Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The regime is a hive of soy bugmen and Karens who flaunt their NPC bias in the open. Talbott's Twitter photo is her getting injected with a mask on, while her cover photo is a collage of masks. Once you see soy bugmen, you can't stop seeing them: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-be-a-soy-bugman

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So true & I’m so tired of the relentless TV ads to get the Covid Vaxx.

And they are targeting our kids now!

Only a few decent doctors & scientists are standing up & speaking out about how truly bad the Covid vaxx & boosters really are!?!

All the other Doctors & Nurses & Scientists who KNOW the truth but won’t speak out is because they care more about their paycheck than they do about their oath to save lives???

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The best thing we did for our mental health was to block all forms of network television and Hollywierd 'entertainment' from our home. We do not and will not consume advertising. I actively block all internet filth from my home using hardware I built. We belong to no streaming services and have no cable subscription.

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I would be happy to do this but my husband would miss his hunting & fishing shows & id miss my Christian shows.

We try to record what we want to watch & fastforward past all the Woke BS.

I commend you for all you do to protect your family.

Unfortunately my husband & I are not tech savvy & on disability & cannot afford the internet or a computer or a DVD player.

The only internet we have is from our cell phones.

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I give them no quarter. Cowards.

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So, who is the soy bugman’s bugman? I vote for John Oliver.

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You read my mind. Will be posting a spooky gallery of real life bugmen on Halloween.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Excellent work, Jordan!

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Yep. All 3 letter agencies are full of leftist because big government is good. These are true believers. Exempt from the pitfalls of Social Security, big union presence, more holidays than I knew existed and benefits none of us in the private sector could ever hope for. Oh and don't forget, they literally cannot be fired. Add to this the retention of academia in their mindset since they seamlessly transition from college to the womb of big government and viola ... a huge force with unlimited power over us deplorables that know exactly what we need and want in spite of what we say. Wonderful.

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These are the people who are going to decide whether the COVID vaccine will be on the childhood immunization schedule, which means it will likely be required for school and sports. Frightening.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Ironically (actually not ironic at all), Dr Camille Nelson Kotton's husband, Darrell Kotton, is one of the authors of the pre-print about the recent Omicron gain of function research at Boston University. That's a power couple right there!

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And there's even more when you peel back the onion...


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News flash: most vaccines are approved with little or no pertinent, accurate or true scientific evidence or data. That is because if the truth was known, big pharma's fake vaccine empire would appropriately crumble to dust. Millions of lives would be saved from injury and death.

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Ditto for the refined form of speed given to kids who squirm in class.

But that's "medicine" and doctors never lie. Says the ignorant mother grinning over her pale, thin, listless child. Way to cripple your kid and brag about it, lady.

This kind of thing is just a strong acceleration of what's already been going on.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

You always have the receipts! Great work once again.

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We are two different cultures occupying the same country.

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Sad that the Satanic Elite NWO Communist Cabal are the ones placed in leadership roles Worldwide by the WEF... so are they really in control of everything?

Hiding behind the UN & WHO.

I think all the evil super rich like Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, etc...

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they like to think they are, placing their puppets in the public arena when they think that's needed. it takes a peculiar type of mindset - https://humansbefree.com/2021/09/new-world-order-mindset.html

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Makes sense that the devil's party of choice would be the Left. Hollywood, the Media, Academia. Corrupt as it gets for decades. Now they've grown ugly and stupid too.

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This Vote is total insanity. Covid Vax proven DEADLY for humans - particularly kids. Big Pharma need 'Approval' to continue to retain their exclusion from LIABILITY. They're desperate and bribe well for the privilege. Bribery & Corruption can be very expensive! But if you're making BILLIONS ($$$) from something that doesn't work (and kills recipients) - WHO cares? LIABILITY for DEADLY vax makers would end the farce - NOW! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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It becomes more and more obvious, and expected, that these people who are supposed to not have any conflict of interest, and work for the American people, carry on completely without scrutiny year in and year out. It is no wonder that they are blindly accepted by the American public--they are the norm. Where are the honorable models in government? Those of us from the 60s, until the late 90s can remember the few good ones. Dreaming of those special, brave individuals who sacrificed their lives for liberty, sadly is only a memory. The question is, is America doomed? Will the young people come forth with the wisdom, intelligence and love for their country to make it great as it was meant to be by its founders?

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why doomed? us 'normies', we make due: we improvise, we love, laugh and live life using whatever tools at hand. and each day we translate our so-called limitations into acts of friendship, compassion and integrity..... which is what we give on to our children and they to theirs in an ever-repeating cycle of time and history. but you're right, we need transparency and exposure, perhaps accountability too. patiently awaited!

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There is more data to prove the Covid ‘Vaccines’ are very harmful & deadly than we have clinical data to prove they help in any way to stop us from getting the virus or spreading the virus or dying from the virus.

They, ‘the CDC’ & MSM are purposefully hiding the real data on how horrible their depopulation vaccine & Covid virus really are, PLEASE check out Doctors & Scientists & Nurses & Coroners & family members who are not afraid to speak the truth about how bad the Covid vaxx is & what treatment is best for you if you get Covid or if you are injured by vaccines.

I have loved ones who took the Vaxx & died & are injured permanently by it.

One of my vaxx injured family members now has COPD for life a few months after his Covid vaxx.

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Once people can see the gas chambers, no one can convince them that these are just showers.

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Shitlibs love liability free pharmaceutical products and killing babies

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They will get away with it, so it's only up to the population to reject the poison. As long as ppl accept it will continue

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