Let Novak play the US Open, which picked up a Moderna sponsorship last year: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-play-like-a-champion-part-018

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This is all smoke and mirrors. These Republicans KNOW there is no way the Democrat Senate or the Democrat fraud we have as President will ever sign them. Just go back and watch what Republicans did in the past when they had both houses of Congress....NOTHING. They bowed down to the Democrats all the time. WAKE UP. Nothing the Republicans propose will get by the Senate of Biden.

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Yes, you're right. I'm sick to death of them caving to the dems over and over again. However, There are some, Massie included, who are not afraid to speak up and we have to support them. Keeping silent and not fighting back infer approval of what the dems are doing.

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We'll be hearing more from Kevin Kiley (R-CA-03) from California!

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Agreed. The Republicans would be far better served initiating subpoenas and investigations within house committees into the democrat party, biden crime family and their pharmaceutical puppet masters.

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I have zero faith in anything being accomplished.Mitch is in so deep with Pharma, as were Burr and others. Lindsay Graham is involved in every corrupt entity and the Republicans who have clean hands aren’t savvy enough to see what’s in front of them

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Oh, I think many of them do see. I don't know what strategy they can use to address all this ,given the way the laws and rules are written. Hoping they have some ideas though.

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They don’t have ideas. That’s the crux of the problem. The Dems are evil, despicable and deadly, but they are the epitome of ( ironically oxymoronic) “ right brain”. Savvy and creative. The right are “ left brain”. Give them a spread sheet with numbers, they are in their safe space. Give them a blank canvas, they’ll use a ruler and a level to draw a square. Give the left a blank canvas , they’ll paint a Bosch with Dali’s double images and Pollock’s splatter to confuse the Republicans. Hell, Bob Ross and Thomas Kinkade’s garbage is more than the Republicans can contemplate.

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I disagree about the democrats being "savvy and creative". At best, they exhibit a kind of low animal cunning. Evil people are not creative at all. They are basically stupid. Stupidity is an absence of creativity. The creative spark in humans is of divine origin, and evil people lack that spark, having rejected the divine.

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I agree. They should spend the next 2 years filing Articles of Impeachment to many in the Biden administration including Biden and Harris (Harris is NOT a natural born citizen and therefore a flat out fraud). And doing REAL investigations that do not take years for an outcome. Quick, swift justice.

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The Republicans would be far better served by shutting the fuck up about their “ planned investigations” and catching the Dems off balance by serving subpoenas.

They bitch and moan about the edge Dimms are given . Case in point, the FBI announcing in advance they planned to search Biden’s third residence for classified documents. One might think they’d learn to keep their own plans close to the vest. Instead, they announce every detail of every planned investigation. Worse, when questioned on Fox if they will look into X, Y and Z, they admit to being unaware of X, Y,Z.

Why are they not aware of Biden’s Tranhumanist Executive Order signed during the 2 week distraction of the Queen’s funeral? The bill is literally the end of humanity as we know it.

Why do they appear unaware that the border insurgence is not the machination of cartels, but that of Biden signing a bill with the UN? Said bill provides the UN with tax payers dollars funneled through the UN, siphoned to NGOs, allowing unlimited “ refugees” to flood our border, unimpeded. The cartels are a distraction.

Why are the Republicans seemingly unaware that the Biden, Lopez Obrador, Trudeau “ Three Amigos Meeting” was essentially a sign off reuniting the Americas, forging a single ruling entity, abolishing our border and legal rights as a sovereign nation? They have created an EU of the Americas.

Why have they not addressed the WEF “ Great Reset”? , UN, influence or Biden’s cabinet and admin? It is essentially a coalition of WEF Young Global Leaders,BlackRock,Vanguard,StateStreet,JP Morgan,IMF, McKinsey,Goldman Sachs,Citibank,Atlantic Council, Media Matters,ATT,CAIR,Carnegie Aspen,Brookings , Confucius Institutes,Bloomberg, Bill Gates , Soros “ philanthropies”Rockefeller,Ford,Clinton ,Seneca Foundations, Muslim Brotherhood, Big Tech,Pharma and foreign lobbyists, including Iran, Ukraine, China,Qatar, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, Panama, Venezuela, China, Lebanon, Djibouti, Tunisia,Nicaragua, Club of Rome, Bilderberg, Comcast, ATT , Disney and the entire corporate media, Military Industrial Complex, Universities, Teachers Union, UAW, and every globalist Kleptocorporate multinational technocracy.

The only seated elected politician addressing any of it is Gov DeSantis.

Trump is making matters worse. I’m exhausted to the point that merely seeing or hearing his name drains me. I can’t stand the term “ right wing” . It has a very negative connotation. Conjures up , whether fair or not, homogenous, uptight, always angry and close-minded zealots. Not a fan of “ Conservative”,” Red State” either. Sadly, the so-called “ Conservatives” are the reason for the unpopularity of Conservatism.

Though I’m hardly in the prime of life, I’m still the person who adores Classic Rock, Motown, Punk as well as Vivaldi, Mozart,Offenbach, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Debussy…. I adore Picasso, Miro, Dubuffet, Rivera,Rauschenberg,,Dali,Tapies… and Chagall,Monet,Matisse,Gaugin, Modigliani… and Botticelli,Rubens,DaVinci,Velasquez,Coya,Raphael. I love fashion, from Balenciags,Chanel,Pucci to ancient torn Levi’s and Jim Morrison t-shirts. I don’t care about sexual identity, I’m pro-life and pro-choice. I’m Jewish, but enjoy tenets of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity… Love the architectural genius of Frank Lloyd Wright, I.M Pei, Gaudi and ancient Greco-Roman,Moorish,Florentine,the exquisite candy striped Kremlin,Canterbury Cathedral,Windsor Castle, Hagia Sofia, Low lying white villas with cobalt blue tiled roofs of Santorini. But what comes to mind with the word “ Conservative” is Country Music, Celine Dion, really bad Christmas carols and elevator Muzak. Colonial and ranch style architecture, crappy landscapes, Old Yeller,the Brady Bunch , Titanic,Star Wars, Field Of Dreams, Bagger Vance and “ great literature” ala the collective works of Dan Brown,Brian Kilmeade, Bill O’Reilly and Laura Ingalls. Brooks Brothers, Dockers,Liz Claiborne, Laura Ashley, Lilly Pulitzer . And hairstyles ripped from the pages of Good Housekeeping.

Why is it so inexplicable to the Republicans that culture changes over time? That it’s okay to hold different views on different issues? That Hinduism, Buddhism and non-Abrahamic religions aren’t “pagan”, that secularism is not a sin and not every atheist is “ godless” . Bertrand Russell,Ayn Rand, Ayaan Hirsi-Al, Raheem Kassam, Salman Rushdie, Stephen Frye, Santanaya are/were far better people than Father Coughlin, Robert Mueller,Dick Cheney,John McStain, Liz Cheney, Jimmy Carter, Chris Wray, Jeff Flake and half of these liars in the body politic quoting gospel and using religion as a cudgel.

This constant mantra of “ Religious Freedom” is lost on them and they better be careful what they wish for. It cuts both ways and has paved the path for Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib,Louis Farrakhan. It allowed a single Federal judge to overturn the ban on Female Genital Mutilation on the grounds that it was unconstitutional under the rights of “ Religious Freedom”. The ruling allowed the eleven “ doctors” slicing and dicing little girls across state lines to have all charges dropped and back to business.

The “ Conservatives” pushing for prayer in public schools, should they get their way will get a helluva lot more than they bargained for. 75% of my political emails and pleading for donations now include,” Fellow Christian”, “ I’m a Christian”, “ Patriotic Christian Conservative”,” Liberals hate Christians”, “ You cannot be a Christian if you support abortion”,” “ Jesus answered our prayers. Roe v Wade was overturned, now we must end all abortion NOW”. Or “ The Perverted Democrats Support Homosexuality”.

This is NOT what our Constitution or Bill Of Rights intended. “God” was a metaphorical protection from a tyrannical government. Our “ Creator” was non-specific and did not lay claim to a religious ideology. It signifies an entity far greater than mankind.

If the Republicans want to end themselves, this is a giant stride in that direction. When they call out the tyranny of theocracies , invariably they praise “ secular democracy”. Where religious freedom is the right of the individual. When they call out doctor/ patient privacy, bodily autonomy, the government overreach of forced vaccination and intrusion… they are spot on. And then they not only have gone so far as to ban abortion, but criminalize the doctor, patient and “ deputize” and reward citizen tattletales. Now they’re on a mission to ban medical abortifactants pills that are only effective in the first month of pregnancy. So much for privacy, rape victims, children, extreme poverty, women who so do not want to be pregnant they will resort to harm. A bunch of homogenous religious zealots calling itself the “ Party Of Freedom”is willing to sacrifice America to satisfy a particular religious ideological extremism. And points to the extremist policies of the other side.

Have they even stopped to consider that we are living in a time of uncertainty like never before? That so many are terrified to have children, fearing the future , rightly? If the depopulation enthusiasts are hellbent on less carbon, fewer people… let them abort themselves from the gene pool. Have 10 children if you so desire. Or lose everything. And send your own children to fight other people’s wars

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True. The basement dummy will veto if it did pass.

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This is just another 'repeal Obamacare' vote IMO.

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That would be awesome. Without Obama care the fake pandemic would be impossible. Obviously.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Isn't about mid-May that the WHO's draconian amendments will be passed?

All countries will lose their sovereignty when the WHO declares another plandemic.

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I believe so and I also read that Biden is ending the national emergency on may 11, another lie, I imagine

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The current 90 day emergency ends on April 11th,Biden administration statement it will end May 11th ,so they are saying the next extension will be a month and the final one.Also when Biden was asked Tuesday about this he misspoke and say “May 15th” ,because he is basically a rubber stamp for however is making these decisions.

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Do an article and call it out! No private chats

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I think its May 2024. Not this year.

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Has anyone in Congress addressed all the illegals coming over with no proof of vaccination?

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Illegal aliens are ment to be a drain on society.

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Think: Roman Empire. They were simply, overrun.

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That would be a big NO! It doesn't make sense, does it?

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What we need is Nuremberg 2.0.

Every provision of the Nuremberg Code has been violated, and each carries the Death Penalty.

This is NOT politics. It is genocide and biowar.

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Nuremberg 2.0 is not coming.

No one is going to save us.

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Exactly. We need to put ideology aside and save each other

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I agree, but can't wrap my head around "how to".

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Good point. No one is going to save us.

* We're surrounded.

* Our leaders are compromised.

* The cavalry is not coming to save us.

Options: Submit, Die, or wake up, come together, and fight back.

We have "A Republic, if you can keep it...."

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Yet the mandate for fed govt workers still exists. Regardless of court injunctions, the mandate still hangs over every unvaxxed workers head. When will Republicans address that issue?

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So are all the illegals coming into the US being inoculated upon entry??? Are THEY all getting the jab?? The mRNA vaXX??

Do we see the COVID Shot tents lined up all along the border, ready to greet them all in full hazmats, masks, and needles???

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Finally! After 3 years of dealing with this farce! We all know that Covid of nothing more than a nasty flu and none had mandated vaccines against that.

Biggest fear mongering scam ever!!

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Millions of unvaxxed can come across the border and there's no problem. But heaven forbid an unvaxxed person comes here on a plane.

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Bottom line, nobody is “ coming to save us”.The corruption is across the spectrum and the Republicans who aren’t dirty are neither smart nor brave and they talk too much. Every time the idiot, Comer, is on the screen ( which is far too often), he gives away whatever they are planning. Worse, is that he is on the wrong track and has to be given cues. And still, he doesn’t take them.

Gaetz knows the details.I hope he has plans to ask the right questions.

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Should we be calling the shots “experimental gene injections?” “Experimental” suggests a carefully devised and followed scientific method and process. “Exterminental gene injection” is more like it. Not trying to be clever.

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Agreed. Wonder if it's even possible to take the language back.

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Let's all hope and pray, and if you're in the US, contact your representatives. High time this idiotic and unscientific rule which is separating families, ends.

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I gather from Biden’s “May 15th Supreme Court blah blah blah” answer that student loan payments are really the main thing they want to extend.The vaccine mandate is just tied up with other policies that are Covid emergency dependent.USA vaccine requirements are so out of touch with the entire western world,it’s fairly embarrassing.Hopefully this makes it all the way through and is removed asap.

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".The vaccine mandate is just tied up with other policies that are Covid emergency dependent."

So are you saying that the travel mandate will end on May 11th? Why do you think the mandate is tied to the emergency?

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What do you mean "USA vaccine requirements are so out of touch with the entire western world"?

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Our vaccine schedules and laws for childhood shots are much more draconian than in other Western countries.

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As far as I know,no other western country requires visitors (non-USA citizens)from other countries to be vaccinated.Even Canada doesn’t require proof of vaccination for visitors,I think like SK and a few other non-western countries do.

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Let me know when congress does something really, really, fantastic and comes up with a bill to eliminate government.

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