rampaging around the world looking to remake it in their 'own image.' Sure, one can argue liberal democracies beat dictatorships, but any effort to impose anything, regardless of how well-intentioned it might appear is tyranny and American tyranny is not benign in the way many might believe and it has created this unnecessary and globally dangerous war. Yet another in the long list of American-made wars.

Since then the Nato creep has gone from 13 member nations to 30, with Russia's border increasingly Natofied. Ukraine was a creep too far. The Americans ignored Russian protests and instead mocked them and kept on their path of arch stupidity.

Quote: “Expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-Cold War era,” George Kennan said

Why isn’t America listening to the advice on NATO expansion of its foremost 20th-century expert on Russia?

The US diplomat George Kennan, an astute observer of Soviet Russia under Stalin, offered his observations later in life on the question of NATO expansion. The tragedy of our times is that those views are being ignored.

From Robert Bridge - an American writer and journalist.

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That was how it seemed during the pre-war crisis. But Putin's speech shortly before invading suggests it was less about NATO than we thought, and more about Putin envisaging himself as some sort of Peter the Great figure.

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I would humbly suggest that your interpretation of Putin's speech is projection on your part. Depending upon where you read the speech, who did the translation and how it was edited it is not possible to know if you really read what Putin actually said.

Even if Putin saw himself as a Peter the Great figure, which is not evident from historical data, how is that different to the US seeing itself as a 'light unto the world' and existing to remake all other countries in its image?

This is why the historical data is so important. It provides perspective into Russia and Putin. Yes, Putin is a strongman but Russians like strong leaders and if you study their history you will know why.

Russians have been invaded, terribly, tragically invaded, in ways Americans have not. Read about the Siege of Stalingrad if you want to understand suffering. Also the invasion by Napoleon in the early 19th century and the terrible suffering under Stalin when as many as 60 million Russians may have died if you want to understand why Russians like Putin and why someone like Putin wants to protect his country with a passion.

Many political analysts, including many American analysts and diplomats have said that Putin is a very capable and extremely clever man. The way he has dragged Russia back out of the mess it was in when the Soviet Union fell is testament to this and appreciated by Russians who miss the certainty the Soviet era provided.

Putin has been asking the US to stop their Nato creep for decades but the CIA-backed coup in 2014 which toppled the pro-Russian, democratically elected President in Ukraine was the final straw and Putin began to prepare for what is now happening, even as he continued to ask the Americans to reach agreement to stop the Nato creep so war could be avoided.

Perspective is critical.

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"Yes, Putin is a strongman but Russians like strong leaders" ooh did you think I wouldn't catch your little sophistry there? Does a strong leader mean a strongman? In fact a strongman is the opposite of a strong leader.

Sorry I'm not engaging with the rest of this content.

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I have no idea what you are on about. Russians like a strong leader and given the conservative and traditional nature of Russian culture, still, it is going to be a strong man. That does not mean women cannot be strong leaders in a general sense, look at Margaret Thatcher, but we were talking about Russia and so my reference was specific to that discussion.

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Well nice try at trying to educate Barbelo on the real reasons that created the Ukraine invasion, but I am afraid that it is hard to erase the years of damage done to Americans by the Mockingbird media and even our entire educational system is basically corrupted, there are no more Civics classes that teach how our government was formed and is (supposed to work), History classes have been corrupted to mold minds to fulfill a political agenda. But the worst thing that is happening to young Americans is the fact they are being taught what to think and are missing the most critical lesson of all, how to think critically for themselves. Instead of teaching them how to think they teach them to think of problems in terms of emotions, and are being conditioned into how You should feel about certain things! In other words they are training them to be an obedient flock of sheep that can be easily managed, even into the slaughter pin. Our entire nation is being brainwashed, did we just let this happen? We along with our children will pay price for our complacency. Our founding fathers gave us a Republic with one stipulation, it was up to us to keep it! I think we may have failed.

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To be fair education has declined universally in the West but Americans were never taught much about anything but themselves and so would have little understanding even when education was better.

But yes, agree with most of what you say.

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I've kept my tv off last two weeks. Seems like most people I talk to see the conflict in black and white terms regardless of their politics---Ukraine good, Russia bad.

Wars aren't like following sports, lots of shades of gray.

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tRUMP IS a reality show attention whore.. Why would I want any email detailing how much you want to lICk his nasty asshole? Get me the FUCK off your mentally ill crazy train


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Plantation dweller

1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?

2. What did you loot, directly or indirectly, from the Capitol on that J6?

3. How do you like the rising petrol and food prices?

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I wrote in RFK, jr for prez. Your railing accusations are devilish.

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Seems like a one topic vote: what's RFK's stance on the border, trade, taxes, ... ?

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Not sure exactly. My criticism of rfk, Jr's politics is that he believes in green new deal and climate change scam. It's pretty easy to see that the same people at the top who push climate change hysteria have also been pushing c19 agenda.

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Plantation dweller

1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?

2. What did you loot, directly or indirectly, from the Capitol on that J6?

3. How do you like the rising petrol and food prices?

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the level of delusional conspiracies you are clinging to is sad a pathetic. Mental illness is real, get help.. leave the cult..

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Trump was a complete 🤡 with how he handled COVID-19. It showed us what a mental midget he truly is.

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A President should not be giving advice on how to respond to a virus.

The reason why we got into this mess is because the politicians become involved in our medical care. If the politicians did nothing we would have been far better off.

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Disagree. The public health docs tend to be unelected control freak totalitarians.

Many presidents never served in military but are commander in chief.

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Public health docs have no power. They can only make recommendations. Politicians enforce their recommendations through laws.

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im no trumpist but unfortunately hes no scientist and he was led by the nose by corrupt ones and almost certainly by the wallet

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"you fucked up. you trusted us."

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The purpose of the scamdemic was to remove Trump from office, worked didn't it.

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Agreed. Trump was completely unprepared. Couldn't imagine the deep state was capable of such evil....

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Chuck, the plantation dweller

1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?

2. What did you loot, directly or indirectly, from the Capitol on that J6?

3. How do you like the rising petrol and food prices?

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Mar 4, 2022
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Trump was a complete disaster with how he handled COVID-19. He and all his inner circle were complete fools.

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Fauci was the disaster. Trump should have axed him.

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Fauci has far less power than what seems. The CDC primarily only provides recommendations and advice.

We got into this mess because the politicians took CDC recommendations and made them law. If the politicians did nothing and the CDC recommendations stayed merely recommendations we would have been far better off.

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Yes, correct, just one of the mistakes he made. The list is long.

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Fauci actions were approved by his boss. If Fauci were fired nothing would change.

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Hindsight on covid is 20/20 vision. Many, many medical people were fooled after years & decades of being trained that NIH is "the gold standard."

There is a reason medical school takes so many years. The real science of life & by extension health, is is extraordinarily complex. That makes it very, very easy to mislead even people with training, never mind someone with no training. Try reading Dr. Vanden Bossche's posts on the jabs. Very few are able to comprehend them without an interpreter.

Don't forget, even Dr. Malone was fooled into taking the vaccine.

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Yeah but all u really needed to know was that the hospitals were being grea$ed for each test, case, remdesivir dose, vent and death cert.

Dr. Scott Jensen called it out early on. Without that grease they couldn't have pulled it off.

Plus Trump's two fda commissioners, one is now on Pfizer board of directors the other on Moderna. LOL

Trump did have better foreign policy and was railroaded criminally in many ways.

The best definition of cognitive dissonance is knowing someone is a manipulative liar but still thinking they are benevolent.

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I don't think many people expected doctors to turn hired mass murderers. If you've only experienced the best doctors, you certainly wouldn't expect that.

Otoh, ime, sleazy salespeople are the 1st to get taken in by sleazy salespeople.

Trump had much of it right in the beginning. He pushed early treatment with known therapeutics, was against the governor-imposed lockdowns, against mandates, supported in situ trials, such as direct exposure to UV light at Cedar-Sinai.

Nobody is perfect, but he was the best person *for the moment.*

I don't know that he will be the best for 2022. Things are so precarious now with Quid Pro & the Hoe...🤷

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For some reason this idiot site software won't let me "like" your post. You do a good job of listing the things Trump got right. He said about the lockdown: "The cure can't be worse than the disease". His instincts were good, but he didn't have the intellectual firepower to overrule or fire Fauci, Birx, etc.

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Mar 4, 2022
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Well, I wish that was true. I live in the land of fruits and nuts and misfit toys. San Francisco Unified School District is still requiring children to wear masks.

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Get help.. leave the cult..

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And there's only one way it's going to end. Probably where it all started. Financial crash.


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Jesus Jordan, your substack has gained “good citizen” “son of slaanesh” and lil Charles Donuhue. These freaks of cult and unsure of their being have to come here to spew their hate? You three, can i censor you? Because you hurt my feeling on your written drivel. Tell you what shit cans::GFY!

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Just like Viet Nam, everybody lies so much all you can deduce with any certainty is the fighting continues.

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Pedro L. Gonzalez sneaky attack on "bad actor" Zelenskyy looked suspicious along with his 'I'm not taking sides' attempt at plausible deniability.

At the time of Zelenskyy's midnight speech, Russians indeed fired on Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and later prevented firefighters access.

Here is how the nuclear power plant looked in the morning


A lot of wartime propaganda going on on all sides, but we know who's the bad actor in this war.

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Oh and yes, trump left stark treaty Intermediate-Range Nuclear treaty!!!! The biggest reason we are in this bloody mess. Oh and yes, he armed Ukraine. Oh and yes, he removed all accountability of drone use. So we have no idea how drone attacks are being done.

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I love reading some of these comments. Bottom line:

1. Trump is no doctor and was manipulated by Fauci and big pharma.

2. I believe he really thought he was doing something noble with jabs. And now, with his ego and bad advice from the RINO plants around him ( Meadows, etc.) he can’t quite come out and walk it back, although he sticks to his guns about no forced mandates and recently, no jabs for children.

3. He’s better than almost anyone else out there and is gaining control of the GOP but if it’s a choice between him and DeSantis, I lean Ronnie.

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"And yes, the clock ran out before he could execute the withdrawal from Afghanistan."

I'm going to guess that his advisors told him that it wouldn't work out well, and - unlike Brandon - Trump listened.

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There are only so many options where good leadership is concerned. Most are tainted. All are suspect. The lesser of evils appears to be the only offering for the populace who still believes in voting systems.

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Still one has to acknowledge, even in his weakest moment, his COVID handling up to the warped speed disaster, Donnie was still performing "better" (meaning not as bad) than the rest of the political class or name one mainline politician that would have managed it better at the time!?

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