Lloyd Austin and Milly Vanilly should stand trial for treason as they single handedly undermined the force readiness of our entire military. In addition, they have contributed to the lowest morale since the debacle of the Afghanistan pullout and the final years of Vietnam. Every parent or family member of a military person that suffered due to this unlawful order should sue these two clowns personally and then they should hang in front of the Pentagon.

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Don't forget their blatant anti white racism and the search for extremists aka Patriots

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And hang! This isn't even a real administration! Biden is not pressident, he's resident!

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Gen. Milley did call his CCP counterpart to undermine President Trump.

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Please share this substack article with everyone you know.

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If I've learned anything over the past 2 years is that most people are incapable of independent thought and they go along with whatever the mainstream media throws at them.

Due to my eastern block native heritage and real-time experience living under the rigid communist regime, I had always known propaganda in real life.

Now I see it again in full bloom all over the world.

In my culture, we have an old saying, “as you make your bed, so you must lie on it.”

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Thank you for this comment. My Irish Catholic mother used that phrase. I know I didn't like it, so I thought carefully about actions and choices throughout my life as a result of the "tough love" of that one phrase.

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Between this, wokeness and giving our military stockpile to Ukraine it is hard to argue the Left is not actively trying to destroy us by weakening our military power. I know Joe and Hunter are tight with the ChiComs, but do they really think they will be spared and left alone when China takes over the world? We are being led by a ship of fools and the Right is doing very little to resist. And I have zero confidence for the Red Wave in November. I hope I'm wrong, but the general public has been so dumbed down the last few years I fear we will double down on all this stupidity. Last night in Alaska should be a giant red flag if we think the tide is turning in our favor.

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Agree with most of what you are saying - BUT remember ranked choice voting is pushed by the left to subvert the will of the people. It needs to be stopped!

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Why on earth would you call Biden the ''left'', they are only just a little bit less far right than the republicans.

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A way to purge conservatives and christians, pure and simple.

For those without close contacts or family members in the service, let me assure you of one thing: the US military is one of the most aggressive flag bearers of leftist social policies in our land, and arguably is number one in fact.

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I was already furious about this mandate since I have two sons in the military who were forced to get this experimental shot! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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I will pray for their safety and health.

(retired military here)

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Just today there was a memo published by the Army that commanders must personally counsel any remaining unvaccinated soldiers on the vaccine options

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What Austin and Milley do not seem to understand is that they can be personally sued.

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Let the lawsuits begin!!!

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We need perp walks and asset forfeiture for all involved in this despicable lie.

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SecDef Lloyd "Raytheon" Austin should be fired.

General Milley should be court-martialed.

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It's actually Lloyd "Lawsuits" Austin... Currently at 34 lawsuits pertaining to the DoD Mandate. The fact they didn't stop... tells you everything you need to know.

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He is destroying the military on purpose.

Who will fight the wars to support his buddies at Raytheon and the rest of the Military Industrial Complex?

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Except the entire plan is not not fight when the Chinese invade from Mexico.

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Chinese troops also trained in Canada.

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These "top military officials" are either ignorant or complicit, but in either case liable.

So many areas of government, institutions, and large corporations, are now taken over by the globalists!

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Unfortunately, and I mean this with as much politeness as I can - they were not forced. They chose. Yes the stakes were high, but they still chose. They could have been two of the thousands that chose differently.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

I would replace the word "Forced" with "Coerced". Having been in the military, I would say that word fits better than any. Before we deployed for Desert Storm...the anthrax vax was being pushed...and even back then there was suspicion surrounding it and the unknown side effects. Many, lined up and took it. Some of us avoided it, as much as possible. The higher ups were happy to tell their troops, not taking it was insubordination and a court marshal offense. That, is a pretty powerful tool, that knocks allot of military members to their knees. Few trust that the system would support and protect them, especially over something like refusing a shot.

Hopefully these revelations will be saved and cataloged for legal use after a regime change (which is the only time justice will be possible), but what they will do, is convince more and more non-woke military members, that the system is stacked against them. So if they just started an enlistment/re-enlistment, they now have to figure out what their best course of action is. Stand up and get a dishonorable discharge (which no military person wants...no matter what the circumstances), or not make waves and avoid the persecution for the rest of your 4 years, until they can get out.

You're right, it is a choice and they have consequences on both sides. The bigger story is, that the majority of military leaders cannot be trusted and routinely lie and defraud their troops, congress and the American people. These days It is a bureaucracy plain and simple, but more insidious, due to their separate justice system.

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Forced or Coerced it is still a war crime.

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Australia killed 109 people with this poison in the first month of use, thousands have now died after jabs 2, 3 and 4

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They don't need the Army, Air Force or Navy when everyone has been vaccinated, for them, they will control the world and everyone in it, from a computer based system is my take on the overall picture - the question in my mind is will there be a human element or just a computer one, my take at the moment, is just a computer one - which means we are all fucked. Read my uncensored blurb here and the accompanying text which I provide below in the comments section at the very end of Robert O's webpage: Putting It Altogether. (Below) Moderna & Pfizer and others, have made a 19 nucleotide sequence and 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site mRNA (between 2010 and 2016) to modify the human body with a 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site, 99% Graphene Oxide injection, which makes a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain, with a 10 digit call sign, which goes where - human or computer - which is totally illegal medical/scientific research for secret use on humans, as is the Pfizer contract (I have a secret Pfizer copy) and presumably the Moderna contract, that governments knowingly, illegally signed, understanding the ramifications involved, to make electronic/computerised/modified advanced humans, after those not suitable, have been exterminated - I wonder if DARPA is involved with this - Bill Gates - I would say, certainly.

Which is NOT the mRNA vaccine, that we were told it is, or its purpose, which removes their blanket immunity from prosecution and holds them all accountable in any Court Of Law.

See Link here: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/dr-deborah-birx-admits-the-biden-admin-s-vaccine-efficacy-claims-were-based-on-hope-not-science?postId=a3d057d7-ac1b-42bc-a7fe-c024bd287569&utm_campaign=199f646b-68a5-41f7-82de-8a549f823c43&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=ceae1640-2bfb-4a34-af39-02b55e4aecee&cid=8bec1d4c-3773-415a-83c2-1694daa095a4

- do with it whatever you like!!

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I believe you.

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Fuque them and save your life. Also, Comirnaty is still mRNA and it is not a Vaccine any more than any of the other big pharma phony vaccines. This is not a vaccine, it is a Gene Therapy Operating System, and they all know it. We give no pass to stupid and ignorant upper grade millitary men in the general ranks.

I find it really hard to believe that 85% of people can be so ignorant and child like to trust their government when it was obvious the election was stolen so they could implement such draconian processes, that has kill over a million American citizens. If they don't drag us into a civil war, it will be a miracle.

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At least two service members, both officers, have come forward with evidence that DOD has been re-labeling batches of EUA vaccines and passing them off as "Comirnaty." Additionally, at least one batch of vaccine was traced to a manufacturing facility not authorized by the FDA to produce vaccine for the US market. DOD is telling the literal truth when it says it's using vaccines "labeled" "Comirnaty." Note that's not the same as saying "we're administering Comirnaty." (This is like the FBI's warrant application for the MAL raid which stated Trump had in his possession documents "marked classified" rather than just saying "classified documents.")

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