Let's hope and pray that it stays buried. Psychopaths usually give the victim a brief reprieve before returning to the torture with double strength. We'll see.

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What pisses off the elites is probably not even that the mandates ended. It was that they ended without the elites' approval in a manner the elites did not choose. People bucked the elites and snatched their freedoms back and I suspect that is what the elites find unforgivable because their elite status is all they live for.

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I don't see it that way at all. I've witnessed a nation of cowards and wimps who complied until someone in authority told them it was OK to stop.

I've never been so ashamed of my fellow Americans and their teenagers. (What happened to teenage rebellion? My generation would have never submitted to this when we were teens.)

This could have ended a long time ago if only a significant portion of the population would have said "no". They always had the power to unmask, they were just too cowardly and lazy to do it.

It's only a matter of time before they'll be submitting to the next preposterous govt mandate. We have a spineless population, generally speaking.

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My goodness, Katie! You sound like me! LOL! 100%. Craven and disloyal to liberty. An absolute disgrace.

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Spot on, Katie!

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THIS. Thank you, Katie. So, so this.

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Thank you Jordan! You were an OG on all of this and you never wavered.

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And now it's time for the mask cult to repent for the damage that they have caused, especially to children. As a teacher, I have seen the barbarity of forcing children and adolescents to mask first hand. Frightened adults sacrificed the psychological and physiological health of children by mandating ineffective and harmful masks.

An eighth-grade girl at my school was diagnosed with OCD and she could not tolerate wearing a mask. My school treated her like a leper, making her stay away from her peers since she couldn't cover her face. Making matters even more inhumane, this girl underwent therapy with the aim of conditioning her to better tolerate masking. I was the only teacher, as far as I am aware, to speak up on behalf of this student, and to tell my administration how immoral their policies are. I wrote about this on my Substack if anyone's interested in reading about it in more detail:


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Thanks for this! I just read your latest post and subscribed. (Unfortunately, once I checked the “free subscription,” I can’t figure out how to make it a paying subscription yet. But I will.) What you have taught your 7th grade class about the relevance of “Animal Farm” to today’s Covid messaging was an intellectual pleasure to read and hugely heartening to me. So glad that there are teachers like you out there!!!

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Jordan, check out the tweet from Dr. Lynn Fynn (Fan Account) today showing a graphic about the size of the holes in masks as compared to the virus.


You, Alex Berenson, Ian Miller, etc have been hammering home this point for almost 2 years. We owe you. Keep up the good fight.

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Also, Ian Miller had a guess on his podcast whom I cannot remember his name, but he had the best point about doctors pushing masks I have heard. Whether a mask works or not is physics, not medicine. So why in the world do doctors think they are somehow physicists?

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The really sick thing is the belief that only someone with a credential could figure this all out. Anyone could have looked up the average size of the aerosolized virus particle and the mesh size of these masks, or, if you didn't want to go to all that effort, READ THE DISCLAIMERS ON THE BOX OF MASKS, which EXPLICITLY STATES that the mask does nothing about viruses.

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People like Dr. Faust are the reason I don’t trust medical professionals anymore. 

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This is pretty naive.

The federal mandate fell on procedural grounds. The court never got to the merits, even assuming they were plead.

The reality that there is not one study which concludes that mask wearing in the community is effective at preventing the transmission of infectious disease is wholly lost on the vast majority of the public -- most notably: the judges you'd need to convince that the whole thing is preposterous.

No. You haven't been liberated; you've been placed on parole. The totalitarian regime is coming back harder and stronger and not very long from now. It's just laying back now to give you a breather.

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It's actually a pretty big procedural ground statement. Having sued and won against the feds (not my first rodeo) I thought the judgment was modestly strong. The judge did declare the non-process they followed a non-process. And that's gonna be tough to overturn, though I can already imagine the arguments. I honestly thought the Biden administration might drop it -- but hey, Authoritarians gotta authoritarian.

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Any lawyer can win on the merits. It takes a great lawyer to win on procedure.

Still, I keep hoping there will be some breakthrough on the merits, or rather, the lack thereof, of the mask mandates. Unfortunately, it does appear that the judges have hogged a lot of the Kool-Aid on the subject, so convincing one or more that it's all nonsense seems like it might be impossible, evidence being the last thing any modern court is interested in.

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Not trying to naysay -- have you ever been part of a team that's tried one of these cases? The fact that this judge at the District Court level ruled on arbitrary and capricious behavior, AND said 'why' is really amazing. We only got to that point after about 4 lawsuits, of which at least 2-3 had to go to appeal, so that the bottom level judge was afraid of humiliation. You basically DON'T win one of these cases at the first level. The fact that the judge was willing to step out says a lot.

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The point is that the court did not address the merits of the mandate. Only the procedural mistakes by the government.

Of course I expect judges to follow the law. That's the damn job. However, I can tell you that winning and being right, especially on a dispositive motion, and especially in these modern courts, is merely a coincidence.

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I don't disagree with this. It just doesn't happen at the District Court level. They really apply 'the king can do no wrong' at Level 1.

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It do seem that way.

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The judge had to rule on the case counts presented to her, yes? Count 1 "sanitation"; Count 2 violation of the APA; Count 3 "arbitrary and capricious".

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Yep. Excellent. Re-reading that decision just gives me PTSD from all the time I spent in a federal courtroom. Thanks for the summary. Not lying about that either. Even when you win, it's stressful, because you know the agency will go back, revise the decision, and go forward. And then it's back on the treadmill to hell.

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Yep, a legal technicality; not the merits.

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I think you're right, and we best be ready. Operation Lockstep said was 'em back, walk 'em forward, and so on.

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Let the kool aid cult wear their masks…..f’ em. Nice job Jordan

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UK Government Records Show 960% Increase in HEART FAILURE Referrals

FOI: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals Heart Failure referrals increased from 63 in 2020 to 603 in 2021


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I now see that brandon wants to appeal...

In typical horror movie fashion, in the last minute, one hand sticks out from the ground from this grave. Someone please get a shotgun and shoot this thing in the head once and for all.

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I am in Canada. One of my employers (the one that should know better) is keeping masks until at least August. I am still waiting on a decision re: vaxx passes. If they don't drop them, I will lose a third of my summer income. Meanwhile, my other employer (springtime employer) is dropping both. I'd love to say, "shove off," except my husband is on leave w/o pay due to Federal mandates (and he works from home). Canada: "THE science" is different here. #Science

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The mask of blind obedience.

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not on east coast college campuses it's not over

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Golly Dr Faust surely is something. Vinay Prasad had some comment for him 😂. Hard to believe the Faust guy is a main contributor over at Medpagetoday 🙄

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Biden is still wearing a mask.

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Biden's mask is probably smarter than Biden. Heck, a mannequin could do a better job than Biden at this point.

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Let’s go………………….

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Diaper for both ends….

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None of this is about health.

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The mask cult is not dead, yet. In LA county, masks are "encouraged" on public transportation. In all doctors's offices in CA, masks are required. We have a long way to go before this cult can be buried.

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Orange County... last evening about 50% still under mask spell.

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