Apr 15Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Yeah...Biden "beat Big Pharma" with an ass-kicking to the teeth of American taxpayers.

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This is interesting, but I'd like more detail as to how companies can hide profits in other countries. It has never made any sense to me though I do not doubt it is happening. Doesn't it just mean they are paying taxes in those countries instead of the US? Or are they flat out cheating on their taxes? I have a smart accountant and every time I tell him some rich guru said you can move money here to save money on taxes there he rolls an eye at me and says there is no way to legally hide your income like these people pretend to do.

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Corporations don’t pay taxes. People pay taxes. Corporations send money to the government by restraining compensation, increasing their prices or paying lower dividends to their shareholders. At the end of the day it is people who pay.

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Now that this headline is out the Warrens and the Sanders of the world will scream about how unfair it is. They will be bought off with no show Professor jobs at Harvard or their own cozy corner of South Hero Island (VT) and the cycle will continue to repeat itself. Big business will continue to hire its army of tax lawyers and accountants to ensure this happens until we scrap the current tax code and start over.

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That’s how these big corporations were set up. To prey on the average American whole screwing them over: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/donating-to-a-good-cause-how-billionaires

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Pfizer is the cancer.

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Congratulations to Pfizer and their brilliant management that allows them to make a fortune from a defective product, which was funded by taxpayers, and then, to avoid paying taxing themselves.

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big pharmafia

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That's how the elite work conspiring against middle class average citizen and then use the #conspiracytheory as a hoax plot.

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Why do you hate grandma?

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Pfizer pays NO taxes.

Maybe it's time you started doing the same…


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I’m old enough to remember when Congressional Democrats were losing their minds wanting to see President Trump’s income tax return. They were appalled to learn he knew how to take advantage of the tax code yet this story gets no attention??

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Hey killing hundreds of thousands in an untraceable way has privileges

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America should do what China does. Make themselves a partner and take a precentage off THE TOP.

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Well they did save the world from Covid. Be nice 🤣

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