Transferred directly from the DARPA account at the Fed mainframe. The most expensive free product has always been public schooling. We don't arrive at this engineered world of madness without it.

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Agreed. To Federalize something is to ruin something. Accept Federal $, the Feds own you.

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Turtles all the way down!

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Went to doctor today. She asked me if I had received COViD vax. Told her no. Then asked if I wanted a flu shot. Nope. Not anymore. Then Pneumonia shot. No thanks, not gonna. Ever.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

Your medical records now have a specific code front & center, telling every Clinic, Hospital, Specialist, Doctor, etc., forevermore, that you have not taken the carrotcake. Time will tell if that info is used against you and others who refused.

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Correct. Unless the physician is independent and outside the conglomerate hospitals. 2 of my doctors have said adios to the BIG Cheese hospitals.

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They can fucking bring it.

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Carrotcake! I live that! Mind if I start using it myself?

Here’s a tidbit: If you take Social Security, you’re REQUIRED to accept Medicare, at least Part A. Now, what do you suppose the government is going to tell you when you are on “it’s” dime and you’re not willing to swallow every other form of pastry they’ll want to cam down your throat? Or when you’re 80 and have outlived you useful lifespan and need some help? “Surely you won’t mind stepping into the euthanasia pod because we must make sure the youth have the resources they need to thrive. For society’s good, of course”.

There are REASONS congress has its own health care system and the wealthy have concierge doctors. Do the rest of us, it will come down to a choice among our money, our bodies and our souls. I’ll give up my money and even my body but not my soul.

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I don’t doubt it for a second.

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Good thinking. Do not trust them.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Fraud As A Service -- love it.

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Pfizer is little more than a murderous criminal cartel. All of their assets should be sold off, with the proceeds distributed to their victims. Everyone who “profited” from this scheme should be forced to pay treble damages to the same victims.

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This has been a total scam. It is also genocide. Yes, this is also true for Pubic Schools, TSA, the Planned Parenthood money machine, etc. We are using public funds to destroy our nation, and this must stop.

It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0.

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It is the same everywhere. I’m in Canada and am looking at places to move to but it’s the exact same everywhere. My daughter has some friends in Med school and she has woken the one up(she took the initial 2 shots to stay in school, my daughter opted out) and they have found more who are working towards a parallel society. I pray for them and am so encouraged by their positivity. I was spared knowledge of these predators at her age and it makes me sad. That being said they’re way smarter than I ever was. Taxes are Fraud!

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Have people awakened tho? I swear i know so many people who don’t seem to be aware of any adverse events/effects. They don’t even admit that the shots don’t work becuz theyre so brainwashed to believe they werent supposed to work 🤦🏻‍♀️

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They mention Comirnaty in the report. Sales down 64%In the US. Who was buying it in the first place? I was under the impression it wasn't' available in the US?

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Arrest Birx, Fauci and all CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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Fake vaccines do indeed provide real profits. The taxpayers not only took the mRNA gene altering injections with little question, but also allowed their tax dollars to pay for the scam.

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We have heard so much about Pfizer vaccine side effects, etc., not so much about Moderna. Why is that?

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Jordan SchachteI replied to your comment on Pfizer reports $100 billion haul, with vast majority of profits looted from US taxpayers: “I bring you good tidings Let’s converse ㈩𝟏𝟕𝟖𝟔𝟔𝟑𝟐𝟑𝟓𝟐𝟕”

Okay, Jordan - how do we do this?

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Let’s work to insure that their profits from the jab and Paxlovid both go to ZERO! And dent all the other crap they peddle, too.

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Yet our Gov'ts are still endorsing everyone get their shots, TV commercials, newspaper ads etc. etc. Still inducing the genocide!

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I guess that is how much it takes to be OK with an estimated 3-20 million deaths worldwide and over a billion injuries and untold amounts of individual human suffering and loss. Not to mention the direct assaults on the minds of the whole world.

"the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil"

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul"

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The silver lining to all this is that humans are awaking en masse to the oldest racket in the book. How to con the masses into paying for and participating in their own enslavement and culling.

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It´s one thing for these pirates to scam the world into spending billions on useless products, and when these are discovered to be useless, to rebrand and sell us another "experimental" but also useless product. Government collusion in forcing us to buy and use these products is equally abhorrent. But selling us products that have not been adequately tested, where whatever tests that have been done are not adequately documented and reported, and that are actually HARMFUL -- seriously harmful -- is intolerable, and criminal. Indictments, prosecutions and long prison terms are the only answer for private and public sector coconspirators alike.

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