Put simply, Covid-19 was not an epidemiological event, it was a money laundering scheme, a smoke screen for economic/social restructuring towards total control and a massive psychological operation.
Two and a half years later, as bureaucrats and politicians wind down the Covid restrictions in order to quell growing unrest, we can be assured they will insist on retaining the “right” to re-impose them at will.
As long as “new variants lurk right around the corner”, public health bureaucrats and pandemic profiteers can invent the next “health emergency” to impose more shutdowns for any “viral event” that conveniently suits their political and financial aims.
While the Covid propaganda has vanished it is imperative we keep the mountain of lies under scrutiny and continue unveiling the massive corruption that defines the “Covid Era.” This is the only path towards justice and is necessary to defend against future episodes of “pandemic” hysteria.
Ultimately there can be no comprehensive debate and complete understanding of the devastating consequences of the ‘Covid Crisis’ policies without a historical and up-to-date analysis of the Medical Industry’s role in pushing socioeconomic and political agendas which benefit the ruling elites.
It is vital to understand that the public health industry is now directly tied to global markets and operates based on the demands of those financial conglomerates. Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.
It is also necessary to recognize that the primary purpose of the medical industry is no longer the “art of healing”, it has become a financial instrument benefiting investors.
‘We the people‘ must also recognize that the Medical Industry has now been fully weaponized as a punitive system designed to process, dehumanize and control every single person in the system.
Before our very eyes, we have seen up close how mere biological existence is criminalized by that system.
Though the story of the fraudulent "Covid Pandemic" is nearly over, the sorcery that created it has not been exorcised.
The urgent message that we must take from these past two years is that we are under sustained psychological warfare and have been for quite some time.
We won’t have truly won until it is universally established that Medical Freedom is not a negotiable commodity controlled by state bureaucrats, political opportunists or the medical cartel.
Nothing has been won until the ideology that the state controls our bodily autonomy has been thoroughly repudiated.
This story is not finished until the individuals and institutions that deceived the public and censored and persecuted dissenting voices over the past two and a half years are publicly held accountable, prosecuted and imprisoned.
{It is also necessary to recognize that the primary purpose of the medical industry is no longer the “art of healing”, it has become a financial instrument benefiting investors.}
No truer words have been spoken. The one good thing to come of this is that eventually no one will trust westernized medicine again and seek alternates It's already happening as you see from some of the well known cures for covid. Medicine has truly become a trillion dollar business with absolutely no care nor guarantee's. Nearly half a million people die every year from medical malpractice.
Not only that, healing is directly at odds with their financial interest as cured people no longer need their services. Thus the current model is to "treat" you as long as possible, perhaps for the rest of your life, using the most expensive means available.
Think about it, aside from antibiotics (and arguably some chemotherapies), what drug developed in the last forty years actually cures people? And even with antibiotics, virtually all of them are several decades old despite constant concerns regarding new drug-resistant strains. There's zero emphasis on new antibiotic development as there's no money in giving someone a pill for only ten days that cures them. Compare that to a patented statin (or similar med) one is supposed to take every day until they die.
BRILLIANT synopsis Allen - I hope to see you post/publish this everywhere! DO NOT RELENT!!
My hope? If anyone can expose this for what it was it's RFK Jr. He's been on the front lines since Day One! He's a staunch advocate of SAFE vaccines and abolishing every single alphabet government agency!! I don't vote never did nor will - refuse to support the corruption and malfeasance but I beleive he is the only person who may be able to save the entire world!!
When all is said and done - I want to see the people responsible for all of this face a firing squad!
Excellent comment. I learned this the hard way 10 years ago when I trusted the medical industry and they nearly destroyed me. So I was already primed to be suspicious of this new mRNA technology. It took a long time to come back from my debilitating condition, but in the end it spurred me to take control of my own health and learn about diet and nutrition, vitamins, herbs etc. I am now my own doctor and doing great.
Once the bodies really start piling up - everyone will be following your protocol as well. I too was a victim of the system when my doctor insisted I needed a procedure. We fought like hell until he finally wore me down. Needless to say I am now 1000 times worse than I was prior to surgery and have gotten an attorney. The bastard has taken a year off my life of which I will require another 3-4 months recovery time to undo and then correct what he did. Once again not a day goes by I don't wish ill of him. It's all about the almighty dollar! Ever wonder why all these scum bags politicians live to forever and never die or get sick? How is that possible?
I do wonder that. Maybe vampirism? Sorry to hear about your medical malpractice. I was bedridden for almost 3 years and nearly lost everything. But there is a wealth of actual healing info on the web. Search it out now and print it before it's gone.
Outstanding article. I've been telling friends and family all along the FDA approved shot was not available. Many scoffed at my tin foil hat comments. The lies coming from D.C. and "Public Health" are astounding and when shown in the true light of day, are criminal. Where is the FBI raid on NIH, CDC and the Oval Office ... ? Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
I've seen quite a few pro vaccine trolls make a big deal about how "it's FDA approved now" and we should shut up and take it, or at least stop protesting. When I said I'm not sure that it really is, they thought I was being ridiculous. Of course, FDA approval doesn't even mean much these days when the agency is so clearly corrupt.
This is the first time in the history of the FDA that once a drug is given approval, the EUA version still stays on the market. The "argument" is that the formulation is the same, but even if that is the case, this is unprecedented.
And, if all this weren't bad enough, the CDC has just said that vaxxed or non-vaxxed people should be treated the same--only that is not being respected, either. Without question, this is the worst public health catastrophe of all time--and that's because it was largely intentional.
I hate to say it, but I agree. It took me awhile to truly believe that's the case, but I do now. The lying and deceitfulness is so pervasive. They are all wolves in sheep's clothing.
The reason is that the vaccine dispensed under the EUA and the 'FDA approved' vaccine are legally distinct and separate products, even if they are functionally the same. The manufacturer is liable for damages caused by an FDA approved product, while they are still shielded from prosecution/liability for the vaccine dispensed under the EUA. They have played the same shell-game with Pfizer BioNTech (BNT162b2)/Comirnaty and Moderna Covid-19 vaccine/Spikevax.
I strongly believe that the goal of this shell game was to get these vaccines on the Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule before making FDA approved products available, as vaccines on this schedule the vaccines are also shielded from liability.
There are different ingredients in the EUA version and Comirnaty. This was disclosed in a lawsuit last year. Since the military is only required to take an FDA approved shot, this has been the basis for some of the exemptions granted.
I have wondered about this the whole time and wondered how they’re getting away with it. So you have this little nugget of truth and now you have updated CDC guidance that admits natural immunity is not a conspiracy theory and there is no distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated… And yet… And yet… Colleges/universities and businesses are still requiring the vaccine. The university where my son is now a junior is doubling down on it and still requiring the EU a vaccine for new students, faculty, and staff. And last week my son was notified that he will have to apply for a renewal of the religious exemption he got approved for last academic year. I have a daughter starting college this coming Monday and I have to write an exemption request for her despite the new guidanceI do not have money to hire an attorney but I sure wish that I did. I think the powers that be who are continuing with the mandates I mean for the past 18 months I think the mindset has just been to try and wear us down so we just go ahead and get it
Maybe someone who has worked extensively with this issue could do it pro bono or at a discounted fee. Or suggest someone who will. Someone like Aaron Siri, or maybe someone from Children's Health Defense. Sounds like a good precedent could be set there. At this point it's absurd and outrageous that they're still requiring it. Especially now that the CDC has basically said there's no difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed.
So I just learned that basically my son has to apply for a religious exemption like he did LAST YEAR!!! HOW IS THIS LEGAL?! I don’t know how to connect with someone who would do it pro-Bono. Suggestions welcome. I’m beside myself with anger over this
Well I don't know too many people who could do this in the US (I live in Israel actually). I do know one person though, so I've reached out to her, and if she gets back to me I'll let you know.
Is it a lot of trouble to apply for a religious exemption? I mean I'm sure it's annoying and silly to have to do it, but if it's possible... maybe just do while cursing them and be done with it ;-)
I spent 8-10 hours between research, writing and editing. My son’s exemption was approved within 15 minutes of submission (last year). I literally had to fight for approval of mine (I work at the same university), with HR coming back at me twice, trying to trip me up in my beliefs. Civil rights? What civil rights. We both had to agree to wear a mask (potentially even after they ended their mask mandate) and weekly Covid tests. Always negative results. Meanwhile vaxxed & boosted students and colleagues all over campus who never had a testing requirement were coming down with Covid left and right. Thank you for any help you can offer. Interestingly enough, although my exemption was also supposed to only be hot last year I have not received a “renewal/reapplication” required” notice.
They wern't 'coming down with covid' they were testing positive to a bogus test.
And regards “renewal/reapplication” why don't you take the route that your son only needs the vaccination or exemption if he plays their game. If he doesn't they won't do anything about it.
The largest organized crime perpetrated on humanity utilized a sophisticated psyop to convince those unable to think for themselves to risk their health to protect less than 1% of the population. The government would never have been able to pull this off without being able to utilize big tech censorship, Pfizer’s use of obscure investigators and sites willing to violate good clinical practices and the prearranged safety profile that included cardiovascular events as expected.
Anyone who profited from this crime should be forced to pay restitution to the families of those killed by the vaccine and all medical costs resulting from the adverse events of those who survived, not to mention damages.
People were shocked when I told them that Scandinavian countries were banning the mRNA jabs for young men. Amazing how much people blindly adhere to the guidance from the FDA.
Wealth transfer on the tax payers' dime, and an opportunity to perform a large-scale, financially risk-free clinical trial on humanity. No telling the long-term health implications of this shit show (all four members of my family have had vaccine injuries, including severe blood clots, liver damage, and cardiac events in my children), and no accountability for these garbage people. There will undoubtedly be a reckoning, though, one day. You can't hurt this many people, children included, with your base fuckery and not pay for it in the fullness of time. Unfortunately, that reckoning will not do anything for those killed or permanently impaired by these experimental genomic therapies.
Great reporting, Jordan, and please keep it up. The longer you and people like you shine a bright light on these fuckers, the greater the likelihood they will receive their just desserts.
It's all about keeping the shield of legal liability up in from of the Big Pharma cabal. If they distributed the FDA approved version, legal action could be taken when the "Safe and Effective" lies fall apart. Right now, they remain untouchable. Criminals are running this country.
I’ll never forget how disgusting it was watching Bill de Blasio live in a special broadcast claiming it now had “full FDA approval” and there was no longer any excuse. The shaming, gaslighting and threats were real. They fired thousands of city workers over this! It’s absolutely criminal what they did and continue to do!!!
I agree that this is true for the Pfizer shot. What about FDA approval on the Moderna or J&J shots? What is the real story there? Inquiring minds want to know.
External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
I'd rather get a ghost shot from an actual ghost than anything produced by Big Pharma. Hopefully all this will go into a massive fraud case at some point, how is this not fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud?
A lot can be said for how this was even remotely possible which is why they continue to push the envelope and exploit it - with everything! A imbecile knew the shots were death sentences for something you had LESS THAN a one percent chance OF DYING FROM! I would've pay good money to have watched them sitting around their board room tables laughing their asses off at the stupidity of these people. You can't really blame them as it was simply there for the taking! As our most products. No one was prevented from researching the facts and evidence as all of us certainly did! They were just to lazy and obsessed with themselves. IMHO that's what caused all of it. We now live in the most narcissistic society that ever existed - primarily created and caused by these damn cell phones. People were so focused on themselves and DYING! That's the new normal we live in - unable to think of anyone but themselves. LOOK at them in cars driving alone wearing a mask? I went to the grocery store yesterday and about 25% of the customers were wearing them. It's stupidity on steroids. But it's also ALL ABOUT ME! When the Kardashians become billionaires for doing nothing and having no talent you know we're in trouble. They too exploit it! The question is how and when is it going to stop? People are already dying in astronomical numbers and still no alarm bells going off. Oh that's right - because everyone is so enamored with themselves!
Australia has killed hundreds with these wretched things and are now giving them to kids aged 5-11 - last week I found two reports of liver transplant failure either before or after the jabs - so that is 2 young women who will either need another transplant which will reject or they will die of liver failure. I found another 27 year old woman whose entire body broke down
Put simply, Covid-19 was not an epidemiological event, it was a money laundering scheme, a smoke screen for economic/social restructuring towards total control and a massive psychological operation.
Two and a half years later, as bureaucrats and politicians wind down the Covid restrictions in order to quell growing unrest, we can be assured they will insist on retaining the “right” to re-impose them at will.
As long as “new variants lurk right around the corner”, public health bureaucrats and pandemic profiteers can invent the next “health emergency” to impose more shutdowns for any “viral event” that conveniently suits their political and financial aims.
While the Covid propaganda has vanished it is imperative we keep the mountain of lies under scrutiny and continue unveiling the massive corruption that defines the “Covid Era.” This is the only path towards justice and is necessary to defend against future episodes of “pandemic” hysteria.
Ultimately there can be no comprehensive debate and complete understanding of the devastating consequences of the ‘Covid Crisis’ policies without a historical and up-to-date analysis of the Medical Industry’s role in pushing socioeconomic and political agendas which benefit the ruling elites.
It is vital to understand that the public health industry is now directly tied to global markets and operates based on the demands of those financial conglomerates. Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.
It is also necessary to recognize that the primary purpose of the medical industry is no longer the “art of healing”, it has become a financial instrument benefiting investors.
‘We the people‘ must also recognize that the Medical Industry has now been fully weaponized as a punitive system designed to process, dehumanize and control every single person in the system.
Before our very eyes, we have seen up close how mere biological existence is criminalized by that system.
Though the story of the fraudulent "Covid Pandemic" is nearly over, the sorcery that created it has not been exorcised.
The urgent message that we must take from these past two years is that we are under sustained psychological warfare and have been for quite some time.
We won’t have truly won until it is universally established that Medical Freedom is not a negotiable commodity controlled by state bureaucrats, political opportunists or the medical cartel.
Nothing has been won until the ideology that the state controls our bodily autonomy has been thoroughly repudiated.
This story is not finished until the individuals and institutions that deceived the public and censored and persecuted dissenting voices over the past two and a half years are publicly held accountable, prosecuted and imprisoned.
This fight is not over.
{It is also necessary to recognize that the primary purpose of the medical industry is no longer the “art of healing”, it has become a financial instrument benefiting investors.}
No truer words have been spoken. The one good thing to come of this is that eventually no one will trust westernized medicine again and seek alternates It's already happening as you see from some of the well known cures for covid. Medicine has truly become a trillion dollar business with absolutely no care nor guarantee's. Nearly half a million people die every year from medical malpractice.
Not only that, healing is directly at odds with their financial interest as cured people no longer need their services. Thus the current model is to "treat" you as long as possible, perhaps for the rest of your life, using the most expensive means available.
Think about it, aside from antibiotics (and arguably some chemotherapies), what drug developed in the last forty years actually cures people? And even with antibiotics, virtually all of them are several decades old despite constant concerns regarding new drug-resistant strains. There's zero emphasis on new antibiotic development as there's no money in giving someone a pill for only ten days that cures them. Compare that to a patented statin (or similar med) one is supposed to take every day until they die.
BRILLIANT synopsis Allen - I hope to see you post/publish this everywhere! DO NOT RELENT!!
My hope? If anyone can expose this for what it was it's RFK Jr. He's been on the front lines since Day One! He's a staunch advocate of SAFE vaccines and abolishing every single alphabet government agency!! I don't vote never did nor will - refuse to support the corruption and malfeasance but I beleive he is the only person who may be able to save the entire world!!
When all is said and done - I want to see the people responsible for all of this face a firing squad!
Indeed, nothing surprises me.
What do cominarty, the virus and a pandemic have in common?
None of them exist https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/is-this-the-greatest-con-of-all-time
We are seeing all of 'health care' for what it is. Creating a market of fear of germs https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/a-tiny-water-flea-has-31000-genes and even of the genes in our own bodies https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/brca-genes-and-breast-cancer-risk and then further increasing the market with toxic drugs
all for profit and total control
Excellent comment. I learned this the hard way 10 years ago when I trusted the medical industry and they nearly destroyed me. So I was already primed to be suspicious of this new mRNA technology. It took a long time to come back from my debilitating condition, but in the end it spurred me to take control of my own health and learn about diet and nutrition, vitamins, herbs etc. I am now my own doctor and doing great.
Once the bodies really start piling up - everyone will be following your protocol as well. I too was a victim of the system when my doctor insisted I needed a procedure. We fought like hell until he finally wore me down. Needless to say I am now 1000 times worse than I was prior to surgery and have gotten an attorney. The bastard has taken a year off my life of which I will require another 3-4 months recovery time to undo and then correct what he did. Once again not a day goes by I don't wish ill of him. It's all about the almighty dollar! Ever wonder why all these scum bags politicians live to forever and never die or get sick? How is that possible?
I do wonder that. Maybe vampirism? Sorry to hear about your medical malpractice. I was bedridden for almost 3 years and nearly lost everything. But there is a wealth of actual healing info on the web. Search it out now and print it before it's gone.
It has barely even begun. These criminals need to swing.
Two words. Monkey Pox
They are trying to make out that monkeypox is sexually transmitted and associated with homosexuality like 'HIV' was and is. Neither 'AIDS' nor 'monkeypox' is transmissible by any kind of sex nor is it caused by a 'virus' https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-intellectual-freedom
These so-called "monkeypox" are one of the side effects of these experimental and toxic substances, but can also have other causes - and - as georgie&donny wrote, do NOT come from a "virus"! https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-f26
I think they are calling it monkeypox, so one word!
Outstanding article. I've been telling friends and family all along the FDA approved shot was not available. Many scoffed at my tin foil hat comments. The lies coming from D.C. and "Public Health" are astounding and when shown in the true light of day, are criminal. Where is the FBI raid on NIH, CDC and the Oval Office ... ? Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
I did too...they didn't believe me either.
I've seen quite a few pro vaccine trolls make a big deal about how "it's FDA approved now" and we should shut up and take it, or at least stop protesting. When I said I'm not sure that it really is, they thought I was being ridiculous. Of course, FDA approval doesn't even mean much these days when the agency is so clearly corrupt.
This is the first time in the history of the FDA that once a drug is given approval, the EUA version still stays on the market. The "argument" is that the formulation is the same, but even if that is the case, this is unprecedented.
And, if all this weren't bad enough, the CDC has just said that vaxxed or non-vaxxed people should be treated the same--only that is not being respected, either. Without question, this is the worst public health catastrophe of all time--and that's because it was largely intentional.
Totally intentional - the whole scam was about the jabs to kill off as many as they could.
I hate to say it, but I agree. It took me awhile to truly believe that's the case, but I do now. The lying and deceitfulness is so pervasive. They are all wolves in sheep's clothing.
The reason is that the vaccine dispensed under the EUA and the 'FDA approved' vaccine are legally distinct and separate products, even if they are functionally the same. The manufacturer is liable for damages caused by an FDA approved product, while they are still shielded from prosecution/liability for the vaccine dispensed under the EUA. They have played the same shell-game with Pfizer BioNTech (BNT162b2)/Comirnaty and Moderna Covid-19 vaccine/Spikevax.
I strongly believe that the goal of this shell game was to get these vaccines on the Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule before making FDA approved products available, as vaccines on this schedule the vaccines are also shielded from liability.
There are different ingredients in the EUA version and Comirnaty. This was disclosed in a lawsuit last year. Since the military is only required to take an FDA approved shot, this has been the basis for some of the exemptions granted.
I have wondered about this the whole time and wondered how they’re getting away with it. So you have this little nugget of truth and now you have updated CDC guidance that admits natural immunity is not a conspiracy theory and there is no distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated… And yet… And yet… Colleges/universities and businesses are still requiring the vaccine. The university where my son is now a junior is doubling down on it and still requiring the EU a vaccine for new students, faculty, and staff. And last week my son was notified that he will have to apply for a renewal of the religious exemption he got approved for last academic year. I have a daughter starting college this coming Monday and I have to write an exemption request for her despite the new guidanceI do not have money to hire an attorney but I sure wish that I did. I think the powers that be who are continuing with the mandates I mean for the past 18 months I think the mindset has just been to try and wear us down so we just go ahead and get it
Maybe someone who has worked extensively with this issue could do it pro bono or at a discounted fee. Or suggest someone who will. Someone like Aaron Siri, or maybe someone from Children's Health Defense. Sounds like a good precedent could be set there. At this point it's absurd and outrageous that they're still requiring it. Especially now that the CDC has basically said there's no difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed.
So I just learned that basically my son has to apply for a religious exemption like he did LAST YEAR!!! HOW IS THIS LEGAL?! I don’t know how to connect with someone who would do it pro-Bono. Suggestions welcome. I’m beside myself with anger over this
Well I don't know too many people who could do this in the US (I live in Israel actually). I do know one person though, so I've reached out to her, and if she gets back to me I'll let you know.
Is it a lot of trouble to apply for a religious exemption? I mean I'm sure it's annoying and silly to have to do it, but if it's possible... maybe just do while cursing them and be done with it ;-)
I spent 8-10 hours between research, writing and editing. My son’s exemption was approved within 15 minutes of submission (last year). I literally had to fight for approval of mine (I work at the same university), with HR coming back at me twice, trying to trip me up in my beliefs. Civil rights? What civil rights. We both had to agree to wear a mask (potentially even after they ended their mask mandate) and weekly Covid tests. Always negative results. Meanwhile vaxxed & boosted students and colleagues all over campus who never had a testing requirement were coming down with Covid left and right. Thank you for any help you can offer. Interestingly enough, although my exemption was also supposed to only be hot last year I have not received a “renewal/reapplication” required” notice.
Maybe someone on the No College Mandates Substack can help. They also have a Telegram group.
Thank you so much I was unaware of that substack
They wern't 'coming down with covid' they were testing positive to a bogus test.
And regards “renewal/reapplication” why don't you take the route that your son only needs the vaccination or exemption if he plays their game. If he doesn't they won't do anything about it.
None of this hogwash has been legal. Where does your son work?
This is a mandate for the University he attends I’d rather not post that specific info on this platform.
The largest organized crime perpetrated on humanity utilized a sophisticated psyop to convince those unable to think for themselves to risk their health to protect less than 1% of the population. The government would never have been able to pull this off without being able to utilize big tech censorship, Pfizer’s use of obscure investigators and sites willing to violate good clinical practices and the prearranged safety profile that included cardiovascular events as expected.
Anyone who profited from this crime should be forced to pay restitution to the families of those killed by the vaccine and all medical costs resulting from the adverse events of those who survived, not to mention damages.
Yes, it's got to be the greatest single con by organised crime ever in history https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/is-this-the-greatest-con-of-all-time
People were shocked when I told them that Scandinavian countries were banning the mRNA jabs for young men. Amazing how much people blindly adhere to the guidance from the FDA.
Wealth transfer on the tax payers' dime, and an opportunity to perform a large-scale, financially risk-free clinical trial on humanity. No telling the long-term health implications of this shit show (all four members of my family have had vaccine injuries, including severe blood clots, liver damage, and cardiac events in my children), and no accountability for these garbage people. There will undoubtedly be a reckoning, though, one day. You can't hurt this many people, children included, with your base fuckery and not pay for it in the fullness of time. Unfortunately, that reckoning will not do anything for those killed or permanently impaired by these experimental genomic therapies.
Great reporting, Jordan, and please keep it up. The longer you and people like you shine a bright light on these fuckers, the greater the likelihood they will receive their just desserts.
There would be loss of liability protection if it were not under Emergency Use Authorizaation.
It's all about keeping the shield of legal liability up in from of the Big Pharma cabal. If they distributed the FDA approved version, legal action could be taken when the "Safe and Effective" lies fall apart. Right now, they remain untouchable. Criminals are running this country.
Note that in the vaccine injury table, the final item is "XVII. Any new vaccine recommended by
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for routine administration to children, after publication by the Secretary of a notice of coverage".
Hence the mad dash to approve the vaccine for children, even though they don't need it.
It blows my mind that this will be new information for anyone, but the majority of the population had been blindsided and lied to from the beginning
Fantastic piece, Jordan.
I’ll never forget how disgusting it was watching Bill de Blasio live in a special broadcast claiming it now had “full FDA approval” and there was no longer any excuse. The shaming, gaslighting and threats were real. They fired thousands of city workers over this! It’s absolutely criminal what they did and continue to do!!!
I agree that this is true for the Pfizer shot. What about FDA approval on the Moderna or J&J shots? What is the real story there? Inquiring minds want to know.
good work.
my questions are here:
on top of that, there is this piece about the rt-pcr tests
External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
from november 2020.
I'd rather get a ghost shot from an actual ghost than anything produced by Big Pharma. Hopefully all this will go into a massive fraud case at some point, how is this not fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud?
Great post. Difficult to see hoe this fails to be a huge crime against the American people and the nation.
A lot can be said for how this was even remotely possible which is why they continue to push the envelope and exploit it - with everything! A imbecile knew the shots were death sentences for something you had LESS THAN a one percent chance OF DYING FROM! I would've pay good money to have watched them sitting around their board room tables laughing their asses off at the stupidity of these people. You can't really blame them as it was simply there for the taking! As our most products. No one was prevented from researching the facts and evidence as all of us certainly did! They were just to lazy and obsessed with themselves. IMHO that's what caused all of it. We now live in the most narcissistic society that ever existed - primarily created and caused by these damn cell phones. People were so focused on themselves and DYING! That's the new normal we live in - unable to think of anyone but themselves. LOOK at them in cars driving alone wearing a mask? I went to the grocery store yesterday and about 25% of the customers were wearing them. It's stupidity on steroids. But it's also ALL ABOUT ME! When the Kardashians become billionaires for doing nothing and having no talent you know we're in trouble. They too exploit it! The question is how and when is it going to stop? People are already dying in astronomical numbers and still no alarm bells going off. Oh that's right - because everyone is so enamored with themselves!
Australia has killed hundreds with these wretched things and are now giving them to kids aged 5-11 - last week I found two reports of liver transplant failure either before or after the jabs - so that is 2 young women who will either need another transplant which will reject or they will die of liver failure. I found another 27 year old woman whose entire body broke down