Since 'vaccinating' in the middle of pandemic creates variants, are the pharma companies deliberately 'vaccinating' in order to create more business?

I don't think that we can put it past them, actually it would be more surprising if they didn't.

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The entire thing is a coronavirus swarm - a variant bonanza circulating irrespective of these shots. Sequencing is laughable given the sheer error rate of RNA reproduction. None of these viruses remain the same outside of a few functionally constrained proteins (which the spike isn't). Most virions in an infection are actually duds. So while your immune system might react badly, that virus doesn't pass on cleanly (ie the same) to another person. But yes, that doesn't change the fact that they are still effing people up with mRNA transfections.

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Please do not forget that SARS COV2 is NOT a naturally evolved virus in the first place. We know for a fact that gain of function/purity was deployed in the Wuhan Lab. Gain of purity should be outlawed as it is arrogant foolish man fooling with nature which never turns out well. Vaccines/mRNA are prime examples of stupid humans messing with the natural order. Vaccines are dangerous trickery that derange the immune system. Add toxic adjuvants and you have a recipe for disaster. SARS COV2 did not evolve from SARS COV1. SARS COV1 came, killed some people, became endemic with little fanfare. No lockdowns, masks, testing, quarantine or mention of “vaccines”. Some believe that the Omicron “variant” is man manipulated. Coronaviruses have been around for years without anyone losing their minds. 4 previous coronaviruses are now common colds that always circulate. Further, these mRNA poisons that turn our bodies into spike protein factories, triggering a narrowly targeted mostly AB response which often is too pronounced(more AB’S is not necessarily better)and or the wrong AB’S(enhancing versus neutralizing), and a suboptimal cytotoxic T-cell response among other unnatural immune responses are ripe for immune escape while also driving unnatural evolutionary pressure. As mention in another post these poisons do imperil natural immunity while also suppressing the immune system for up to 3 weeks or more after injection. Our natural immune response is a balanced symphonic synergistic miraculous wonder that is matched to the invading pathogen. Our natural immune response to natural infections cannot ever be mimicked/duplicated by any vaccine/mRNA concoction period. In our modern mechanistic world narcissistic arrogant stupid humans believe that we can outdo God’s natural order. This belief that we can run, hide, “outsmart” viruses is arrogant, moronic and dangerous. The past almost 3 years is proof positive of just how evil, dumb and insane humans are. The belief that we can change/control climate or turn boys into girls is further proof of just how insane and arrogant humans are. How about instead of “changing” climate we turn our collective energies toward reducing the enormous toxic load that bombards all of us 24/7 and hits our babies in the womb via Mom and on their Day 1 with the completely unnecessary and toxic Hep B poison. Reducing our toxic load while certainly a challenge is actually something that we can accomplish. An excellent starting point would be to eliminate all vaccines and end mRNA poisons and mRNA technology forever.

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Bonus business when the first shot stops you from building immunity to the variants!

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Can I get a DUH😜

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“Pfizer: turning vaccine injured patients into perpetual cradle to grave customers.”

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I distinctly being mocked for saying that by the time the 'omni' booster comes out they will be obsolete, but the gameplan was clear once we stopped 'going through the alphabet' and started calling EVERYTHING a 'subvariant' of Omni.

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Of course they are but this should not matter anyway! These ineffective dangerous mRNA lab rat poisons, encapsulated in PEG coated LNP’S, should never have seen the light of day and should be outlawed immediately as should mRNA technology as well. Our bloated toxic childhood immunizations should disappear as well. The entire “vaccines saved humanity” success story is a big giant lie starting all the way back in 1796 with smallpox variolations. Vaccines and now these mRNA lab rat poisons have not saved humanity and have caused immeasurable harm. I encourage everyone to read “Dissolving Illusions” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and “Master Manipulator” by James Ottar Grundvig just to introduce yourself to this gargantuan propaganda fueled vaccine success story fable. No matter what anyone thinks about vaccines/mRNA poisons, nobody under any circumstances should ever be forced to submit to any medical intervention period. All mandated medical interventions, including useless harmful transmission and risk increasing masks, must end immediately. How many must be maimed and murdered by mRNA poisons and how many more children and families must be devastated by autism, directly caused by toxic adjuvants such as aluminum and thimerosal, before enough stand up and scream “NO MORE!”?

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Polio and AIDS from HIV too! I have never read up so much in my life as these past 2.5 years. I was a believer in the 2 weeks to flatten curve, I sewed masks too! Me and family also had all usual ones. When I entered a rabbit hole and discovered truth about medical system, true facts about how dangerous they are, I tried to warn people but they refused to listen. We had 2 or 3 sudden deaths early in jab roll out in age groups young enough to shock, yet noone is making link to jabs. Idon't know what is wrong with people that they don't read anything more than 2 sentences anymore. Social programming and addiction to phone apps. I've read Diss. Ill and will add the other to my list. I thoroughly invite you to read The Invisible Rainbow too which is mainly about links between electricity/EMFs and deseases.

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All the while we are all under pretty steady increase in electromagnetic radiation from the Earth’s weakening electromagnetic protective field. An interesting time of playing Humpty Dumpty with humanity. All those kings horses and all those kings men.

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Why is the earth’s electromagnetic protective field weakening? Pray you do not say because of anthropogenic climate change. I will scream and bang my head against the wall. Is it because of the increased EMF’s arguably a large portion of which has an extremely negative trade off profile?

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No not related to anthropogenic climate change. The increased EM protective field (from my limited understanding) comes from cyclical forces which affect the Earth, Sun and solar system. It is I believe something we ignore at our peril.

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Fauci yelling at us just this afternoon about another “winter of death”. Which is funny, because according to Biden I’m not supposed to be alive right now. I think I’ll keep “rolling the dice” and stay unvaccinated. It seems to work in my favor.

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Winter of Death was last year.

I remember that.

The bodies were stacked up like cordwood.

So many smelly feet. ;)

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I wish obiden was really getting the CLOT SHOT...

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They never worked to begin with.

There is no 'virus', so no 'vaccine' could ever work..

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I wonder how many of these people getting their "vaccine" are actually getting placebos or flu injections. They didn't where masks except when the cameras were rolling and they partied hardy with no distancing, either.

Do as I say, not as I do.

Danny Huckabee

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since there's no transparency whatsoever we might never know.

since there's no informed consent we will never know.

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That's why they set it up this way: so no one will know.

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I'm convinced all these leaders are getting saline. Otherwise we would see them dropping like the plebs

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Come on, man! Eight mice!

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By the way, the MMWR sited below in a post is completely bogus and continuously publishes false data/manipulated “studies. I know that we all know this but the majority are completely unaware that we are being lied to and have been for years. MMWR is part of the Big Pharma propaganda machine that has been and continues to poison millions. Big Pharma has maimed and murdered more than all of our wars combined. Want all of this vaccine, mRNA, mask, testing, lockdown nonsense to end? Refuse to comply with all of it! Often a very difficult and impactful choice to make but this is the only way to end all of this. Unfortunately for over 60 years the vast majority of us have allowed our children to be poisoned by childhood immunizations while inexplicably trusting Big Pharma and rat fink mass murderers like Fauci under the guise of protecting them. The best way to protect ourselves and our children is by nurturing natural immunity and not by pumping our children full of toxins, weakened pathogens or LNP/PEG laced mRNA poisons. A well nourished immune system and our natural response to pathogens confers the best, broadest and most durable protection. Is this way devoid of any and all risks? Of course not as nothing in life is completely risk free. However, it is inarguably that this approach is the better road to both individual and societal health. My intent is not to get biblical here, but if we continue to buy into this Big Pharma promoted false notion that we are smarter than our Creator who blessed us with natural immunity, without which we would not be having this discussion as the human race would have never made it out of the starting gate, then we will continue to suffer needlessly at the hands of Big Pharma.

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Despite their claims failing to pass the common sense test, here's one of today's Yahoo headlines emanating from Reuters (the daddy of misinformation fact-checkers) -

"(Reuters) - Updated COVID-19 boosters offer increased protection against new variants in people who have previously received up to four doses of the older vaccine, a real-world study in the United States showed.

The study of over 360,000 people, published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, offers the first evidence that the new vaccines by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna provide better protection compared to the original shots. Since their introduction in September, the vaccine boosters, which contain both original and Omicron BA.4/5 coronavirus strain, provided greater benefit to younger adults aged 18-49 years that those in the older age group."

But here's the bit that should alert those awake to the duplicity of the claim -

"The authors warned that the study may not be generalizable to future variants, as the dominant variants keep changing. In just the last two months, the BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 subvariants have become the dominant strains of coronavirus in the United States, taking over from the BA.5 subvariant of Omicron, based on which the vaccines were updated."



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Dr. Jha: "We can prevent every covid death in America" if everyone gets their updated booster.


This is from TODAY.

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tell this to pregnant women :-((

in Stew Peters' documentary 'Died suddenly' - https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2022/11/world-premier-died-suddenly/ dr. James Thorp, MD mentions that since the roll out of the 'vaccines' there has been a staggering increase in the number of miscarriages by 75-fold, fetal malformation by 20-fold, fetal cardiac disease by 16-fold and fetal death by 38-fold. see also - https://www.drpaulalexander.com/blogs/news/james-thorp-md-experimental-never-before-tested-novel-genetic-therapy-covid-mrna-gene-injection-pushed-in-pregnancy-the-most-egregious-violation-of-ethics-in-the-history-of-medicine-free-book

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My friend is eagerly awaiting her first grandchild at end of the year. Because of one family member having no immunity they all went off to get the two shots. Daughter became pregnant a while after so was not made infertile and I don't know if she has taken any whilst pregnant. I know rest of family have but it has become a taboo subject between us now. I believed the narrative in the beginning but 2 years of research into the vaccine business has changed my mind, for drugs also.

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in my family we don't mention it either. this is very frustrating, but we want to keep seeing one another and (therefore have to-) respect the individual choices being made.

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And yet the mRNA poisons/vaccines just keep comin’ with no end in sight. I read the other day that the poisoners are excited about “next gen” mRNA covid poisons. Our children will continue to be poisoned if enough of us don’t stand up and say “NO!”

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demand transparency at every step, reinstate informed consent, repeal the infamous Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (which arguably set the United States on the path toward the erection of a full-fledged Ministry of Truth).

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I saw that. Jha is more than happy with his COVID Czar position. He’d peddle any snake oil if it makes him money.

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More bs. Aren't most people in hospital now who have had several jabs suffering severe adverse events or infections or recurrences of illnesses due to total mess up of our natural protection systems?

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really bad use of language: a study usually just offers research findings, but does not "offer.... evidence". semantics, perhaps, but still.

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The low injection rate IS a result of lies and misinformation. Mini Mengele seems unaware that it is his lies and misinformation that make people skeptical.

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Excess death rate last year in highly vaccinated Iceland was 56%.

Avoid Fauci's poison death shot.

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This has been the problem with most vaccines for 50 years and now mRNA injections. They are guessing at the target and cannot possibly know in advance with strain or variant will be running wild. It doesn't matter anyway because the vaccines are failures with an ARR of around 1%. Your body is much better off without putting big pharma poisons of any kind into it...drugs, vaccines or mRNA gene altering injections.

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I had J&J in April 2021 and aJ&J booster in Nov 2021. In January 2022 I had a very mild case of covid. I have been exposed many times since including crowded airports, restaurants, events, etc. Have not gotten it again. The only people getting it now are the heavily vaxxed and within a month of their last shot. And are the anxious types who mask up. What does this tell us?

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The terrible booster uptake IS the result of lies and misinformation--from the likes of Fauci and the pharmaceutical companies. Who could possibly trust them at this point, after all the lies?

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