Right now there's snow on the ground. But I'm researching how to grow enough food for 120 people on 3 acres. Also networking with local farmers and others who can grow anything.

We need to figure out how to combat American hunger--brought to us courtesy of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Crazy Billy can stick his synthetic beef (concocted of over-refined, low grade soy and mashed beetles) and put it where the sun he wishes to block out doesn't shine.

I guess when he read comic books as a kid instead of rooting for Superman he aspired to be Lex Luther.

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In addition to the nursing home deaths Cuomo is responsible for deaths among hemodialysis patients in NYC. A family member works in one of the dialysis units in NYC. 16 of their patients died, 8 "from covid" and 8 more died because they couldn't get needed hospital treatments related to hemodialysis because "it wasn't an emergency". Once a person is on hemodialysis they will need on going medical care to keep their shunts open etc. To deny them needed treatment is murder. This is one of the problems of others controlling our healthcare- we should decide what we need and when, not some politician and certainly not some billionaire with a god complex. May they soon experience the consequences their decisions.

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Old age needs to catch up to these people.

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I'm a retired Data-Miner. As soon as I heard the source of the panic, I found the IMHE "data" during the first week in April. Downloaded it and cross-checked it for a week. Saw numerous problems.

7 Apr EM: "...their draconian projections seem to be the underlying cause of this pandemic of fear. Shall we say the cause, and yet also the vector."

Not only was IMHE over-writing previous forecasts with actual reports, but they were slow to apply that data to their forward looking forecasts. That's bad modeling.

Further, all their 'models' showed death rates dropping to zero in a few short months because their simplistic model had few variables and was 'static' instead of 'dynamic'. That's bad math.

Looked again 3 weeks later.... From my 29 Apr EM: "Worse, I had to change the scale to logarithmic just to see the magnitudes of ERROR in their model. That's how bad they missed!"

If it what obvious to me, it was obvious to others as well. Kinda makes you wonder....

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It is extremely important that anybody involved this scam against the people of the world be prosecuted ,and put in jail for the rest of their natural lives , so that this never ,ever happens again.

What has happened is a crime against humanity and should be dealt with accordingly ,just like was done at the Nuremberg trials.

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THANK YOU for writing this very important article. We are undergoing something in our country which is very ugly and scary. But we can't be scared. This essay is a light shining in the darkness. The whole top-down shut down situation with millions of businesses shut down and now most people want the "don't know the long term health effects" job when their chance of actually dying from Covid is so low. There is so much scamming going on it's stunning.

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Bill & Melinda need to develop some hobbies besides telling other people what they can do & what they can't do. Instead, they're using their economic might to bully people into doing what they believe in. After all, they think they're smarter than everybody else.

Comrade Napoleon would be only too happy to let us make our own decisions. But sometimes we might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where would we be? ~ Squealer, Chapter 3, Animal Farm by George Orwell

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It seems they never came near the topic of Early Treatment, the principle of stifling virus replication early on in the process of Covid-19 infection. I often watch the progress of California outpatient practitioners who treat predominantly risk patients using repurposed antiviral drugs. They have such success, yet not much following out there. Imagine what global philanthropy could have accomplished supporting such endeavours. Especially caring for nursing home patients looks to have been a rewarding activity. The testimony by this doctor in Senate hearings was extraordinary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU21eGO0ukg

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why do we constantly have to see this guy with a big grin on his face like he just injected everyone with a deadly virus. It wouldn't surprise me if he along with his good chinese friends didn't concoct this virus so many lives would be lost.

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If by this time anyone who believes any covid figures out of Bill Gates or the govt I have some beach land in Montana to sell you. The hospitals got a substantial bonus of thousands of dollars per patient if they had over a certain number of covid cases. Therefore, everyone was being reported as dying from it no matter the cause they may have had originally when they came into the hospital. Millions is at stake so of course they took advantage.You have people like Fauci who is nothing but a bureaucrat now enjoying a power trip of which he is playing whatever side is in power.If you looked back at his original statements and even today he contradicts himself as he reads whatever he thinks the room wants.As long as he is a player he is taking advantage of the God like wholly unfounded praise the media and mastermind politicians give him.He is a unmitigated walking talking disaster and Joe's coached mouthpiece now.It is high time to get out from under the corrupt monstrosity known as the federal govt.Each state should take their best people who have been treating it successfully on the ground with actual patients and have them get together and form the plan for the COVID-19 policy.That would be science and a plan you could trust and people would have faith in it and would much more likely tend to follow it . Those are the people who have the real experience on the ground and not sitting in some office throwing out platitude after platitude.

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If his vaccine is anything like his operating system, beware the blue screen of death!

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To be honest, someone (preferably, someone who's business went bankrupt due to State ordered closures), needs to file a class action against the State and the IHME. Allege that the the IHME knowingly used data from Wuhan that is knew to be corrupted by the Chinese government, or in the alternative recklessly used data from Wuhan that was known to any reputable source to be based upon propaganda. Thus, the IHME is partially responsible for just how bad its early predictions were.

Additionally, the State would be liable under the 8th Amendment's Taking Clause for forcibly shutting down the legal operations of business.

All you need is one District Judge to order Discovery and it all falls apart. How many emails would you find in the IHME database of their scientists questioning the data out of Wuhan - and if their none how many news articles can be found from reputable sources going back three decades describing how China lies?

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These are the same dopes that claim we are all going to die in 14 years because of climate change.

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How expected that we do not hear of this from standard news outlets.

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Plus the difference of dying with COVID or dying from covid. And the anomalies ( cycles etc. of the pcr tests...throws all stats out the window.

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Melinda Gates acknowledged they didn’t realize the potential harmful effects of lockdown public policy... BS. Gates Foundation was a co-sponsor of Event 201, the Oct 2019 coronavirus tabletop exercise held in NYC. The unconstitutional despotism we’ve suffered for about a year was discussed at that ‘cabal’ gathering. Watch the vids at the event’s website, as long as they’re still available. And don’t be too disturbed when you see Avril Haines (Biden’s DNI) seated next to George Gao ( head of China’s CDC, who was likely aware of what was likely happening in Wuhan and said nothing publicly... but did he say something to the ‘cabal’?)

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