Dr. Mengele escaped through a ratline from Germany to Argentina, Dr. Fauci will escape through a ratline from the public sector to the private sector.

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and an annual retirement of $441K

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Sounds like fun having to look over his shoulder all the time. Not very free at all.

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The evidence now suggests that Dr. Mengele did not commit any of the crimes that he has been accused of committing. Mostly the case against Dr. Mengele was based on the need to portray the Nazis in as bad a light as possible to justify WWII.

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Thank you for pointing this out. I have been pointing these things out myself nice to see someone else doing as well.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Babylon bee just had a great post about the retirement of "Science"

anthony fauci is and should be regarded as one of the most evil human beings ever to roam earth....

If there is justice, I will be grateful.

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If he really took all those jabs he said, there may be.

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You know he didn’t. He made them. He wouldn’t dare. Not willingly.

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The document shredders have likely already started. When the GOP controlled House starts hearings on the NIH/NIAID shenanigans of the last decade, get ready to hear the following a lot:

"I am a private citizen and no longer have access to such documents or emails."

"I have no documents responsive to your request. Those records should be housed at the NIH and NIAID."

"I do not recall"

Edit: Since this post got some likes, I might as well post this article I did today about "Disinformation" https://zhcommenter.substack.com/p/disinformation-and-the-ministry-of

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You know there are numerous others that have been groomed to take his place. This position must be neutered to not have that amount of power.

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Keep in mind that 80 is the new 60, fer real.

The guy's just ensuring that his grandchildren's grandchildren can each have the lakeside estate of their dreams.

A total cleanup of civil service is the minimum step required here and there's no Republican politician with the stones and no Democrat with the will.

I think the lack of significant uprising to protect the nation's children from their ongoing destruction, in every area of life, pretty much tells you how many stones the populace has between 'em, collectively.

We can hope though.

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That he profits off the Moderna shots, and pushes billions of dollars around, and that his wife is in charge of so much, is mind-boggling.

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The civil service should be ended and replaced by a business enterprise with reasonable control and guidance from the elected officials.

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It's not like business always does it better. Privatization has often been its own horror.

Human nature ain't tameable.

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He must be one of the rottenest of rotten apples to ever pollute an apple barrel. He should have been jailed over his role with the HIV scam and fake PCR's then instead of allowing more PCR's to cause another disaster.

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He should have been jailed over his handling of AIDS.

I cannot recommend enough RFK Jr's book, "The Real Anthony Fauci." Relentlessly documented, it is absolutely infuriating how this man has been allowed to remain in power for so long.

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The key words... "allowed to remain in power".. allowed by whom ?

Lets just say that Fraudci's masters and the men who plotted and succeeded in blowing away RFK Jrs uncle come from the same pack of wolves that have had real power over American government since WW2

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Exactly. The incident with RFK's uncle was sort of their 'coming out party' - we're here and there's nothing you can do about it.

But this goes back to the Progressive era. Read up on the Flexner Report (Rockefeller), or how the Fed came about/US entry intro WWI (JP Morgan/Rothschilds - excellent book called The Creature from Jekyll Island goes into tremendous, documented detail).

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Is Fauci really ending his reign of terror? His announcement implies that he sees greater opportunity for mischief on the other side of the revolving door. Pharma in turn will elect a new pope, one who may leave us downright nostalgic for Fauci, much as Romans thought Tiberius was bad only to succeed to Caligula, or more recently when the Soviet Union traded Yagoda for Yezhov.

Will Rand Paul let him off the hook? Is there nobody else who can hold him to account? If so, Fauci's crime spree will certainly continue. He in too deep to leave power any way but feet first.

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My immediate thought: What evil is he planning next?

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Thank you Jordan, for sharing "One of Our Angels In Heaven ~ Dr. Kary Mullis" - inventor of the PCR test, with US. I can only image what he, Dr. Luc Montagnier, Dr. Vladamir "Zev" Zelenko, Dr. Andreas Noake, and Dr. Bing Lui are talking about right now.

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I've said elsewhere, by this time next year he'll be worth a 100 million more than he is (just like I said of the Obama's in 2016), unless of course he leaves his mortal coil or is in jail....

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As you may know from your reporting, Fauci's public nickname in the 90s was "the father of AIDS research" but, according to people I knew doing HIV related bench work at that time, his nickname within the field was "the Godfather of AIDS research". You crossed him and he cut your throat. He owns everyone in that field and he will have virtually unlimited power to do as he pleases, besides throw a strike.

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I know it’s ridiculous to throw around Hitler comparisons but if it is ever proven that Fauci’s research led to the pandemic combined with his known solutions ie lockdowns, mRNA,etc, his body count has to rival the the Fuhrer’s.

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His body count already exceeds the fuhrer’s by magnitudes and that was long before Covid.

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After the Germans had their Fuerer ,the Americans had their Fuerer much longer than the Germans . Watch out the Foxi Fauci is not finished with us ,he will simply use new tricks .

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I find it astounding how some people manage to get away with crimes for so long. No matter how evil their intent they just get away.

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By now if people haven't figured out the real power behind Fraudci, i don't know what to tell them... think about it.. how could one man have so much power over such a critical area over a 40 year period.. a lifetime ?

Unless of course he is a proxy for the real powers to be. To me this was made evident by his utterly fraudulent actions and general behaviour during the so called Pandemic... RFK Jr's work on Fraudci also helped confirm my suspicions

If there was ever a class action lawsuit against one of the most malevolent evil men to have ever lived, it would've been filed against Fraudci

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He knows the whole house of cards is about to crash!

Watch this if you want your mind blown:


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Thanks for not pulling any punches Jordan. These dangerous bureaucrats with middling to subpar minds and spirits are everywhere. What they excel in is having a fantastically inflated, thus dangerous, ego. Fauci was allowed to stick his head up above the swamp ooze for all to see. I think we will see more of that. May the peoples skill at bureaucratic Whac-A-Mole increase! Thanks for leading the way

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