Sep 22, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Excellent! Let us know if you come up with other ideas of how we can support them as they work to recover their country from the current police state. Here is a group in NZ. I don’t know much about them. https://www.voicesforfreedom.co.nz/

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I would rather die than live under these sadistic brutes. Won't be Covid that kills me, but food shortages or death camps. All a depop agenda. But crazy how people are okay and WANT to spend their entire lives being stalked and psychologically abused. Too stupid to know a state that acts this way will gladly kill tens of millions of them too.

Bioweapons called "vaccines," starvation, being executed for any official's whim. That's what will kill people because they are stupid, lazy cowards who worship their government and celebrity doctors.

They don't want to save human lives. No lives matter to tyrants. Our western leaders just wanted to be CCP dictators. China was an excuse. The real reason behind this.

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Caught the big, bad WuFlu. Sick a few weeks. Recovered fully like 99.8% of those who catch it. Not as bad as the pneumonia I had in 2017. Amazing how stupid so many are. Afraid of the flu but not totalitarianism. Dictators will kill far more than this overhyped respiratory infection.

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Americans can't fly to Australia, but we can certainly contact Australian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. by phone and email, and let them know how disgusted we are with what the country has become.

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We need a great anti-Covid flyer... The best double sided simple flyer anyone can print that can be given to others , linked to. Why does such a thing not yet exist?

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Anti covidania I mean.. good simple charts showing lockdowns and masks dont work.. etc...

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Thanks Jordan, very disturbing of course and here in Toronto today Brigitte and I could not go into the food court area that has been open for months, but is now closed to entry unless proof of vaccine is shown.

We are vaxed but no way in hell are we going to submit to this regressive mindless idiocy, that the Ford mob of uninforned dumb beaurocrats has now imposed on entry to a foodcourt, simply because we will then be sitting down, as opposed to buying food and walking around eating it.

This in a province with a really very low rate of positive tests and totally negligible death rate, the exact same situation across Canada.

Covid has acted as the luminol for abject stupidity, as we how are able to see all the stupid people, in vast numbers.

Take care


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