Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Time to quit the state of denial the masses are living in before we are all wiped out or mutated into something not human. These people will never stop unless we stop them by non compliance.

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Concise and brilliant as always, Bert.

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Thank you Sharine. That style seems to work best for me.

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Nov 26, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The vaccines are failing and winter is approaching. They either have to change the strategy or change the narrative. I guess that question is answered!

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I wonder if we examine the stock market trades of those close to Imperial College, if we might see a pattern too. There's nothing like knowing ahead of time that the markets are going to take a dive based on panic you're creating.

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No wondering necessary: It's all a scam. All of big money, big education, big medicine, big agriculture, big entertainment. You name it, they control it, and most people are lapping it up like the dogs they see us as. We're becoming exactly what they want us to be: Stupid, soulless drones who will sacrifice our Divinity for donuts, Happy Meals, and any other poisonous comfort and convenience they offer.

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The real world Coronavirus pandemic results matched PERFECTLY with Gates' Event 201, a germ warfare exercise he conducted back in October, 2019. Now he's talking about smallpox--so expect a smallpox pandemic in about a year or less . . .

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I was thinking something like this earlier today! "I wish there was a way to flag sell-offs/short sales made by politicians [and now I'd include yr Imperial College peeps; CDC/WHO peeps, etc.] [b/c remember the US pols who sold airline stocks prior to like 99% drop in air travel in '20?], so that we could a) call them on their profiting off inside knowlege and b) demand to know where they got that inside knowlege and c) have some kind of advance warning." Kind of like an opensecrets.org for stock trades.

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In the US, Congress gave themselves an exemption for insider trading; it isn't even illegal for them to profit from insider knowledge. Similarly, they gave themselves and their staffs exemptions from the vaccine mandates. That corruption is how they go into office as middle class and leave office as millionaires. Their power and wealth also keep them out of prison for their felonies, plus they protect each other; none of them will squeal on the others because nearly all are doing something illegal, such as private deals with and donations from China (Senator Mitch McConnell is MARRIED to a Chinese, for instance), or Big Tech, or Big Pharma, etc.

I was friends with a state representative who said lobbyists run our state government; they besiege newly elected reps to find out what they want--then give it to them. He said one new female was into clothes, so she has a complete wardrobe of everything she ever wanted to wear--and she did NOT quit. Any bets she always votes the way her benefactors want? This is merely on the state level; I doubt the US Congress is any less corrupt.

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Always follow the money.

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Sometimes it's power you should follow. If love of money is the root of all evil, love of power is the trunk, branches and leaves of the same tree.

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Is Imperial College in charge of climate science as well?

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Sure, Ki, if they pledge allegiance to Satan. (And I'm guessing you mean "science™," right?!)

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Global Warming Swindle HD - on youtube is a nice data point.

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"It’s the exact same playbook." It's THE ONLY PLAYBOOK. It's all based on lies, starting with germ theory, without which nonsense we wouldn't have MIND VIRUSES LIKE COVAIN'T either. Sorry for shouting, it's because I'm ROTFLOL so hard at the ridiculousness of people falling for this long, drawn-out, pathetic parade of psychopathic career clowns sucking the life force out of them. COURAGE is so rare these days.

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Germ theory does work in practice. If you don't think so, just drink a culture of Ebola and let us know how you come out. Black Death (bubonic plague) decimated London--but you don't think it exists, so drink a culture of that, too. Yes, we are being told to be fearful and to do silly things to ward off disease. But you can't deny the existence of SOMETHING that is killing people, whether it's a weaponized version of a cold virus or the planned use of naturally-occurring viruses in germ warfare operations.

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The problem with the COVID is the cure can be worse than the disease. Not sure that has ever been true in the past to this degree. Stats show more deaths and injuries from these vaccines than all others combined. The testing process for COVID is dubious too. So the actual numbers are suspect.

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Sure, I agree that there is germ warfare, environmental poisons, radiation, etc. The CON-TROLL-ers have always found ways to torture, maim, and kill us, starting with killing our spiritual essence, and then blame us for "spreading the disease." I just don't buy that viruses exist as transmittable pathogens, even though other pathogens can be manufactured with AI and then weaponized.

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That seems to be the plan. I heard what that Doctor in South Africa said about it, no worse than the common cold. Now the masks are back in schools? It is obvious what is happening here, even to a dullard.

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Indeed, Bert. However, based on the number of people I see wearing Satanic ritual humilation/conversion face muzzles, there still seem to be a lot of folks form whom "dullard" would be a step up. Maybe they see what's going on but simply lack the courage to stand up to the lies.

Either way, the CONs will keep pushing until there is substantial PUSHBACK, and it makes me feel sad that so many people are so lame. I do have compassion — for we all suffer through unnecessary trauma here — but at what point is it no longer about their lack of awareness but their lack of courage? Can we TEACH courage, and if so, HOW, since my consistent role modeling doesn't seem to be working?

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I see it as willful ignorance with many of them who should be smart enough to know better. It's the ones who do not have the reasoning ability to question authority that I feel the most compassion for. We can only lead by example and hope the follow.

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You're too ignorant of science to have a competent opinion. Viruses have existed for at least hundreds of years, killing millions without your mythical "CON-TROLL-ers" killing our nonexistent "spiritual essence". You are of the type wackadoodle who insists we are killing the planet as well, I suppose. In any event, don't let scientific facts stand in the way of your fantasies. Believe whatever foolishness you want, but I'm done answering an ignorant, uneducated savage. Dismissed!

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I'll expose myself to Ebola. All I need is clean water and proper sunlight.


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Go for it! The world needs fewer idiots.

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Well said. The courage to speak the truth and recognize is indeed a rare event.

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“A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see a profit at the end of the process.”

~ Peter Daszak

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It should be obvious to us all that New, or Gnu, or Nu Scariants can be found ad infinitum to keep this Scamdemic and Lockdowns also going ad infinitum. We need to just Say NO and stop complying.


I urge all to buy RKF Jr.'s new book:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)


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Tim, Don't forget "KNEW"! They're telling us they knew all along this is a bald-faced lie.

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Instead of saying ad-infinitum, perhaps better I should have said ad-nauseum.

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There can't be confirmed variants if virologists never isolated the original SARS-CoV-2 complete genome - it was computer/AI generated from 1,000s of genome segments from sick people's lung fluid in China.

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People ARE dying in greater numbers, so there definitely IS an outbreak of some kind. The nature of the outbreak is NOT what they say it is, however.

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Look at your country's year to year death statistics. I have download such information for the USA. The Covid-19 "pandemic" never reached levels to justify a declaration of emergency in 2020 and was very similar to that in 2019. Maybe a small spike in excess deaths (which I define as seasonal deaths above a 10 year average of seasonal deaths).

By my criterion, the "pandemic" was over by about may 2020.

In 2021 we are seeing more annual deaths and almost all of the increase, as far as I can tell, is due to deaths from the experimental genetic treatments that they are calling "vaccines".

Wake up, download the data to Excel, like I did, analyze it and be your own fact checker.

You are being lied to. Wake up.

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We are not seeing more deaths. The largest number of deaths in the USA was right at the start of this year. Since then, as vaccinations have increased, deaths have gone down despite new surges in cases. The vaccines haven't stopped transmission, but they have considerably reduced deaths in those who use them. You are lying to yourself. Wake up.

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This study, assuming it has its numbers right, compares across national populations. There are so many confounding variables, that it's useless. Much more informative are rates of hospitalization and death within a country (and within a region of a country) comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated. The evidence here for vaccines protecting against hospitalizing and death is overwhelming. This does not mean it is anywhere near perfect (same for the flu vaccine), nor does it mean everyone should take it.

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Why would I lie? I have no reason to. I disagree with you. That makes one of us mistaken. It doesn't require lying. The fact that you run straight to "liar" suggests that you're so committed to your view that you aren't interested in the truth. Selecting one blog piece about one situation does practically nothing when placed against all the evidence of who is suffering in hospital and who is not. To head off an irrelevancy: The fact that the vaccines work (to varying degrees) does NOT mean they should be mandatory. They absolutely should not be.

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What is the nature of the outbreak then?

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I'm not involved in it, so how should I know? It could be Chinese agents have added something to aerosol cans throughout the country. It could be something in our water that interacts with another ingredient--the possibilities are endless. No one is even admitting that China is conducting germ warfare against us, so I only know that what they're saying about Covid is NOT true. It IS being used as a pretext for controlling people; it doesn't matter how they're doing it. They could have invented a GMO food ingredient that does it and are only blaming it on Covid--which is normally just a virus that causes the common cold. They've tried to control people with so-called "Climate Change" but no one would agree to be controlled with that excuse. So they raised the stakes, and now that people are dying, people are more agreeable to do what our Masters say.

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Past is prologue. It is almost December by January the panic porn will be revving up past the redline and we have an election in November of 2022 we’re all the “experts are predicting a wipeout for the commiecrats, hmmm were have we seen this scenario before? Why we saw this same pattern in 2020, using the China virus as an excuse the commiecrats in league with the establishment globalist Republicans and globalist crony capitalists removed all election integrity safeguards and here we go again.

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and we're back to 2020 "banning flights" mood again...

the sheep haven't learned anything

they are already playing their games and 100% addicted to fear

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Exactly, fear is never a rational motivator.

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Fear is the means by which tyrants control the masses.

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total crap.. You have a 99% chance of recovery. I will never do what they tell me ever again.

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Considering the original Covid-19 virus has never been isolated by the CDC to this very day, how do they know any of the multitudes of "variants" even exist? Maybe the US Army knows what they are, since they are the results of germ warfare research, but the CDC claims to have never isolated Covid--neither the originals nor the so-called variants. We're being played by our own government, and most people--including the author of this nonsense, Jordan Schachtel--seem happy to go along with whatever they're selling. Sorry, but I'm not buying it. This is the equivalent of setting houses on fire in order to sell other homeowners fire insurance.

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Have a site for you to spend some time on: virusesarenotcontagious.com and be uplifted!

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Sorry, that site tried to put some COMPUTER viruses on my laptop. That tells me all I need to know about the lack of integrity and adherence to the scientific method of that web site. Why don't you, instead of touting such a lying web site, take some Virology courses in college, as I did in my premed program, or Microbiology? The information there IS factual and can be proven through peer-reviewed studies. I am already knowledgeable about viruses and how they work; you desperately need to be educated, NOT merely "uplifted."

PS - I made the same offer to another post: Go and drink a culture of Ebola and prove to yourself that it isn't contagious, as you appear to believe. Or even receive a throat swab taken from someone with a severe cold. Don't you think that saliva containing a virus that causes the common cold CAN give you a cold also, if that virus contacts your eyes or mouth? If not why not?

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You are sorely mistaken. Virologists basically are money grubbing for more research dollars so that they can keep playing in the lab. Germ Theory is based on a lie and admitted by Pasteur himself. You are not going to convince others of your line of reasoning with such a derogatory and condescending attitude either…

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No I don’t think I would ‘catch’ a non-living virus from some swab… that person’s virus is encoded with their own RNA/DNA which is not compatible with my RNA/DNA or anyone else’s, therefore not contagious.

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THEN DO IT! Prove to the world that germs are NOT contagious--preferably by drinking Ebola; the world needs fewer idiots, savages who believe lies instead of science.

BTW, viruses, while not alive, DO link into normal cell functions and disrupt their normal operations in order to multiply, regardless of your specific RNA/DNA. Either prove to us all you're right and hundreds of years of medical research is wrong--or else show us the price you're willing to pay for your ignorance and stupidity.

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What? No answer from DL? LOL! Maybe it got up the nerve to try a culture of Ebola and is now improving our world by removing itself from it . . .

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One new twist is the attempt by the media to link it to AIDS. Apparently this variant was likely to have developed inside an immunocompromised person, therefore might well have been someone with AIDS, giving the tabloids the chance to mention this and link the two together in the minds of the public.

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They SHOULD link it to AIDS because that was another one of their fear-porn people-poisoning projects. (Jon Rappaport has some excellent research on AIDS.) They only have one playbook: Release poisons into the environment then claim "new scary disease erupts" followed by even further mass poisoning through injections and other experimental "medications" while using the media presstitutes to sound the alarms and push the fake panacea. Then the panic subsides and people go back to their televisions for more "entertainment"; in their hypnotic state, they forget and fall again for another lie a decade or two later. Rinse and repeat.

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The purpose is to use fear to control people. The introduction of low-mortality Covid-19 was a test to see how much control we would tolerate, and its "variants" are just to stall for time, keeping the issue (and deaths) going until they can roll out the REAL pandemic: Smallpox. It's next, according to Bill Gates the mass murderer.

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Jon is one of the best and most consistent voices out there. Great to have him on Word Press.

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House of Numbers documentary....

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The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

One of these days, a real concern may devlop and nobody will listen becaue the liars in charge claime that the sky was falling too many times before.

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Biden has imposed a travel ban on 8 countries in southern Africa. Hey, isn't that supposed to be racist? Regardless, this new variant, aka The Mid-Term Election Variant, will no doubt un-kill millions of new democratic voters by the end of October 2022.

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I have $100 that says this new variant was created in lab and released. There are too many mutations. Naturally occurring viruses do not mutate as extensively as this one did.

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Usually naturally-occurring viruses mutate to be LESS fatal; variants normally are weaker, NOT stronger, than the originals.

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I am a scientist. I read refereed journals and understand them.

I try to not denigrate people, but with all due respect, you don't understand the big picture.

Here is a thought experiment that most can understand:

Imagine there was a pandemic of a new strain of streph (a bacterial infection) raging through the country. Imagine the country’s health service developed a one sized protocol to deal with the streph pandemic. Imagine that the protocol to deal with the streph pandemic was to give everyone in the country a 3 day dose of amoxicillin.

What would happen? Everyone knows that 3 days of amoxicillin is an insufficient number of days to kill off the bacteria completely. So what would happen is that you would be encouraging the new strain of strep to mutate to be unaffected by the amoxicillin. You would almost certainly create a “superbug” strain of strep that was not at all affected by amoxicillin. You would create the conditions that would basically ensure an antibiotic resistant strain of strep.

What has the CDC said about the experimental genetic treatments that they call “vaccines”. They have said that they cannot prevent you from getting covid-19, they cannot prevent you from spreading covid-19, that any immunity you get fades to zero in about 6 months and they offer little protection against covid-19 variants (i.e. mutated forms of covid-19). The only thing they claim the “vaccines” can do is to possibly reduce the severity of illness, if you get hospitalized.

In other words, the “vaccines” are what are known as “leaky vaccines”. They can never create herd immunity and actually encourage mutation of the target disease to mutate to become more deadly.

Think about it logically. The best approach with a disease like covid-19 is to allow people to become infected, treat those who become sick early with the numerous availably non-vaccine treatments and achieve herd immunity. Vaccines make no sense in dealing with covid-19

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Gametheory 101 basically! But offering the vaccines to the not yet covid recovered isn't a bad idea as well to reduce any severe symptoms when the not immune do get infected. Maybe the massive natural immunity is what protects Sweden from spiking right now.

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