On one hand, if I'm a freelance reporter in the area, OF COURSE I'm going to try to run and cover the story. It wouldn't be surprising if some of these people sometimes also worked for CNN and other mainstream press sources.
BUT, if they KNEW IN ADVANCE of the attack........that's a whole different ball of wax.
It’s not going to happen. Who will arrest them? The FBI or DOJ agents? Most of them are traitors and criminals, some cowards remaining in the agencies cannot be found anywhere.
That is a fact! At best they will be eliminated at some point. They live in the shadows with the rest of there ilk until they are no longer useful. We have seen this play out before.
I’m from TN. That’s just the way I talk/write. So, what exactly might you say about my question? Or did my misspelling “these” “there” plus two uses of “y’all so ruffle your downy feathers that you thought everyone would be overawed by you cutesy faux grammarian brilliance that no one would notice your cluelessness?
If I understand your question -- it's terrible. The initial attacks were terrible. Everything is terrible and we should GTFO ASAP -- the same as we should have done 20 years ago and 20 years before that.
Maybe if they hadn’t started it by butchering (sometimes literally) more than 1,400 innocent people, then they wouldn’t have Israeli bombs falling on them.
“Social work therapy”... is that what the Hitler Youth these days are calling reaction-inducing murder campaigns orchestrated by genocidal terrorist organizations?
No it's worse because now we have detail of the barbaric inhuman murderous actions of these stinking filth and anyone not seeing that is in serious trouble and need of major education
Your not actually paying any attention to what I wrote. I could analyzing this Gaza invasion as the Israeli answer to the Palestinian problem.
I simply don’t see how Hamas murders are worse than what IDF is now doing in Gaza. They seem to only be interested in removing Gazans from Gaza. Destruction for its own sake. I don’t see why Israelis are justified to continue to inflict death and suffering long after they’ve turned the area to rubble.
How do I give a pass to people referring to others as “vermin,” equal to “subhuman.” That is the language used by Nazis about Jews. A Shoah is a Shoah regardless who’s making it. When has revenge been fulfilled? Everyone has become monstrous. It’s time, past time, to halt all murders by Hamas and IDF.
Brainless schmuck. Just like the nonexistent 500 killed in a hospital, turns out to be 10 and the reason you clown... A PIJ rocket that killed their own people.
These filth cannot count past 10 and the exaggerated claims of a murderous barbaric horde of scum are something you repeat ???? REALLY !!!!. Wake up TWIT!!!
A Carthaginian peace is the imposition of a very brutal "peace" intended to permanently cripple the losing side. The term derives from the peace terms imposed on the Carthaginian Empire by the Roman Republic following the Punic Wars. After the Second Punic War, Carthage lost all its colonies, was forced to demilitarize, paid a constant tribute to Rome and was barred from waging war without Rome's permission. At the end of the Third Punic War, the Romans systematically burned Carthage to the ground and enslaved its population.
Doh... the whole thing is not even that hard to figure out (I read a Huff Post piece also). If those journalists were hanging out with Hamas (which would be okay?)in their journalist role and suddenly they see a big military operation going on, wouldn't they immediately hitch a ride in order to cover the action? Nothing there implies any advance knowledge and this "HonestRepoting" article is bullshit and they wan Mr Honesty of Honest Reporting "walk it back," acc. to Huff Post instantly changing his rhetoric to suit the new ocassion, is really disingenuous and what else do we expect from today's so-called "journalism"? SO the whole thing is one huge non-event.
Legacy corporate media has been little more than manipulative, deceitful politicized trash for some time now but if this is true they have mutated into promoters of utter evil.
If this holds after applying the all-critical “48-hour Rule” to all news since 2016, we SHOULD be looking at indictments. However, given the decrepit state of today’s journalism, it wouldn’t surprise me to see Pulitzer’s instead.
After all, our Socialist-Democrat party which was in office until 2022 is offically allied with Al-Fatah, and has supported palestinian terrorism since the 1970s.
This kind of infiltration - in corporations, politics and media and academics - is nothing new to europeans, since it's been going on ever since the mass-murderer Arafat became the darling of politicians and media 50 years ago.
Supporting the "palestinian cause" has always only been a socially acceptable way of displaying the hatred of jews endemic to marxists, liberals and progressives everywhere.
It does appear to be the case. I have to admit that even I, as an Israeli Jew, always believed the claims that "we are only criticizing Israel, and helping the poor Palestinians."
In 1995 in Sweden, I attended the yearly remembrance of Kristallnacht.
Also in attendance were representatives for the Socialist Democrat party (the biggest party, has been since before WW2), the Communist party and a few others.
When it was their time to speak, two arab women entered the stage and delivered a diatribe about the evil of the "illegal state" of Israel.
About 1/3 of us in the audience left in disgust.
A few years back, swedish jews in that city were warned not to attend the Kristallnacht rememberance since a) the city couldn't guarantee their safety and b) them attending would be offensive to moslem arabs attneding.
This is because our communists and socialists are wholly dependent on the migrant vote to retain any power.
It shouldn't be a surpirse to anyone but it always is - after all, the swedish Socialist Democrat party were the ones who gave their german comrades the idea to stamp a 'J' in jewish passports, so jews leaving Germany could be turned away at the border in the 1930s.
Hostility to jews is endemic to all european socialist and communist parties, and their present-day liberal-progressive successors. Edit: that hostility has no basis among the people as such, I have to add.
Yes they should absolutely face repercussions. If they were tipped off and didn't tell anyone and allowed their outlets to push pro Hamas propaganda it's egerious and the offal icing on the offal cake of the offal that is/are these outlets.
They’re Advocacy Journalists, nothing new. Embedded with HAMAS, and of course their propagandists and sympathizers.
We had an answer for that in 1945, and it was hanging or prison. We hanged Germans, we put Tokyo Rose (a prisoner!) in Jail, and even poor PG Wodehouse (a hostage!) had to answer for injudicious remarks in a staged Nazi interview.
Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce) was hung for treason by the British.
The ridiculous notion that journalists, who are nearly always spies in any case, should be immune from the consequences of the side they choose, or be allowed to wander around war without consequences is simply another absurd obscenity of our degenerate times.
The journalists if in uniform with a recognized and declared allegiance may be treated as a POW- without such, a spy during wartime. 💀
Way back in the 80’s/90’s , CNN used to broadcast/Market themselves on tv about how good they are & the promo’s Video trap line used to be : We’re “There Before it happens” ( implying that cnn are so fast in reporting everything first ) now we see nothing had changed with the cartel media
On one hand, if I'm a freelance reporter in the area, OF COURSE I'm going to try to run and cover the story. It wouldn't be surprising if some of these people sometimes also worked for CNN and other mainstream press sources.
BUT, if they KNEW IN ADVANCE of the attack........that's a whole different ball of wax.
If you watch a murder and don't lift your hand, you're complicit.
Exactly my thoughts. They need to be identified and taken into custody.
It’s not going to happen. Who will arrest them? The FBI or DOJ agents? Most of them are traitors and criminals, some cowards remaining in the agencies cannot be found anywhere.
That is a fact! At best they will be eliminated at some point. They live in the shadows with the rest of there ilk until they are no longer useful. We have seen this play out before.
So, what sort of laws have there people y’all so angry about broken?
How do y’all feel about Israeli bombs killing more than 10,000 people and counting?
interesting overuse of "y'all"
That commenter claims to be from New Jersey.
Kind of like that CDC tweet vilifying invermectin and using the word "y'all."
I’m from TN originally. I’ve lived in NJ for the last 22 years.
You aren’t from the American South are ya, honey chile?
I’m from TN. That’s just the way I talk/write. So, what exactly might you say about my question? Or did my misspelling “these” “there” plus two uses of “y’all so ruffle your downy feathers that you thought everyone would be overawed by you cutesy faux grammarian brilliance that no one would notice your cluelessness?
Did you pull down the posters of kidnapped Israelis?
Nah, she spray painted the Nazi cross on them instead. A lotta cans left over from her second intifada days.
If I understand your question -- it's terrible. The initial attacks were terrible. Everything is terrible and we should GTFO ASAP -- the same as we should have done 20 years ago and 20 years before that.
Who is "we"?
The US government. Feel free to send any of your own money to whoever you like.
How can “we” (the USA) get out? We ARE Israel. Our support is the only reason Israel still exists
Important point. Thx
Btw, I agree with you, except in the realpolitik global scene, it’s impossible
Everyone who is in favor of humanity and against terrorism knows which side to be.
Maybe if they hadn’t started it by butchering (sometimes literally) more than 1,400 innocent people, then they wouldn’t have Israeli bombs falling on them.
Just a thought ......
“Social work therapy”... is that what the Hitler Youth these days are calling reaction-inducing murder campaigns orchestrated by genocidal terrorist organizations?
@Radha You demand Israel to maintain standards set for saints, but cheerfully support HAMAS to murder and rape Israelis?
What Israel is doing may be too harsh. But your comments reveal your mindset is the same as that of Hamas thugs.
No it's worse because now we have detail of the barbaric inhuman murderous actions of these stinking filth and anyone not seeing that is in serious trouble and need of major education
Your not actually paying any attention to what I wrote. I could analyzing this Gaza invasion as the Israeli answer to the Palestinian problem.
I simply don’t see how Hamas murders are worse than what IDF is now doing in Gaza. They seem to only be interested in removing Gazans from Gaza. Destruction for its own sake. I don’t see why Israelis are justified to continue to inflict death and suffering long after they’ve turned the area to rubble.
How do I give a pass to people referring to others as “vermin,” equal to “subhuman.” That is the language used by Nazis about Jews. A Shoah is a Shoah regardless who’s making it. When has revenge been fulfilled? Everyone has become monstrous. It’s time, past time, to halt all murders by Hamas and IDF.
Well, bless your heart.
Brainless schmuck. Just like the nonexistent 500 killed in a hospital, turns out to be 10 and the reason you clown... A PIJ rocket that killed their own people.
These filth cannot count past 10 and the exaggerated claims of a murderous barbaric horde of scum are something you repeat ???? REALLY !!!!. Wake up TWIT!!!
Source, y’all?
It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it.
Robert E. Lee
Where is the journalism? I don't see one link to any of their articles.
photo journalists take pictures?
There is indeed:
A Carthaginian peace is the imposition of a very brutal "peace" intended to permanently cripple the losing side. The term derives from the peace terms imposed on the Carthaginian Empire by the Roman Republic following the Punic Wars. After the Second Punic War, Carthage lost all its colonies, was forced to demilitarize, paid a constant tribute to Rome and was barred from waging war without Rome's permission. At the end of the Third Punic War, the Romans systematically burned Carthage to the ground and enslaved its population.
Did you read the article ?
Of course they knew.
How do you say “Lord Haw Haw” in Arabic?
Doh... the whole thing is not even that hard to figure out (I read a Huff Post piece also). If those journalists were hanging out with Hamas (which would be okay?)in their journalist role and suddenly they see a big military operation going on, wouldn't they immediately hitch a ride in order to cover the action? Nothing there implies any advance knowledge and this "HonestRepoting" article is bullshit and they wan Mr Honesty of Honest Reporting "walk it back," acc. to Huff Post instantly changing his rhetoric to suit the new ocassion, is really disingenuous and what else do we expect from today's so-called "journalism"? SO the whole thing is one huge non-event.
Oh yeah. I forgot to give the link. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/israel-gaza-war-hamas-honestreporting-journalism_n_654e9191e4b0373d70b2209b
Legacy corporate media has been little more than manipulative, deceitful politicized trash for some time now but if this is true they have mutated into promoters of utter evil.
The US military is the poorly hidden military arm of the IMF
It keeps getting worse.
Guess we shouldn't be surprised considering that the mainstream media is complicit in pushing the covid death shots which are bioweapons.
Same reason they have no problem with a wide open southern border. Traitors in our highest ranks.
If this holds after applying the all-critical “48-hour Rule” to all news since 2016, we SHOULD be looking at indictments. However, given the decrepit state of today’s journalism, it wouldn’t surprise me to see Pulitzer’s instead.
Being swedish, I'm not surprised by this.
After all, our Socialist-Democrat party which was in office until 2022 is offically allied with Al-Fatah, and has supported palestinian terrorism since the 1970s.
This kind of infiltration - in corporations, politics and media and academics - is nothing new to europeans, since it's been going on ever since the mass-murderer Arafat became the darling of politicians and media 50 years ago.
Supporting the "palestinian cause" has always only been a socially acceptable way of displaying the hatred of jews endemic to marxists, liberals and progressives everywhere.
It does appear to be the case. I have to admit that even I, as an Israeli Jew, always believed the claims that "we are only criticizing Israel, and helping the poor Palestinians."
In 1995 in Sweden, I attended the yearly remembrance of Kristallnacht.
Also in attendance were representatives for the Socialist Democrat party (the biggest party, has been since before WW2), the Communist party and a few others.
When it was their time to speak, two arab women entered the stage and delivered a diatribe about the evil of the "illegal state" of Israel.
About 1/3 of us in the audience left in disgust.
A few years back, swedish jews in that city were warned not to attend the Kristallnacht rememberance since a) the city couldn't guarantee their safety and b) them attending would be offensive to moslem arabs attneding.
This is because our communists and socialists are wholly dependent on the migrant vote to retain any power.
It shouldn't be a surpirse to anyone but it always is - after all, the swedish Socialist Democrat party were the ones who gave their german comrades the idea to stamp a 'J' in jewish passports, so jews leaving Germany could be turned away at the border in the 1930s.
Hostility to jews is endemic to all european socialist and communist parties, and their present-day liberal-progressive successors. Edit: that hostility has no basis among the people as such, I have to add.
Yes they should absolutely face repercussions. If they were tipped off and didn't tell anyone and allowed their outlets to push pro Hamas propaganda it's egerious and the offal icing on the offal cake of the offal that is/are these outlets.
Jordan, it looks like the page from Honestreporting.com has been moved. Here is the new link - https://honestreporting.com/photographers-without-borders-ap-reuters-pictures-of-hamas-atrocities-raise-ethical-questions/
Thank you for bringing this absolutely shocking situation to our attention!
The saddest thing about this is that the general populace won't realize the significance of these developments or even care.
My brother still insists that the "left-wing/liberal biased media" is a complete myth.
No offense meant, but if your brother really believes that the media isn’t biased towards the left then he is really, truly, stupid.
The other possibility is that he is very radical and so far to the left that he doesn’t know the difference.
I bet he knows better and is just lying to you.
Oh, he's no idiot. And yes, he is thinks he's communist...but just the really nice parts and not the reality and brutality. Smh
Yeah, I’ve noticed that lefties extolling the “virtues “ of socialism and communism don’t mention the bad stuff.
They’ll do it better this time.
And the next time,
And the next....
After all, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.
Utter evil. If this is true, and it appears so from the photos, then they should be tried as terrorists.
Spies during wartime.
Not in uniform taking pictures?
Oh dear.
Summary execution.
News keeps getting sicker & sicker
“they should be called out to redefine the border between journalism and barbarism.”
Called out once meant Dueling.
They’re Advocacy Journalists, nothing new. Embedded with HAMAS, and of course their propagandists and sympathizers.
We had an answer for that in 1945, and it was hanging or prison. We hanged Germans, we put Tokyo Rose (a prisoner!) in Jail, and even poor PG Wodehouse (a hostage!) had to answer for injudicious remarks in a staged Nazi interview.
Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce) was hung for treason by the British.
The ridiculous notion that journalists, who are nearly always spies in any case, should be immune from the consequences of the side they choose, or be allowed to wander around war without consequences is simply another absurd obscenity of our degenerate times.
The journalists if in uniform with a recognized and declared allegiance may be treated as a POW- without such, a spy during wartime. 💀
Way back in the 80’s/90’s , CNN used to broadcast/Market themselves on tv about how good they are & the promo’s Video trap line used to be : We’re “There Before it happens” ( implying that cnn are so fast in reporting everything first ) now we see nothing had changed with the cartel media
I can't imagine that this story comes is news to Israeli Intelligence, but in any case now they know and can act accordingly.
Interesting that all of these news outlets are associated with the Trusted News Initiative. Jordan, have you made the link?