Good to know... This is the first I’m hearing about this... although I am pro, anything anti WEF.. we all have to be involved.. or it devolves into more of the same. And I think we can all agree. The status quo, has been less than ideal for the large majority of people around the world. Thank you for the insight on this developing.... “situation”...

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Action, not words. We have plenty of words floating around. These folks have enough money and power to cause real change, but they aren't doing anything with their money and power. Show the work, and then I might listen.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

🙌 Having some plebs sprinkled in might have made for better actual getting something done.

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The solution to the centralised cesspit we are currently living in is not another centralised organisation, whatever its merits. The solution will be decentralised. Inherently, you won't see it published or publicised, it will simply emerge and evolve until such a point as a critical mass of the best humans have adopted it as their modus operandi.

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However, in my opinion, the idea of the solution must be initiated, with actionable steps marketed to the masses, in some fashion for it to take hold; much like the problems with which we are currently dealing. They were expertly initiated and marketed to the masses.

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Unfortunately, no. That model has never really existed in human history, and we humans haven't changed much, even if technology has.

My 2 cents is the solution is a benign monarchy, see Curtis Yarvin's thoughts.

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Sounds like WEF 2.0 to me. Check out the "founders" behind this organization listed in the link below. I see this as a rebranding of WEF and WEF aligned organizations, nothing more.


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We must ask ourselves, in terms of "saviours with solutions", where were all these people during Covid? Did we hear them speaking out?

Top of the list to repudiate is the egregious Scott Morrison! How on earth can anyone want to belong to a club of which HE is a member? What is the head of Australia's NET ZERO policy, Robin Batterham, doing there, when Net Zero is well known to be part of the globalists' policy to control and impoverish us?

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Mea culpa - I was confusing Scott Morrison with Dan Andrews. Apologies to Mr Morrison!

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Scomo also abandoned the people of Australia during covid. The federal government could have legislated against mandates to reign in state governments. Instead he did nothing and actually told Australia afterwards that nobody had been forced to take the vaccine.

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"nobody had been forced to take the vaccine."

Funny how popular that lie has now become with our dear leaders.

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No worries, IMO you are exactly right about the nature of the Arc bunch

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

Did they ask themselves "Are you listening, or are you waiting to talk?"

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Jordan Peterson is a fraud.

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Peterson is a human being with foibles. However, he has been a positive role model for so many young men that were adrift and in despair. He had the backbone and intelligence to push back against radical feminism. He weathered the constant vicious attacks of feminists and Trans extremist. He has certainly given me hope for a brighter future.

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Jordan Peterson's role is to neuter the right : https://youtu.be/WXYuqrO8LLo?si=wqhWpsXOOR5oOKxS

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His stuff before he became famous is very good…he’s a little too partisan now. So never go full GOP because then you have to pretend to support Bush/Cheney and all of the disastrous policies they implemented.

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Could you elaborate?

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This author is of the same opinion


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RemovedNov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023
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So you're saying that you don't believe in conspiracies despite there being many confirmed conspiracies in the history books?

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RemovedNov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023
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He is WEF 2.0. WEF knows they are losing their battle and Jordan is the relabeling of the WEF. Perhaps you should do some research on him. Amazing Polly has put out a couple of reports (one is Jordan Peterson's WeF Dream and there is a follow up with more info https://rumble.com/v2bz934-dr.-jordan-petersons-wef-dreams-for-the-world-economic-forum-amazing-polly.html) about him and here is an article https://expose-news.com/2023/11/01/is-jordan-petersons-arc-wef-2-0/ We Americans are so easily sucked in and that is why we are in so much trouble. No one does any research just follow the next shiney object.

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Read the article.

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Is this the same Konstantin Kisin working so hard to make Sam Harris sound like he has been sane all along these last three years over Trump derangement and covid tyranny?

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WEF spelled backwards is the "FEW". Best description of them that I've read. Never forget that they are the FEW.. They want us to have nothing.... the FEW will have everything. We will eat bugs... the FEW will not! Who wants a world where only the chosen FEW prosper?

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This is new, but welcome! I love the focus on changing people from the inside out with personal agency, growth and accountability, which is how Jesus operated, not trying to mandate and change things from the outside in.

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This looks promising and very overdue, we will all watch with interest.

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Liberalism 2.0. No thanks!

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It was excellent, timely and sorely needed.

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Any idea that ARC represents an exit from the road to fascism we're being pushed along is mere delusion and wishful thinking.

In addition to a couple of discreditable old political monsters from Down Under (the atrocious Tony Abbot and, unbelievably, John Howard!), whose mere presence (never mind Scomo hanging around the conference, unwanted or not) ought to be enough to discourage any responsible citizen, ARC's advisory board is stuffed with members of the global elite, light. All are nevertheless clearly invested in the current system and have an obvious interest in preserving their positions even as the system mutates to totalitarianism. They are lords and knights of the Realm, not one but two Baroness', investment bankers/foundation mongers, mainstream journos/fashionable authors, the former political Secretary to Boris Johnson and chief speechwriter to David Cameron, a smattering of establishment academics/would-be rebels, an ex-Navy SEAL (with a black eye-patch to prove it) and -SAS turned politicos, the current speaker of the US House of Representatives (recently photographed with US Congress members from both parties on the steps of the House of Representatives in a memorial service for the 1,400 dead Israelis said to be civilians killed by Hamas, and don't mention the Palestinian dead), a US Presidential candidate who would love to put the heads of the top 100 Hamas leaders on stakes along the Israel-Gaza border, assorted ex-government ministers from governments none of which did any good, a token pair of black preachers (no holy rollers they - one "a Deputy Lieutenant for the Lord Lieutenant to the HM King Charles III", the other a former investment banker and law firm partner), Australia's former Chief Scientist and current chair of the "Net Zero Australia project" (climate hysteria, everyone?), a venture capitalist currently working on "building a city" (not a 15-minute city, by any chance?), the famously curmudgeonly Niall Ferguson (who could forget his "six killer apps"; he's now author of an admiring new biography of Henry Kissinger), and, of course, the famous curmudgeon Jordan Peterson, et al.

Have any of them, with the possible exception of Peterson, ever spoken out against what's REALLY been going on these past three years? Lomburg, we know, was once a well-known climate skeptic but is now a born-again believer. Those ARC board members also on the board of GB News MIGHT be considered as speaking out through Neil Oliver were it not for the channel having shown little compunction in sacking other of its controversial employees. Dr Gudren Kugler, staunch Catholic mother with an Opus Dei hubby, happens to be a parliamentary member of the ruling party in the Austrian government that was responsible for some of the worst suppression of human rights in Europe during the phony pandemic, and is her party's human rights spokesperson! Peterson himself is an ambivalent character, for whom I had more than a grudging respect until his "Give 'em hell!" twit.

Both the composition of its advisory board and the deliberate avoidance during this conference of any but passing mention of the false pandemic and its consequences for personal freedom speaks loud to ARC's credibility.

Limited hangout? Controlled opposition? No matter. Following these "thought leaders" leads up the garden path to join that road.

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thank you



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>The main similarity to the WEF is in the event structure: a pre-determined message was delivered by hand-picked speakers to an audience of selected influencers and policy makers from around the world, with the express purpose of creating change.

> But the content of the message and the formula for change was ideologically the opposite of the WEF.

Reply: Well there was a time here in the US that people would say the Republican and Democratic party were different.

To me for at least 40 years they are two rails on the railroad to hell.

As long as ARC and WEF speak from on high they will have my undying suspicion. For me to give either one of them the benefit of the doubt the leadership has to walk the talk in every way.

Until WEF people climb out of the private jets and super expensive (really dumb idea electric) cars and owns nothing, eats bugs etc. they are just frauds.

Like wise ARC. I don't know enough about ARC but if there is western spirituality as in Christian, Judaism, Islam then you actually need to own nothing and be happy. Jesus the old testament prophets and Mohammad to some extent were wandering ascetics.

So until I see the leadership embodying that tradition I will believe they too are fraud.

A moderate path is to live "as the least of these my brethren". That is live as the poorest of the poor until their life improves and then you improve too.

Likewise live in the most polluted land and drink the most polluted water to experience the fate that all life faces as a consequence of those who rule from on high, whether visible or invisible to the media. To tough to do. Then stop destroying the planet. How. by getting off your high horse and working among the working poor. You created them by destroying the Earth.

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