Good post on this subject. It has been a concern of many and is associated heavily with governments closely allied with the World Economic Forum. The collusion of banks, governments, corporations and institutions are definitive in pinpointing the current situation. Some call it communism but I think it better fits with the definition of Fascism. The sooner it is called out for what it is the sooner the "average" citizen may be better able to see it.

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Just call it "liberal fascism", a concise description bound to cause cognitive dissonance. It is the system of oligarchical corporatism, hiding behind a facade of "liberal" propaganda, implemented by the CFR/UN/WEF network since WW2.

The Federal Reserve is a central node in the network. Most of the Fed chairmen, including Jerome Powell, have been CFR members. Brookings is a CFR affiliate. Citigroup, Goldman, JPMorgan, B of A, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo are CFR corporate sponsors.

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Yes, people just cannot understand the liberal fascism thing, It forces them to engage in unnecessary thinking. Fascism has been built up to be right wing, conservative. People think of liberal fascism as Communism. Unfortunately fascism can arise in any economic or political system. The new breed of fascism hasn’t caught on yet. To most people Fascism was defeated in WW II.

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Well done brotha!

Glad you are writing about this!


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Neither the Fed nor the ECB will be able to keep up these green pretensions as the financial house of cards comes tumbling down.

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Sorry about the caps, but I am madder than a wet hen.

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Yes, absolutely agree. It is a brutal and imminent collapse. Being angry at these kleptocrats is justified.

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I really hope you are right🫣

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the Fed is UNconstitutional

Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution

speaks ONLY of borrowing $$$ on behalf of the United States,

coining it, and establishing currency and determining its value

It is basically a private bank directing OUR economy

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I agree, on many levels. Yes, but our Constitution has been all but shredded since 2020. In order to enjoy the rights of the constitution we are under constant duress to insist on these. This means we must be constantly vigilant citizens in order to prevent what is happening. Just what Thomas Jefferson warned against. And this is all being largely directed by international forces .

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Shredded indeed and many more plans to continue to do so until there is

nothing left but what 3rd world banana republics live with daily

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All while the current President (don’t even want to say his name) spit words that Republicans don’t want to protect the constitution. It’s astonishing the BS we are told.

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it no longer shocks me what kind of dribble gushes from his foul mouth

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Question: you mention the crushing of small and community banks. Do you think Credit unions would fall under this umbrella? They are small, but not quite the same.

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EVERY BANK. THEY EITHER PLAY or they go out of business.

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If the Gov attempts to convert USD to a digital version, “banks” would cease to exist…or they would at least, eventually, be forced to adopt. Imagine you take our $15k in cash, put it in a safe today. Even if you use that cash to purchase, it would be converted and you’d be unable to get more cash.

See how that plays out?

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This is a pilot in the same way the gulags were pilots.

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Ive been saying for two years....and here it comes.

What really pisses me off, is that CARBON DIOXIDE is NOT a changer of CLIMATE.


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How far will this ESG thing go? Some states' Attorney General are attempting to stop it. Some state legislatures are considering legislation. Much more resistance is needed. It's time for patriots to speak up, loudly and often.

How fast will a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) be implemented? It is being pushed for by the globalist tyrants. It's time for all patriots to speak up, loudly and often.

Protect yourself and the country. Buy gold and silver. Use it for transactions whenever you can. In the mean time, use cash.

We are the only ones that can save the Republic. Remember, silence is consent.

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How fast you ask? Look up Bill #14067 section 4, an Executive Order by our “leader”.

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Thanks for this. Isn't funny how every nefarious plan lately is enacted in the name of 'safety'?

From the bill...

"We must protect consumers, investors, and businesses in the United States...."

"protect" = 23 times

"safe" or "safety" = 11 times

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All the time, just like “The Patriot Act” was named to sound positive.

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Thanks, already knew this. The question was rhetorical.

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This world cannot end quickly enough in my estimation. The evil of this country is beyond my imagination.

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Hurts me to agree.

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Trust me, no more than it hurts for me to utter.

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Use cash

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We're not accepting this crap without a fight! Mick from Hooe (UK) unjabbed and ready!

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The Big Banks have to know they'll get aced out when the CBDC gets issued and The Fed is the only bank in the US. You'd think the banks would reject this garbage - further compliance only accelerates their demise.

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I just wrote to my bank to give them this article and ask them what they ¨feel¨ about losing the deposits etc and a main source of income.

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and pink slips as employees replaced with loan ‘bots’

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Thanks for your great reporting. I will be referencing this article today on The Jonathan Kogan Show podcast! I hope that’s alright... https://jsk.transistor.fm

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From one crisis to the next, fear , fear, and more fear. Be very afraid and they win.

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Breast milk now found to have contaminant mRNA! New NIH Grant for Wuhan to continue Gain of Function activity for the next virus! Mick (unjabbed & ready.)

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Is there any Recourse against this???

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