Daniel McAdams isn't so sanguine about Milei, mostly because he favors dollarization of the Argentine economy. But I reckon it's a reasonable short-to-medium term move to ditch the peso and get things more stable, on the way to Bitcoinization!

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Exactly. Have to put the fire out first

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I have not seen his comments on Bitcoin but reliable sources seem to feel he's bitcoin friendly. Let's get some Argentine - Salvador trade going in BTC.

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I just hope the people of Argentina recognize the opportunity they've been given. It's human nature to choose the easy way, and the socialists and communists count on that. The people will need to accept that there is some real hard work ahead, and it will likely get tougher before it gets easier. Freedom has never been free.

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He Loves his Country in the Right Way so the Argentinian People Love Him! Congratulations Argentina ✌️🇺🇸❣️🇦🇷🙏

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Si Senor. Asi me gusta. Argentina has defaulted 9 times in its history. Let’s see if something different works. Of course Commies and the Deep State will try to take him down.

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After deep state CIA et al worked so hard to send the South American countries socialist for economic gain, it must be a huge disappointment. Now all they need to do is sort out the woke pope they produced

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He is an Antipope.

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Apparently, the Argentinian flag and the Israeli flag are identical.

Yeah, we will see what a human rights champion he is when astute Argentinians object to Israel’s slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

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Palestinian civilians = Hamas

Who do you think voted them in? The majority of the 'civilians' approve of the October 7 Massacre.

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Suppose I said:

Black Americans = BLM rioters; Latinos in a Wal-Mart = shoplifters;

Asian coworkers = Chicoms.

You would think me a bigot wouldn’t you?

That you call October 7 a “massacre“, you must mean an Israeli-perpetuated massacre don’t you?

UN health agencies reported 11,500 people have been confirmed killed in the Israeli bombardment and ground invasion – more than 4,700 of them children.

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He will face challenges from the global leftist establishment and the world's leftist mainstream press from the New York Times to The Guardian. They will all be out to destroy him.

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Jordan... your persistent bias pro-Israel in the face of what is clearly genocide is nauseating. You're a Zionist mouthpiece, but worse, anyone "picking a side" in the mideast fiasco is clearly a dupe, beguiled by such an obvious false flag, one can only conclude that you're a willing mouthpiece for globalists. Hamas and Netayahu are both filth. useful idiots of the rank evil that moves across this globe. That isn't obvious to you? I think the woke leftist Hamas apologists and the "look at poor Israel!" lobbies are both infantile morons. Children are children. Period. No? Only sadistic cowards acost or bomb women and children instead of getting in there and hunting the enemy. Soldiering can have integrity, but neither Hamas nor Israel has a shred of it, yet your bias blazes in the wind. Busted buddy. Sorry, I'm unsubscribing - you're predictable and mainstream, a fake alternative to CNN, but actually right up there (or down) with the sheeple. You're running with a false flag and, for a writer supposedly capable of journalistic investigation & integrity, you're part of the problem.

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Good riddance.

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Is he the new leader of Argentina or is he challenging for the PM role in Israel?

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He'll have to compete with Biden for that. And Rishni Sunak. And from the number of ports in Israel that China owns, Xi as well.

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Please share sources.

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China owns effectively one (brand new) port in Haifa and another port elsewhere (I have not checked where but there can't be too many candidates).

India owns the old Haifa port.


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Thank you!

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Just wondering here, does the I in BRICs stand for India....?

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Netherlands is also involved in Ashdod if I remember correctly.

Any left in Israeli hands? Who has been bombing Eilat? (which is run by Papo Maritime, an Israeli company run from Florida, for a few more years).

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A sad day for Argentina.

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Exactly. Milei will become the Boris Yeltsin of Argentina; global capitalism's hatchet man who'll preside over the fire sale of Argentina's assets.

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A win!

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For Israel.

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I would rather be ruled by Mongols on Meth with Chainsaws than Karen’s who not so secretly hate me, want me dead, think it’s funny, and poison me with a “kind and caring vaccine.” A poison that failed , you losers.

A Chainsaw is honest, a septic female with poison but a simpering smile and sanctimonious fume is not honest.

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I'm not sure I buy what he is selling considering, in Milei's own words, that the US and Israel are behind his presidency. Just that alone should cause one to ponder the win.

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It may be a language issue but no, he never said the US and Israel are behind his presidency. Even the suggestion is funny. He said he’d decouple from Marxist and totalitarian countries (China, Iran for instance), that have become intertwined with Latin America, especially resource rich Argentina. He said he would ally himself with countries that are embody liberty, such as the US, and Israel as representative of such in the Middle East. I was just happy he still saw the US fit to be referred to.

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I agree. The unholy alliance of the U.S. and the Zionists (not the general Jewish people, but the leaders of Zionism, specifically) in cahoots for him? An honest man would run away from such an endorsement, IMO

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Isn’t the Pope Argentinian?

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He is an antipope. Yes he is Argentinian, but born in Italy.

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The only substantive takeaway here for the US (leaving OUT the two thousand year long war between Israel & Palestine that has ZERO to do with the US) is that in a country of 45 million, they counted the votes manually and determined the winner in A_SINGLE_DAY. Not a week. Not a month. Not 6 months. Contrast this with the cheating machine AKA electronic ballots in the US.

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Is there any chance that we could promote him to president of the United States?

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