I listened to an interview by dr McCullough. It was an hour long. But he stated that the reason the variants are around is because of the vaccines!!! Also stated that once a vaccine hits a threshold of adverse effects that they stop using said vaccine. January 22 the MRNA vaccines hit that threshold. That threshold is around 150-180 deaths that would deem the vaccine as a liability. We are now in late July and according to VAERS there have been 11k dead with over 450k adverse effects reported. One important thing to remember about VAERS is that’s underreported by 10x. So you could actually guess that if it was reported 100% that there is well over 100k dead from the vax and 850k adverse effects from it. Educated guess. Still they want you to take it. It’s a money game at this point. Yet they want you to believe it’s them trying to keep you safe. The narrative has shifted once again. The narrative is “the pandemic of the unvaccinated”. It’s quite shameless. Good read Jordan. But make some plans on your next outlet. I don’t see substack lasting very long. Remember I told you to set up your podcast to podcasting 2.0 by Adam Curry. There are at least 20 apps that run it. Keep on the good fight my dude.

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Indeed, Substack is already on the way out via censorship. Make alternate publishing plans. Substack may shut you down any month now.

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I hope Alex Berenson and Glenn Greenwald find other venues to use - quickly.

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Indeed! The hammer will soon drop on Substack.

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WHY do all of these alternate sites end up in trouble?? What can we do about it?

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Very powerful global forces push narratives. In order to push these narratives they are attempting to consolidate complete control over distribution of information. That's what the censorship, suppression, and imprisonment of Julian Assange and Wikileaks has always been about. When we collectively allowed that to occur we missed our chance to block this narrative. UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Meltzer, warned us of this years ago and was ignored.

Like this: https://medium.com/@njmelzer/demasking-the-torture-of-julian-assange-b252ffdcb768

As to what we can do about it, well, that's a tough one. Here are my best suggestions:

* Abandon means of sharing information that can be centrally controlled. I.e. Not the internet, not cell phones, not the mail.

* Develop alternate means of sharing information that can't be centrally controlled. I.e. Radio, paper letters, word of mouth

* Learn from what Soviet citizens did during the USSR collapse. I.e. Samizdat. I.e. https://energyskeptic.com/2015/dmitry-orlov-how-russians-survived-collapse/

* Learn from the wisdom of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. He's the man who took on the USSR government and won. Alexander Solzhenitsyn on national leaders: "Do not fear them" "Ask nothing of them" "Ignore them. Not even to lock them. The sooner they fade from view the better."

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Oops: last quote was supposed to be:

"Ignore them. Not even to mock them. The sooner they fade from view the better."

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It's remarkable how many liberals find the idea of regulatory capture to be obvious in the financial regulatory agencies, but find it an outrageous notion when it comes to the FDA.

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It's called cognitive dissonance, and progressives live in that world.

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So true. Wish there was a vaccine against that. I guess there is, critical thinking skills.

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They can "mandate" all they want but they simply cannot force people to do this. The FDA is not capable of that kind of gravity. Besides, I wouldn't take one even if I could, which I cannot. When you have multiple autoimmune conditions, the last thing we need to do is aggravate them with unknowns - - like whatever the h*ll is in those fake vaxxxxxxzines. I wonder what was in those shots they gave to biden et al, because you and I both know those weren't the same vaxx's as he's doling out to the public. There's two ways that would happen, no way and no dang way. No one in the WH is going to submit to something us peons are meant to take. I've never before felt lucky to have autoimmune conditions but right now they are a Godsend. My doctor has already refused the opportunity to jab me and she says she will continue to refuse. There are already too many people in our local hospital with reactions to vaxx's and "drugs" being used in today's screwed up society. Why anyone would want to come to the US is beyond me. If there was somewhere else to go without flying (I don't fly, period) I'd go in a heartbeat.

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LOL Yo! Joe, and ur Ho - Mandate this. It will be someone's sorry day they ever come at me with a needle. Should be fun watching a few other million American's that feel the same way.

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I wish more people could/would take the time to view this. It starts out a little rock (he's nervous, I think) but as it goes on you will learn sooooooo much about these fake, awful, dangerous, useless vaxxzines.

Please give it a look see even if you start at about minute 6 and go through about minute 15 or so. You'll learn more in that time that you know right now, I guarantee it.

Click on the words "recent interview" and the video should pop up. Otherwise do a search (using duckduckgo or something) for Dr. David Martin and his research.

"This recent interview between Dr. David E. Martin and Reiner Fuellmich is so astounding as to be enough on its own to bring down the entirety of the major players perpetrating this ‘virus’ scam meant to destroy humanity. This is why the long-term dumbing down and indoctrination of the public has been so vital to the evil agendas of the controllers of the state and their political whores that enforce these horrendous and fake ‘pandemic’ policies."

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Maybe try this link:


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EXCEPTIONAL VIDEO! But I try and get people to watch the first 30 minutes, not just 15. It's nothing short of explosive. This NEEDS to be circulated far and wide, over and over. Some of the patents he mentions I took the time to track down. So if more mainstream people like Robert Barnes or Jordan started snooping around it would add even more credibility -- more so if they did a piece!

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I always hope that if people will watch at least 15 minutes of it, they'll want to keep watching! Most of them do, too, according to feedback I've gotten.

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And no mention or any consideration of us carrying the antibody…

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The dems can't decide which horse they're riding. First they tell us the antibody protection doesn't really exist unless you have the "vaxxzine" and now they tell us you must have several vacczines in order to activate the antibodies (you know, the antibodies that don't really exist?). It's painful to watch them lie through what's left of their teeth and it's even more painful to hear AOC's high octive voice or see nannzy piglosi's neverending hand gestures. These people are so full of themselves they wouldn't know truth if it hit them in the face. I'd love to see just ONE of those idiots explain antibodies and how they work - - they wouldn't be able to do it.

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Spot on. My “virtual signaling” is giving blood every 8 weeks and as long as that antibody is present in this tub of goo, why take the unknown spiked protein? I did state my rationing to a leftie, and he had no response. Science baby, science.

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The reason they are so desperate to force *cough* mandate these vaxxines is that once the sheep that took them start dropping like flies, and those that didn't take them are not dropping like flies from the same symptoms/causes/whatever as the sheep are -- the jig will be well and truly up. Without a "control group" (those selfish, evil non-vaxxers"), they could simply claim this is "extra-extra-extra-long Covid" or the "KappaPhiMekongDelta Variant" and start jabbing people with the 17th booster shot.

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They want the yearly dose for everyone until the herd is culled.

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They also know how truly dangerous this constant mask-wearing is, too, but they're now back to heralding that as the thing to do. Ask any doctor about masks (any HONEST doctor, if you can find one at this point in time) and they can tell you the dangers of wearing those things for long periods of time.

Some doctors have tried to warn about a few of these things, but are constantly shouted down by the politicians who are really more knowledgable about medicine than a doctor, right? The stupidity out there is absolutely stunning. They are all such hypocrites - case in point, that THING from chicago who calls herself the mayor and originally called for defunding the police but now has hired private security. People continue to trust this kind of stuff. Amazing.

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People are blindly walking into the trap like lemmings over the cliff. I really do not understand their thinking, nor do I want to.

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Have you all seen this vid clip by Wild Bill regarding mask wearing? It's less than a minute long but makes a great point, and a true point, too.


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That was good and true.

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Something is very wrong with the vaccines! According to the CDC's VAERS database, 12,000 deaths (6,000 American + 6,000 "foreign") are now linked to the vaccines.

America's Frontline Doctors filed a lawsuit to stop the EUA. They have a whistleblower, who says at least 45,000 Americans have died from the vaccines.



Another group also independently came up with 40,000 American deaths.


So why are governments world-wide frantically trying to vaccinate as many people as possible?! Here is one possible answer:


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…and these deaths are the ones they own up to.

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They don't mind owning up to the deaths; after all, the whole point of the vaxxzines is population control. If you die from the shots, you're no longer a problem, right? All these freaks have to do now is keep promoting the delta variant to scare the snot out of people, and into getting ANOTHER vaxxzine, a more potent vaxxzine, a DEADLY vaxxzine. Then the dems purpose will be served. (Ol joe biden has never worked this hard for anything, but he's gotta do all he can to protect his worthless, druggy, criminal son). That means the less witnesses, the better - - and there's lots more involved in this than we know, I'd be willing to bet on that.

Why isn't anyone GETTING this??? Do people really think the democraps are trying to "help" them and protect their health??? OMG.

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I am as baffled as you are, it all seems so obvious. Gates and hid partners have openly talked about the perils of over population, and they are the pushers of the vaccines. There are those who choose to willfully ignorant, chances are they will be the first to go.

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Israel showing immune escape of the mrna vaccine by delta variant, MSM in USA already pumping the need for boosters, fauci saying mask mandates for the vaccinated being considered (likely to return...saying LA's re-newed mandate NOT at odds w/ CDC policy of vaxed dont need masks indoors), PCR test falling out of favor [lower cycle thresholds for the vaxed vs un-vaxed], fauci/biden LYING 99.9% of new hospitalizations & deaths among the un-vaxed...{UK & Israel #'s showing this}

take a look at Biogen's new alzheimer's drug for a glowing example of regulatory capture - 3 FDA advisors resigned following the FDA's decision to approve = https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/10/third-member-of-prestigious-fda-panel-resigns-over-approval-of-biogens-alzheimers-drug.html

prediction - they will offer vaccines in public schools once BLA is accepted for any of the Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, J&J, etc vaccines.

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