Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

"Give me control of their money supply; I care not what laws govts make."

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They are waiting for Jim Kramer to start waving Pom-pons like a freshman cheerleader before making it permanent.

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jim kramer - is he that cnbc punk?

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A few months ago the, New York Fed launched their CBDC Pilot Program that was supposed to last 12 weeks:


Makes me wonder how this "pilot program" is going, the 12 weeks should be up right about now... I haven't been able to find any update on it. I wonder if they are quietly transitioning it to permanent?

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What I don't understand is how the Fed even has such power when under the Constitution, Congress has authority over the nation's currency.

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Unfortunately the last three years proved just how compliant and completely gullible most people are to just 'go along to get along' so they're pushing through with this with full confidence. I pray more people will push back this time, but as it stands too few people understand the highway robbery of the Fed and monetary debasement.

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That's a bingo!

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Easier to control people when they do this. It may all seem like a thing of convenience... but we know better

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Of course, it's for our safety and security! 🤡

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It's already happened. They just havent told the public. It's ready in most affluent westernised countries and been publically trialled in smaller developing countries- Polynesian and African countries and I believe a couple of South American countries too.

The big banks have been told by IMF and CWB that this is where they are going in the future, they have already had their meetings and discussed it, and including whether or not to let the public know- and they decided no to that, preferring to just allow industry insiders to know. It's done, dusted and welcome to the brave new world you didn't know you were already in.😐

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CBDC's are a tyrant's wet dream. Governments all over the world lust for that kind of power and control.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

"For American readers of The Dossier, the Britcoin project can act as a Paul Revere moment for what’s potentially coming to our shores."

I've not heard a single U.S. politician discuss this singularly important issue. Not one. The U.S. Congress has the Constitutional authority over the nation's currency yet they are silent, seemingly willing to let the unelected Fed run the show. Do they not realize that the adoption of a CBDC would essentially render moot anything they do to restore freedoms to the we the people?

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Oh, I think they realize it...

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Yes, and they don't care.

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As the global grifter class becomes ever more desperate to hang onto their stolen wealth, they become more dangerous. Only a group of deranged sociopaths would dare to think that free people would exchange their worthless paper currencies for worthless digital currencies that allow them to manipulate you. With every desperate act, the long term prospects for precious metals gets shinier.

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Fiat currency is bad enough but when you add social credit scores and cancel culture to money totalitarianism is a threat, it is a reality. Modern democracy started in Britain, hard fought and won. The anthem of the Britons declares that 🎵Britons, never, never, never, shall be slaves🎵. Let’s see cos modern Britons seem to be queuing up to offer themselves for a return to feudal serfdom and haranguing those who are resisting. Thankfully I left the country a few years ago. Will be interesting to see whether the British still exist or not...

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There's still a fair few of us that are resisting though

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Good luck! 👍

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

This is why it’s critical that people snap out of their daydream, and realize your government wants you dead. The model used by China would go over like a lead balloon; so the fewer holdouts they need to beat into submission, the better.

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This absolutely terrifies me. How do we stop this?

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Refuse to participate. If you stop feeding Satan, he dies.

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Or you do.

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We went to Texas on a mini vacation and many of the vendors along the River Walk in San Antonio would not take cash. So we did not buy their products.

These control freaks want to control everybody and everything. They want o get it done before we realize what they have planned for our future and it isn't good.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

And if enough people did that those shysters (sp?) would go out of business, like they should.

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I like that idea.

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The final stage of enslavement. The Mark of the Beast.

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Warrior Update with Scott Ritter – Russian Offense / Who is Sy Hersh’s Source – Feb 10, 2023

https://rokfin.com/stream/29842 -- OUTSTANDING

Congress should have hearings on Nord-stream destructions – A US/NATO war act against Germany

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Paul Revere moment, indeed. Fire up the torches and lanterns.

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10 years?!

That might as well be 1000. Things will get unmanageable for them far sooner than that.

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