Amnesty International has remained silent about all lockdowns and mandates, another captured useless NGO.

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They are probably busy writing another piece against Israel..

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They should just rename themselves antisemitism and abortions international, that’s all they care about these days.

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These lock downs are as much about destroying supply chains as they are about juicing the unsuspecting with their poisonous cocktails:


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I will pay for Fauci to have a one way ticket to China.

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I'll pay to have it upgraded to first class.

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I will contribute but hell no to First Class.

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Box him up and send him via DHL.

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....no to hell!

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Honestly, this has the potential to be a mass casualty event. Not the COVID, but the starvations, suicides, and general neglect... I hope the branch covidians are proud.

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They don't care how you die as long as you die.

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Absolutely. As prices go up, families can no longer afford to feed themselves or pay utilities. You get deaths of despair. What's going to happen to cities when large parts of already poor people can't afford basics? Crime will keep going up and reach a boiling point.

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People will be begging for UBI as well - brought to you by benevolent folks via CBDC. Just s few strings attached, comrades…

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Which they are looking forward to so they can install martial law. They let the guy who just shot up SC out on 25k bail. They want to sow chaos.

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Pretty sure it already qualifies as a mass casualty event. Multiple vid clips of people taking a swan dive off buildings in despair pretty much puts Shanghai over the line into mass casualty territory.

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This presents clearly as economic war by other means: an ingenious way to embargo one's adversaries without directly antagonizing them. How better to prove to everyone, both in China and in the West, that the CCP is firmly in charge of events, than to lock down an entire city's production and hold it at the point of starvation? Wuhan itself was a dress rehearsal for this modern form of warfare.

The hypothesis that the CCP is merely practicing an extreme form of public hygiene is ludicrous. Just look at who benefits, and who is paying what price.

CCP leaders have always shown readiness to throw human lives at a problem. Mao was capable of a lot more than just locking down a couple of cities in a proof of concept. By comparison, Xi should be commended for his parsimony.

If CCP manages to keep the upper hand this way, it will challenge our own lords and masters to respond in kind, and one gets the sense they are all too eager to scorch the earth.

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China is controlled by the globalists- just like the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, EU, Israel and Russia. All of this was predicted long ago- it's (New World) Order out of Chaos. Look at the excerpt from the "Committe of 300" book in the first link below:



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You’ve applied Occam’s Razor with a delicate touch

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Interesting theory... Pessimistic, but somehow plausible...

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At what point will people wake up to the fact that it’s not about the virus?

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You're not high enough up.

This whole thing is about money. Or more specifically, the concentration of capital.

Local regulation, at a national level, at a state level, at a county level, creates friction for international business interests. The more power the people have, the more hoops international business must jump through to get to its desired end -- to wit: profits.

We the people (of the world) are in a multi-decades long war with international business over control of industry. We the people are losing this war, and badly, and in no small part because most people cannot even see the enemy, let alone perceive the fight or the fight's objectives.

So think about it from the other side. You desire totalitarian control over the people (to remove friction in the economic systems). Wouldn't you use psychology as a weapon in defeating the enemy, i.e., we the people?

Put another way, isn't the best interpretation of the past two years that it has been a test of tactics of psychological warfare developed by the Nazis and then honed by the CIA?

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No, this isn't economic at all- it just appears that way. Here's a comment from this link below, which I cut-and-pasted (I'm not the author):


The world is run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. David Rothkopf, the former CEO of Kissinger and Associates, lays that out in his 2006 book Superclass. It is those 30/6,000 that determine what happens to the Bilderbergers/Davos types etc., many of whom are “merely” CEO’s etc. A few may be within that 6,000.

The other thing typically overlooked by most people is the spiritual element to all of this. I’m not referring to the heretical and antichrist dispensationalist model either. Nor will I go into it because people are so emotionally committed to their positions that reason typically doesn’t apply here. But these people mentioned above are satanists. But in order for them to be satanists, there must be a Christ & God.

Jon’s amiss in suggesting that the world’s economic structure is static when it isn’t. It can easily be dismantled to suit their needs as you’ve implied. It can be decimated as such.

I liken what’s going on now to East Germany, except globally. East Germany failed because of the West. But there will be no “West” once this agenda takes hold. It’s already taken root with saplings having sprouted.

In East Germany, people were paid on the same order of magnitude with very few exceptions at the top. Even STASI, which essentially translates to Homeland Security, even their employees were not highly paid. They had perks, and perhaps better pay, but certainly nothing out of the realm of the rest of society.

There were no large corporations as there were in the West. People only had the purchase options that the State gave them, namely enough to subsist but not more.

Vacations were cheap, many “employed” people had little if anything to do. My uncle told me that at his place of work only about a third of the “workers” did anything. All got paid however.

The system worked due to fear. Just look at the past two years. It is fear, nothing else, that has driven the agenda(s) for the globalists. People around the globe were foolishly frightened into compliance.

It’s quite simple, don’t comply and they’ll off you, then and to come. Same goes for many of the hoities at the top, many of whom are entirely ignorant as to the agenda above them. Presumably all of those that are freemasons at those levels know. But they also know that if they are to be sacrificed for the “common good,” then they’ve been instructed as much and much like a franchisee purchases a franchise that [franchise] agreement contains their marching orders as it were.

Politicians are the most ignorant, assuming that they’re important but they’re not important other than as the tools that they are to the Global Elites. They, like doctors in the corrupt Rockefeller coopted “medical system,” among others, are tools for the Global Elites to control the population(s) at large. This is why nutriceuticals have been all but rendered illegal.

The need for this Globo-Capitalist Corporate Structure is merely a temporary tool to achieve an end. Once that end is reached, that non-static structure be dismantled or simply left to “run the economic cycle” as many would put it while continuing to naively and ignorantly assist in covering up the core of what’s behind it all, when it’s ultimate demise was already planned.

This stuff can be discussed for hours, but it must be kept in mind that as satanists, these people favor death and destruction, and as such, there is no reason to think that they wouldn’t “death and destruct” much of the known world to rebuild it as they see fit. In fact they would.

The murals at the Denver airport suggest something exactly like that. There are a few good videos out there taking a crack at interpreting the depictions. Suffice it to say that there is one with everyone masked, and the ultimate pics contain only children with older people seemingly dead, around them lamenting them. FWIW

Here’s an interesting video about it:


At the end of the day, and to your ultimate point, just about everything that we consider to be “the economy” today has been created to overlay the true decentralized economy, and for purposes of executing the plans that they’ve had in place for a couple hundred years at least.

In order for fear not to be a factor, one must not fear death.

Rev. 12:11: “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death.”

Most people fear death more than they fear God. Hence the ability to control people.

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I’ve learned to decode whatever Fauci says. Here’s what he is really saying: 1. I wish we could do the China-style lockdowns here in the USA. 2. Their lockdowns really work great. 3. Lockdowns are another way to force folks to get jabbed. 4. Buy our brands of shots; they’re the best!

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The only president in the entire world that was really against lockdowns is Bolsonaro, from Brazil. Not even Trump was firmly against it and even maintained fauci in power.

So there is no one else that can criticize this communist shit hole that is china, unfortunately.

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3 tragic deaths? I counted more people jumping off buildings in Shanghai!

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F#&k Fauci and all the rest of the managerial class cultist.

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There's an unanswered chicken/egg question. Which came first?

China's initial Wuhan lockdown looked more like putting down a rebellion than putting down a virus. The current Shanghai lockdown is clearly about a power struggle between Xi and Jiang forces.

The US and UK lockdowns had been planned, somewhat independently, for many years. The US plan started with the anthrax "bioterror" monsters in 2005. I doubt that China was following the lead of US monsters. Possibly the US/UK monsters saw the China "virus" as the ideal opportunity to launch their long-scheduled "pandemic"?

I don't know, and I doubt that we'll ever know.

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So much evil...it's hard to stay optimistic in the face of so many evil people!

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Alright. I will pay for his wife to accompany him.

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All is part of the plan.

“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come

China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP


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May be it is not about a virus. Airborn Transmission and stays only in Shanghai??? No surrounding provinces infected? May be are other reasons, economic, politic etc

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