It’s obvious something else is going on, and thankfully we have real journalists like Schachtel on the case. Looking forward to more in-depth information coming out.

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Apr 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Something else IS going on! 45 year old son took it, 9 days after 2nd dose he was diagnosed with pericarditis. Healthy, vital, no meds 45 year old has pericarditis. This shit is poison.

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Apr 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I’ve been a follower on twitter for almost a year now and have really appreciated your journalism. Finally became a paid subscriber today to read this. I’d read it before on other blogs but feel you bring a certain amount of legitimacy needed to being a Covid Skeptic (and I mean that to mean those of us who think the response to the pandemic is completely disproportionate to the risk, not that the disease doesn’t exist at all). Anyway, I agree with the previous commenter - what now?

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Jordan please at least mirror on Gab or Parler.

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Apr 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

So what's the answer? I can't figure it out and I've studied this matter ad nauseum. It is bizarre that suddenly, magically, mRNA technology just started working, when it never has been broadly used at all before.

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Yet another magic transfer of wealth from taxpayers, patients, and insurers to the least deserving in our new reality, billionaires. The usual suspects get richer, the rest of our get sick, dead, and broke.

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Yes, Bert. And that's just the cover story to all the mind-control BS that is slowly being revealed! Wishing you well!

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Thank you and hope you are taking care and staying aware.

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Interesting. I knew that Moderna had produced a single viable product, but I didn't realize how much that should have told me. And it's interesting to learn that Pfizer is just "fronting" for another company with a similar issue. Of course, Pfizer and Moderna are both free from legal liability even if these products kill millions. If our media had been doing their jobs, we all would have known this months ago. I fear the long term damage from these vaccines will be far worse than COVID every could be, especially if we keep loading people up with "booster" shots. Thank you for your work. You are always very clear and to the point.

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Thank you, Jordan! ILLUSION is the key to this nightmare.

"What changed?"

The Satanists and Luciferians (S&L), working side by side through their human cushy-job-loving puppets, further mind-controlled humanity with black magic and exotic (non-terrestrial) technology. But the S&L realized they were up against a big beautiful creative wave of genuine love and light. People began living life, taking better care of their bodies and minds, starting their dream businesses, and saying a big fat fucking NO to "authorities" and other ARTIFICIAL constraints. We're going into NATURE. We're growing and making our own food. So the S&L craptastic duo pulled out all the stops, all the illusions, to try to hook people back in. Some fell for it, many did not. That's what changed.

Keep up your Great Work! We can help each other wake up from the mass hypnosis!

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Great job! This is an excellent expose.

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What changed? Time to implement the The Great Reset.

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Look at recent profit predictions of Pfizer....33B for more vaccines, potentially adding children and boosters.

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