Anyone who puts any faith in any politician to do the right thing is living in a seriously delusional world. Politicians do the bidding of those who selected them for office, and nothing more. Not one of them has an independent thought is his/her corrupted brain.

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the only congress critter that tried to do the right thing was Ron Paul and look what happened to him. There might have been one or two others.

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Ron Johnson tried in regard to Covid.

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Yes he did. And from what I can see was completely ignored by the msm and fedgov.

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Worse, they attacked him. He barely won reelection because of the multiple hit jobs. He’s one of the VERY few good guys!

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I didn't know that. A senator tries to bring out the truth and gets attacked. Of course. Still there is something more than politics (war by other means) going on here. There is too much evil. Demonic. I can understand reptilians like gates, soros, schwab and co. What I can't understand is how much help they have.

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except hes another war pig, so "good guy" is in the eye of the beholder. To me hes just another bad guy.

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I didn’t know the Ukraine thing. Beyond disappointing. I called BS on that obvious money laundering operation from day 1. Actually before day 1. It’s obvious. Another “good guy” shows his colors.

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Ron Johnson is a huge supporter of sending Ukraine weapons…his biggest donor is Oshkosh Defense.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Don't let Andy Harris fool you either. He has many supporters that depend on the defense contractors located in Aberdeen Proving Grounds like L3 and Raytheon.

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if this where a different time most of these lowlifes would have been hung in the public square or beheaded by now.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The new Speaker is worse: he's tagging Christianity with his bad behavior.

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And they wonder why nobody is donating to Republicans......

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the RNC solicited millions to address voter fraud and then did nothing.

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The Washington Generals of the uniparty.

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I get texts from Mike Pompeo and Nikki Haley asking for $ support. Hahahahahahahaha

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Why donate? The Republicans exist to save the Democratic Party and their policies from failure. No Saint Bernard🐶 ever saved so many. But the Democratic Party is dying of old age, there’s none left to rescue.

Who pays for rescue dogs for a cemetery? 🪦

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The GOP is putting itself out of business, at least with most of their constituents. They clearly have different priorities than those of us who aren’t globalist billionaires. I’ve said for a while that change will not come from within the establishment. It will come from some new outside disruptive force. We need a new party. And I bet you could get Democrats and Independents to join. The GOP is broken. Don’t give them your money or your time.

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the difference between communist and communist lite. The trouble is and maybe this could change, no third party has ever done anything other than siphon votes to get one of the uniparty pols elected.

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We have an internal centrifugal force coming to the rescue;

It’s called Time, and death by extreme old age.

DC is literally dying.

And no... the next generation of Democrats (who pull fire alarms) aren’t going to be the succession.

DC is dissolving before our eyes.

There’s no replacement.

That’s the “rescue.”

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I think there something to that. They say science advances one obituary at a time. Perhaps the same is true of politics.

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lol. Has Putin remotely displayed any inclination to “March through Europe?”. And if you believed the narrative, would Putin dare try to March through Europe? It’s such a joke... and the Republican Party is in full support of the MIC and the Biden regime as usual.

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As we marched East we accused Putin of marching West.

As Men have become Women, the Narrative has spoken...

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the uni party needs war to keep all the scams and money laundering going.

They don't care that our country is broke and on the verge of financial collapse.

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No and no. I've yet to hear how he plans to rule the world. Whoever he really is, I see him getting involved when the CollectiveWest starts trying to take over countries and people, with direct ties to Russia, who can't defend themselves.

How many proxy wars does the CollectiveWest get to start - with regime changes, before Americans wake up and realize who the enemy REALLY is. It's sickening and terrifying.

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The point is Empire. The US Empire. ZOMG Putin is just a pretext.

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They are turning North America into Venezuela.

We were captured November 3, 2020.

All part of the WEF/China plan. It’s over.

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He claims to be a Christian but is ready and willing to repeat establishment lies about Ukraine and send even more Ukrainian men and now apparently women and even elderly citizens to their death to cover up America’s malfeasance there. Pathetic.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

there was a video of Ukraine conscripts listening to a propaganda song in an auditorium. The conscripts (draftees) were all in their forties, fifties and sixties. The looks on their faces as the camera panned over them said everything. Ukraine is done and the greedy stupid uni party in the U.S. is done. All the hype, all the lies, all the appeals, all the propaganda doesn't work anymore.

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Issue is, either he’s got a brain and he’s corrupt for repeating the obvious lies or he actually believes that in which case he’s brain dead, more dangerous than corrupt.

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I am only surprised that it took this long for the Speaker to flip.

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The Speaker?

Adjust your GAYDAR.

🔈 📡 🦄🌈📡

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"Ukraine is another priority. Of course, we can’t allow Vladimir Putin to march through Europe."

Here is where the government is lying to we the people. Putin has no desire to ‘march through Europe.' Good grief didn’t any of them listen to his speech? He has 3 goals in this SMO:

1- to stop the genocide in the Donbas that Ukraine has been doing since 2014 after Obama’s brutal and illegal coup.

2- to get rid of the Nazis that have been doing the killing after people there refused to accept the coup government that let Nazis in the government and military. You know the same Nazis that the world fought against in the Great War.

3- to stop Ukraine from joining NATO which is a direct threat to Russia. Anyone think that America would allow Russia to overthrow Mexico’s government and install its military and weapons that could wipe out any city in minutes? Of course not so why shouldn’t Russia do everything in its power to protect itself?

That congress doesn’t know those goals beggars belief. Ukraine has no way to win the war and I’m disgusted how little Ukrainian lives mean to our captured government who are enthralled with the military industrial complex. Half a million or more have been killed or wounded in less than 2 years and now Ukraine is sending women to the front including pregnant women. Why aren’t the pro Ukraine supporters outraged by this? I’m glad that Jordan sees that both parties want the same things no matter what the situation is. Congress has lost ago abdicated their duty to the American people and both parties serve the same donors. The rich have representation without taxes and we the people have taxes without representation.

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Russia isn’t marching over Europe, we slow marched to Russia’s borders.

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considering that j e w s run Ukraine that is hard to understand. Don't take this as disagreement but there are questions.

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Oh they will get more funding for border security, but it will just go to more relocation and social programs for the invaders.

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Yes but the migrants are being delivered locally by.... Churches.


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F the uniparty. It’s time to destroy them both as traitors doing illegal unconstitutional undeclared wars directly and by proxy

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GOP sucks. Uniparty sucks. DC sucks. They should all be swinging from lamp posts.

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Johnson is Kevin McCarthy with Bible verses.

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Don't even think "border security" is on the table. There's no security in "border security", but for the invaders. It's literally a concierge bill to pay for the invaders - travel, housing, food, health, etc. It's another big fat con.

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They will provide border security when they repeal Obamacare. They long promised to do those things if elected, and have many times had the votes to do those things. America no longer has a representative form of government.

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How disappointing! Not surprising but disappointing..... Again.

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I completely agree with the conclusions drawn here. However I still fail to understand why in Mr. Schachtel's opinion, Ukraine funding is the Slava Slush Fund while supporting Israel is the duty of the US government.

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Double standard.

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the same as when boehner got replaced by ryan, another neo con status quo uni party member. it's all three card monte, bait and switch. People who believe in the new speaker will get stabbed in the back.

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