Many thanks for your excellent posts, Jordan. I live outside of the most locked-down jurisdiction in the G7 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada -where the legacy media have been bought and paid for by the federal government and our public broadcaster is worse than Pravda. In our province right now we have nothing but essential businesses open and the narrative being propagated by the government and by extension the media is we all need to get the jab to live our lives freely. In my province of Ontario, the teacher’s unions are calling all the shots with several unelected members of the “Scientology Table” with undeclared conflicts of interests having consulted for the teacher’s unions. Kids are home learning virtually, suicides are up 300% year over year, while fatal drug overdoses are up 200% year. over year. But you know what?.... the majority of the low information folks in my neighborhood are lapping it all up. Not one discussion anywhere about a proper risk assessment for a healthy child considering the jab vs the risk of COVID. As per the CDC, many more deaths in the US annually for kids and teens from pneumonia and influenza so why the rush to vaccinate kids when there has never been a push for kids to get the flu vaccine?Sports have been cancelled and a few weeks ago the government tried to shut down parks. No one advocating for the substantial damage being perpetrated on our youth. The media here are nothing more than ideologists and activists with a narrative and along with politicians are clinging doggedly to their time in the sun. I am furious with our media who do not work for the people and my fellow Canadians, most of whom lack a modicum of critical thinking skills. Maybe if our education system spent more time teaching kids how to think critically for themselves as opposed to a curriculum full of rewriting history, race and identity nonsense and equal outcomes, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today

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I hope you can get your country back Art ....I can see mine slipping away on a slope greased with fear and ignorance.

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Unfortunately it looks that the Biden administration is running a parallel government with ours. Everything I see being espoused by abides and the woke progressives calling the shots is identical to what we have seen over the last 5+ years under the leadership of our former part time drama teacher and trust fund baby, Justin a Trudeau. Not a day goes by here without some nonsense about systemic racism, intersectionality and gender and identity politics. Their rule over Canadian parliament is being supported by a far left of center party even though they only have a minority government and won re-election with less than 30% of the populist vote. We have an energy industry that is the envy of the world and they are hell bent on destroying it even though the alternative green experiment almost bankrupted my province of Ontario. Nothing but virtue signalling all day, every day. Biden’s policies are identical. He killed keystone, went after fracking, espouses constant nonsense about systemic racism and is now pushing for Critical Race Theory to be taught in schools. Will tie all sorts of federal money to this. He is going to blow out the budget by looking to spend $10 trillion and your economy has almost recovered. What a clown show both are countries have become. The main difference, though, is at least you have red states who are upholding your rights and freedoms for now. China must be laughing hysterically at both our countries. The last bastion of freedom and liberty is the US. If it falls, the world is ‘effed!

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Thanks for sharing about your circumstances in Canada and your perspectives on the plandemic. I will add that the media and most politicians are nothing but script-reading whores with cushy jobs. Also, the education systems in North America, and in most westernized countries, are really slave indoctrination camps.

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We appear to be in the exact same boat. Can't walk out my door (in Little Italy) without an acquaintance or neighbour asking me if I've had the shot. Ugh.

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Are you in Toronto?

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Yes, though not currently. In Vancouver for work.

How is the latex business? Or is it importer/exporter? ;-)

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Haha! Importer/exporter of latex. How are things in Vancouver? As batshit crazy as Toronto? TV docs telling unalloyed the deep to celebrate Mother’s Day virtually here. I wonder if anyone cares what my 82 year old mother would like? ‘Eff the whole lot of them. Can’t wait for their fame and glory to end and they can go back to their overpaid desk jobs. Have you seen how much Chief Medical Officers Williams and Yaffe earned in 2020 not including their likely side hustles?

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Vancouver is way less batshit. Less cooks in the kitchen I think. No buffonish OST to contend with. Patios open, shops too!

Virutal Mother's Day... good grief. Like virtual fireworks or virtual cherry blossom viewings. The stupidity and condescension takes my breath away.

Yes, 2020/21 has been a banner time for career bureaucrats. Finally their moment in the sun after years of their vanilla personalities disappearing them into the wallpaper. What will Eileen deVilla do if this all ends and John Tory goes back to ignoring her?

Oh yeah... did anybody stop to ask the 82-year-olds what they think?

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*all the sheep. Sorry I hate iPhone autocorrect but I also can’t type

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Thank you Jordan ... without you and a very few like you there would only be propaganda about this .

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Thank you, again, for digging deeper into the real story of the "crisis" we are in now. I'm starting to get a sense of your direction and where you're going with these articles. More of those that are asleep need to read your work. Instead of bashing people over the head with the truth (while satisfying), your technique of asking questions that eventually leads one to the logical answer is much more agreeable for those that are just starting to realize they've been scammed.

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Thank you for researching and publishing this. It is more important than ever to understand the corrupt nature of these vaccine makers and distributors. Great article.

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Yes, Jordan: A nice Hollywood script, indeed. THIS WAS PLANNED ALL ALONG. The question remains for those of us who see the "playbook" for what it is and where the "authors" intend to take the story, "What do we do to WRITE OUR OWN STORIES?" Stories that do not include the horrendous psychological war being waged on humanity as a means of enslavement, depopulation, and transhumanism. As the author of my life, I find the well-worn path to be fraught with tragedy, including the loss of sovereignty, truth, love, and freedom, and yet I will forge my way in and around the madness to reclaim what the would-be death-cult controllers work so diligently to strip from us with every calculated move. I wish you and all your readers well as we sojourn this tale of terror.

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So true on all fronts. Critical thinking skills and common sense were replaced with fear and panic. All to spook the herd into running off the cliff of forced experimental vaccines, transfers of wealth, loss of liberty, injury, and death.

I guess that the world citizen has a long way to go regarding intellectual awakening; without it, civilization as we have known it is doomed. Sheeple are easily led and fleeced.

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Exactly, Bert. Intellectual and spiritual awakening start with asking critical questions. In my recent work in Communication Studies, we learned that the crucial question is, "What is really going on here?" If people asked that, piquing their natural curiosity, they would do the psychological work and "real-world" research necessary for individuation, maturation, and wisdom. There is great freedom in asking great questions!

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I suspect that many of us are born with a curious mind, and our government education programs us into accepting the controlled narrative. I had some great teachers, but you could count them on one hand after 14 years of school. The good ones molded me into questioning everything and trying new ways of thinking. I remember them to this day and am grateful.

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Same here. I count only two teachers during K-12 who inspired me to think critically and be creative. When I returned to college later in life, there were many more.

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College was much better for me too. I took night classes and worked during the day; my professors also had day jobs in the fields they taught. They were excellent and not detached from everyday reality.

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This is a surprising level of brazen scheming even for me.

Gates as Bond Villain? 🤔

Glad I said no to the jab.

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Gates is a soulless money-fame-power-grubbing puppet for the black magicians and their exotic-technology-worshiping partners in committing crimes against humanity, Mother Earth, and all her organic creatures.

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Great article, Jordan. How do we get this information to everybody in the country? I am constantly amazed that people I considered fairly bright have gotten the jab not knowing or questioning a thing about it. I saw two friends this week that got it and didn’t even know it’s experimental.

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